preparation stage
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-98
Ani Amimah

Distance learning using information and communication technology brings some problems for some teachers in Indonesia, including the writer. Students learn independently without explanation from the teacher. This condition causes learning boredom for some students. SiJaPin (Sinau bareng Jateng Pintar) or Learning with Smart Central Java is an effort to overcome students boredom of Mathematics distance learning in Class VIIA SMP Negeri 12 Semarang . The implementation of SiJaPin is 1) Design and preparation stage 2) Implementation stage. The results of SiJaPin implementation are results of learning final evaluation, on the first day of learning, class VIIA students get an average score of 71.75 and 83.25 on the second day. Questionnaire of students' reflection on distance learning with SiJaPin: 18 students stated that they felt happy, 21 said they could overcome their boredom, and 10 said that they were motivated to learn. Supporting factors for the implementation of SiJaPin are the support from fellow teachers and principal, the enthusiasm of students, adequate facilities by the provided rooms, laptops, handphones and internet. Inhibiting factors for the implementation of SiJaPin 1) limitation of the teacher in monitoring internet signal, that makes students cannot hear teacher’s voice when starting the lessons, 2) the teacher is less careful that makes typing errors on the PPT slides, 3) lack of coordination on the previous days, 4) next lesson plan by video conference using attractive PPT.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1011-1015
Wisudani Rahmaningtyas ◽  
Ratieh Widhiastuti ◽  
Hanna Netti Purasani ◽  
Ajie Pangestu ◽  
Rusdiana Rusdiana

The purpose of this service activity is to provide knowledge about the importance of digital marketing in the era of industry 4.0, as well as provide direct training on making videos as a medium for promotion. The object of the service activity is the entire Management of Omah Smart Farmers Tourism Object (OPP) Kandri Tourism Village and Tourism Awareness Group Managers (Pokdarwis) Semarang City. Service activities are carried out in three stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation monitoring stage. The results of the service activities consist of the preparation stage in the form of coordination with the Head of the Kandri Tourism Village to find out the problems that exist in the Kandri Tourism Village. The service activity was considered successful, as evidenced by the implementation stage of all participants who were targeted to attend and were very enthusiastic in asking questions during the training. Many participants asked for advice in determining the right material to promote, and various tricks to get interesting promotional media. At the monitoring stage, the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities. the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities. the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-197
Taufan Ratri Harjanto ◽  
Saipul Bahri ◽  
Mohammad Nurhilal

Pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya laut saat ini masih berpeluang besar, misalnya pemanfaatan air laut yang kaya akan bahan mineral mikro yang sangat berguna bagi kehidupan belum banyak dilakukan. Penggunaan air laut untuk pertanian sudah mulai dikembangkan, baik secara skala riset maupun aplikatif. Disisi lain Indonesia juga memiliki permasalahan yang juga menjadi isu yang sama di banyak negara yaitu isu pencemaran akibat sampah. Berdasarkan peluang potensi pemanfaatan air laut dan pemecahan permasalahan sampah organik yang ada tersebut, sangat penting untuk segera dilakukan, sebagai bentuk perwujudan dalam mendukung rencana pemerintah melaksanakan program pembangunan berkelanjutan dalam hal konservasi lingkungan  berbasiskan cleaner production agar memberikan kontribusi positif bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk:menentukan pengisolasian senyawa mineral dalam tablet dan menentukan efektifitas tablet sebagai pupuk tanaman tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan menjadi tiga tahapan, yaitu: (1) tahap persiapan bahan, (2) tahap imobilisasi/proses pentabletan air laut, (3) tahap pengujian dan interpretasi hasil. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa Pori – pori pada permukaan serbuk sampah organik memiliki kemampuan untuk mengadsopsi unsur-unsur mineral pada air laut. Sampah organik mengadsorpsi berbagai mineral yang terdapat pada air laut sebagai primary macronutrient, secondary macronutrient dan micro nutrient bagi tanaman. Rasio air laut yang terlalu tinggi mengakibatkan kandungan Na dan Cl semakin banyak yang teradsorpsi. Skenario air laut tablet pada sampel B, sampel C dan sampel D digunakan sebagai pupuk pada dosis  5 tablet  (@500 mg) tiap 10 hari mempunyai nilai efektifitas terbaik pada sampel C  dengan efektifitas pada tanaman cabai dan terong ungu sebesar 76,47% dan 80,00%. Air laut tablet dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk tanaman.ABSTRACTUtilization of the potential of marine resources currently still has great opportunities, for example, the use of seawater which is rich in micro-mineral materials that are very useful for life has not been widely carried out. The use of seawater for agriculture has begun to be developed, both on a research and application scale. The other, Indonesia also has a problem that is also the same issue in many countries, namely the issue of pollution due to waste. Based on the potential opportunities for the use of seawater and solving the existing organic waste problems, it is very important to do it immediately, as a form of realization in supporting the government's plan to implement sustainable development programs in terms of environmental conservation based on cleaner production to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. The study aims to determine the isolation of mineral compounds in tablets and determine the effectiveness of tablets as fertilizer for certain plants. This research was carried out in three stages, that consists of: (1) the material preparation stage, (2) the immobilization/seawater tabletting process, (3) the testing phase and interpretation of the results. Results showed by the pores on the surface of the organic waste powder can adsorb mineral elements in seawater. Organic waste adsorbs various minerals found in seawater as primary macronutrients, secondary macronutrients and micronutrients. The seawater ratio is too high, resulting in more Na and Cl being adsorbed. Scenario seawater tablets in sample B, sample C and sample D were used as fertilizer at a dose of 5 tablets (@500 mg) every 10 days had the best effectiveness value in sample C with the effectiveness of 76.47% and 80% on chilli and eggplant. Seawater tablets can be used as plant fertilizer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-76
Asriyani Sagiyanto ◽  
Achmad Syahlani ◽  
Liliyana Liliyana ◽  
Ferrari Lancia

One aspect that has changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic is the way humans communicate in public (public speaking). This impact was also felt by women who were members of the Fatayat NU (Nahdlatul Ulama) Ciledug organization. Fatayat NU is an Islamic women's organization which is one of the autonomous institutions within NU, which is religious, social and familial. The concept of Fatayat NU activities can be classified into three, namely in the field of regeneration and education, the field of da'wah or Islamic development, and the field of social society. The problems faced by Fatayat NU Ciledug, relating to public speaking are: (1) Lack of ability to appear and speak in public; and (2) Lack of public speaking skills, both face-to-face and online. The solutions offered to solve these problems are through community service activities, namely providing online training/workshops by utilizing the Zoom Meeting application to members of Fatayat NU Ciledug to provide tips and tricks regarding: (1) How to have the ability to appear and speak in public; and (2) Skills in public speaking both face-to-face and online. The implementation of this community service activity consists of 3 stages, namely; (1) The preparation stage, to identify problems, apply for permits to the Fatayat NU Ciledug management, and make preparations for the implementation of public speaking training; (2) the stage of implementing public speaking training; and (3) the evaluation stage, by providing evaluation test questions that must be done using Google Forms media, to find out how much the increase in knowledge, abilities, and skills of Fatayat NU Ciledug women regarding public speaking after participating in training activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Jagar Lumbantoruan

This study aims to describe the ARTS method as an effort to improve the solfegio skills of music study students in the Department of Drama, FBS, Padang State University. This research is a quasi-experimental research using descriptive analytic approach. The results of the study found that applying the four stages in the ARTS method could improve Solfegio skills, namely: (1) the preparation stage, namely designing the subject matter. (2) Presentation stage, namely the explanation of the concept of rhythm, interval, melody, and transfiguration of note units. (3) Practice stages or exercises, namely Audio, Reproduction, Transcription, and Sight-reading/ Sight-singing exercises. (4) Stages of performance, namely assessment. This research is expected to be a guide in learning solfegio, both at the elementary and tertiary levels

Al-Khidmat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-120
Nurul Maulida Alwi

AbstrakSosialisasi teknik penulisan jurnal ilmiah merupakan kegiatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan menulis peserta didik. Kemampuan literasi peserta didik perlu dikembangkan guna menambah wawasan berpikir dalam membuat karya tulis ilmiah berupa artikel jurnal. kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan minat menulis peserta didik dan agar memiliki kemampuan untuk mengikuti kompetisi. Selain itu kegiatan ini bertujuan agar peserta didik mengetahui sitematika penulisan artikel jurnal ilmiah sehingga menjadi bekal wawasan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan literasi berikutnya. Persiapan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan selama sebulan di sekolah MAN 1 Boalemo, Kecamatan Tilamuta, Kabupaten Boalemo, Provinsi Gorontalo. Metode yang digunakan yaitu ceramah, diskusi dan tutorial.  Kegiatan terdiri dari tahap persiapan awal yaitu merumuskan masalah, membuat rancangan kegiatan, membuat surat tugas, mengumpulkan literatur, membuat materi presentasi kegiatan. Kemudian tahap kedua yaitu pelaksana memberikan 5 sesi pada kegiatan yaitu sesi pertama membangun support atau pembukaan, sesi kedua yaitu pemberian Materi dalam bentuk ceramah dengan bantuan power point yang berisikan pembelajaran dalam menulis jurnal dari tahap ke tahap mulai dari penjelasan cara membuat menentukan judul, pendahuluan, metode, hasil dan pembahasan, simpulan dan saran, cara membuat kutipan serta cara membuat referensi. Sesi ketiga yaitu simulasi. Kemudian, sesi keempat dilakukan coaching kepada peserta didik terkait sistematika pembuatan karya tulis ilmiah khususnya jurnal. Di sesi kelima telah diadakan refleksi mengenai kegiatan untuk lebih memaknai proses sosialisasi secara optimal, mengumpulkan dokumentasi dan menentukan hasil evaluasi kegiatan yaitu siswa memiliki peningkatan pemaham mengenai teknik penulisan artikel jurnal ilmiah, peserta kegiatan yaitu 35  orang peserta didik di sekolah MAN 1 Boalemo. AbstractSocialization of scientific journal writing techniques is an activity to develop students' writing skills. The literacy skills of students need to be developed in order to add insight into thinking in making scientific writings as a form of journal articles. This activity aims to maximize the interest of students and to have the ability to join a compete. In addition, this activity aims to make students know the systematics of writing scientific articles so that they become a provision of insight to develop subsequent literacy skills. The preparation and implementation of activities was carried out for a month at the MAN 1 Boalemo school, Tilamuta District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province. The methods used are lectures, discussions and tutorials. The activity consists of the initial preparation stage, namely formulating problems, making activity plans, making assignment letters, collecting literature, making activity presentation materials. Then the second stage is the executor gave 5 activities, namely the first session building support or opening, the second session providing material in the form of lectures with the help of power points containing learning in journal writing from stage to stage starting from an explanation of how to determine the title, introduction, method, results. and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, how to quote and how to make references. The third session is simulation. Then, in the fourth session, coaching was carried out for students related to the systematics of making scientific works, especially journals. In the fifth session, there were reflections on activities to better interpret the process optimally, collected the documentation and determine the results of the evaluation of activities that is students had an increased understanding of the technique of writing scientific journal articles, the participants of the activity are 35 students at MAN 1 Boalemo school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-87
Endang Lovisia ◽  
Merti Triyanti

This community service activity is motivated by the large amount of waste from bean plants in Tongkok Village, Lahat Regency which has not been used optimally, especially as liquid fertilizer. Waste from the bean plant is disposed of, burned and not used . This causes a high volume of waste and environmental pollution. Therefore, the pkm stkip pgri lubuklinggau team tried to socialize the use of bean plant waste (phaseolus vulgaris, l) as liquid fertilizer in tongkok village. This PKM has been carried out by involving partners, namely the Tongkok village community and is enthusiastically followed. The output target to be achieved by the PKM team is to increase community values ​​and publications. In its implementation, it uses theoretical and practical methods starting from the preparation stage, providing materials and practices for making liquid fertilizer for bean plant waste

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-36
Elena Grigoryeva

The Festival “Zodchestvo of Eastern Siberia” was founded at the turn of the millennium. The first Festival was held in 2001 at Irkutsk Sibexpocenter and caused a massive outcry among the architectural community in Siberia and throughout the country. Later the Festival “Zodchestvo of Eastern Siberia” became one of the most important annual architectural events in Russia. The first participants of the Festival were the architects from Eastern Siberia (such cities as Irkutsk, Angarsk, Bratsk, Chita and Krasnoyarsk, republics of Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia, as well as Ust-Ordynsky and Aginsky national districts of Buryatia). Since 2007 architects from Western Siberia (Omsk and Barnaul) have also participated in the Festival. The Festival becomes open. The most topical issues are discussed at the Discussion Club of the Festival. Among the most prominent experts are A. Rappaport, O. Vendina, L. Kogan, A. Vysokovsky, A. Gimelstein, A.Kaftanov, M. Rozhansky, V. Dyatlov, A. Ivanov, D. Fesenko, A. Sirina, A. Finogenov. Prominent Russian architects give master classes, which enjoy great popularity. Thanks to the Festival, within twenty years, Siberian architects have met with masters from the capitals: Y. Gnedovsky, A. Asadov, S. Kiselev, A. Skokan, A. Bavykin, V. Plotkin, A. Savin, A. Cheltsov, A. Pavlova, S. Skuratov, N. Yavein, T. Kuzembaev, M. Mamoshin, Yu. Zemtsov, A. Bokov, T. Bashkaev, S. Gnedovsky, A. Chernikhov, V. Kuzmin, foreign architects M. Drahovsky, D. Dendra, G. Stanishev, as well as Siberian experts I. Popovsky, A. Myakota, P. Anisiforov, A. Dering and many other colleagues. The organizers consider the Festival to be a preparation stage for the International Festival “Zodchestvo” in Moscow. “Zodchestvo of Eastern Siberia” is traditionally held in Irkutsk. In 2014 it was first held in Krasnoyarsk, and in 2017 Krasnoyarsk housed the Festival for the second time. In the same year, Altai architects proposed to hold the next Festival in Barnaul. Thus, the Festival went beyond the borders of Eastern Siberia. We decided to maintain the name of the Festival, filling it with a new geographical meaning: “Zodchestvo in Siberia”. In 2018 the Festival was held in Barnaul, the capital of Altai, and in 2019 it was held in Tomsk. The twentieth-anniversary event took place on the native land, the city of Irkutsk. This year, Kemerovo celebrates the 300th anniversary of Kuzbass and hospitably hosts the Festival “Zodchestvo in Siberia 2021”.

Pengmasku ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Muh Luthfi Mahrus ◽  
Lestari Kurniawati ◽  
Agung Dinarjito

This community service activity aims to provide education to employees of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes for South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung (Kanwil DJP Sumsel Babel) regarding inventory accounting materials in accordance with PSAK 14. In addition, the PKM team also provided additional discussions on PSAK 69 related to agricultural products. The implementation method consists of four stages, namely the preliminary stage in the form of a meeting to discuss technical activities, a preparatory meeting with the employees of the DGT Regional Office of South Sumatra Babel. The second stage is the preparation stage which contains the obligations of each team member including the preparation of materials. The third stage is the stage of implementing activities carried out using Zoom media. The last stage is evaluation and monitoring related to the evaluation of activities and consultancy related to material between participants and the team. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada pegawai Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Sumatera Selatan dan Bangka Belitung (Kanwil DJP Sumsel Babel) terkait materi akuntansi persediaan sesuai dengan PSAK 14. Selain itu, tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) juga memberikan tambahan pembahasan PSAK 69 terkait dengan produk agrikultur. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu tahap pendahuluan berupa rapat internal pembahasan teknis kegiatan, rapat persiapan dengan perwakilan pegawai Kanwil DJP Sumsel Babel. Tahap yang kedua yaitu tahap persiapan yang berisi pembagian kewajiban masing-masing anggota tim termasuk penyiapan materi. Tahap ketiga merupakan tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan media Zoom. Tahap terakhir adalah evaluasi dan monitoring terkait dengan evaluasi kegiatan dan konsultansi terkait materi antara peserta dan Tim.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 963
Benny Hartanto ◽  
Ningrum Astriawati ◽  
Waris Wibowo ◽  
Didik Sisdiyanto

ABSTRAKPengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan dan mensosialisasikan inovasi teknologi navigasi dalam  bidang  maritim melalui virtual outing untuk anak-anak Jogjakarta Montessori School Elementary Program. Peserta yang  dilibatkan dalam  kegiatan pengabdian  ini  yaitu  Guru-guru SD dan anak-anak kelas 4,5 dan 6. Rangkaian kegiatan ini meliputi 3 tahapan yaitu: Tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaaan dan tahap evaluasi. Tahap persiapan meliputi  persiapan alat-alat navigasi yang dimiliki oleh Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta dan pembuatan materi.  Tahap  pelaksanaan meliputi pembukaan, pemaparan materi dan penjelasan alat-alat navigasi di laboratorium simulator, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dan tanya jawab peserta yang hadir. Pada tahap evaluasi, peserta mengisi kuesioner melalui google form, hasil kuesioner yaitu  meliputi: aspek  presentasi  yang  disampaikan  pemateri  memiliki  nilai  kepuasan sebesar 76.27%,  aspek  atensi  yang disampaikan  oleh  pemateri terhadap pengenalan alat-alat navigasi mempunyai nilai kepuasan sebesar 83.05%,  aspek  motivasi tanya jawab mempunyai nilai kepuasan sebesar 88.14%,  rata-rata semua aspek mempunyai nilai kepuasan sebesar 82.48 % Kata kunci: teknologi; navigasi; maritim; virtual outing. ABSTRACTThis community service aims to introduce and socialize navigation technology innovations in the maritime field through virtual outings for the children of the Elementary Program in the Yogyakarta Montessori School. The participants involved in this service activity are elementary school teachers and children class 4,5 and 6. This series of activities includes 3 stages, namely: the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. The preparation stage completes the preparation of navigation tools owned by the Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta and the manufacture of materials. The implementation stage of the opening, the presentation of the material and navigational tools was followed by discussion and question and answer from the participants present. At the evaluation stage, participants filled out a questionnaire through the google form, the results of the questionnaire include: aspects of the presentation delivered by the speaker have a satisfaction value of 76.27%, aspects of attention submitted by speakers to the introduction of navigation tools have a satisfaction value of 83.05%, aspects of question and answer motivation have a satisfaction value of 88.14%, on average all aspects have a satisfaction value of 82.48 %. Keywords: technology; navigation; maritime; virtual outing 

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