personality construct
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261126
Giulia Gaggero ◽  
Andrea Bizzego ◽  
Sara Dellantonio ◽  
Luigi Pastore ◽  
Mengyu Lim ◽  

The long-standing hypothesis that emotions rely on bodily states is back in the spotlight. This has led some researchers to suggest that alexithymia, a personality construct characterized by altered emotional awareness, reflects a general deficit in interoception. However, tests of this hypothesis have relied on heterogeneous assessment methods, leading to inconsistent results. To shed some light on this issue, we administered a battery of self-report questionnaires of interoception and alexithymia to three samples from Italy, the U.S., and Singapore (N = 814). Correlation and machine learning analyses showed that alexithymia was associated with deficits in both subjective interoceptive accuracy and attention. Alexithymics’ interoceptive deficits were primarily related to difficulty identifying and describing feelings. Interoception showed a weaker association with externally-oriented thinking as operationalized by the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and no association with the affective dimension of alexithymia later introduced by the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ). We discuss our results with reference to the theoretical and psychometric differences between these two measures of alexithymia and their shortcomings. Overall, our results support the view that interoceptive deficits are a core component of alexithymia, although the latter cannot be reduced to the former.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 11046
Agnieszka Kępkowicz ◽  
Halina Lipińska

Assessment of landscape attractiveness often struggles with the challenge of differences in human tastes. In the present study, the relationship between preferences shaped by the biological and cultural evolution of mankind and the qualities of landscape attractiveness were examined. The aim of the study was to determine the types of landscape as related to evolutionary behavior patterns and preferences regarding the choice of a partner in different types of relationships. The research hypothesis was that the sets of traits preferred by human partners can be reflected in sets of preferred qualities of landscape attractiveness. The translation of human qualities into qualities of landscape was done through anthropomorphization using the phenomenological method and research techniques based on branding (e.g., the brand personality construct). During the investigation, the following types of landscape attractiveness were identified: Landscape of Prosperity, Youth, Femininity, Temptation, Friendship, Transition, and Money. The developed typological division is a step towards recognizing new sources of preferences for aesthetic and cognitive landscape values. This framework could be interesting for landscape valuation and planning, as well as research on the cultural character of the landscape, as a resource important in the context of sustainable development.

2021 ◽  
Brinkley M. Sharpe ◽  
Katherine Collison ◽  
Donald Lynam ◽  
Josh Miller

Machiavellianism is a personality construct characterized by cynicism, callousness, and skillful manipulation of others to achieve personal gains. We review the Machiavellianism literature with a particular focus on its measurement alongside narcissism and psychopathy in the so-called “Dark Triad” (DT). We discuss criticisms of Machiavellianism on the grounds of insufficient construct validity as well as its virtual indistinguishability from psychopathy when assessed by commonly used instruments. As a response to these criticisms, we offer the super-short form of the Five Factor Machiavellianism Inventory (FFMI-SSF) as an alternative. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the FFMI-SSF in relation to psychopathy and basic personality traits (i.e., the Five Factor Model) and to compare it to widely used measures of the DT and psychopathy in a large undergraduate sample (n = 1,004).

María Eugenia Martin-Palacio ◽  
Andrés Fernando Avilés-Dávila ◽  
Cristina Di-Giusto ◽  
José-Antonio Bueno-Álvarez ◽  
Marta Soledad García-Rodríguez ◽  

Analysing the emotional behaviour of adolescents is fundamental because of its relationship with maladaptive behaviour and even possible psychological maladjustments. For this reason, this study had two objectives: to analyse the existence of significant differences in socio-emotional behaviour in English, Spanish, and Chilean adolescents, taking gender into account, and to analyse the relationship between emotional behaviour and the effective personality model in the Spanish and Chilean samples. A total of 2534 adolescents participated (609 English, 1677 Spanish, and 248 Chilean). The Abbreviated Scale of Emotional Behaviour (ECEA_R: aggressive tendency, social reactivity, and social support) and the Effective Personality Questionnaire—Adolescents (CPE-A: academic self-realisation, socio-affective self-realisation, and resolute efficacy) were applied. A MANOVA was carried out to study the differences in adolescents’ socio-emotional behaviour, taking gender and nationality into account, and a correlational analysis was undertaken to explore the relationship between the variables of emotional behaviour (aggressive tendency, social reactivity, and social support) and effective personality (academic self-realisation, socio-affective self-realisation, and resolute efficacy). Regarding the first objective, for aggressive tendency, English male adolescents stood out, followed by Spanish and Chilean male adolescents and females of all nationalities. In terms of social reactivity, female adolescents stood out over male adolescents and, with regard to social support, Spanish adolescents (male and female) stood out over other nationalities, followed by Chilean and English adolescents (males and females). The results of the second objective indicated a negative relationship between aggressive tendency and academic self-realisation, but a positive relationship for social reactivity and social support (only in the Spanish sample) with most of the effective personality factors. The results are relevant for the application of prevention and intervention programs that improve or implement social and affective competencies in adolescents who develop the effective personality construct.

Наталя Меленчук

Здійснено теоретичний аналіз досліджень щодо визначення таких феноменів, як: «авантюрність», «авантюра», «авантюризм». Авантюрність (схильність до авантюрної поведінки) як складна властивість особистості, розглядається з позицій континуально-ієрархічного підходу до структури особистості. Актуальність розробки проблеми пов’язана з потребою вивчення вольових якостей та властивостей особистості, котрі вимагають сміливих, швидких, ризикованих і авантюрних дій в умовах високої невизначеності. Для емпіричної перевірки було обрано: оригінальний психодіагностичний «Тест-опитувальник схильності до авантюрності» (АВАНТ-1)» О.П. Саннікової, О.І. Саннікова, Н.І. Меленчук і методику «Вольові якості особистості» М.В. Чумакова. Подано результати кореляційного аналізу між показниками авантюрності й вольових рис особистості. Встановлено переважно додатні значимі кореляційні взаємозв’язки між всіма показниками авантюрності та більшістю показників вольових якостей особистості, а, саме, з показниками рішучість (Rsh), ініціативність (In), самостійність (Sm) і наполегливість (Np). Виняток становлять показники відповідальність (Vd) і цілеспрямованість (Cl), з якими виявлено від’ємні значимі зв’язки. На основі якісного аналізу емпіричних даних вивчено специфіку вольових якостей особистості в «авантюрних» і «неавантюрних» осіб. Показано, що авантюрні особистості, порівняно з неавантюрними, більш рішучі, самостійні, ініціативні, наполегливі. Їм властива впевненість, незалежність, сміливість, рішучість, самостійність, висока креативність, продуктивність і наполегливість у досягненні своєї мети. Виявлено, що неавантюрні особистості, на відміну від авантюрних осіб, більш відповідальні, цілеспрямовані. Отримані результати засвідчують, що в авантюрних осіб рівень свідомої регуляції поведінки, її влади над собою більш виражений, ніж у осіб з низьким рівнем авантюрності. Література Бусел, В.Т. (Ред.) (2005). Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови (з дод. і допов.). Київ; Ірпінь : ВТФ «Перун». Евгеньев, А.П. (Ред.). (1981). Словарь русского языка: в 4-х тт. (2 изд.). ( Т.1. А–Й). Жмуров, В.А. (2010). Большой толковый словарь по психиатрии. Элиста : Джангар. Меленчук, Н.І. (2016). Психологічні чинники схильності особистості до авантюрної поведінки. (Дис. канд. психол. наук). Одеса. Олдхэм, Дж., & Моррис Л. (1996). Автопортрет вашей личности: Как лучше узнать самого себя. Москва : Вече, АСТ. Санникова, О.П. (1995). Эмоциональность в структуре личности. Одесса : Хорс. Саннікова, О.П., Санніков, О.І., & Меленчук, Н.І. (2015). А.с. Психодіагностика авантюрності: «Тест-опитувальник схильності до авантюрності» (АВАНТ-1); «Самооцінка компонентів авантюрності», заявка № 60141; реєстрац. № 59701. Чумаков, М.В. (2006). Диагностика волевых особенностей личности. Вопросы психологии, 1, 169–178. Чумаков, М.В. (2007). Эмоционально-волевая регуляция деятельности (структура, типы, особенности функционирования в социальном взаимодействии). (Монография). Курган : Изд-во Курганского гос. ун-та. Bowen, D.J., Neill, J.T., & Crisp, S.J. (2016). Wilderness adventure therapy effects on the mental health of youth participants. Evaluation and Program Planning, 58, 49–59.doi: 10.1016/j. evalprogplan.2016.05.005.13 Houge Mackenzie, S., & Brymer, E. (2020). Conceptualizing adventurous nature sport: A positive psychology perspective. Annals of Leisure Research, 23(1), 79–91. Roth, (1980). Aventure et aventuriers au XVIIIe siècle. Essai de sociologie Iittéraire. Thèse, Lille. (Т. 1–2). Sannikova O., Melenchuk,, & Sannikov A. (2021). Adventurousness of personality: Construct and diagnostics. Georgian Medical News, 2(311), 109–115.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Pipih Muhopilah ◽  
Fatwa Tentama ◽  
Yuzarion Yuzarion

Extraversion personality is one of the personality dimensions in the big five pesonality. The extraversion personality is reflected in six aspects, namely warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity level, excitement seeking and positive emotions. The purpose of this study was to examine the construct validity and construct reliability on the extraversion personality scale as well as to examine the aspects and indicators that reflect the construct of extraversion personality. The population in this study were all students of class VIII at schools X, Y, Z which are state junior high schools in Yogyakarta with a total of 524 students. The sample in this study is 185 students. The sampling technique uses cluster random sampling. The data collection method used extraversion personality scale. Research data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the SmartPLS 3.2.8 program. Based on the results of the data analysis, the aspects and indicators that reflect the extraversion personality construct are valid and reliable. The most dominant aspect that reflects extraversion personality is the activity level with a loading factor of 0,764. Meanwhile, the weakest aspect in reflecting extraversion personality is warmth with a loading factor value of 0,424. These results indicate that all aspects and indicators are able to reflect the extraversion personality construct. Thus, the measurement model can be accepted because the theory describes the personality construct of extraversion fit with empirical data obtained from the subject.Keywords: Activity level, extraversion personality, warmthAbstrak: Kepribadian extraversion adalah salah satu dimensi kepribadian dalam big five pesonality. Kepribadian extraversion direfleksikan melalui enam aspek yaitu warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity level, excitement seeking dan positive emotions. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji validitas konstruk dan reliabilitas konstruk pada skala kepribadian extraversion serta menguji aspek-aspek dan indikator-indikator yang dapat merefleksikan konstruk kepribadian extraversion. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII pada sekolah X, Y, Z yang merupakan sekolah menengah pertama negeri di Yogyakarta dengan jumlah 524 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 185 siswa. Teknik sampling menggunakan cluster random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala kepribadian extraversion. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) melalui program SmartPLS 3.2.8. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh  hasil  aspek-aspek dan  indikator  yang merefleksikan konstruk  kepribadian extraversion dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Aspek yang paling  dominan merefleksikan kepribadian extraversion adalah activity level dengan loading factor 0,764. Sedangkan aspek yang paling lemah dalam merefleksikan kepribadian extraversion adalah warmth dengan nilai loading factor 0,424. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa semua aspek dan indikator mampu merefleksikan konstruk kepribadian extraversion. Dengan demikian, model pengukuran bisa diterima karena teori yang menggambarkan konstruk kepribadian extraversion fit dengan data empirik yang diperoleh dari subjek.

2021 ◽  
Abigail Cassario

Voters are biased information processors, perceiving the world in line with cues sent to them by elites. As such, voters might be deficient in their ability to hold elite agents responsible for policy failures. In this paper, I argue that an exception to this general pattern is when voters’ personalities lead them to perceive the world accurately and thus hold elites accountable. I test this argument in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic in a diverse sample of N = 1885 Americans, and a two-wave panel study of n = 650 Americans. I find that a personality construct, Perceived Vulnerability to Infectious Disease (henceforth PVD), structures partisans’ perceptions of how harmful COVID 19 is, with those high in PVD being more likely to accept evidence that the disease is deadly. The effect is particularly strong for Republicans, for whom a factor of PVD moderates the effect of partisanship on perceptions of virus harmfulness. Harm perceptions in turn led voters to attribute responsibility for the crisis to political elites.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-55
Laura A. Cariola

By relating the exterior-interior model of body boundary awareness to Lakoff & Johnson’s (1999) in-out orientation of container-schematic conceptualisations, this study aims to explore the use of container-schematic imagery in the autobiographical memories of High and Low Barrier Personalities. The results of this study are based on a corpus of everyday autobiographical memories (N =488) and dream memories (N=450). The results demonstrated that, in both memory types, High Barrier personalities used more semantic fields representing concrete and metaphorical container-schematic imagery (Johnson, 1987), suggesting that container metaphors are similar to the Barrier personality construct. The results are discussed also in reference to the social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Rotem Shacham ◽  
Noa Nelson ◽  
Rachel Ben-Ari

Purpose This study aims to test the contributions of a new type of resilience, Trait Negotiation Resilience (TNR; Nelson et al., 2016), to negotiators’ effective behavior, perception of opponent and negotiation outcomes. Design/methodology/approach A laboratory study (N = 98; 49 dyads) featuring a mixed-motive negotiation task. Participants self-reported TNR (emotional skills, social sensitivity, intrinsic motivation for self-improvement and a sense of purpose to life events) up to a week before negotiating. After the negotiations, they rated their opponents on resilient, effective personal attributes and reported their own subjective value (SV). Trained judges watched the negotiations, coded objective outcomes and rated negotiators on dimensions of effective negotiation behavior. Statistical analyses accounted for dyadic interdependence. Findings TNR predicted higher levels of effective negotiation behavior, which, in turn, fully mediated TNR’s favorable contribution to negotiated value. TNR also predicted higher levels of SV, and this contribution was partially mediated by perceiving effective personal attributes in the opponent. Research limitations/implications The sample size was moderate and it consisted of undergraduate students, most of them female. Originality/value Evidence on the contribution of a personality construct to both outcome and process negotiator variables; contribution to the research of specific types of resilience.

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