JICTE (Journal of Information and Computer Technology Education)
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Published By Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo


Aria Indah Susanti ◽  
Nia Agus Lestari

Media pembelajaran yang menarik tentunya akan menarik perhatian dan minat belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengembangkan booklet berbasis flipbook sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran materi kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman organisme tanah bioindikator kesuburan lahan pertanian. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pengembangan media pembelajaran berupa booklet berbasis flipbook dengan model pengembangan 4D yang terdiri dari 4 fase. Fase tersebut meliputi pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Hasil penelitian berupa hasil validasi dan angket respon mahasiswa. Hasil validasi media menunjukkan bahwa penilaian booklet berbasis flipbook dinyatakan valid dengan nilai rata-rata secara keseluruhan dari kedua validator adalah 3,56. Sedangkan hasil validasi materi dinyatakan valid dengan nilai rata-rata secara keseluruhan dari kedua validator adalah 3,69. Hasil ujicoba kelompok kecil yang dilakukan pada 15 mahasiswa menghasilkan skor rata-rata sebesar 3,36 dan berada pada kriteria sangat baik. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan booklet berbasis flipbook mudah digunakan, mudah dioperasikan, atraktif, dan mudah dimengerti.   Kata kunci: booklet, flipbook, media pembelajaran, ekologi

Fatkhur Rochman

The Contribution of Optimizing the Practical Facilities in Schools, Internship Guidance, Internship Implementation Toward Vocational Students’ Productive Study Outcome and Work Readiness. This study aims to determine the contribution of optimizing the practical facilities in schools, internship guidance, internship implementation on productive study outcome and work readiness of students on skill study programs TKJ SMK in Lamongan District. This research is included in the type of quantitative research. The number of samples used is 170 students. Data collection for facility optimizing, internship guidance, internship implementation and work readiness is done by questionnaire, while for productive study result variable is done with value documentation. The analysis technique used in this research is path analysis. The results showed: 1) There is a significant contribution of optimizing the practical facilities in schools, internship guidance, and internship implementation toward productive study outcome of 24.7%; (2) There is a significant contribution of optimizing the practical facilities in schools, internship guidance, internship implementation and productive study outcome toward students' work readiness of 42.4%.

Nurfarida Ilmianah

The learning process at this time tends to decrease. This is caused by learning that is less interesting.   The Media and methods as a way to overcome monotonous learning need to be developed to improve the quality of  the student learning outcomes. This study aims to improve the activeness and learning outcomes through the implementation of the Creative Proplem Solving (CPS) learning model. "This study uses classroom action research (PTK) consisting of 4 stages,  the stages namely of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. With  the research  subjects XDPIB2 class students consisting of 34 students, 24 male students and 10 female students. The instrument used was an observation sheet of student learning activities, and a test of student learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate an increase in the average of student learning activities that continue to increase from cycle I to cycle III, it can be seen from the average learning activity of students who continue to increase starting from cycle I in the category of sufficient activity, amounting to 2.44. Cycle II was 3.38 with good category activity and Cycle III increased by 4.31 with very good category activity. Learning by using this CPS can improve student learning outcomes. based on observations on cycles I, II and III. From the three cycles, there was an increase in the average test of student learning outcomes in a row starting from cycle I, II and III was 60.65, 72.85 and 85.24 and only 1 student had a score below 75 of 34 students so that the application of the model CPS learning can improve the activities and learning outcomes of students of SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo


Pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia menjadi faktor penting ketahanan ekonomi daerah bahkan nasional. Banyak pelaku UMKM yang memiliki produk tidak kalah bagus dari pruduk pabrikan bahkan luar negeri, peran serta pemerintah sebagai fasilitator dan katalisator dalam pengembangan produktifitas UMKM sangat penting, namun demikian banyak pelaku UMKM yang tidak mampu berkembang karena kurangnya perhatian pemerintah dalam hal pelatihan, kemasan yang baik, dukungan modal dan promosi serta sistem katalog produk online supaya mampu bersaing di skala nasional bahkan internasional. Bantuan yang diharapkan dari pemerintah ada kalanya tidak tepat sasaran karena tidak memiliki data pelaku UMKM yang berujung pada sistem pengambilan keputusan pemberian bantuan terhadap UMKM menjadi tidak tepat. Aplikasi pendataan dan penjualan web dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan pelaku UMKM, dengan metode Analythical Hierarchy Process (AHP) diharapkan mampu mendukung pengambilan keputusan bagi pemerintah untuk mencari pelaku UMKM yang akan di bantu sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tidak salah sasaran. Metode AHP yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai alat bantu dalam menentukan rangking prioritas UMKM berdasarkan tingkat validitas konsistensi hirarki   Kata Kunci : Sistem Pengambilan Keputusan, , Analythical Hierarchy Process, Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah

Fitria Nur Hasanah ◽  
Serla Utami

This study aims to determine the development and feasibility of moodle-based e-learning in the basic subjects of graphic design class X Multimedia at SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo. This research was conducted at SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo with research subjects in class X Multimedia who received Basic Graphic Design subjects. In this study, the research method used was R&D (Research and Development) using a 4-D model consisting of 4 stages, namely: (1) Define; (2) Design; (3) Develop; (4) Disseminate. However, this study only applies three stages, namely the Define, Design and Develop stages, while the Disseminate stage is not carried out due to limited research time and the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak. Moodle-based e-learning has met the validity criteria by obtaining an average score from all aspects of the assessment, the media expert validator is 80% who are in the fit for use category with revisions, and 83% material expert validator is in the feasible category without any revisions so that based on the assessment of experts is appropriate and suitable for use as a learning medium in Basic Graphic Design subjects.

Diah Kusumayanti ◽  
Cindy Cahyaning Astuti

The existence of new subjects that are included in the 2013 curriculum in the computer and network engineering department makes teachers have to find teaching materials that can be used. Teachers still use modules in hardfile form which are less attractive so that they affect the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of android-based e-modules on computer and basic network subjects for class X TKJ SMK Ar-Roudhoh and the feasibility of developing android-based e-modules on computer and basic network subjects for class X TKJ SMK Ar-Roudhoh. The method used is the Research and Development method using the ADDIE development model. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, questionnaires or questionnaires and instruments. The media validation test was carried out by a media expert lecturer from a PTI lecturer and one material expert teacher from a computer and basic network subject teacher. The instrument for assessing the feasibility of learning media in the form of a questionnaire was carried out by class XI TKJ students at SMK Ar-Roudhoh. The android-based interactive e-module has met the validity criteria by obtaining an average score from all aspects of the assessment, the media expert validator is 81.25% which is in the category worthy of use with revision, and 80% material expert validator in the category worthy of use with revision so that based on the judgment of the experts it is appropriate and suitable to be used as teaching material in Basic Computer and Networking subjects

Andi reza perdanakusuma Reza

Saat ini dunia sedang menghadapi pandemi COVID-19 yang tidak terduga dan tentunya dampak yang dirasakan pastinya sangat besar. Pemerintah Indonesia pun berusaha untuk membentuk kepanitiaan khusus untuk mengontrol penyebaran virus ini. Salah satu cara pemerintah mencegah penyebaran virus ini yaitu dengan menerapkan protokol social-distancing. Perkantoran pun mengimplementasikan protokol tersebut dengan cara melakukan work from home. Pada Samudera Indonesia Corporate University, terdapat sistem training program untuk karyawan PT. Samudera Indonesia. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, pihak perusahaan memutuskan untuk membentuk e-learning training program yang dapat memudahkan proses training program secara daring. Tim pengembang e-learning dipimpin oleh PT. Praweda Sarana Informatika, perusaahan teknologi informasi, yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT. Samudera Indonesia. PT. Praweda Sarana Informatika mempercayakan penulis untuk melakukan perancangan desain antarmuka website e-learning training program. Dalam proyek ini, tim penulis menggunakan metode User Centered Design (UCD), yang tahap penelitiannya terdiri dari memahami dan menentukan konteks pengguna, menentukan kebutuhan pengguna, merancang solusi design UI, dan pengujian hasil rancangan design UI. Adapun metode untuk melakukan evaluasinya yaitu menggunakan teknik kuesioner System Usability Scale (SUS) agar penilaian yang didapatkan dari pengguna keluar secara kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil yang telah didapatkan, skor pada tampilan antarmuka design tahap pertama yaitu sebesar 57.5, sementara skor yang didapatkan setelah dilakukan perbaikan yaitu sebesar 85.21.

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