INAJEEE Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Eletronics Engineering
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Published By Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Paulen Aulia Lutfia ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Samuel Prasad Jones Christydass

Umbrella Monopole Antenna (UMA) proposed in this paper for 5G application. We designed four models of UMA, i.e: UMA-A, UMA-B, UMA-C, and UMA-D. The antenna has a curvature in the patch as an umbrella shape with a feeding shape a microstrip feed line. Four variations of the patch antenna have been designed and get different performance in VSWR, surface current, and directivity. The proposed antenna has a wide bandwidth that operates 8 GHz – 30 GHz with VSWR <2 dB. The Increasing of directivity is reached for UMA-A, UMA-C, UMA-D, and UMA-B, i.e: 6.38 dBi, 7.97 dBi, 8,84dBi, and 9,15 dBi respectively at 24 GHz.  The maximum gain has been reached for UMA-B of 9.15. The lowest frequency that has a return loss of 10 dB has resulted for UMA-D in the frequency around 5 GHz. All of the UMA antennas can be applied for 5G mmwave applications at 24 GHz and 28 GHz.

Moch Andreyan Adi Prakoso ◽  
Lusia Rakhmawati

Owing to widespread deforestation and the rapid growth of modern plants, we can see and experience a lot of air that is no longer what it once was. Carbon Monoxide (CO), which is generated by residual combustion in industrial plants and emitted through factory chimneys, is one of the factors that contribute to air pollution. This study was designed to help the government monitor Carbon Monoxide (CO) levels more efficiently because it can be done at any time in real time using an Android smartphone's media. Furthermore, this research is being conducted to develop simple technology that can be used by parties who need or have an interest in monitoring Carbon Monoxide (CO) levels as well as reducing the number of emissions in the local area. The results showed that the MQ-7 sensor on the monitoring tool could detect carbon monoxide levels accurately and had a 0.72 percent error rate when retrieving data several times. The CO meter's sensitivity is equivalent to that of an NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared Detector) Analyzer, which is commonly used for measuring and detecting carbon monoxide levels in the air. These findings suggest that this instrument can be used to better monitor carbon monoxide (CO) levels in the air.

Mohamad Tri Azis Budi Cahyono Putro

The development of wireless sensor networks is currently very rapid in various sectors. One of the implementations of the wireless sensor network is for monitoring temperature and humidity. In monitoring a room or a large area, many nodes are installed at a certain point. With the number of senses by each node so that one data that can represent the area is needed. To get one data that can represent the data in that area, we need a consensus method. In this study, the average distributed consensus method was used to obtain data representation from an area's wireless sensor network. After testing and simulating the ideal range between WSN nodes is 30 meters where the average percentage of detection errors reaches 0%. And the maximum capability is 33 meters with an average percentage of error detection of 46%. If given a barrier between WSN nodes, the distance that can be reached becomes shorter, with an ideal distance of 16 meters with an average percentage of error detection of 0% and the farthest distance reaching 21 meters with a detection error of 50%. The results of the consensus method simulation show that the more slots are filled with consensus data about the results, the faster and easier convergence will be achieved, in this case the monitoring results represent the real situation.

Resti Pranandari ◽  
Misbah, Misbah, ◽  
Deny Irawan

In the electricity generation business in Indonesia, power plants requiring to be reliable when operating and ready when needed due to network load requirements. It has been written in the performance target contract for each unit, therefore the protection system installed at the power plant must be well. The problem that occurs at the PLTGU PT PJB Gresik Generation Unit is a malfunction in the HV Line protection system that causes the generator unit to trip, thus causing questions regarding the cause of the problem that occurs. Therefore, the authors compile a thesis proposal with the title "Identification of HV Line Protection Interference at PLTGU PT PJB Gresik Generation Unit Using RCFA and FDT Methods" which can find out the source of the problem that occurs so that it does not occur repeatedly. The benefit that can take is knowing the problem cause of the HV Line protection system malfunction so that it can be done correctly and on target for future unit reliability. 

Deni Romadoni ◽  
Rini Puji Astutik ◽  
Yoedo Ageng Surya

Container Crane (CC) is heavy equipment that functions to unload or load containers from the dock to the ship and vice versa, this crane has a measuring device, namely an hourmeter which functions to show how long this crane has been running based on the number of hours. from this hourmeter will be used as a reference for the technician team to carry out maintenance or replacement of a spare part. So far, checking the hourmeter is done manually by visiting the crane one by one and looking directly at the analog hourmeter. For this reason, an hourmeter monitoring system is needed to make use of the Internet of Things to make it more effective. In supporting this system, we use a voltage sensor as a detector that the crane is on, the RTC is a type of timer, the ESP32 is a microcontroller that is equipped with a wifi module, MySQL as a database and web to display digital data from the microcontroller. This hourmeter tool can be used as hourmeter monitoring on Container Crane via the web. This system can display data on the microcontroller which can be viewed via the web and provide notification in the form of an email to the user if the value on the hourmeter has reached the specified limit to prevent damage to the crane due to delays in the maintenance process.

Fatkul Ikrom Ariszki ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati

Technology plays an important role in human life today, the ease of accessing the internet makes information technology a tool to help humans in their daily lives, one of which is a tool that can find new locations. The high use of search engines makes search engines the choice that is often used in finding information. This research was conducted to implement the Information Retrieval system to find rooms in the Engineering Faculty, Surabaya State University. The system will perform keyword indexing (query) to documents that are already stored in the MySQL database. This IR system is loaded on a Web page, equipped with general information about the room, the room's location point (Maps), and a Virtual Reality display that can provide users with a room browsing experience. The results of the study were a room search system website equipped with VR which was rated well by users with an average rating of 78%. From the results of this research, the IR web system is suitable for use as a medium to provide information and instructions for rooms in building A8, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya. In the management of information media, it is necessary to improve the quality of information and services, to support the needs of users so that information technology media can be used by users who are not familiar with the Surabaya State University environment.

Farid Baskoro ◽  
Miftahur Rohman ◽  
Aristyawan Putra Nurdiansyah

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a synchronous serial communication whose data or signal transmission involves Chip Select (CS) or Slave Select (SS) pins, Serial Clock (SCK), Master Out Slave In (MOSI), and Master In Slave Out (MISO). In the Arduino Uno, there are four pins that allow Arduino Uno to perform SPI communication. In this research, SPI communication is implemented to expand the output of the Arduino Uno by using the features of the MCP23S17 IC so that the Arduino Uno, which initially has 20 output pins, can expand to 36 output pins.The results of the research show that the Arduino Uno manages to control 36 output pins. 16 output pins from the MCP23S17, 16 output pins from the Arduino Uno, and 4 pins are used for the SPI communication line. The results of this study also show the form of the SPI communication signal from Arduino Uno in declaring 21 registers on MCP23S17, declaring the MCP23S17 pin register as output, and implementing the output using LEDs.

Rachmat Agus Kurdyanto ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Puput Wanarti Rusimamto ◽  
Farid Baskoro

AbstractMicrowave can be applied for telecommunicaions, radar and microwave imaging. This wave has been widely used in everyday life, such as in the industrial word in the fields of robotics, microwave vision, imaging burrier objects, vehicular guidance, biomedical imaging, remote sensing, wheater radar, target tracking, and other apllications. Microwave imaging is a technology that uses electromagnetic waves at frequencies from Megahertz to Gigahertz. Utilization of microwave imaging in addition to information technology and telecommunications, this wave application can be used to process an image because of its ability to penetrate dielectric materials. The purpose of writing this article is to determine microwave imaging application, the working principle of antennas used for microwave imaging applications and antenna specifications used for microwave imaging applications. Microwave imaging research has been carried out using several different type of antennas such as vivaldi and monopole antennas. Where the signal tha is transmitted and will be exposed to the object will send a different return signal so that an image of an object will be obtained which will be processed on the computer. The working frequency of the antenna for microwave imaging applications is in a wide frequency range (UWB antenna). The antennas that are applied include the vivaldi antenna which works at a frequency of 1-11 GHz and a monopole antenna that works at a frequency 1,25-2,4 GHz for biomedical imaging applications, while for radar applications in the construction field it can use a frequency of 0,5-40 GHz.

Moch Khafid Mukminin ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati

Energy harvesting is the process of harvesting energy from external sources such as solar energy, heat, wind and electromagnetic waves / radio frequencies. dimension. Research on harvesting energy needs to be developed because the use of non-renewable energy is increasingly limited. The use of radio frequency (RF) as a source of energy for harvesting is an effort to create environmentally friendly energy. This is due to the growing use of telecommunications technology. Various studies have been conducted by harvesting RF from various telecommunication signals and broadcasting media (AM / FM, TV / DTV, GSM signals, Wi-Fi signals). The purpose of writing this article is to study literature on the use of harvesting energy, especially those originating from radio / RF frequencies. A simple harvesting energy harvesting system consists of an antenna and a voltage rectifier circuit. The antennas used for RF energy harvesting have different designs according to the type of signal captured, including using periodic log antennas, archimedean spiral antennas, patch antennas, dipole patch antennas and vivaldi antennas. The energy yield obtained from the energy harvesting process with radio frequency sources tends to be small in the milliwatt scale (1.17 µW / cm2 - 20VDC) depending on the type of antenna and radio frequency used (0.3 - 27.5 GHz) and can be applied to low power electronic devices.

Abdul Hafizh ◽  
Nur Kholis ◽  
M Syariffuddien Zuhrie ◽  
Arif Widodo

Early warning system of door security based on IoT with piezoelectric sensor, this was an early warning system wich could detect a threat on the door and send a notification to the owner smart phone to do preverentive action. This system was made with affordable cost, wich anyone can own this not only the rich one. This system will classified wich a safe knkck and a threat. This system used piezoelectric sensor to monitor a threat and buzzer to make some noise around. This system was equiped a relay to control the solenoid lock as your primary lock. This system used blynk cloud as the based wich could be operated on smart phone. The test used one room and one door. Take a survey to decide wich a normal knock and a stroke. And as got the result, then set the set point based on the output voltage of the sensor, as a threat to the door. Wich that the microcontroller could send a notification to the blynk apps on smart phone. After tahat we did some test to the respond time of, notification, buzzer, and the relay. Wich the respond time of notification was 2,15 second, the buzzer was 1,1 second, and the relay was 1,15 second. This system has 80% accuracy. This system might be well monitored the door with blynk apps.

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