Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Konseling Jurnal Kajian Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Konseling
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Published By Universitas Negeri Makassar

2477-2518, 2477-2518

Andhar Wijaya ◽  
Usman Usman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan teknik aversi untuk memodifikasi perilaku menyimpang murid autis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen subjek tunggal (single subjek research) dengan desain penelitian A-B-A. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah  pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah murid autis perempuan berusia 10 tahun yang bersekolah di SD Inpres Maccini Baru Makassar. Adapun sumber datanya diperoleh dari bentuk observasi , wawancara, perlakuan (treatment) dan teknik dokumentasi. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi menerapkan teknik aversi berpengaruh  terhadap penurunan perilaku menyimpang pada murid autis. Hasil tersebut dibuktikan dengan penerapan teknik aversi  dalam memodifikasi perilaku menyimpang : 1) pada baseline 1 (A1) stabil dengan persentase 100 %, 2), intervensi (B) stabil dengan persentase 57, 75 % ,  3) baseline 2 (A2) stabil dengan persentase 40 %, 4) analisis antar kondisi tidak terjadi data tumpang tindih. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan teknik aversi dapat mengurangi perilaku menyimpang murid autis kelas dasar IV di SD Inpres Maccini Baru Makassar

Nur Afriany Syarifuddin ◽  
Farida Aryani ◽  
Abdullah Sinring

The purpose of this study is:  1) To find out the overview level of needs for school counsellor's competencies Inventory 2) Develop a competency inventory of BK teacher candidates that is valid, reliable and practical to be used for BK teacher candidates. This research is a research and development model of Borg and Gall by involving 20 prospective BK teachers. The results show that 1) The social competencies of the school counsellor's inventory as an instrument was needed by school counsellors candidates because inventory needed updating in terms of form, content and problem areas as well as statement items by the competencies measured in the Teacher Competency Examination (UKG) assessment. 2) Inventory of social personality competencies of BK teacher candidates developed following the objectives to be achieved because researchers have gone through trial steps in developing an inventory of social personality competencies for BK teacher candidates. The instrument validity value with valid criteria and the reliability test value is in the very reliable category based on the results obtained. As for the school counsellor's practicality test, it was obtained within the practical criteria. So it can be concluded that the inventory with a total of 115 statement declared valid, reliable, and prophecy can be used as an inventory of BK personal candidates' social personality competencies.

Ramli Ramli ◽  
Sulaiman Samad ◽  
Muhammad Anas

The research aims to determine 1) the description of the level of learning needs of the Learning Spring as a medium for tracing the learning styles of students in high schools, 2) the prototype of the Learning Spring as a medium for tracing the learning styles of students in high schools, and 3) the level of validity and practicality of Learning Spring as a medium for tracing. Student learning styles in high school. Using this type of development research with the ADDIE Model. Collecting data through interviews needs analysis questionnaires and trial questionnaires, with qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Trial phase with One to one Trial and Small Group Trial. The subject of validity testing to experts and practitioners and practicality test to teachers and students. The results showed 1) the level of need for Learning Spring as a medium for tracing student learning styles in high schools is in the high category, 2) the prototype Learning Spring as a medium for tracking student learning styles in high schools in the form of websites and guidebooks, and 3) validity The media through one to one trial to experts and practitioners shows a very high level of validity, the practicality of the media through a small group trial to teachers and students also shows a very high level of practicality. This shows that learning springs as a medium for tracing student learning styles have adequate content, presentation, language and graphic appropriateness.

Dewi Hidayati ◽  
Farida Aryani ◽  
Abdullah Sinring

This study is aimed to (1) describe the implementation of genogram technique in students’ career decision, (2) investigate students’ career decision, and (3) investigate the effect of genogram technique on students’ career decision. This study applied quantitative approach and implemented quasi experimental design as well as Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design to 20 samples. Data collection techniques applied in this research were career decision scale, observation, and interview.  This study implemented analytical statistic descriptive non parametric wilcoxon signed ranks test as data analysis technique. This study found that (1) there were low category of genogram technique implementation to affect students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar before the treatment, while its high category found after the treatment, (2) students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar was raised after genogram technique, and (3) genogram technique can increase students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar.

Haslinah Haslinah ◽  
Abdullah Pandang ◽  
Muhammad Anas

This study aims to describe (1) the negative self-concept of the students in Madrasah Aliyah DDI Kanang in Polewali Mandar Regency; (2) the implementation of narrative counseling to improve the self-concept of the students in Madrasah Aliyah DDI Kanang in Polewali Mandar Regency; and (3) the impacts of the implementation of narrative counseling to improve the self-concept of the students in Madrasah Aliyah DDI Kanang in Polewali Mandar Regency. This study used the quasi-experimental design with the quantitative approach. The sample of the study was 20 students in the 11th grade of Madrasah Aliyah DDI Kanang in Polewali Mandar Regency. Data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and interviews and analyzed using the Independent Sample t-Test. The study found that the self-concept of most students in Madrasah Aliyah DDI Kanang in Polewali Mandar Regency was at the moderate level and there was quite a significant difference in the scores of the students’ self-concept before and after the application of narrative counseling. These results suggest that narrative counseling is effective in improving the self-concept of the students in Madrasah Aliyah DDI Kanang in Polewali Mandar Regency.

Andi Zulfiana ◽  
Farida Aryani ◽  
Muhammad Jufri

This study is aimed (1) to describe the self-awareness on learning of the 7th grade students, (2) to describe the implementation of technique reframing in affecting the self-awareness on learning of the 7th grade students, and (3) to investigate the effect of reframing technique on self-awarenss on learning of the 7th grade students. Quantitative approach was used in this study by implementing quasi experimental design and using Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design to 24 samples. Data collection techniques applied in this research were self-awareness scale on learning developed by the researcher, observation, and interview. Data analysis technique applied in tis study was independent samples t-test which was conducted through Statistical Product for Service Solustion (SPSS) version 24.0. The study found that (1) the self-awareness on learning of the 7th grade students before the treatment of reframing technique was in low category, while that after the treatment of such technique was in moderate and high categories, (2) the self-awareness on learning of the 7th grade students was increased after the treatment of reframing technique, and (3) reframing technique can increase the self awareness on learning of the 7th grade students.

Andriani Andriani ◽  
Citra Rosalyn Anwar ◽  
Nuritriani Akram ◽  
Nur Aeni Alimuddin

This study aims to discuss how teenage K-pop fans need a proper approach to be introduced to the forms of cyberbullying, to describe how to recognize and overcome cyberbullying, and to discuss K-pop as media literacy for K-pop fans. This study was a library research with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through questionnaire and observation. The results of observation indicated that the easy access to the internet and the unlimited use of social media have contributed to the popularity of K-pop in Indonesia. K-pop fans can easily access their idols’ songs, music videos, activities, etc. Social media, which have been widely used thanks to the convenience and affordability of internet access, have posed positive and negative impacts. One of the most alarming negative impacts of social media is cyberbullying. The results of the study showed that: 1) there were different forms of cyberbullying experienced by K-pop fans, and 2) there were different sources of cyberbullying experienced by teenage K-pop fans, including inside, internal, and external sources.

Idris Said ◽  
Purwaka Hadi

Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh sepasang saudara yang mengalami sibling rivalry. Hubungan antar saudara kandung dapat berjalan baik dan berjalan tidak baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1. Untuk mengetahui bentuk sibling rivalry dalam keluarga. 2. Untuk mengetahuipenyebab dari sibling rivalry dalam keluarga. 3. Untuk mengetahui dampak sibling rivalry dalam keluarga. 4. Untuk mengetahui peran orang tua dalam menangani sibling rivalry dalam keluarga. 5. Untuk mengetahui teknik yang efektif dalam menangani sibling rivalry dalam keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus untuk melihat hubungan persaudaraan yang mengalami sibling rivalry. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara mendalam, dan observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, hasil penelitian yang mengkaji tentang hubungan antar saudara yang mengalami sibling rivalry menunjukkan bahwa 1. Bentuk-bentuk mengenai sibling rivalry sudah sangat jelas terjadi diantara AU dan IR ini ditandai dengan ketika terjadinya pertengkaran reaksi yang muncul dari kedua konseli adalah perilaku-perilaku agresif yang mengarah ke fisik seperti memukul, melukai dan menendang dan reaksi yang tidak yang tidak langsung terjadi adalah menangis. 2. Penyebabnya karena adanya kecemburuan pada kedua konseli yang disebabkan dari perlakuan orang tua yang selalu membanding-bandingkan kedua anaknya bahkan menganak emaskan konseli IR dibandingkan konseli AU. 3. Dampaknya anak akan memiliki rasa dendam dan kebencian yang sangat besar kepada saudaranya. 4. Dalam hal ini orang tua memberikan punishment kepada ke dua anaknya ketika mereka bertengkar seperti mengurung keduanya di dalam kamar, mencubit dan mengancam tidak memberikan uang jajan. 5. Dalam hal ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan dari teori Adler yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi intensitas perasaan inferior, memperbanyak kebiasaan yang salah dalam memahami, mengubah tujuan hidup, mengembangkan perasaan terhadap orang lain, meningkatkan aktivitas dan memperbaiki minat sosial. Namun setelah melakukan konseling dengan menerapkan teori Adler, akhirnya mereka sadar akan dampak yang mereka lakukan serta berusaha untuk menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan saudaranya.

Irmayani Irmayani ◽  
Muhammad Anas

Research objectives 1) determine the symptoms of students addicted to the online game Mobile Legend. 2) find out the factors that influence students addicted to the Mobile Legend online game. 3) find out the impact of Mobile Legend online game addiction on students. 4) the role of self-management techniques to reduce addiction to the Mobile Legend online game. This research is qualitative with a type of case study research. The research subjects are 2 students who are addicted to the legendary online mobile game. The research instruments used were interviews, observation and documentation. Research results: 1) Symptoms of students who are addicted to online games: a) cognitive salience b) behavioral salience c) euphoria d) external conflict e) internal conflict f) tolerance g) withdrawal symptoms. h) relapse and reinstatement 2) Factors affecting students addicted to online games are: a) reward, feedback on games b) reduce boredom towards real life c) eliminate the loneliness streotype d) social inability for players who are addicted e) low self esteem and self efficacy f) virtual environments. 3) The impact on students' learning achievements addicted to online games namely; lazy to do the task, low report card grades, feeling weak and lacking enthusiasm when I wake up in the morning, and his emotions are not stable, enthusiasm for learning is low. 4) Tutor teacher's efforts to overcome online game addiction on two students namely: a) Using an individual counseling approach, b) Conducting home visits.

Amaliah Amaliah ◽  
Abdul Saman

Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui 1) Gambaran perilaku hedonis siswa 2) Faktor yang menyebabkan perilaku hedonis 3) Upaya penanganan perilaku hedonis siswa. Pendekatan penelitian yaitu kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah 2 orang siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan pedoman observasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Perilaku hedonis yang dilakukan oleh AS adalah mengenakan pakaian bermerek, shopping, nongkrong di café dan bergaul dengan kalangan setara tingkatan sosial ekonominya. Pada subjek MT, perilaku hedonis ditunjukkan dengan hidup berfoya-foya, cenderung memilih barang branded, ikut berbelanja di toko pakaian atau distro terkenal dan bergaul hanya pada teman yang sesuai dengan kepentingannya saja. 2) Faktor yang memengaruhi perilaku hedonis AS dan MT terbagi menjadi faktor intenal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal yaitu ingin diakui oleh lingkungan sekitarnya, aktualisasi diri, eksistensi diri dan persepsi terhadap perilaku hedonis. Sedangkan faktor eksternal yaitu kurangnya kepedulian keluarga, aturan-aturan mengikat dari kelompok referensi dan lingkungan pergaulan. 3) Penanganan perilaku hedonis menggunakan logoterapi menunjukkan adanya perubahan perilaku hedonis pada kedua subjek. Penanganan pada subjek dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan. Perubahan pada AS dan MT berupa perubahan pada aspek cara pandang, pemahaman makna dan pada aspek behavior.

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