International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research
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2321-3124, 2321-3124

Kasongo Ndala ◽  
Ditend Yav ◽  
Didier Van Caillie ◽  
Mundongo Tshamba ◽  
Malonga Kaj

The practice of marketing communication has long remained almost non-existent in the health care management sector for essentially ethical reasons, as long as the demand for the health care service was greater than its offer. Healthcare institutions did not feel the need to develop strategies to attract and retain patients. And yet, health organizations are a service provider that requires as much as other areas, the application of management science, including marketing. Changes in the modern social and economic environment require all service providers to behave and market-oriented to adapt to their respective markets, increasingly competitive markets. And one of the axes of this adaptation is their openness to marketing communication strategies... That is why, in this article, we want to reflect on the issues that today constitute the application of marketing communications strategies by health care institutions. This explanatory study was carried out on the contribution of the marketing communication strategy to performance in public and private hospitals in Lubumbashi city. The results of this study indicate that the appropriation of the marketing communication strategy has a positive and significant impact on the hospital performance (24% of the link rate between the marketing communication strategy and the hospital performance). In addition, the contextual pressure has a positive and significant impact on the success of the marketing communication strategy and the performance of the health care institutions (12% of the link rate between the environmental context and the implementation of the marketing communication strategy). The study highlights the need for healthcare institutions to implement the communication strategy in order to be successful in a dual goal of promoting health and patient satisfaction in addition to a significant competitive advantage.

Biaknungi Biaknungi

Music occupies a very important role in our lives. Music has been so helpful in many different ways; it has helped in changing our moods and also helped many to express themselves better through music. Music in India has undergone vast changes over generations. Since Vedic times, Indians were required to accurately recite the Vedas. This accuracy in recitation was essential as the Vedas were, in those days, transmitted through memory - Smriti and were learnt through hearing –Shruti. The kind of an emphasis applied on recitation and the right pronunciation lead to studies in phonetics and sound manipulation. The traditional Mizo musical instruments are very simple and crude in comparison to other Indian musical instruments and very out-dated to Modern Musical instruments. They can broadly be divided into three: Beating or Striking instruments; Wind instruments and String instruments. Using the Pearson‟s product movement correlation analysis, the four dimensions of music genres under the Short Test of Music Preferences scale (STOMP) - Reflexive and Complex, Intensive and Rebellious, Upbeat and Conventional and Energetic and Rhythmic and the big five personality traits were evaluated

Mohamed Aziz Abdul-Hassan Al-Bayati

Is it possible that the United States of America and the Kurdistan region of Iraq can bring together views and facilitate the containment and minimization of the dangers of the Democratic Union Party and the People's Protection Units on the Turkish national security? As a hypothetical common ground was found between Turkey and the Democratic Union Party, what are the demands of the parties militarily and politically?

Rita Daimary ◽  
Bhupen Narzaree

All the traditional games and sports of Bodos are played by its own tradition. Batha Gelenai is one of the most important Traditional Games and Recreation of the Bodos of Assam. Traditionally two kinds of Batha Games are played by the Bodos of Assam. One of them is “Khunthiya Batha” and another one is “Dwikhor Batha”. Both of them are played by different methods. But in this paper only Khunthiya Batha will be discussed. It is played for enjoyment only. Normally this Game is a kind of Group Game, played by young boy’s only. But sometime adult male also played this Game for their enjoyment. Dry and open paddy field is the best playground for this Game and still today it is played at dry season. It is also a kind of very interesting and dangerous Game of the Bodos. Lack of practice sometimes some players are to be injured during this Game. Now a day’s use of some playing materials like use of Begors during the play has changed. Today Marbles are also used in place of Begors. By observing whole the process and methods of Batha Gelenai it can be said that it is like a present Cricket Game. So it is needed for a deep study and updated for the modernization of this Game.

Wasike Michael Wafula ◽  
Wafula Esmaeel Rezouki ◽  
Charles Yugi Tibbs ◽  
Alala Benedict Ondiek

Account receivables have been a majo`r problem for most utility service providers especially those still dealing with the post payment method where services are rendered before payment are made. This study sought to find out effect of the average collection period and financial performance. The study obtained secondary data spanning from 2012 to 2016 from Kenya national audit office and Nzoia Water Services Company published financial statements. The study employed explanatory research design and data was collected from secondary data and analyzed using regression and correlation analysis and found the relationship between financial performance. From the findings the mean average collection period was 309.90 days, accounts receivable turnover had a mean of 1.1980, size of the region (7.5870). The results showed that NZOWASCO, financial performance variable Return on Equity (ROE) was significantly affected with average collection period with negative correlation-0.232. According to the regression equation established, taking all factors into account; Average collection period on financial performance of NZOWASCO measured by ROE was - 0.505.The study recommended that the organization reduce average collection period in order to improve their financial performance of the organizations.

Hawraa G.H. Salim ◽  
Ekhlas A.J. ElKaaby ◽  
Saadon A. Al-Ajeel ◽  
Manjeet Yadav

Drought stress in plants caused by water deficiency. In Vitro selection with mutation techniques offered stress tolerance in plants. Shoot tips of chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum . L.) exposed for gamma radiations at the doses (0, 10 and 20 Gy). Irradiated shoots were exposed to stress tolerance in the presence of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG 6000) in MS medium. Analysis of variance results for all characters studied were found to be significant, highest dose 20 Gy interaction with 40 g.l-1 of PEG gave highest number 6.2 shoot. explant-1 whereas 10 Gy and 40 g.l-1 of PEG gave highest plant height 6.04 cm. Further, higher accumulation of proline reached 26.97 mg. g-1 at interaction of 20 Gy+ 60 g.l-1 PEG while highest accumulation of CHO found at 20 Gy+ 40 g.l-1 PEG.

Sagar Bhushan Gawde ◽  
Umesh Kulkarni

A novel framework for predicting stock trends and making financial trading, decisions based on a combination of Data and Text Mining techniques. The prediction models of the proposed system extract data in text content of time-stamped web documents in addition to traditional numerical time series data, which is also available from the Web. The financial trading system based on model predictions uses three different trading strategies. In this work, our system is simulated and evaluated on real-world series of news stories and stocks data using Decision Tree Induction Algorithm. Performance is the predictive accuracy of the induced models and, more importantly, the profitability of each trading strategy using these predictions.

Andrew Opiyo Mwalim ◽  
Robert K.W. Egessa ◽  
Kwendo Evans

Poor performance in the Kenya public sector consistently hindered the realization of sustainable economic growth and development since the country attained her independence in 1963 (Mbithi, 1996). Among the noted factors that contribute to poor performance included: excessive regulations and control, frequent political interference, poor management, outright mismanagement of resources and lack of a guiding vision (Government of Kenya, 2005). Lack of clear focus as to what is expected from employees and poor or no methods of measuring performance has been the greatest challenge (Muthaura, 2007). The new Government elected in 2003 decided to manage public service through performance contracting system to address the situation. In Kenya, Performance contracting concept can be traced back in 1990 through Cabinet Memorandum No. CAB (90) 35 when performance contracting paradigm was conceived and designed with an aim of having a real impact in changing the way things were being done, creating a new behavior patterns and adoption of positive attitude work ethics in the entire public service delivery (Kobia and Mohammed, 2006). The system was expected to return faith on government services to the citizens and other international stakeholders (Muthaura, 2007). The paradigm was later outlined in the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERS) 2003-2007.

Muntaha Ali Hussien

India has one of the largest and fastest growing economies in the world. It is second only to China in growth. Its growth rate for 2010 was 8.3%. After rapid economic expansion since 1990, it has become the third largest economy after China and Japan, The important future strategic role in the Asian region. A future study by Deutsche Bank on the development of the Indian economy and its future prospects is expected to witness a number of developments, the most important of which is the increase in the average gross domestic product (GDP) to (6%) for the period (2006-2020) As well as the expansion of the industrial sector, especially on the basis of information technology. With economic and demographic growth, the need for energy and services increases, making them the most energy-efficient countries at a rate of two and a half times the rate of the superpowers. Therefore, they are responsible for 20% of energy consumption in Asia in 2030 compared with 12% in 2004 to sustain its economic growth. The basic condition for the prospect of economic power is to recognize the national development milestones that have changed their economic reality and open up their potential more than ever before - the rapid rise in learning levels and high rates of technological innovation

Kasongo Kayembe Aimé ◽  
Mujinga Kashala ◽  
Mundongo Tshamba Henri ◽  
Ntambue Mukengeshayi Abel ◽  
Kakoma Sakatolo Z ◽  

Contexte : La maternité précoce est la survenue d’une grossesse chez une femme dont l’âge est inférieur à 19 ans pour les uns et inférieur à 21 ans pour les autres au moment de la naissance de son bébé. Elle présente de nombreuses complications fœto-maternelles et demeure une préoccupation sociale et sanitaire majeure. Cependant, la survenue d'une maternité pendant cette période et surtout à l'adolescence est considérée par nombre de gynécologues obstétriciens comme non recommandable et devant être prévenue. Méthodologie : Nous avons mené une étude transversale à visée analytique. Notre milieu d’étude a été fait de 5 zones de santé de la Province du Lualaba (2 urbaines et 3 rurales). Les registres de maternité ont été consultés dans ces structures. 25815 accouchements ont été enregistrés dont 3550 étaient de survenue précoce. Résultats : La prévalence des maternités précoces était de 13,8% (IC 95% : 13,4 ; 14,2. Les prévalences élevées ont été enregistrées dans les structures rurales que celles urbaines (65,2% Vs 34,8%). L’âge moyen aux maternités précoces était de 17,1 ans avec une déviation standard de 0,82. Les extrêmes étaient de 13 ans et de 18 ans. Les mères des villages ont présenté un risque OR=5,65 de ne pas suivre la CPN face à celles de la ville et Bidonville. Comparée à la tranche d’âge de 15-18 ans, la tranche de 13 à 15 ans a présenté un risque élevé des conséquences d’accouchement dont : 3,41 [2,42 ; 4,79] pour les déchirures des parties molles et de 6,57 [4,38 ; 9,82] pour les hémorragies du post partum. Sur les 1,4 % de nouveaux nés de faible poids de naissance, le risque était élevé chez les mères de 13-15 ans OR= 3,96 [1,68 ; 9,0]. Celles du milieu rural comprises dans la tranche d’âge de 13-15 ans ont présenté le risque de faible poids de naissance estimé à OR= 5,39[1,21 ; 20,58], contre celles de la ville et Bidon ville OR= 3,983 de s’accoucher des enfants de faible poids à la naissance. Le décès avant 8 jours a été vécu dans 12,2% chez les victimes de maternités précoces. Le risque était élevé chez celles de 13 à 15ans. OR=1,61 [1,10; 2,56] pour le décès des enfants avant le 8ème jour de vie. Les faibles poids de naissance ont couru un risque 33,45 fois plus élevé de décéder avant le 8ème jour de vie OR=33,45 [15,41 ; 74,91]. Conclusion : Les maternités précoces dans la province du Lualaba sont présentes avec des conséquences semblables à celles du reste du monde. Ces conséquences entraînent les risques pathologiques liés à l’immaturité des organes génitaux de la jeune mère (déchirure périnéale), césarienne, séjours prolongés dans les hôpitaux. L’étude permet d’appuyer les stratégies internationales décourageant les maternités précoces à cause des effets néfastes en matière de santé reproductive aboutissant aux graves complications et décès maternels. Summary Context: Early motherhood is the occurrence of a pregnancy in a woman whose age is less than 19 years for some and less than 21 years for others at the time of birth of her baby. It presents numerous feto-maternal complications and remains a major social and health concern. However, the occurrence of maternity during this period and especially in adolescence is considered by many gynecologists obstetricians as not recommendable and to be prevented. Kasongo Kayembe Aimé et al Prévalence et risque fœto-maternel de la maternité précoce dans la province du Lualaba en.. 314 | Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, Vol.7 (May/June 2019) Methodology: We did an analytical cross-sectional study. Our study area was made of 5 health zones of Province of Lualaba (2 urban and 3 rural). Maternity records were consulted in these structures. 25815 births were recorded, of which 3550 were early births. Results: The prevalence of early motherhood was 13.8% 95% CI [13.4; 14.2]. High prevalence have been recorded in rural structures as urban ones (65.2% vs 34.8%). The average age for early motherhood was 17.1 years with a standard deviation of 0.82. The extremes were 13 and 18. Mothers in villages have ran a risk estimated to OR = 5.65 of not following the NHC during this pregnancy in the face of the city and slums. Compared to the age group of 16-18, the age group 13 to 15 years has a high risk of childbirth. Consequences whose risks were estimated as follows: The tears of the soft parts OR = 3.43 [2.50; 4, 71]; the postpartum hemorrhage OR = 2.64 [1.68; 4.17]. Of the 1.4% of low birth weights experienced, the risk was high for mothers aged 13-15 years OR = 4.15 [1.99; 8.65]. Those in rural areas included in the age group 13-15 years ran, the risk of low birth weight estimated at OR = 7.15 [2.32; 22,04]. Against those of the city and in the slums OR = 3.78 [1.25; 9.78] to give birth to children of low birth weight. The death before 8 days was experienced in 12.2% among the victims of early maternity. The risk was high for those aged 13 to 15 years OR = 1.72 [1.16; 2.53] for death of children before 8th day of life. In 12.2% among the victims of early maternity. The risk was high among those aged 13 to 15 years OR = 1.72 [1.16; 2.53]. For the death of children before the 8th day of life, the birth with low weights ran a risk estimated OR = 32.50 [16.15; 65, 39] to die before the 8th day of life. ORaMH = 1.64. There were 817 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Conclusion: Early maternity in the province of Lualaba is present with consequences similar to those of the rest of the world. These consequences result to pathological risks associated with the immaturity of the young mother's genitalia (perinea tear), cesarean section, and extended stays in hospitals. The study supports international strategies that discourage early motherhood due to adverse reproductive health effects leading to severe complications and maternal deaths.

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