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Published By Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University Of Cherkasy

2518-1211, 2076-5835

T. V. Kutsenko

ntroduction. Neural correlates underlying the processing of emotional information, influence of emotional interference on cognitive control, gender difference in such activities remain a topic of research and discussion.Purpose. To study the connectivity of the brain regions involved in the processing of emotional information in left-handers, based on the EEG data obtained during their passage the emotional Stroop test (EST).Methods. EEG was registered during subjectpassage the EST successively two times. In EST a series including 240 words were presented at the center of the computer screen in one of two colors: red or green, words were emotional (negative) or neutral, shown in pseudorandom order. Some of these stimuli (target words names of animals and plants) participants were instructed to ignore (do not press any keys). Subjects were asked to respond with right hand (pressing P on a keyboard) for words printed in red and with left hand (pressing Q on a keyboard) for words printed in green. It was investigated source level functional connectivity (FC) in two groups of left-handers (17 to 22 years old): women (n=10) and men (n=10). FC was analysed between 21 regions of interest (ROI), selected on the base of fMRI research literature. Connections between ROIs were assessed using lagged phase synchronization (LPS) with eLORETA complex.Results. Statistically significant differences in FC by LPS between men and women groups were found only in first passage of EST. Particularly, FCof women, compared to men was: -higher between anterior cingulate cortex and left middle temporal area in delta band;-lower between left hippocampal formation and right frontal eye fields in beta-1;-and higher in beta-2 between right frontal eye fields and right anterior insula.were shorter for both emotional and neutral words. The interference effect was observed in both tests in women and only in the first test in men. Interference effect also was higher for responses with left hand for both groups. Repeated passage of the emotional Stroop test leads to reducing the effect of interference in men but not in women.Originality.The main neural networks have been identified, which in left-handed women are more involved in the processing of negative emotional information than in left-handed men.Conclusion. Compared to men, women have stronger connections of two areas of the brain involved in processing negatively colored emotional information, with other areas of the brain. The anterior cingulate cortex, which is considered to playan important role in attention and executive functions, is connected to the left middle temporal area, involved in the analysis of visual movement and words processing. Activation of theright anterior insular cortex, which is closely related to emotionalprocessing, is connected to the right frontal eye fields, which are known to play a key role in the goal directed eyes movements.Contrary, area of right frontal eye fields of men is more tightly connected to the contralateral left hippocampus, and is involved in semantic rather than emotional processing of information.Key words: emotional Stroop test;gender differences; left-handers; EEG; functional connectivity

K. V. Zhulenko

Introduction. The Sinyukha river basin, in particular its southern part, is an area with a high level of anthropogenic pressure and a significant level of agricultural development (the proportion of agricultural land is more than 80%), with fragmented natural habitats. Detailed chorological study is needed to supplement the pattern of the distribution of rare plant species, to develop measures for their conservation, to optimize the existing network of protected areas in the region.Рurpose of the study isto analyze the current distribution and describe new finds of some rare plant species in the southern part of the Sinyukha river basin.Methods. The research was conducted in April-June 2021. We surveyed the area of the Sinyukha river valley from the village of Kalamazovo (Vilshansky district, Kirovohrad region) to its confluence with the Southern Bug River in Pervomaisk (Mykolayiv region), as well as – the valleys of its tributaries – Chorny Tashlyk, Malyi Tashlyk and Sukhyi Tashlyk. When locating a rare species, the plants were photographed and georeferenced at a point with GPS-navigator. Species cover is given according to the Broun-Blanquet scale. The distribution maps were performed by free QGIS software.Results.We revealed new and confirmed known localities of 20 rare species:Adonis vernalis, Asplenium septentrionale, Astragalus dasyanthus, A. odessanus, Bellevalia sarmatica, Clematis integrifolia, Crocus reticulatus, Dianthus hypanicus, Ephedra distachya, Hyacinthella leucophaea, Iris pontica, Iris pumila, Ornithogalum boucheanum, Pulsatilla pratensis, Primula veris, Sedum borissovae, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, S. pennata, Tulipa hypanica. Among the 20 identified rare species one has the category VU (Vulnerable) in the IUCN red list and belongs to the list of Resolution 6 of the Berne Convention; three species are narrowly local endemics of the Dnieper Upland; 11 are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (5 of them have the status vulnerable, 1 – rare, 5 – insufficiently known); 5 species are regionally rare in Kirovohrad and 8 – in Mykolayiv regions. Most of the revealed species have a cover less than 5%. Only 9 of the 20 registered rare species characterized by more than five localities within the studied area. Originality. New localities of 20 rare species of plants of different levels of protection have been revealed. Prospects for conservation valuableof their habitats are offered.Conclusion. We have identified a significant number of new localities of rare plant species that are not covered by proper protection. This indicates the need for more detailed chorological research to elucidate the current distribution of rare species and the creation of new protected areas. Key words:rare species; threat category; red lists; natural habitats; chorology.

O.I. Androschuk ◽  
A.V. Rybalko ◽  
L.I. Kudii ◽  
N.P. Chernenko

Introduction. It is known that there are typological features among healthy young people according to the level of autonomic tone. Accordingly, there are groups of sympatho-, normo- and vagotonics. Work has been carried out to study the influence of the initial level of autonomic tone on thereactions of the cardiovascular system in respiratory hypocapnia, pulsed ophthalmic photostimulation, in different phases of the biological cycle for women. However, there is no work on the analysis of changes in the wave structure of heart rate depending on the initial level of autonomic tone. Purpose. The aim was to determine the features of the wave structure of the heart rhythm during orthoprobe for healthy young men with different levels of tone of the autonomic nervous system at rest. Methods. Measurements were performed in conditions close to the main exchange. 117 healthy young men aged 18-23 years were examined in compliance with the requirements of bioethics. Three main spectral components were analyzed in the tRR spectrum: HF (0.15-0.4 Hz) LF (0.04-0.15Hz); VLF (0-0.04 Hz); TP (0-0.4 Hz). The amplitude of the largest peak of the tRR spectrogram in the frequency range 0.04-0.15 Hz (aLF) and its frequency (tLF) were calculated. Normalized median spectrograms of tRR oscillations were constructed.Results.A significant decrease in HF was observed in individuals of all three groups during orthoprobe. The median reactivity of reactivity was -67.3%, -77.5%, -77.9% for groups I, II and III, respectively. There were no differences between the groups due to the reactivity of this indicator. The reactivity of LF to changes in body position for sympathotonics was significantly different.The frequency of the maximum peak of the spectrogram in the range of low often resting heart rate did not differ between groups. This indicator probably decreased during orthoprobe in groups IIand III. It was found that the wave has two peaks in the vertical position in persons with different baseline levels of autonomic tone for vagotonics and normotonics in the frequency range from 0.04 to0.15 Hz. Originality. Differences in the reactivity of heart rate waves to orthoprobe for healthy young men with different baseline levels of autonomic tone were detected for the first time. Conclusions. The greatest differences in changes in the wave structure of the heart rhythm during orthoprobe for persons with different baseline levels of autonomic tone are manifested in therange of low heart rate. Spectrum reduction reactions in this range were predominant for sympathotonics. The reactions of increasing LF and the amplitude of the maximum peak of the spectrogram were predominant for normo- and parasympathotonics. It was found that the wave has two peaks in the vertical position in persons with different baseline levels of autonomic tone for vagotonics and normotonics in the frequency range from 0.04 to 0.15 Hz. Sympathotonics have one wave of orthopedic reactivity with maxima at 0.09 Hz in the low heart rate range. Normotonics have two waves of reactivity per orthoprobe with frequencies of 0.08Hz and 0.11 Hz. Parasympathotonics also have two waves with frequencies of 0.07 Hz and 0.09Hz. Prospects for further research include elucidation of the mechanisms of tRR wave formation depending on the level of vegetative tone under different conditions. Key words: wave structure of heart rhythm, vegetative tone, sympathotonics, normotonics, vagotonics.

V. S. Lyzohub ◽  
V. V. Shpanyuk ◽  
V. O. Pustovalov ◽  
T. V. Kozhemyako ◽  
V. O. Suprunovich

Introduction.During the study, we tried to find out whether the temporal characteristics of sensory-motor response can reflect the typological properties of the central nervous system. Such research is essential to reveal the mechanisms of development of higher mental functions and mental capacity.Purpose.To establish the relationship between the speed characteristics of visual-motor reaction different complexity and individual-typological properties of the central nervous system.Methods.Individual differences of sensorimotor reaction and the properties of the main nervous processes were determined by the method of M. V. Makarenko [8] using the computer system "Diagnost-1". 32 teenagers aged 10-11 were examined. During the study, the indicators of latent periods of simple (SVMR) and complex visual-motor reactions of choice (RC1-2, RC2-3), functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNS) were investigated. Results.Speed characteristics of simple (SVMR) and complex visual-motor reactions of choice of one (RC1-3) and choice of two (RC2-3) excitatory and inhibitory signals were studied in order to 202177use them to assess individual typological properties of the central nervous system (CNS) in adolescents 10-11 years old. There is no evidence of a relationship between the rate of SVMR with different levels of functional mobility (FMNS) of nervous processes in adolescents 10-11 years old.The reaction rate did not differ statistically and was the same in representatives with high, medium and low levels oftypological properties of nervous system. The results of the correlation analysis between SVMR and FMNP were r = 0.13 (p = 0.59), which indicated no relationship between them. The relationship of sensorimotor response time with individual-typological features of the CNS was established in complex information differentiation RC2-3. The temporal characteristics of RC2-3 were dependent on the individual-typological properties of the CNS.The reaction rate of RC2-3 was higher in adolescents 10-11 years old with high levels of -3 were r = 0.35 (p = 0.034).The results show that the velocity characteristics of complex neurodynamic acts, in contrast to simple ones, can be used as quantitative characteristics of the typological properties of the CNS.Originality.The results of our research may be evidence that the indicator RC2-3 can be used as an additional informative criterion for assessing the individual-typological properties of the higher parts of the central nervous system.Conclusion. The temporal characteristics of SVMR and RC1-3 cannot be considered as informative criteria for assessing the individual-typological properties of CNS in adolescents 10-11 years. Time characteristics of RC2-3 differentiation reactions can be used as additional indicators for assessing the individual-typological properties of higher nervous activity in adolescents 10-11 years, namely, the level of functional mobility of nervous processes.Key words:processing of information of various complexity, speed characteristics of simple reactions, motor acts of choice and differentiation, individual-typological properties, functional mobility of nervous processes

P.M. Vorobei ◽  
M.O. Savchenko ◽  
L.V. Godlevska

Introduction. Holosiivskyi National Nature Park is a unique, by its location, protected area. Parts of the park are located within the administrative boundaries of the city of Kyiv and include extensive, by area, forest plots. The park consists of three parts: Central (Holosiivskyi forest and other tracts), Southern (Lisnyky), and, since 2014, Northern (Svyatoshyn-Bilychi). The latter has the largest area – 6462.62 ha. Data on the chiropterofauna of this massif were incomplete. Bats are an essential element of terrestrial ecosystems. All bat species in Ukraine have a protection status, according to the Red Book of Ukraine and three international treaties. For effective conservation measures for species of this group, it is necessary to own data on their distribution, number, status, etc. As well, the study and monitoring of fauna are one of the primary tasks of national nature parks. Серія «Біологічні науки», 202125Purpose. The aim of the work was to describe the bat fauna of the Svyatoshyn-Bilychi massif of the Holosiivskyi National Nature Park, based on results of the field research conducted in 2019–2020, with the involvement of data collected in 2000–2005.Methods. Catching was carried out with mist nets. Bats were examined by the standard scheme, immediately after their capture. The study was done without removing animals from the wild; bats were released immediately after their examination at the place of their capture. Ultrasonic detectors were used for acoustic observations. The search of roosts was done by social vocalization of bats, presence of feces, night and morning swarming; as well structures which might be potential shelters for bats were inspected.Results. During 2000–2020, at the territory of the Svyatoshyn-Bilychi massif, nine bat species were recorded: Eptesicus serotinus, Myotis dasycneme, M. daubentonii, Nyctalus leisleri, N. noctula,Plecotus auritus, Pipistrellus kuhlii, P. nathusii, P. pygmaeus. Thus, today the list of bat fauna of the Svyatoshyn-Bilychi massif includes 10 species: 9, recorded; 1 species, Nyctalus lasiopterus, known by the record of the first half of the 20th century, was not revealed. According to the results of the survey in 2019–2020, four species were found to be dominants, in terms of the number of record points and their representation in catches: P. nathusii, P. pygmaeus, N. noctula, N. leisleri. During the survey, six species were confirmed to breed at the study area. 11 bat roosts were found; most of them, in trees.Originality. A comprehensive inventory of the chiropterofauna of the large protected area of the Svyatoshyn-Bilychimassif of the Holosiivskyi National Park was carried out for the first time. The first and the only one known Myotis dasycneme maternity colony in Kyiv region was found.Conclusion. The initial description of the chiropterofauna of the Svyatoshyn-Bilychi massif of the Holosiivskyi National Nature Park is presented. The obtained data can be used in the development and further implementation of practical measures for the conservation of bats within the territory of the Holosiivskyi National Nature Park and represent the basis for bat monitoring in the future. Key words: bats, fauna, Holosiivskyi National Nature Park, Kyiv City, Central Ukraine.

Y.Y. Dementieieva

Introduction.As a result of consumer activity, household waste is generated, which is stored in specially designated landfills. Such areas are factors of multifunctional impact on the environment and are characterized by the release of filtrate and gases, various types of air pollution, soils and groundwater, the transformation of natural landscapes. The biotic component of ecosystems responds most dynamically to changes in landscape conditions, which appear in the transformation of vegetation and the formation of specific fauna. The fauna of such areas is most characterized by avifauna. Birds are attracted mainly by food resources, as well as conditions for rest, wintering, nesting away from humans.Purpose. Тo identify the species composition and ecological features of the formation of avifauna of the territory of Dergachiv and Rohan landfills in Kharkiv. ISSN 2076-5835. Вісник Черкаського університету. 2021. No136Methods. To obtain general idea of the avifauna of landfills, route and point accounting methods were used, using optical equipment (binoculars, camera) and the field determinant "Birds of the Fauna of Ukraine" (Fesenko, Bokotei, 2002). The similarity coefficient is determined by the Jakarra formula.Results. The species composition of the avifauna is represented by a total of 66 species, from 25 families and 11 series. The dominant genus - Passeriformes (Passeriformes), the largest number of members of the family is Crows (Corvidae). The areas of landfills are divided into functional areas for human use to provide the most correct description of the structure of birds in relation to landfill areas - the dominant species are concentrated in the area of active waste unloading, others are usually found around the landfill and on the reclaimed landfill. The similarity of the species composition of the avifauna of two landfills was determined - the similarity coefficient is equal to 0.12, which indicates a small similarity, but noticeable one. The species composition is divided according to trophic preferences according to the classification of Kostin S. Yu. And it is determined that the largest share among the avifauna of landfills is occupied by entomophagous (33.3%) and polyphagous (27.8%). It should be noted that the dominant species by the number of representatives on the landfill are fully polyphagous.Originality. In Kharkiv region, the study of the composition and ecological features of the avifauna of landfills is conducted for the first time.Conclusion. Thus, the species composition of the avifauna of landfills is quite diverse and is formed mainly in two regular directions - the adaptation of species to changes in environmental conditions and the concentration of species that are attracted by the available forage base and conditions for wintering. Differences arise in response to geographical location, landscape conditions, proximity to water, settlements, and so on.Key words: species of avifauna diversity; transformed landscapes; anthropogenic factors; environmental impact; sensitivity and adaptation of fauna.

O. A. Spriahailo ◽  
O. V. Spriahailo ◽  
V. L. Shevchyk

ntroduction. Aconitum lasiostomum has a sporadic distribution in Ukraine and is a rare species for most European countries. In terms of systematics, it belongs within the number of numerous morphologically and phytocenotically similar species of a section Lycoctonum DC. or is considered as part of an aggregate species Aconitum lycoctonum agg., which is nominal for the species of this section of the genus. Populations are scanty and susceptible to a range of ecological provide enough protection and require the reconsideration and systematization of the efforts aimed for Purpose. To assess the modern state of the population of Aconitum lasiostomum in the right bank of the Middle Dnieper region and to reason the raising of its protection status. 202187Methods. We identified and studied the new growth site of Aconitum lasiostomum in May-July 2020 inThe districts with an area of 10 x 10 m were planted within the natural borders of the phytocoenoses in the habitats of Aconitum lasiostomum. The habitResults. The previously unknown population of the endemic of Eastern Europe -Aconitum lasiostomum was described. The inclination of localities to the moderately illuminated growth sites -type was elucidated. The parameters of the Aconitum lasiostomum population were described. Total number about 100 specimens. Arrangement in clusters of 7-35 specimens of various ages. Percentage of generative individuals 38.4%. Under the intense shading, the percentage of generativeindividuals decreases to 3-4%. Maximum height of generative specimens at the beginning of flowering 62-120 cm. It has been found that Aconitum lasiostomum has a rare character of distribution in the right bank of the Middle Dnieper and other regions ofUkraine. The populations are organized in the conjunction with moist and fresh, middle-and rich edaphotopes under the broadleaf forests (alliances Alnion incana Pawlowski et al.1928 & Carpinion betuli Issler 1931). Obvious is the rather narrow range of coenotical conditions, which are sufficient for its growth and for the reproduction of the populations within the floral aggregations of the class Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae Jakucs ex Passarge 1968. Originality. The first description of the population of Aconitum lasiostonum in the right bank and the main risks for the populations were determined. The increase of the sozological status of the species in Ukraine was justified. Conclusion. The previously unknown habitat of Aconitum lasiostonum within the communities, which are protected by the Resolution 4 of the Bern Convention, was elucidated. These communities are proposed to be protected within the Emeraldtall-It was determined, that the population of Aconitum lasiostonum is comparably numerous and diverse in age. Most of the loci with a high number of specimens are inclined to better illuminated growth sites. Aconitum lasiostonum allows us to claim the necessity of increasing the nature-preserving status of the species and including it in the Red Book of Ukraine. Keywords: Aconitum lasiostomum; population; nature preserving status; regionally rare species; rare biotopes

E. O. Yarys ◽  
E. S. Kolesnik ◽  
D. V. Muzyka ◽  
A. B. Chaplygina

Introduction. In the conditions of the North-East of Ukraine, the circulation of the newcastle disease virus in hollow-nesting birds of artificial nests box was studied. Serological studies of the yolks of eggs collected from hollow birds in the North-East of Ukraine to the Newcastle disease virus were carried out. PDefinitions of antibodies to the newcastle disease virus in eggs of artificial nesting birds and determining their role as a reservoir of the causative agent of the disease in the North-East of Ukraine.Methods. The work was carried out in 2019 from April to December in the department for the study of poultry diseases at the National Scientific Center "Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine", as well as at the Department of Zoology at the H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. Serological studies of the yolks of eggs taken from a hollow nesting box of birds. Antibodies in egg yolk extracts from birds of artificial box nests against the virus of newcastle disease, were determined in the reaction of delayed hemagglutination (HAGA).Result. Antibodies to the newcastle disease virus in titers 1:2 (3,3%) were detected in Phoenicurus phoenicurusFicedula albicollisErithacus rubeculaeggs and Phoenicurus phoenicurus, titers1:64 (23,3%) and 1:128 (26,6%) were found in the yolks of all studied species of artificial nesting birds. The highest antibody titers are 1:256 (26,6%) and 1:512 (6,6%) in the yolks of Ficedula albicollisand Phoenicurus phoenicuruseggs.Originality.Discovered of antibodies to the newcastle disease virus in the yolk of birds of artificial nesting box in conditions of the North-East of Ukraine.Conclusion. According to the results of serological studies of the eggs of birds of four species (Ficedula albicollis, Parus major, Erithacus rubeculaand Phoenicurus phoenicurus), which nest in northeastern Ukraine, it was found that antibodies to the Newcastle disease virus were found in 30 (66.6%).Key words:antibodies, Newcastle disease, hollow-nesting birds, egg yolk extracts, artificial nests box.

V. S. Lysogub ◽  
O. D. Svietlova ◽  
N. P.. Chernenko

The article presents the history of the Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Rehabilitation Department.History is presented from the founding of the department to the present.The research is based on a review of documentary materials of the State Archives of Cherkasy region for1943-1986.Key words:Department of Physiology; scientists; educational; organizational and methodological work

Y. V. Koval ◽  
L. I. Yukhymenko ◽  
S. M. Khomenko

ntroduction.Currently, there are quite a number of publications on the peculiarities of heart rate in children with hearing impairments. However, such studies were conducted with individuals who had varying degrees of deafness and virtually did not examine children with congenital deafness.Children with congenital deafness are likely to have significant changes in cardiovascular system (CVS) indicators compared to their healthy peers. Purpose.The aim of the study was to elucidate the mechanisms of heart rate regulation in children with deprivation of auditory function during active orthostatic testing. Methods. The study involved 15 children: boys (7 individuals) and girls (8 individuals) aged 8-11 with congenital deafness and 17 almost healthy peers. Cardiorhythmograms were recorded with spectral characteristics of heart rate: (VLFms2, less than 0.05 Hz), low (LFms2, 0.05--0.4 Hz) frequencies; the ratio of LF/HF was considered.Results.The results of the study suggest that a group of childrenwith hearing deprivation in all indicators of spectral analysis of HRV had a much lower reactivity of the CVScompared to their healthy peers. The LF indicator did not change significantly, and therefore the sympathetic link of regulation did not play a significant role. However, the contribution of the parasympathetic system, which can be judged by HF, was significantly reduced in both groups. Thus, we can assume that the regulation of blood circulation was due to reduced activation of the parasympatheticlink with constant sympathetic. This feature is indicated by the indicator of vagosympathetic balance of the LF / HF ratio. Its changes reached quite significant values: 87.5% in deaf and 262.5% in healthy children. This indicates the leading role of the sympathetic system in the regulation of heart rhythm in children 8-11 years during orthostasis. However, the differences in the reactivity of the CVSof representatives of different groups indicated a less pronounced degree of activation of this link in the regulation of children with derivation of auditory function.The ratio of the length and width of the autocorrelation cloud (L / W) indicated a similar dependence. The dynamics of this indicator in the direction of increase may indicate a change in the intensity of the autonomic circuit regulation of cardiac activity. 202159In healthy subjects, these changes occurred with a greater degree of activation of central regulatory mechanisms than in children with hearing impairments.Because TP is an almost complete physiological analogue of SDNN, its decrease during orthostasis in children with hearing deprivation by 20.1% and 44.2% in healthy people indicates that the total effect of central regulation mechanisms decreases.Originality.Currently, there are virtuallyno data on reactive changes in the cardiovascular system of children with hearing impairments to postural gravitational loads, especially in relation to children with congenital deafness. This is important given that information about the reactions of thecardiovascular system of children with hearing impairments will allow you to adjust the exercise, choose the optimal motor mode and predict possible deviations or pathologies.Conclusion.Children with the deprivation of auditory function are characterized by more pronounced maladaptive responses of the cardiovascular system to orthostatic load than their healthypeers. Central regulatory mechanisms in deaf children have less pronounced activation compared to healthy children. At orthostatic test, in both groups of subjects, regulation of blood circulation is carried out mainly at the expense of a parasympathetic link of an autonomic nervous system.Keywords. deprivation of auditory function, heart rate variability, spectral analysis

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