business changes
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Kannapat Kankaew ◽  
Ekachat Tansiri ◽  
Rojanard Waramontri ◽  
Nisara Paethrangsi ◽  
Korawin Kungwol ◽  

This paper explores the ideas, and cases based on research that emanate from the application of the contingency theory, resource-based views theory, and the institutional theory to cope with an abruptly changing paradigm. The paper attempts to provide a holistic view of the IR 4.0 impact on the business changes and the usage of technology in the education sector among Thais. This paper stresses the role of the educational sector by creating a shift from static into dynamic triggered by the intense competition in the Thailand markets. Keeping in view such a scenario organization should be pliable and enabled enough to transform existing resources into intellectual resources. This would result in the revitalization of the entire organizational human capital from leaders to teams, and individuals contributing to morally support employee well-being and this would strengthen the reaping extraordinary organization results in terms of output. All this is seen through the lens of IR 4.0 as applied to the current Thai business and education scenario.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e794
Robson Lima ◽  
Alexsandro S. Filippetto ◽  
Wesllei Heckler ◽  
Jorge L.V. Barbosa ◽  
Valderi R.Q. Leithardt

The growing technological advance is causing constant business changes. The continual uncertainties in project management make requirements engineering essential to ensure the success of projects. The usual exponential increase of stakeholders throughout the project suggests the application of intelligent tools to assist requirements engineers. Therefore, this article proposes Nhatos, a computational model for ubiquitous requirements management that analyses context histories of projects to recommend reusable requirements. The scientific contribution of this study is the use of the similarity analysis of projects through their context histories to generate the requirement recommendations. The implementation of a prototype allowed to evaluate the proposal through a case study based on real scenarios from the industry. One hundred fifty-three software projects from a large bank institution generated context histories used in the recommendations. The experiment demonstrated that the model achieved more than 70% stakeholder acceptance of the recommendations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e796
Juan Antonio Ruiz Ceniceros ◽  
José Alfonso Aguilar-Calderón ◽  
Roberto Espinosa ◽  
Carolina Tripp-Barba

Integration of legacy and third-party software systems is almost mandatory for enterprises. This fact is based mainly on exchanging information with other entities (banks, suppliers, customers, partners, etc.). That is why it is necessary to guarantee the integrity of the data and keep these integration’s up-to-date due to the different global business changes is facing today to reduce the risk in transactions and avoid losing information. This article presents a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) about integrating software units at the component level. Systematic mapping is a methodology that has been widely used in medical research and has recently begun to be used in Software Engineering to classify and structure the research results that have been published to know the advances in a topic and identify research gaps. This work aims to organize the existing evidence in the current scientific literature on integrating software units for external and data loose coupling. This information can establish lines of research and work that must be addressed to improve the integration of low-level systems.

Jerzy Kisielnicki ◽  
Marek Michal Markowski

Constant changes in the market and increased competition make it necessary to dynamically adapt the way of running a business. The pressure of constant changes implies the emergence of requirements for information technology, which is the basic tool for information processing in organizations. The necessity of immediate reaction to business changes, reduction of time of business processes realization, immediate retrieval of information and its sharing, became the foundation of the idea of a company processing real-time information (Real Time Enterprise, RTE). RTE provides real-time information to employees, customers, suppliers, and other business partners, ensuring timeliness and consistency across all IT systems. The possibilities of RTE implementation thus become an important element of the IT operation and the entire enterprise. It seems to be advisable to find determinants of designing a proper IT system supporting the operation of an enterprise that processes information in real time (RTE).

Sandra Jednak

Different internal and external causes make differences in doing business. Changes within an organization may be caused by mergers and acquisitions, crises, organizational culture, and application of new technology, but also by external changes such as sustainable development, digitalization, and COVID19. Changes in business environment affect the change in behaviour, competencies and values as well as in business activities, all in order to achieve organizational goals. Sustainable development brings sustainable practice into business. Each organization considers economic, social, and environmental dimensions of their business and implementation of ESG (environment, social, and governance) criteria. Digitalization affects business by adapting and combining different technologies that provide the creation of new products/services, processes, decisions, relations between companies, employees and customers, and business performance. There are also relations between the causes. Digitalization impacts sustainability and vice versa. Moreover, sustainable development and digitalization influence how an organization adapts and runs its business.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 15
Jin Wang

“Redundancy” is a sensitive issue for each enterprise. However, many enterprises are forced to conduct redundancy due to business changes. As WeaveTech changes its main business sector from military clothing to civil high-end performance clothes, the newly assigned management expect to cut the number of managers. The article aims to provide a guideline of redundancy for WeaveTech and evaluate it. Besides, several alternative methods other than redundancy are illustrated. Some thoughts gained through this case can be applied to other similar cases.

Rr Herini Siti Aisyah ◽  
Dewi Amartani

This program is motivated by the existence of UMKM Groups whose members are women who are members of the recitation group. The Mitra Group is currently running a bag craft business that is experiencing saturation with its products so that it has difficulty running its business. Changes in consumer tastes and market saturation of the products they make require the group of partners to be more creative in developing their products so that they can still be attracted by consumers both in and abroad. The aim of this program is to develop MSME businesses that produce according to consumer tastes, but have some limitations, among others, related to Skill limitations, Business and Marketing Management. To implement the program, a training method was used for all partner members totaling 20 people. Training includes making embroidery-based products, entrepreneurship training and mentoring both production, marketing and finance until partners succeed in developing their businesses. To market the product, a number of efforts were made, including among others in the Regency UMKM group. Sidoarjo so that he can take part in various exhibitions held by the Government and BUMN. Besides that, marketing is also done through social media, considering that what is produced is a creative item that is very necessary for promotion through social media. The conclusion of this program is that this program has been able to provide solutions to partner groups to develop their business through embroidery-based products. Another conclusion is this program is very suitable to be developed in a group of partners whose members are women craftsmen and recitation groups so that they have a very solid and solid social religious and economic bond and have the motivation and ability to progress together very high, this is capital big to be able to advance in facing various diffi culties in running their business so that this program can work well.AbstrakProgram ini dilatarbelakangi adanya Kelompok UMKM yang anggotanya adalah perempuan yang tergabung dalam kelompok pengajian. Kelompok Mitra saat ini menjalankan bidang usaha kerajinan tas yang sedang mengalami kejenuhan terhadap produknya sehingga mengalami kesulitan untuk menjalankan usahanya. Perubahan selera konsumen dan jenuh nya pasar terhadap produk yang dibuatnya menuntut kelompok mitra untuk lebih kreatif dalam mengembangkan produknya agar tetap dapat diminati konsumen baik dalam maupun konsumen luar negeri. Tujuan program ini adalah untuk mengembangkan usaha UMKM yang memproduksi sesuai dengan selera konsumen akan tetapi mempunyai beberapa keterbatasan antara lain terkait keterbatasan Skill, Manajemen Bisnis dan Pemasaran. Untuk melaksanakan program tersebut maka digunakan metode Pelatihan kepada semua anggota mitra yang berjumlah 20 orang. Pelatihan meliputi pembuatan produk yang berbasis sulam, pelatihan kewirausahaan dan pendampingan baik produksi, pemasaran maupun keuangan hingga mitra berhasil dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Untuk memasarkan produk maka dilakukan beberapa upaya antara lain tergabung dalam kelompok UMKM Kab. Sidoarjo sehingga dapat mengikuti berbagai pameran yang diselenggarakan Pemerintah maupun BUMN. Selain itu pemasaran juga dilakukan melalui media sosial mengingat yang diproduksi adalah barang kreatif yang sangat diperlukan adanya promosi melalui media sosial. Kesimpulan Program ini adalah bahwa program ini telah mampu memberikan solusi pada kelompok mitra untuk mengembangkan usahanya melalui produk yang berbasis sulam. Kesimpulan lain adalah program ini sangat cocok dikembangkan pada kelompok mitra yang anggotanya adalah wanita pengrajin sekaligus kelompok pengajian sehingga mempunyai ikatan social keagamaan dan ekonomi yang sangat solid dan solider serta mempunyai motivasi dan kemampuan untuk maju secara bersama-sama yang sangat tinggi, ini merupakan modal yang besar untuk dapat lebih maju dalam menghadapi berbagai kesulitan dalam menjalankan usahanya sehingga program ini dapat berhasil dengan baik.

Veljanovski Cento

This chapter provides an overview on pass-on. Pass-on is where a business changes the prices of its goods and services in response to a change in costs of producing them. As already discussed, pass-on is allowed in EU and UK law, and is a key component of the compensatory objective of competition law damages. Pass-on operates both defensively and offensively. As a defence, it allows the defendant to reduce or eliminate an overcharge damage claim by proving that the purchaser passed-on all or part of the overcharge. This defence will invariably be invoked. Used offensively, pass-on gives the indirect purchaser the basis to damages claim. Without pass-on, an indirect purchaser could not sue the members of the cartel for damages.

Digital transformation in IT organizations needs to overcome a number of key challenges: (1) Costs of change, the customer wants to significantly reduce the cost of technology, and on the other hand the customer also does not want to fund technological changes that do not produce benefits for him directly. (2) Rate of change, customers request more frequent release cycles to compensate for changes in information and service requirements. (3) Quality of change, Increased application scalability. For that reason, IT organizations in making business changes need to do what needs to be modular in developing applications and deployments. Architectural Microservices (MSA) is an alternative architecture in building an application. The MSA conversion process can start patterns that are adapted to future needs. The release cycle is carried out by implementing automation for continuous delivery and continuous integration into continuous development, transforming data services into service forms, so as to answer the challenges of digital transformation. In this paper explains how to transform architects and their design in the E-Procurement application system using MSA.

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