aluminum material
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2022 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 57-66
Nikolai Guba ◽  
Lukas Schumski ◽  
Tebbe Paulsen ◽  
Bernhard Karpuschewski

2021 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
pp. 355-369
Tomáš Binar ◽  
Jana Zimáková ◽  
Jakub Steiniger ◽  
Lukáš Řehořek ◽  
Petr Křivík ◽  

A layer of copper was applied to the base aluminum material using the cold spray method (cold kinetic deposition). The samples were exposed to corrosion in a salt chamber for 100, 200 and 300 hours. The change in the size of the internal and surface resistance of the samples was monitored. The corrosion results were also examined using an electron microscope.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Baso Nasrullah ◽  
Syaharuddin Rasyid ◽  
Muh. Rachmat Fajrin ◽  
Arwandis Arwandis

The design of coconut tree climbing aids purposes to make it easier and provide a sense of security to climb trees even though they do not have climbing skills. This tool uses a 2024 series hollow aluminum material which has a maximum tensile strength of 302 MPa which is able to withstand a force of 7097Nmm which is greater than the maximum force that occurs which is 2000Nmm. This material has the ability to withstand a moment of 450.282Nmm greater than the moment that occurs of 100,000 Nmm, so the operator is safe without worry breaking. The testing of this tool has been proven to make it easier for humans who do not have climbing skills to a height of 6 m while those who have skills to climb coconut trees without tools can only reach a height of 3 m. this is because climbers who have skills still feel awkward using coconut tree climbing aids. So it can be concluded that this climbing aid is safe and even people who do not have climbing skills can climb coconut trees safely.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2964
Ranran Fang ◽  
Xianhang Zhang ◽  
Jiangen Zheng ◽  
Zhonglin Pan ◽  
Chen Yang ◽  

An advanced superwicking aluminum material based on a microgroove surface structure textured with both laser-induced periodic surface structures and fine microholes was produced by direct femtosecond laser nano/microstructuring technology. The created material demonstrates excellent wicking performance in a temperature range of 23 to 120 °C. The experiments on wicking dynamics show a record-high velocity of water spreading that achieves about 450 mm/s at 23 °C and 320 mm/s at 120 °C when the spreading water undergoes intensive boiling. The lifetime of classic Washburn capillary flow dynamics shortens as the temperature increases up to 80 °C. The effects of evaporation and boiling on water spreading become significant above 80 °C, resulting in vanishing of Washburn’s dynamics. Both the inertial and visco-inertial flow regimes are insignificantly affected by evaporation at temperatures below the boiling point of water. The boiling effect on the inertial regime is small at 120 °C; however, its effect on the visco-inertial regime is essential. The created material with effective wicking performance under water boiling conditions can find applications in Maisotsenko cycle (M-cycle) high-temperature heat/mass exchangers for enhancing power generation efficiency that is an important factor in reducing CO2 emissions and mitigation of the global climate change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Aming Sungkowo ◽  
Trikolas Trikolas ◽  
Rosyid Ridlo Al Hakim ◽  
Slamet Riyadi ◽  
Yanuar Zulardiansyah Arief ◽  

Electroplating uses aluminum material, where it’s easy to obtain, lighter, and cheaper than other metals. The research goal was to determine the ability of the electric current to power aluminum (Al) coated with silver (Ag) by the electroplating method, to determine the effect of the magnitude of the electric current and the length of time the coating process took on the weight of Al coated with Ag and to determine the strength of the metal Al after tested using Brinnell test. The method used is to compare pure Al and pure Al coated with Ag by electroplating at different currents to determine the effect of the electroplating process. A Brinnell test was carried out to determine the hardness of the Al material after electroplating. The results are the amount of current that flows during the electroplating is directly proportional to the thickness of the electroplating layer attached to the Al surface. If the electroplating process uses a large current, the attached layer will look rough and not smooth, which also affects the material testing by using the Brinnell method. The Brinnell test proves that the hardness value of the Al material is directly proportional to the thickness of the layer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 878 (1) ◽  
pp. 012072
B Budiarto ◽  
T D Kurniawan

Abstract Research on the effect of the vacuum system on porous product defects and microstructure on the ADC-12 aluminum alloy material with cold chamber die casting machine has been carried out. In the injection process in cold chamber die casting, the aluminum material commonly used is namely ADC-12. The ADC-12 aluminum alloy has better resistance to corrosion, is lightweight, has ease of casting, good mechanical properties, and dimensional stability. The purpose of this study is to compare the vacuum system with overflow system using ADC-12 aluminum alloy material with observed parameters are porosity, trapped air pressure, hot spot level, hardness level of Vickers Hardness, XRD analysis, and microstructure analysis with Light Optical Microscope (LOM). The results of the analysis using the Magma flow software, the vacuum system is better than the overflow system in terms of porosity and product yield, which is influenced by the amount of air trapped and the hot spot level. The level of hardness in a product with a vacuum system is better than a product with an overflow system. The average hardness in the vacuum system is 162,235 while in the overflow system is 147,615. Thus, the use of a vacuum system can increase the level of hardness in products by around 9%. With the change in usage from the overflow system to the vacuum system, it shows an increase in dislocation density followed by an increase in lattice strain and a decrease in the level of crystal size of the product.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Jihan Fildzah Yustia ◽  
Raghdawulan Raghdawulan ◽  
Saddam Ridwan ◽  
Sofyan Maulana ◽  
Vika Restianti ◽  

<p><strong>The aging process brings various consequences in the form of physical, mental, and social problems so that an elderly person experiences limitations. The limitations of the elderly in carrying out their activities, especially in foot movement when walking, therefore a walking aid is needed. Each walking aid has a different function and usage method, one of which is a cane. Canes are often used to help balance, widen the stride and lower the weight on the legs. Safe and comfortable use is essential for the cane to function properly in assisting walking function. Canes still do not have a new design that suits the needs of the elderly. In this study, the development of a cane product for the elderly was carried out which was adapted to the ergonomic aspects and ideal aesthetic aspects. The aim is to provide convenience for the elderly in carrying out activities despite their limitations. Based on the research of the report on product development, namely Tongkat Wusaji using the Garvin Dimension method which is supported by 5 parts, namely performance, durability, features, serviceability, and aesthetics. It was found that the product concept applied to the Wusaji Stick uses aluminum material which has a product resistance of more than 3 years. The Wusaji stick has a minimalist design that is supported by the Bfinders and auto adjustable features and there are ergonomic usage procedures. Tongkat Wusaji has a product selling price of Rp. 250,000.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em> </strong><em>Identify customer needs, Product development, Product specifications, Industrial design</em></p>

Wenjun Tong ◽  
Kailei He ◽  
Xindi Wang ◽  
Xuefeng Xu ◽  
Minghuan Wang

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 433-445
Mesti Nadya ◽  
Yudy Surya Irawan ◽  
Moch. Agus Choiron

Welding is one of the metal joining processes in manufacturing. CDFW (continuous drive friction welding) is a welding process to join two workpieces by applying pressure at one end of the object and rotating another one where the friction action applies at interface. The purpose of this study is to study temperature distribution on the surface of the welding area and the heat-affected zone represented by a fully plasticized zone (Zpl) and to get an insight of a friction welding process. The variables of CDFW used were double chamfer angle, upset pressure, and burn off length. The initial area of friction was equal that is at a diameter of 14 mm. The method of modeling the CDFW friction welding is via computer simulations using ANSYS 18.1 software. This research uses aluminum material type Al6061. The Taguchi method was applied in designing the simulations. In this modeling, the model with the double chamfer of 15 °, the upset pressure of 120 MPa, and the burn-off length of 9 mm has a small ZPl area of 10.256 mm2. Whilst the specimen model, with a double chamfer angle of 45 °, the upset pressure of 240 MPa, and the burn-off length of 7 mm has a large Zpl area of 56.55mm2. The area of a narrow fully plasticized area caused by small chamfer angle and an upset pressure of 240 MPa. The area of fully plasticized zone shows how much material can be integrated during the friction welding process and how much strength of the weld metal. The model with the chamfer angle of 15 º, the upset pressure of 240 MPa, and the burn-off length of 9 mm has the widest temperature distribution and the highest maximum temperature. Meanwhile, the model with the chamfer angle of 30º, the upset pressure of 120 MPa, and the burn-off length of 9 mm has the narrowest temperature distribution and the lowest maximum temperature. The smaller chamfer angle increased upset pressure and burn-off length result in the wider temperature distribution, higher maximum temperature, and smaller Zpl.

Anugra Fikri Azmi ◽  
Yohanes Yohanes ◽  
Ridwan Ridwan Abdurrahman ◽  

This research aims to investigate male-female chamfer angle effect on forging pressure, specimen length and the maximum tensile strength in splicing 6061 aluminum material, which used the rotary friction welding process. This research employed the analytical method to determine the timing of forging pressure as an initial reference to conduct the experimental study for the specimens test. The specimens were tested by varying the male-female chamfer angle, namely 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°. The results test were obtained the longest application of forging pressure at the male-female chamfer angle of 60° and the fastest application of forging pressure at the male-female chamfer angle of 15°. The change in length of the specimen during the welding process for each variation of the male-female chamfer angle varies due to the friction time different. The largest change in length was at the male-female chamfer angle of 15° and the smallest change in length at the male-female chamfer angle of 60°. The maximum tensile strength was obtained at the variation of male-female chamfer angle of 60° with a value of 226.47 MPa.

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