Jurnal Episentrum
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Published By Universitas Negeri Manado - Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

2721-8511, 2721-7760

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 28
Kristin Gloria Lebo ◽  
Joyce Christian Kumaat ◽  
Denny Maliangkay

The aim of this research is to make a map of mangrove forest distribution and to know the dynamics of mangrove forest distribution in the coastal area of Tobelo, North Halmahera Regency. The method used is descriptive quantitative and data analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with ArGis 10.6 software. The research data were processed from the base map and Landsat 7 imagery data for the period 2000-2020. The result of the analysis shows that there is a change in the distribution of the mangrove coastal mangrove Tobelo within 20 years. In the Landsat 7 level 1 image data, from 2000-2015 the mangrove forest experienced a lot of reduction, while in 2020 the mangrove forest on the Tobelo coast experienced an increase compared to previous years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Nikel Tambengi ◽  
Joyce Christian Kumaat

The need for information regarding the spatial distribution of the area of origin of students who are currently studying at the Manado State University (UNIMA) is very important because the information built can provide useful input for planning, development, or evaluation. So that the distribution of the areas of origin of students who are studying at UNIMA can be mapped properly, an information system based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can be built according to its geographic location. This study aims to create and present information about the spatial distribution of students from UNIMA through GIS. Quantitative type research methods with a spatial analysis approach (spatial analysis) using secondary data. Data analysis techniques through Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to create a digital map of the spatial distribution of student origin using OpenStreetMap and Quantum GIS Zanzibar 3.8.1. The results showed that the spatial distribution of the area from which UNIMA students used GIS, made it easier to present information through digital maps. The information system created can display the distribution data of the student's area of origin, namely the number of students from each province in Indonesia and especially in the form of a distribution map. The largest distribution of student origin came from North Sumatra Province with 1,209, followed by South Sulawesi Province with 893 and North Maluku Province with 650 students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 19
Reinaldi Wangke ◽  
Maxi Tendean ◽  
Helena Sri Sulastriningsih

The increase in population and development activities results in an increase in land use for settlements in an area over a certain period of time. The research objective is to determine changes in residential land in Beo District, Talaud Regency from 2014 to 2019. The research method is descriptive qualitative with an analytical approach using a geographic information system. Based on data processing, the land area for the residential area of Beo District in 2014 was 139.7 Ha and in 2019 it was 149.1 Ha. The results of data analysis show that changes in residential land in Beo District, Talaud Regency from 2014 to 2019 have increased, amounting to 9.4 Ha. The rate of land change for settlements in the Beo sub-district within the 5 year period is still classified as very low.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 8
Ega Londongallo ◽  
Maxi Tendean ◽  
Grace F. E. Suoth

North Toraja Regency is an area that is prone to landslides with a potential zone of medium to high ground movement, which has resulted in damage to land transportation routes between districts being cut off, damage to buildings, and loss of lives. The focus of this research is to determine the level of vulnerability and map the class of landslide hazards in the North Toraja Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) approach and then analyzed by overlay and scoring (weighting). Based on data processing, the study produced a landslide hazard map in North Toraja Regency with five classes of vulnerability, namely: very low area of 58,049 km2 (50%), low area of 118,087 km2 (11.18%), medium area of 256,057 km2 (22.07%), rather high area of 195,872 km2 (16.07%), very high area of 11,972 km2 (1.03 %).

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 32
Agnes Tenly Moningkey ◽  
Anatje Lihiang ◽  
Mercy M. F. Rampengan

The growth of water hyacinth in the waters of Lake Tondano can affect the lake's ecosystem due to its rapid growth and spread. Water hyacinth is a weed that damages the aquatic environment which, if its growth and development are not controlled, will reduce the amount of light entering the waters, evapotranspiration, and reduce the amount of water and can accelerate the process of silting the waters of Lake Tondano. The research objective was to determine the distribution pattern of water hyacinth in Lake Tondano from 2015 to 2020. The research method was descriptive qualitative and spatially analyzed data using geographic information systems. The data used are primary and secondary data, obtained through observation and field surveys and documentation. Based on the results of spatial analysis, it is known that the distribution pattern of water hyacinth in Lake Tondano has increased from 2015 with an area of 465.59 Ha, in 2016 the area was 848 Ha, in 2017 the area was 999,695 and there was a change in area decline, in 2018 the area was 675.87 Ha, and 2019 the area was 366.36 Ha. , and in 2020 the area of water hyacinth will increase to 995,797 hectares. The factors causing the uncontrolled distribution of water hyacinth in the waters of Lake Tondano can be due to the season (climate), sedimentation, or land use. The growth and development of water hyacinths have disrupted various community activities and have an impact on the process of silting the waters of the lake and damaging the beauty of Lake Tondano.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 23
Lukmar Hilungka ◽  
Grace F. E. Suoth ◽  
Helena Sri Sulastriningsih

The identification of land-use changes in the Musatfak District of Jayawijaya Regency is based on the decreasing level of community income and the change in land use functions. The purpose of this study is to calculate land-use changes in Musatfak District, Jayawijaya Regency in 2015-2020 and to examine the factors that cause changes in land use. The research method is descriptive qualitative and overlays spatial analysis of data using ArGIS. The results showed changes in land use in Musatfak District, Jayawijaya Regency in 2015-2020, respectively for horticultural land 1,787 square hectares, paddy field 15 hectares square, and sleeping area 19 square hectares. It is known that the causes of land change include: horticultural land and paddy fields are converted into idle land, because the people in Musatfak District do not cultivate the land because some have settled in the city, working to sell and buy wood planks, beams, and lima-lima.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 13
Martha Tumey ◽  
Joyce Christian Kumaat ◽  
Hilda Vemy Oroh

The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of plastic waste along the coast of Madidir, Bitung City. This type of research is descriptive quantitative using a survey approach that analyzes data spatially. The method of collecting waste is carried out in 2 ways, namely: the first way, the installation of points at 4 locations, namely at Madidir Weru, Madidir Uure, Madidir Unet, and Madidir Main which follow the coastline of Madidir. The second way, when point installation takes place in 4 locations where calculations, measurements and weights are also carried out directly on the coast of Madidir. Based on the research results, the plastic waste obtained starts from mineral drink bottles, straws, aqua glasses, etc. At 4 location points, it is known that the amount of plastic waste in madidir weru is 221 per piece, madidir unet is 172 per fruit, madidir madidir is 141 per piece, and madidir ure is 71 per piece. While the total amount of plastic waste along the coast of Madidir City of Bitung is 605 per piece. The results of the identification of the distribution of plastic waste along the Madidir coast of Bitung City can be seen as contributing to marine pollution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Felly Ferol Warouw ◽  
Fransiscus Jani Lumape ◽  
Piet Hein Pusung ◽  
Herwyn Jefler Malonda

Isu global sampah sangat mengkhawatirkan karena berdampak langsung pada lingkungan biotik dan abiotik bahkan telah menyebabkan bencana non alam. Mengurangi sampah dari sumbernya dengan metode pemilahan dan dikelola lanjut menjadi produk baru merupakan cara untuk menangani permasalahan sampah. Mengurangi sampah dari sumbernya dengan pemilahan selanjutnya ditabung di Bank Sampah adalah terobosan yang menjanjikan dan dapat mendorong masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam pengelolaan sampah sekaligus menunjang penerapan green constitution di masa yang akan datang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan pemetaan wilayah persebaran bank sampah di Kota Manado dalam menunjang penerapan green constitution. Data diperoleh melalui penelitian menggunakan aplikasi pemetaan dan dilakukan dengan mesin pencari google, dengan dasar bahwa aplikasi ini banyak digunakan dalam mencari alamat oleh berbagai pengguna. Data dianalisis menyangkut pemetaan posisi bank sampah yang ada di Indonesia, ditemukan dalam situs milik kementerian lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan dengan nama sistem informasi pengelolaan bank sampah nasional. Namun saat difokuskan pencarian bank sampah khusus di kota Manado, maka aplikasi smash yang dapat menunjukkan lokasi bank sampah yang ada. Hasil penelitian selanjutnya menunjukkan pemetaan posisi bank sampah di kota Manado terdiri dari pusat, pinggiran, dan luar kota. Selanjutnya hasil perbandingan ketiga bank sampah menghasilkan metode pengelolaan yang dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan bank sampah efektif dilakukan melalui strategi penerapan 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) dalam pengelolaan sampah pada sumbernya di tingkat masyarakat. Hasil pemetaan diharapkan menjadi dasar pengembangan kebijakan green constitution sebagai pengembangan model pengelolaan bank sampah di masa yang akan datang.Kata Kunci: Pemetaan, Pengelolaan Bank Sampah, Green Constitution, Kota Manado

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 20
Jeffrey Andre Delarue

Penelitian ini didasari untuk mengetahui fungsi kinerja bangunan pengaman pantai pada beberapa titik di Pesisir Teluk Manado. Penentuan fungsi kinerja pengaman pantai merupakan salah satu parameter yang mengindikasikan apakah masih berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak, sehingga melalui pemantauan kinerja dapat diambil tindakan untuk memperbaiki fungsi dari bangunan pengaman pantai. Fungsi kinerja bangunan pengaman pantai dilakukan dengan pengamatan secara langsung dengan metode survei dan proses analisis data menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Pelabuhan Manado, Daerah KFC Kawasan Megamas dan Pantai Sindulang. Hasil survei lapangan, menunjukan fungsi pengaman bangunan pantai Tetrapod yang terletak di daerah Pelabuhan Manado tergolong baik, kaki bangunan pantai, bagian tengah dan bagian atas bangunan pantai masih tersusun dengan kondisi baik yang sangat bermanfaat untuk melindungi kapal-kapal dan bangunan di sekitar. Fungsi kinerja bangunan pengaman di daerah sekitar KFC pada Kawasan Megamas menunjukkan kinerja yang baik tapi perlu dilakukan pemeliharaan, karena telah menunjukkan adanya batuan yang terlepas pada bagian tengah bangunan pengaman pantai. Sedangkan di daerah Pantai Sindulang, fungsi kinerja bangunan pengaman pantai telah mengalami penurunan yang ditunjukkan pada bagian ujung pengaman pantai tampak mulai terlepas dari bagian induk. Begitu juga dengan bagian tengan bangunan pengaman pantai, terdapat bagian-bagian batuan yang mulai terlepas. Tindakan yang dapat perlu dilakukan adalah pemeliharan bangunan pengaman pantai dan pembersihan sampah agar kinerja pengaman pantai di sekitar pesisir teluk manado dapat berfungsi dengan baik.Kata Kunci: Fungsi, Kinerja, Pengaman Pantai, Teluk Manado

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Joyce Christian Kumaat ◽  
Cahyadi Nugroho ◽  
Nismawati Nismawati ◽  
Aghata Archenta Tumengkol

Kemampuan berpikir spasial (spatial thinking) sangat diperlukan seorang guru dalam memberikan pemahaman kepada peserta didik guna transfer knowledge yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini didasari latar belakang guru geografi Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Sulawesi Utara yang bukan berasal dari rumpun ilmu geografi. Analisis kemampuan spatial thinking dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak yaitu Google Earth dengan materi bahasan peta, Sistem Informasi Geografi dan Penginderaan Jauh yang dirangkum menjadi satu rangkaian kegiatan yang kompleks dalam kegiatan Diklat Teknis Substansial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan spatial thinking yang masih mengalami kendala berada pada aspek penguasaan penyusunan data dan interpretasi data. Perlu dilakukan pemantapan keterampilan untuk menajamkan spatial thinking seorang guru melalui latihan-latihan maupun kegiatan pelatihan lainnya serta integrasi antara pihak perguruan tinggi dengan MGMP Geografi di Sulawesi Utara untuk mengadakan kegiatan periodik guna menjangkau guru-guru yang bukan bidangnya untuk mengajar mata pelajaran geografi didalam proses pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: Spatial thinking, Sistem Informasi Geografi, Pendidikan, Kompetensi Guru

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