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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 465-472
Syifa'ul Lathifah ◽  
Januarius Mujiyanto

This study is concerned with the analysis of Catford’s formal shifts use in speech act translation from English into Bahasa Indonesia in Kung Fu Panda movie. The analysis covers the use of level shift and category shift on achieving pragmatic equivalence and how the visual-verbal relation happened along with the pragmatic achievement process. This study took documentation and a questionnaire on collecting the data. In this study, a theory from Baker (1992) was applied to analyze pragmatic equivalence achievement. Moreover, the theory from Halliday (1994) in Martinec and Salway (2005) was used to identify visual-verbal relations. The results of the study depicted (1) the use of level shift and category shift were very needed which led to pragmatic equivalence achievement (95,3%). Based on the target readers and expert raters, (2) the visual-verbal relation helped the translator on target text arrangement by providing the context of which the speech act was being uttered. The visual-verbal relation identified in the Kung Fu Panda movie were exposition (12,7%), enhancement (9,3%), extension (5,3%) and locution relation (72,7%). (3) The translator tended to use category shift dominantly (66,67%) for recreating the most suitable target text that was similar to the source text’s pragmatic meaning.The large identification of visual-verbal relation locutionallowed target and expert readers to perceive the meaning lied in speech act only from the word given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 12815
Shafida Azwina Mohd Shafie ◽  
Lee Vien Leong ◽  
Ahmad Farhan Mohd Sadullah

A trip generation manual and database are important for transportation planners and engineers to forecast new trip generation for any new development. Nowadays, many petrol stations have fast-food restaurant outlets. However, this land use category has yet to be included in the Malaysian Trip Generation Manual. Therefore, this study attempted to develop a new trip generation model for the new category of “petrol station with convenience store and fast-food restaurant”. Significant factors influencing the trip generation were also determined. Manual vehicle counts at the selected sites were conducted for 3 h during morning, afternoon and evening peak hours. Regression analysis was used in this study to develop the model. A simple trip generation model based on the independent variable number of restaurant seats showed a greater value for the coefficient of determination, R2, compared with the independent variables gross floor area in thousand square feet and number of pumps. The multivariable trip generation model using three independent variables generated the highest R2 among all of the models but was still below a satisfactory level. Further study is needed to improve the model for this new land use category. We must ensure more accuracy in trip generation estimation for future planning and development.

BMJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. e066965
James Wilton ◽  
Younathan Abdia ◽  
Mei Chong ◽  
Mohammad Ehsanul Karim ◽  
Stanley Wong ◽  

Abstract Objective To assess the association between long term prescription opioid treatment medically dispensed for non-cancer pain and the initiation of injection drug use (IDU) among individuals without a history of substance use. Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting Large administrative data source (containing information for about 1.7 million individuals tested for hepatitis C virus or HIV in British Columbia, Canada) with linkage to administrative health databases, including dispensations from community pharmacies. Participants Individuals age 11-65 years and without a history of substance use (except alcohol) at baseline. Main outcome measures Episodes of prescription opioid use for non-cancer pain were identified based on drugs dispensed between 2000 and 2015. Episodes were classified by the increasing length and intensity of opioid use (acute (lasting <90 episode days), episodic (lasting ≥90 episode days; with <90 days’ drug supply and/or <50% episode intensity), and chronic (lasting ≥90 episode days; with ≥90 days’ drug supply and ≥50% episode intensity)). People with a chronic episode were matched 1:1:1:1 on socioeconomic variables to those with episodic or acute episodes and to those who were opioid naive. IDU initiation was identified by a validated administrative algorithm with high specificity. Cox models weighted by inverse probability of treatment weights assessed the association between opioid use category (chronic, episodic, acute, opioid naive) and IDU initiation. Results 59 804 participants (14 951 people from each opioid use category) were included in the matched cohort, and followed for a median of 5.8 years. 1149 participants initiated IDU. Cumulative probability of IDU initiation at five years was highest for participants with chronic opioid use (4.0%), followed by those with episodic use (1.3%) and acute use (0.7%), and those who were opioid naive (0.4%). In the inverse probability of treatment weighted Cox model, risk of IDU initiation was 8.4 times higher for those with chronic opioid use versus those who were opioid naive (95% confidence interval 6.4 to 10.9). In a sensitivity analysis limited to individuals with a history of chronic pain, cumulative risk for those with chronic use (3.4% within five years) was lower than the primary results, but the relative risk was not (hazard ratio 9.7 (95% confidence interval 6.5 to 14.5)). IDU initiation was more frequent at higher opioid doses and younger ages. Conclusions The rate of IDU initiation among individuals who received chronic prescription opioid treatment for non-cancer pain was infrequent overall (3-4% within five years) but about eight times higher than among opioid naive individuals. These findings could have implications for strategies to prevent IDU initiation, but should not be used as a reason to support involuntary tapering or discontinuation of long term prescription opioid treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 935
Chi-Hung Liu ◽  
Yu-Sheng Lin ◽  
Pi-Shan Sung ◽  
Yi-Chia Wei ◽  
Ting-Yu Chang ◽  

Background: The objective is to study whether the cardiovascular protective effects of colchicines could be applied to non-cardiogenic ischemic stroke (IS) patients. Patients and Methods: Non-cardiogenic IS patients were identified from the National Health Insurance Research Database. Eligible patients were divided into chronic and non-chronic use categories based on their long-term status of colchicine use. The non-chronic use category was subdivided into (1) non-user and (2) new user groups while the chronic use category was divided into (3) former user and (4) long-term user groups according to the patient’s recent status of colchicine use. Inverse probability of treatment weights for propensity scores was used to balance the baseline characteristics. The primary outcome was recurrent IS, which was compared within the non-chronic use and chronic use categories. Results: In the non-chronic use category, the number of patients was 355,498 and 912 in the non-user and new user groups, respectively. In the chronic use category, the number of patients was 4737 and 4354 in the former user and long-term user groups, respectively. In the non-chronic use category, patients in the new user group had a marginally lower risk of recurrent IS at 6-months (subdistribution hazard ratio [SHR], 0.95; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.94–0.97) and 2-years (SHR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.91–0.93) follow up. In the chronic use category, patients in the long-term user group also had a marginally lower risk of recurrent IS at 6-months (SHR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.86–0.88) and 2-years (SHR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.86–0.88) follow up. The effect of colchicine on the reduced risk of recurrent IS was more favorable in patients who also used statins. Conclusions: Recent colchicine use in acute non-cardiogenic IS patients is associated with marginal fewer incidences of recurrent IS. Patients with concurrent statin use may have more profound protective effects.

Christian Rudolph ◽  
Alexis Nsamzinshuti ◽  
Samuel Bonsu ◽  
Alassane Ballé Ndiaye ◽  
Nicolas Rigo

The use of cargo cycles for last-mile parcel distribution requires urban micro-consolidation centers (UMC). We develop an approach to localize suitable locations for UMCs with the consideration of three criteria: demand, land use, and type of road. The analysis considers metric levels (demand), linguistic levels (land use), and cardinal levels (type of road). The land-use category is divided into commercial, residential, mixed commercial and residential, and others. The type of road category is divided into bicycle road, pedestrian zone, oneway road, and traffic-calmed road. The approach is a hybrid multi-criteria analysis combining an Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and PROMETHEE methods. We apply the approach to the city center of Stuttgart in Germany, using real demand data provided by a large logistics service provider. We compared different scenarios weighting the criteria differently with DART software. The different weight allocation results in different numbers of required UMCs and slightly different locations. This research was able to develop, implement, and successfully apply the proposed approach. In subsequent steps, stakeholders such as logistics companies and cities should be involved at all levels of this approach to validate the selected criteria and depict the “weight” of each criterion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 372-386
Iin Baroroh Ma'arif ◽  
Yuyun Bahtiar ◽  

This research aims at designing a learning media which named LEEF (Learning English Easy and Fun) as English learning media for seventh grade students of Junior High School. This learning media consists of some materials and exercises which is appropriate and feasible to be studied for students. All materials in this media are based on junior high school syllabus of K13 curriculum. The research method used in this research is Research and Development. This development used ADDIE model which have several steps, those are; 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation. The result of this research shows that from the media validation result got 4.00 score it was in “fair and worth to use” category, and the material validation got 3.86 score. The students’ responses of try out result score 4.26 were in “fair and worth to use” category. By having those result, this LEEF (Learning English Easy and Fun) is feasible to be used as a learning media for seventh grade students of junior high school. Furthermore this research can be used as reference to other researchers in developing English learning media in different level of students.  

Rosario Gandoy Juste ◽  
Belén González-Díaz
End Use ◽  

El objetivo del presente trabajo es investigar los cambios en la participación de las manufacturas españolas en Cadenas Globales de Valor (CGV) y en su configuración geográfica durante los años más recientes. Para ello se examina el comercio de bienes intermedios a partir de la base de datos Bilateral Trade Database by Industry and End-use Category (BTDIxE), elaborada por la OCDE. El análisis revela un cambio de tendencia en la inserción española en CGV con una mayor orientación relativa hacia el suministro al exterior de bienes intermedios y una menor dependencia importadora. Esta pauta se extiende a lo largo del tejido industrial.

Fitria Nur Hasanah ◽  
Serla Utami

This study aims to determine the development and feasibility of moodle-based e-learning in the basic subjects of graphic design class X Multimedia at SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo. This research was conducted at SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo with research subjects in class X Multimedia who received Basic Graphic Design subjects. In this study, the research method used was R&D (Research and Development) using a 4-D model consisting of 4 stages, namely: (1) Define; (2) Design; (3) Develop; (4) Disseminate. However, this study only applies three stages, namely the Define, Design and Develop stages, while the Disseminate stage is not carried out due to limited research time and the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak. Moodle-based e-learning has met the validity criteria by obtaining an average score from all aspects of the assessment, the media expert validator is 80% who are in the fit for use category with revisions, and 83% material expert validator is in the feasible category without any revisions so that based on the assessment of experts is appropriate and suitable for use as a learning medium in Basic Graphic Design subjects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Laura Aceituno-Mata ◽  
Javier Tardío ◽  
Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana

Despite the increasing scientific and public interest in wild food plants, their traditional knowledge is undergoing a deep cultural erosion process at a global scale. The paper assesses past and present use of wild food plants in Sierra Norte de Madrid (Spain) in order to understand which are the main drivers of its evolution. We interviewed 132 informants and analyzed the cultural importance and present use of the following: (1) the human food use-category compared with all the other use-subcategories, (2) the food plant species, and (3) the human food use-subcategories (e.g., vegetables, fruits, condiments, or beverages). The useful wild flora included 252 plant species, of which 74 were traditionally used as human food, which is the most culturally important use-category. The most important species were three vegetables consumed cooked (Scolymus hispanicus, Bryonia dioica, and Silene vulgaris), other two greens that were eaten raw (Rumex papillaris and Montia fontana), a condiment (Thymus zygis), and a fruit (Rubus ulmifolius). Among food use-categories, vegetables was the category with a higher cultural importance index, but beverages and condiments had the lowest cultural erosion rate. We found several drivers of change in the use of wild food plants, some enhancing the trend of abandonment that affects differently certain uses and species, and others encouraging their maintenance. Factors that may explain the general erosion trend are linked to the abandonment of traditional agricultural practices and shepherding: (1) the decrease in the abundance and quality of wild food plants; (2) wild food plants are no longer necessary for subsistence; (3) the reduction of time spent in the countryside; and (4) the negative connotations of some species that are considered famine food. On the other hand, there are several motivations for gathering and using wild food plants: (1) gathering is seen as a leisure and community building activity; (2) the intense flavor of wild plants, which cannot be substituted by cultivated or commercial ones; (3) positive values associated with some species consumed as everyday food that are now considered delicatessen; and (4) the medicinal role of food, mainly food uses closer to medicine such as beverages and condiments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 96-102
Henny Tannady Tan ◽  
Ade Dharmawan ◽  
Agus Cahyadi ◽  
Nicolas Layanto ◽  
Elisabeth Harahap

Urinary tract infections are infections from the bladder to the renal parenchyma, and can affect all ages. Empirical therapy can reduce morbidity, but due to the use of antibiotics that are not appropriate will have an impact on resistance that will cause increase morbidity, mortality, and health costs. In the Southeast Asian region, high use of antibiotics were found almost more than 80% in various provinces in Indonesia. This study aims to assess the appropriatness use of antibiotics in hospitalized patients with UTIs in the District Hospital X in the period January 2017 - June 2019 using gyssens criteria. This is retrospective study. Research data sourced from medical records. Data was collected and assessed with Gyssens flow, then processed using Microsoft Excel. The results found 15 cases (46.88%) with the appropriate use (category 0), 3 cases (9.37%) incorrect interval (category IIB), 1 case (3.33%) incorrect dosage (category IIA ), 10 cases (31.25%) too short given (category IIIB), 3 cases (9.37%) too long given (category IIIA). Empirical therapy inpatients with diagnosis urinary tract infections atvDistrict Hospital X, 46.8% of antibiotics were used appropriately.

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