installation space
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2021 ◽  
Xinfeng Yan ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Gaosi Li ◽  
Jian Geng

Due to the tight installation space, strict weight requirements, numerous functional units and dense wireless equipments of small-size spacecraft, the traditional electronic system design of aircraft cannot meet the requirements of miniaturization and lightweight for small-size spacecraft. In this paper, a highly integrated electronic system suitable for small-size spacecraft is designed, in which many key technologies such as miniaturization and lightweight design technology, multi frequency wireless electromagnetic compatibility design technology, small aircraft low delay cooperative networking and high-precision differential positioning are adopted. The proposed highly integrated electronic system makes timing control, attitude and orbit control, wireless telemetry, networking communication, satellite navigation, power distribution and other functions integrated. The total weight of the system is about 7.62kg, which is much lighter than existing electronic system. The experiment results that the highly integrated electronic system achieves good effect. This technology has broad application prospects in small-size aircraft with strict weight and space requirements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (27/28) ◽  
Madli Pesti

Abstract: This paper discusses examples of the use of performative space in the Estonian performing arts. It shows how a performative space is arranged as an interactive and shared space, what the features are of an installation space, how the audience perceives immersive space, and how a socially communicative space is formed. The paper studies the ways that space can be an active agent and affect the perception of the spectator.   Artikkel käsitleb ruumi organiseerimise viise uuemas Eesti teatris ning osutab, kuidas ruumilised suhted mõjutavad publiku taju. Analüüsitakse viit 2020. aastal esietendunud lavastust: „Kas te olete oma kohaga rahul“ (autorid Eero Epner, Mart Kangro ja Juhan Ulfsak, Kanuti Gildi SAAL), „*******“ (autorid Mart Koldits ja trupp, Von Krahli Teater), „Ümarlaud“ (lavastaja Kadri Noormets, Tartu Uus Teater), „Inimesed ja numbrid“ (lavastaja Birgit Landberg, Vaba Lava) ning „supersocial“ (autorid Üüve-Lydia Toompere ja Siim Tõniste, Kanuti Gildi SAALi kaasproduktsioon). Ruum on teatrikunstis määrav mõõde ning üks võimalus teatrit defineerida ongi näha seda ruumi eriomase organiseerimise kaudu. Teoreetilise raamistikuna vaadeldakse artiklis Gay McAuley’ viiest alast koosnevat teatriruumide taksonoomiat. Esimeseks alaks on McAuley’ taksonoomia järgi teatrikogemuse sotsiaalne reaalsus, mis koosneb teatriruumist, publikuruumist, etenduse ruumist, töötajate ruumist ja prooviruumist. Teiseks alaks on füüsilise reaalsuse ja fiktsionaalse ruumi duaalsus, mis koosneb lavaruumist, esituse ruumist ja fiktsionaalsest ruumist. Kolmanda alana toob McAuley välja ruumid, mis on seotud asukoha ja fiktsiooniga, rõhutamaks, et väljamõeldud ruum toimib vastavalt oma asukohale füüsilise reaalsuse suhtes. Neljanda alana käsitletakse tekstilist ruumi, mis pöörab tähelepanu etendusteksti ruumilistele struktuuridele ja nende tähtsusele etenduse geneesis, hõlmates muu hulgas geograafilisi nimesid, kohtade kirjeldusi, liikumist väljendavaid verbe jms. Viienda alana toob McAuley esile temaatilise ruumi, mille tähtsus seisneb tähenduste loomises ja mis on seotud nii teksti kui ka etendusega. (McAuley 2000, 24–32) Käesolevas artiklis võetakse sellest taksonoomiast kasutusele etenduse ruumi mõiste, mis kuulub teatrikogemuse sotsiaalse reaalsuse juurde. McAuley’ etenduse ruumis töötavad kaks gruppi, etendajad ja vaatajad koos, et luua ühine etenduskogemus. Etenduse ruum on teatrit määratlev ruum ning eksisteerib ka siis, kui pole olemas teatrit kui hoonet. (McAuley 2000, 26) Teiseks ja peamiseks teoreetiliseks raamistuseks tuuakse artiklis mängu Erika Fischer-Lichte performatiivse ruumi mõiste. Performatiivne on Fischer-Lichte (2008, 107) määratluses ruum, milles etendus ilmneb, ja see ruum sünnib etendajate ja vaatajate koostoimes. Performatiivne ruum avab mitmekesiseid suhteid etendajate ja vaatajate, liikumise ja taju vahel. Nende suhete ükskõik millisel viisil muutmine või kehtestamine muudab performatiivset ruumi. Performatiivset ruumi nimetab Fischer-Lichte ka vahepealseks ruumiks ja etenduse käigus on see pidevas muutumises. Selle ruumi käsitluses tõstetakse esile etenduse tajumise aspekti: publiku taju mõjutab alati etendust ja kõiki selles osalejaid, nii et etenduse ruumis hakkab ringlema eripärane energia (Fischer-Lichte 2008, 59). Lisaks muutuvad suhted näitlejate ja vaatajate vahel sõltuvalt publiku asetusest: olenevalt sellest, kas publik istub saalis vaatega lavale, kas publik ümbritseb lava või seisab publikuruumis hajutatult, kas publik liigub ümber ristkülikukujulise või ruudukujulise lava või siis sellest, mil viisil on publik lavast eraldatud (prožektorite, poodiumite, dekoratsiooni, mööbli vmt-ga) (Fischer-Lichte 2008, 107). Artiklis arutletakse ruumi kui aktiivse agendi üle. Lavastuste „Kas te olete oma kohaga rahul“ ja „*******“ kaasav ja jagatud ruum ärgitab publikut tajuma tuntud teatriruumi uuel viisil ning aktiveerib vaataja isikliku mälu, emotsioonid ja kogemused. „Ümarlaua“ installatiivne ruum aktiveerib mäletamise kui füüsilise toimingu: etendajad mängivad laval päris mänge ja see vallandab iga vaataja enda elu mälestusväärsed hetked. Sellised lavastused taasmõtestavad teatriruumi ja publik saab võimaluse tajuda tavapärast teatriruumi uuel viisil. Lavastuste „Kas te olete oma kohaga rahul“, „*******“ ja „Ümarlaud“ ruumilised suhted aktiveerivad osalejate emotsionaalse ruumi, mäluruumi ja kogemuste ruumi. Oluline ühine aspekt on see, et ruumiline paigutus käivitab isiklikud mälestused. Vaatajad hakkavad mõtisklema oma mineviku üle: kuidas nad on tajunud ruumilisi suhteid oma elu eri etappidel. Analüüsitud lavastused näitavad, kuidas aktiivne performatiivne ruum võib hõlmata publiku kuulmis-, nägemis-, lõhna- ja taktiilse taju, s.t etendus ümbritseb osavõtjaid ning nad kogevad etendust eri tajude abil. Lavastus „supersocial“ on näide sellest, kuidas lisaks füüsilise ruumi spetsiifilisele korraldusele võib teater keskenduda ka sotsiaalsele ruumile ning laiendada kommunikatsiooniruumi. See rakendusteatrina tajutav lavastus lõi ajutise kogukonna, mille potentsiaalne aruteluväli ulatub väljapoole teatrisündmust nii ajas kui ka ruumis. Käesolevas artiklis huvituti nüüdisteatri performatiivsest ruumist, s.t ruumist, kus etendus toimub. Erinevalt arhitektuurilis-geomeetrilisest ruumist ei esinda performatiivne ruum ainult füüsilisi artefakte. Oma olemuselt kuulub performatiivne ruum pigem sündmuste kui kunstiteoste juurde (Fischer-Lichte 2008, 114). Lisaks performatiivse ruumi sündmuslikkusele on siin kohaldatav ka situatsiooni mõiste: vaatajast saab osavõtja ning seeläbi saab ta teadlikumaks oma kohalolust (oma positsioonist teiste inimeste suhtes ruumis), lisaks võib füüsiline lähedus hõlmata otsest kontakti etendajate ja vaatajate vahel (Lehmann 2006, 123). Kokkuvõtvalt näidati artiklis, kuidas ruum võib olla aktiivne agent ja mõjutada publiku taju. Artikkel pakkus võimalust käsitleda ruumi kui etenduse aspekti, mis aktiveerib publiku, ja näitas, kuidas etenduse kulg võib sõltuda publiku tegevusest või tegevusetusest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Tieying Jiang ◽  
Junjie Yin ◽  
Chengwei Yang ◽  
Liang Jiang

A mathematical model of the dive phase is an important research content for improving the accuracy of terminal control in the small unmanned aerial vehicle. The acquisition of the diving model poses new challenges, such as the small installation space, ultra-low flying height of small suicide drones, short flight time, strong coupling, less observable measurement, and elastic deformation of the wings during the drone dive phase. Based on the autoregressive moving average method, a multi-input multioutput noise term topology mathematical model is proposed in this paper. Through an improved least squares identification method, the diving model in the flight test is analyzed and verified. The identification results of the diving model obtained by the proposed method are compared with the least squares method dive model. The results indicate that the mathematical model and identification method proposed in this paper can effectively obtain the parameters of the drone dive model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-42
Alena Kavka

Gregor Schneider’s domestic installation space Haus u r is space gone bad, space rendered alien. The processual installation, which defies easy categorization as an artwork, has since 1985 involved the obsessive deconstruction and reconstruction of the interiors of Schneider’s family home in Germany. Anchored by an interrogation of space as a form of mediated materiality, this article pursues the ways in which space can be languaged. By first arguing that conventional understandings of space reify a spatial anthropocentrism, it then explores the way in which Haus u r makes evident the potential for an autonomous spatial languaging beyond culturally imposed presuppositions relating to space. Through the symbolic disembodiment of its viewers and the repudiation of their perceptual agency, Schneider’s piece deposes the supremacy of the human as a perceiving and meaning-making subject, allowing for the conceptualization of other linguistic and spatial agencies outside of human paradigms of interpretation.

2021 ◽  
Yanpeng Xu ◽  
Zhiqiang Xia ◽  
Shulan Gan ◽  
Gan Wan ◽  
Yingsheng Qu ◽  

In this paper, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Flow Model Test are applied to study the flow field of 200MW coal fired power plant, then the optimization program is proposed. Firstly, this paper summarizes some essential design points for SCR reactor system with different structures and different characteristic. Then, the initial flow field of the SCR reactor was simulated to find the defect by the Fluent. Then, optimize the flow fields of velocity of SCR system by adding splitters. In order to improve the mixing degree of flue gas and ammonia, Ammonia Injector Grids (AIG) was designed on the basis of the structure of SCR reactor. Considering the pressure loss and installation space were within allowed limits, a new static mixer was designed to optimize the flow fields of concentration. Through the shift of size, angle and altitude of the static mixer, this paper got a best design project. The research results can provide theoretical support and engineering guidance for the transformation and optimization of the new SCR denitration engineering reaction system.

2021 ◽  
Caley Wiki

<p><b>This thesis explores opportunities to challenge how the nature of spatial installation art might be conceived within the medium of habitable architecture. It explores how spatial installation can take a shift in spatial qualities from space that is occupied to space that is inhabited. It focuses specifically on precedents and opportunities for the use of architectural vocabulary along with materiality, context, ordering systems, and identities to engage the occupant with spatial experience that challenges the boundaries between art and interior architecture. The intent of this thesis is to investigate how such vocabularies can be applied to interior architecture in order to formulate architectural space that society actively interacts in and through. The macro approach embraces multi - functionality allowing freedom for the space to metamorphose when confronted with a new set of social demands by the inhabitant without the space actually needing to physically change.</b></p> <p>The thesis investigates the threshold between the realms of conceptual spatial art and programmed habitable architectural space. It examines how an ‘installation’ can respond to multiple programmatic requirements and the requirements of habitation, as a means of redefining our presumptions of interior architecture. This thesis investigates the liminal boundaries defining a construction as a work of architecture versus a work of art by considering interior architecture as a vital transition between architecture and art. As a site for this investigation the thesis explores ‘interior architecture’ opportunities along a pedestrian pathway in Wellington, one which is spatially contained by urban buildings on either side. The selection of this site for an investigation of interior architecture immediately challenges traditional presumptive boundaries between interior architecture, architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. Such a site provides a critical vehicle for investigating the nature of program and habitability within a constructed installation space that crosses the boundaries into architecture.</p>

2021 ◽  
Caley Wiki

<p><b>This thesis explores opportunities to challenge how the nature of spatial installation art might be conceived within the medium of habitable architecture. It explores how spatial installation can take a shift in spatial qualities from space that is occupied to space that is inhabited. It focuses specifically on precedents and opportunities for the use of architectural vocabulary along with materiality, context, ordering systems, and identities to engage the occupant with spatial experience that challenges the boundaries between art and interior architecture. The intent of this thesis is to investigate how such vocabularies can be applied to interior architecture in order to formulate architectural space that society actively interacts in and through. The macro approach embraces multi - functionality allowing freedom for the space to metamorphose when confronted with a new set of social demands by the inhabitant without the space actually needing to physically change.</b></p> <p>The thesis investigates the threshold between the realms of conceptual spatial art and programmed habitable architectural space. It examines how an ‘installation’ can respond to multiple programmatic requirements and the requirements of habitation, as a means of redefining our presumptions of interior architecture. This thesis investigates the liminal boundaries defining a construction as a work of architecture versus a work of art by considering interior architecture as a vital transition between architecture and art. As a site for this investigation the thesis explores ‘interior architecture’ opportunities along a pedestrian pathway in Wellington, one which is spatially contained by urban buildings on either side. The selection of this site for an investigation of interior architecture immediately challenges traditional presumptive boundaries between interior architecture, architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. Such a site provides a critical vehicle for investigating the nature of program and habitability within a constructed installation space that crosses the boundaries into architecture.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 12018
Md. Tariqul Islam ◽  
Hady H. Fayek ◽  
Eugen Rusu ◽  
Md. Fayzur Rahman

To date, the grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) system has drawn consideration from researchers and academicians due to the speedy improvement and the declining price of solar panels. The proficiency and dependability of a grid integrated PV system rest mainly on the power conversion unit and the proper controlling mechanism. This paper introduces a novel asymmetric hexagonal-shaped fifteen-level inverter designed to feed a grid-integrated solar PV system. First, it aims to reduce the number of components and thereby decrease the installation space and cost of the multilevel inverter. Moreover, it has a low total blocking voltage (TBV) and total device rating (TDR) and uses few switching devices for generating per level of output voltage. The proposed topology utilizes only eight switching devices for generating fifteen levels at the output, which is lower than conventional multilevel inverter topologies. Here, a low-frequency modulation scheme using the half-height (HH) method generates switching pulses to minimize the complexity. The proposed multilevel inverter topology is also validated through the simulations in the MATLAB SIMULINK environment. The proposed inverter need for filters is illustrated according to different grid codes for integrating PV systems to the grid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Tong Yi ◽  
Fei Ma ◽  
Chun Jin ◽  
Jichao Hong ◽  
Yanbo Liu

The improved hydraulic energy storage system (IHESS) is a novel compact hydraulic ESS with only 10% of oil and 64.78% of installation space of the regular ones. However, its novel circulating structure and lightweight material result in poor heat dissipation. The thermodynamic and heat transfer model of IHESS with an oil-circulating layout is proposed. Based on the mining trucks’ dynamic model, thermal characteristics of IHESSs with different parameters under the actual and simplified working conditions are studied and the factors causing overheating are analyzed. Finally, a feasible thermal design is put forward, and its efficiency is analyzed. The simulation shows that more accumulators and higher recovery power lead to higher system temperature and vice versa. Under the standard simplified working condition at 40°C ambient temperature, the highest oil temperature reached is 93.13°C. About 90% of the generated heat is converted into the internal energy of nitrogen and oil. On this basis, by adopting an energy-saving passive cooling system with a cooling power of 6.68 kW, the highest temperature of the oil drops to 52.79°C and 28% of the generated heat is released through the cooling system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 3642
Wei Ding ◽  
Wei Sun ◽  
Yang Gao ◽  
Jiaji Wu

Attitude and heading estimation methods using the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) are generally based on multi-antenna deployment, where the installation space and system cost increase with the increase in the number of antennas. Since the single-antenna receiver is still the major choice of the mass market, we focus on precise and reliable heading and pitch estimation using a low-cost GNSS receiver. Carrier phase observations are precise but have an ambiguity problem. A single difference between consecutive epochs can eliminate ambiguity and reduce the measurement errors. In this work, a measurement model based on the time-differenced carrier phases (TDCPs) is utilized to estimate the precise delta position of the antenna between two consecutive epochs. Then, considering the motion constraint, the heading and pitch angles of a moving land vehicle can be determined by the components of the estimated receiver delta position. A threshold on the length of the delta position is selected to avoid large errors in static periods. To improve the reliability of the algorithm, the Doppler-aided cycle slip detection method is applied to exclude carrier phases with possible cycle slips. A real vehicular dynamic experiment using a low-cost, single-frequency GNSS receiver is conducted to evaluate the proposed algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is capable of providing precise vehicular heading and pitch estimates, with both the root mean square errors being better than 1.5°. This also indicates that the cycle slip exclusion is indispensable to avoid unexpected large errors.

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