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Published By Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya


Isabella Hasiana

This research is motivated by the lack of use of letter cards in learning in kindergarten, in this case to develop children's reading skills, it is very necessary to have interesting learning such as letter card games, because by using letter card games  develop the ability of the right brain, can recognize letters easily, with letter cards children can learn while playing, so that children are not easily bored and bored, children in kindergarten Amanda are less developed reading skills because of that many children can not read, develop abilities  reading children can help children in preparing themselves to enter elementary school, this can make it easier for children to read because children already know the basics. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of the game of letter cards on the reading ability of group A children at TK Amanda Cipta Menanggal Surabaya. The method in this study is a quantitative research method using the type of Pre-Experiential Design in the form of One Group Protest-Postest Design. This quantitative research has 3 stages: pretest, treatment treatment and posttest. Data collection used is observation and documentation. The results of the study were that there was no effect of letter card games on the reading ability of group A children in Amanda Cipta Menanggal Kindergarten, this was evidenced from the pre-test and post-test data obtained using SPSS v.20 which showed that the sig value obtained was 0,21<0.05, then Ho is automatically accepted Ha is rejected.


Puzzle is a game that is played with the aim of arranging images, images are randomized beforehand. So people who play it try to arrange it in the frame by connecting pieces or pieces of small images so that they become whole images. Puzzle games given to young children are expected to benefit the children's memory abilities. Pejajaran Kindergarten which in this case the learning model is still classical and the teacher center is still very minimal in providing constructive educational games for early childhood. This is a problem for early childhood, by providing puzzle games, it is hoped that children can improve their memory. According to Jamil (2008:81) This puzzle game tests the speed and accuracy of a child's reaction to a hint given to him. This study uses a pre-experimental research design with the type of One-Group Pre-Test Post-Test. The subjects in this study were group B TK Pejajaran with a total of 25 children. With observation and documentation data collection techniques. While the analysis using SPSS V.20. The results of research with the t test Sig (0,000) < 0,005 means there is an influence between the puzzle game with the child's memory ability. Puzzle games in addition to memory skills can also train children to solve problems, develop eye and hand coordination, develop cognitive and fine motor skills. Keywords : Benefits of Puzzles, children's memory

Dini Rahmasari

Latar belakang yang mendorong penelitian ini adalah belum adanya sekolah yang menggunakan sistem perangkat pembelajaran yang terintegrasi mulai dari penyusunan RPPM hingga proses penilaian. Sangat dibutuhkan sistem yang terintegrasi untuk meringankan beban guru dalam penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran. Penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran yang efisien dan efektif dengan menggunakan teknologi komputer sangat penting bagi pendidik. Berdasarkan konteks penelitian, maka fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah “Bagaimanakah Implementasi Siperan (Sistem Perangkat Pembelajaran) berbasis single user dalam penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran di KB-TK Islam Al Fath Semarang?” Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi Siperan (Sistem Perangkat Pembelajaran) berbasis single user dalam penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran di KB-TK Islam Al Fath Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif berupa kata-kata, tulis, lisan, dan gambar. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di KB-TK Islam Al Fath Semarang. Data bersumber dari person, place, process, dan  paper. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di KB-TK Islam Al Fath Semarang, Implementasi Siperan (Sistem Perangkat Pembelajaran) berbasis Single User memberikan dampak positif dalam proses penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran. Kemudahan dalam mengoperasikan template Siperan telah memberikan kemudahan kepada guru untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas administrasinya mulai dari penyusunan rencana pembelajaran hingga membuat penilaian baik itu penilaian harian, rekap mingguan, rekap bulanan dan membuat catatan anekdot. Template Siperan memiliki komponen yang lengkap dan sesuai dengan pedoman K13 PAUD. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini saran yang dapat disampaikan adalah supaya Siperan (Sistem Perangkat Pembelajaran) berbasis Single User dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif guru dalam proses penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran khususnya jenjang Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini.

Hamzia marie

Abstrak Perkembangan emosional anak sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan kepribadian anak, yang mana anak mempunyai emosional/tempramen yang berbeda-beda yaitu, anak bertempramen mudah, anak bertempramen sulit, dan anak bertempramen lambat. Dalam riset ini, peneliti ingin menganalisis fenotipik dalam cakupan karakter psikologis yaitu kepribadian anak, yang mana kepribadian tersebut memiliki dampak pengaruh dari perkembangan emosional anak. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penyusunan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan tela’ah pustaka. Pengalaman emosi suatu individu semakin meluas sejalan dengan pengalamannya dalam mengalami emosi diri yang disadarinya seperti bangga, malu, dan rasa bersalah. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan emosional anak, sehingga emosi tersebut sangat berpengaruh terhadap kepribadiannya yaitu: pengasuhan orangtua, perilaku yang salah pada anak, hubungan individu dengan saudara kandung dan urutan kelahiran suatu individu, hubungan individu dengan kawan sebaya, bermain, dan televisi.  

Abd Cholid

Social distancing has an impact for all activities implemented at home so that parents are expected become stimulants to achieve children's development tasks. Therefore we need a model of sport physical activity to increase bonding between mother and child during the social distancing because Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used development research. The results of acceptability assessment from package I include of usability aspect with a mean score of 85.93%, the convenience aspect of 88.28%, the accuracy aspect of 88.22% and the appropriateness aspect of 88.85%. Furthermore, package II includes of usability aspects of 85.93%, the convenience aspect of 88.28%, the accuracy aspect of 88.22% and the appropriateness aspect of 88.85%. The assessment is sourced from expert tests, product-user candidate tests and field tests so it can be concluded that the I and II packages are very good and dont need to be revised. The result of effectiveness product test showed that mean pre-test score (XB) was 655 and the post-test mean score (XA) was 712, so that XA>XB. The results of pre-test and post-test scores seen in the binomial test table obtained p = 0.004 when compared with the t table value at the 5% significance level, 0.004 <0.05, so it can be concluded that physical sports activity package is effective to increase bonding between mothers and children at social distancing period.

Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Azlin Atika Putri ◽  
Siti Fadillah

Learning motivation is one of the most important on psychological aspects for students in achieving learning success. The implementation of learning during the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Indonesia using the learning from home “Belajar dari Rumah (BDR)”. This learning program makes children unable to interact directly with their friends and teachers. This fact raises the question, how is children's motivation to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic, at which time children tend to be faced with online learning. This study aims to describe the independence of early childhood who come from poor families. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection through an e-questionnaire using a google form. The research population is the early age in Pekanbaru City who implement the BDR program. The sample was selected by purposive sampling technique. The instrument used is a psychological scale, namely learning motivation. Overall, from all indicators, children's learning motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic is already in the moderate category, which is 78%. This means that most of the early childhood students who study from home during the COVID-19 pandemic have moderate motivation. 8% of children who are respondents have high motivation to learn and the remaining 14% of children have low motivation to learn.


 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan informasi tentang persepsi orangtua terhadap pendampingan pembelajaran daring akibat  pandemi COVID-19 yang menyebar diseluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Hal tersebut sangat merugikan semua pihak termasuk dunia pendidikan. Berhubung dengan kondisi pandemic COVID 19, maka dari itu pendidikan pada anak usia dini harus tetap dilaksanakan agar hak-hak anak dalam pendidikan tetap diterima oleh anak usia dini. Anak tetap harus mengikuti pembelajaran sehingga tetap menerima pendidikan dirumah dengan pendampingan orangtua. Namun tentu saja, pembelajaran daring merupakan tantangan bagi orangtua yang tidak bekerja maupun yang berkerja sehingga menimbulkan persepsi pada setiap orangtua siswa.  

Kristin Anggraini

This research was driven by a change in the implementation of learning in PAUD during the Covid-19 pandemic virus, which was originally conducted face-to-face and turned into virtual. Based on this, the researcher wants to know the readiness, willingness and involvement of PAUD educators in implementing virtual learning. This research is a qualitative research with literature-based data sources collected from several articles contained in various international journals and surveys that have been conducted to about two hundred and fifty-six teachers in East Java who confirmed that as many as 10.5% stated strongly agree, as many as 50.4% agreed while 39.1% stated that they did not agree / were not willing to support efforts to implement virtual learning for early childhood. The results of this study are expected to be a recommendation for policy makers to carry out virtual learning in early childhood classes in order to break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia.

Siti Hamidah

The problem in this study is the low ability of the Kindergarten Head in managing school administration. This was proven by the incomplete management documents of the school administration by 30 Kindergarten Heads in Sedati District. The purpose of the study was to improve the ability of the Kindergarten Head in the Sedati District in the management of school administration. The research subjects were 30 Kindergarten Heads in Sedati District. This research was conducted in two cycles. The data collection method uses observation and documentation techniques. Data validation used in this action research is democratic, process and dialogic validation. Data analysis was performed by comparing results on initial conditions, results of cycle I, results of cycle II. The results showed that in the initial conditions 30 Kindergarten Heads were declared unable to manage administration well or 0% with an average rating of 40.29, increasing to 12 Kindergarten Heads or 40% in the first cycle with an average yield of 58.75 and 100% in the second cycle with the acquisition of an average value of 77.89. The explanation of the criteria for the value of the initial conditions is less, increasing to enough and good in the last cycle. looking at the data obtained from the results of research in this school ction research activity, it can be concluded that the K3TK activities in the Patronage of Sedati Subdistrict conducted by school supervisors for 30 Kindergarten Heads were declared successful in increasing the ability of the Kindergarten Head in managing school administration.

Ana Nur Hidayah

Abstract The problem faced in this study is the reading ability of children aged 4-5 years old is still low, it is caused by teachers who tend to use classical learning strategies when introducing letters or words. To develop the reading ability of children aged 4-5 years old must be adjusted to the characteristics of early childhood, namely learning through play. One form of game stimulation that is able to develop children's reading skills is the snake and ladder game, by using the snake and ladder game in learning, it is expected that children's reading ability of 4-5 years old will develop optimally. This research uses the action research method, while the research design used is in the form of a cycle that refers to the Kemmis and Mc Taggrat models with the following steps: 1) planning, 2) action, 3) observation, 4) reflection. In this study only reached the planner stage, namely making RRPM, RPPH and snake ladder games that have been modified by researchers to develop reading skills in children aged 4-5 years old, then the learning device is validated by experts and declared to meet practical aspects so that it is feasible to use to develop language skills of children aged 4-5 years old. The population in this study were children aged 4-5 years old at Dharma Wanita I Rowoharjo Nganjuk Kindergarten in 2019/2020, taking a sample of 18 children consisting of 11 boys and 7 girls

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