JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA)
Latest Publications





Published By Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo

2540-8658, 2460-9250

Agus Priyanto ◽  
Sabar Setiawidayat ◽  
Faqih Rofii

In the boarding house the use of water for each person is different for each occupant of theboarding house. The increase in water use is not proportional to the increase in water capacity and theequalization of payments for each boarding house is different. Utilization of technology Internet ofThings (IoT) and the freechat application Telegram in the application to monitor water usageinformation for each boarding house occupant. In this study, a water monitoring device was made tomonitor information from two different platforms. The server can monitor water usage information forall residents of the boarding house. Telegram provides notification information when the water capacityof boarding houses is approaching empty from each device. Using Arduino and ESP8266 as controllersand wifi connection with the server. With this system, it is easier for the boarding house owner tomonitor the water usage of each boarding house occupant.

Yaw Obeng Okofo Dartey ◽  
Eno Boamah Osei Antwi ◽  
Maryam Munagah Bassit ◽  
Elizabeth Ayaw Oduro-Koranteng

Hunger and Poverty are one of the major problems faced in Sub-Saharan Africa. To get rid of this problem in line with the aim of the sustainable development goals, there is the need to increase current production levels of food. This can be achieved by mechanizing farming systems and introducing technology to farming systems. This paper seeks to introduce an automation system that uses automated drip irrigation with a circulation system to efficiently use energy and avoid the amount of water wasted during farming activities to attempt to increase food production levels..

Rezza Badruzzaman ◽  
Arnisa Stefanie

Electrical energy is included in the primary needs of humans in this era, where in this modern era, almost all equipment is electronic based so that the need for electrical energy is very large. In Indonesia, there is a company that is in charge and responsible for processing and distributing electricity to the public, namely PLN or more specifically the Substation. To distribute electricity at this substation, there are primary equipment that functions as a transmission regulator, one of which is a power breaker (PMT). PMT is one of the important assets in the reliability of the electricity system at the substation, so periodic testing and maintenance is very necessary. Testing and maintenance on PMT are very diverse from insulation resistance testing, simultaneous testing (Breaker Analyzer), SF6 gas characteristic testing, and PMT contact resistance testing. This contact resistance test is carried out to determine the resistance value of the PMT contact, from the resistance value obtained it can also be seen for the value of the power loss generated by the PMT when operating.

Sulaiman Isfar ◽  
Iradiratu Diah Prahmana Karyatanti ◽  
Belly Yan Dewantara

Bearing is an induction motor component that helps the rotor to move freely, in industrial applications it is important to maintain bearing performance in induction motors. In its use, bearing damage is one of the biggest types of damage that is often found in induction motors. Bearing damage can lead to increased vibration, increased noise, increased working temperature, and decreased efficiency. Efficiency reduction can be used as information on the condition of the motor so that this information can be used to detect damage before more serious damage occurs. This research discusses the stator current analysis method and the efficiency of damage to the motor through two harmonic amplitude ratios equipped with the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm in detecting damage to the outer race bearing. It is hoped that this efficiency can be used as an evaluation of the extent to which motor energy waste occurs before more severe damage. The efficiency results on the damage to the outer race bearing using the FFT method get the highest efficiency value of 1.47 and the lowest value of 0.66.

Bima Rachmat Ah Ro Ufun ◽  
Iradiratu Diah Prahmana Karyatanti ◽  
Belly Yan Dewantara

In applications in the industrial world, the use of induction motors has been widely used in operation because induction motors have many advantages, although they have many advantages, induction motors themselves also have disadvantages, namely having high starting currents. In many cases the damage to the induction motor, the damage to the stator due to a short circuit, is a frequent failure, this damage can cause considerable losses because the motor can stop operation So this research will discuss about the detection of short circuit faults in the stator winding through leaky flux using a flux sensor that is placed outside the motor and placed radially and using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method. Damage to the short circuit is done by reconstructing the stator winding of the induction motor. There are two variations of short circuit damage, namely short circuit winding 1 to winding 3 and short circuit winding 2 to winding 10 on an induction motor. The short circuit data is then processed using the Fast Fourier Transform method which produces data in the form of voltage to frequency. The results of the percentage of success of short circuit fault detection seen from the loaders have an average percentage of 50%, at no load conditions can detect short circuit faults by 100%. In conditions of short circuit interruption 1-3 has a success percentage of 30% and short circuit fault 2-10 by 70%. The existence of this system is expected to be able to anticipate any damage that can cause considerable and fatal losses.

Diana Rahmawati ◽  
Mutiara Puspa Putri I ◽  
Miftachul Ulum ◽  
Koko Joni

Bacteria are a group of living things or organisms that do not have a core covering. In the grouping, some bacteria are pathogenic. With a microscopic size, many pathogenic bacteria are found around and spread through the food eaten or by touching objects around them, then cause diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, and others. As a more effective effort to help the government and society prevent disease caused by pathogenic bacteria, a system for the identification and classification of pathogenic bacteria K-Nearest Neighbor was created. This system uses a biological microscope that is attached to a webcam camera above the ocular lens as a tool to see bacterial objects and assist in bacterial capture. Rough player rotates automatically (auto-focus) in image capture. In the process of classification and identifying bacteria, the K-Nearest Neighbor method is used, which is a method with the calculation of the nearest neighbor or calculation based on the level of similarity to the dataset. In this study, the bacteria vibrio chlorae, staphylococcus aereus, and streptococcus m. with the highest accuracy is the K = 9 value of 97.77% using the Chebyshev method.

Rahmania Prasyayudha ◽  
Sabar Setyawidayat ◽  
Fachruddin Hunaini

The projection of the renewable energy target in 2025 is 23%. The high production cost makes it difficult to compete with fossil plants. The strategy chosen to reduce the risk is to eliminate minor overhauls in power plants to increase production. To prove its effectiveness, hydropower was chosen by using markov chain method. It took samples for 26 months and divided plant into 3 states based on the operating performance. The test was between implementation of overhauls on schedule and eliminating minor overhauls when the status was good. The results of data processing obtained that the best decision is not to do minor overhaul elimination because of the potential to reduce 29.77% good conditions, 30.69% improvement in moderate conditions. Comparison between the 2017-2019 data show there’s no production cost reduction even though potential production increase. Calculation can be implemented into a web form using the PHP on the Laravel Framework

Haryanto ◽  
Desi Anis Anggraini ◽  
Miftachul Ulum ◽  
Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah

Aquaponics means a culture that is very necessary to be applied, because in this system it is a combination of fish farming techniques as well as plant enlargement techniques by hydroponics. This research develops a smart aquaponics system that can control and increase the acidity level, air temperature, fish feed, and the installation of a camera to monitor fish development. In this system, there are sensors installed to retrieve data. Thus, air quality and circulation is well maintained. The results obtained from this study are to test an automatic feed system that runs well for each experiment, with an accurate proportion of 93.33%, and PH measurements that have been calibrated run well, the comparison of manual measurements using the PH meter measurement sensor gets the proportion 97, 83. for the meter Flow measurement results obtained a proportion of 91.02%, then for plant development every week got pretty good results, in the first week the plants grew 1cm after sowing, 3cm for the 2nd week, 7cm for the second week. -3. The results of measuring the weight of fish using image processing  are not much different from manual measurements, the length of the fish is measured manually, it is 7 cm, and in the image it is 5.6 cm, the weight of manual fish is 11g, in the image it is 11.66g.   Keywords: Aquaponics; Camera; Android; image processing, flow.   Abstrak. Akuaponik merupakan suatu budaya yang sangat disarankan untuk diterapkan, karena pada sistem ini berupa kombinasi dari teknik budidaya ikan sekaligus teknik pembesaran tanaman dengan cara hidroponik. Penelitian ini merancang sistem akuaponik pintar yang bisa mengendalikan dan pantau tingkat keasaman, pakan ikan, dan pemasangan kamera untuk memantau perkembangan ikan. Dalam sistem ini, ada sensor yang dipasang untuk mengambil data,. Dengan demikian, kualitas dan sirkulasi air terjaga dengan baik. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk pengujian sistem pakan otomatis berjalan dengan cukup baik, dengan persentase keberhasilan 93.33 %, untuk pengukuran PH yang sudah terkalibrasi berjalan dengan baik, perbandingan pengukuran manual dengan pengukuran menggunakan sensor PH meter mendapatkan persentase keberhasilan 97.83% untuk hasil pengukuran sensor Flow  meter didapatkan persentase keberhasilan sebesar 91.02%, selanjutnya untuk perkembangan tanaman setiap minggu mendapatkan hasil yang cukup baik, pada minggu pertama tanaman diperkirakan tumbuh 1cm setelah penyemaian, 3 cm untuk minggu ke-2, 7cm untuk minggu ke-3. Pengukuran berat ikan menggunakan Image processing mendapatkan hasil yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan pengukuran secara manual, panjang ikan yang diukur secara manual yaitu 7 cm, dan secara image yaitu 5.6 cm, berat ikan manual 11g, secara image 11.66g

Muhammad Hasan Basri ◽  
Ainun Nasuki

A Gravitation Water Vortex Power Plant (GWVPP) tool has been made to determine how much water flow is needed to generate electricity. This research was conducted by changing the flow rate and water pressure to determine the effect on the performance of a vortex power plant, and in previous studies, no one has made changes to the discharge and water pressure. The type of basin position used in this study is an open basin position and a closed basin position. Based on the advantages and disadvantages of each type of blade used, a study was carried out using the type of turbine blade model L by changing the water flow rate and water pressure at a predetermined position to determine the effect of water discharge and pressure on the turbine rotational speed. From the results of testing the water discharge measurement in a closed basin which is carried out on the addition of each flow of water discharge at the angle of the faucet 0o to 90o with a volume (V) 98 L and time (t) 1.11 minutes to 2.5 minutes, it can be seen that the average discharge value (Q) the resulting 81.08 l / s. and from the results of testing the water discharge measurement in the open basin which is carried out to the addition of each flow of water discharge at the angle of the faucet 0o to 90o with a volume (V) 98 L and time (t) 1.28 minutes to 4.1 minutes it can be seen that the average discharge value (Q ) resulting in 65.21 l / s.

Imam Wahyu Putra Perkasa ◽  
Fachrudin Hunaini ◽  
Sabar Setiawidayat

In the food processing industry that requires a roasting process using an oven machine, the temperature stability produced by the oven machine greatly affects the output produced. Oven machines that are often used are electric and gas oven machines, the burner control system maximizes the use of gas to fuel the oven engine. This system utilizes input from the DS18B20 temperature sensor which is used to read the temperature in the oven engine. The temperature control of the gas-fired burner control system is carried out by a microcontroller using a fuzzy logic method to control the gas valve in the form of a servo motor to open and close the gas valve automatically. For monitoring and controlling the work of the burner control using Internet of things (IoT) technology by utilizing the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller as a processor and sending data wirelessly to an android smartphone via the BLYNK application which can make it easier for users to get information about actual temperature, setting temperature and timer. By using the fuzzy Sugeno, this system can regulate the gas servo valve with an accuracy rate of 99.93%.

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