Wahana Teknik Sipil: Jurnal Pengembangan Teknik Sipil
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Published By Politeknik Negeri Semarang

2527-4333, 0853-8727

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Kusdiyono Kusdiyono ◽  
Herry Ludiro Wahyono ◽  
Marchus Budi Utomo ◽  
Imam Nurhadi

<p>At this time, plastic is a material that is needed by the wider community and its impact is also extraordinary after the plastic is used in everyday life which can cause serious problems if the management is not done properly. The problem of plastic waste does not only occur in the city of Semarang, but also in other cities, so that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to impose a program to use paid plastic bags in the short term. But this is only to deal with problems in the short term. In the long run, it will not solve the problem of "plastic waste", because the policy actually encourages people to buy plastic which, of course, will add a new burden on the community to buy it. The results showed that the compressive strength of light brick with the model / type of BN s.d. B10.0 with 10 variations of the mixture of the addition of plastic waste starting from (1.0 to 10.0)% to the weight of Portland Cement (PC) there is a decrease in the average compressive strength. The lowest was the addition of 10.0% plastic waste with an average compressive strength of 9.88 kg / cm². The regression equation obtained Y = 0.042 X ² - 1.177 X + 18.84 with a correlation value R ² = 0.934, meaning that the addition of plastic waste ranging from (1.0 to 10.0)% of the weight of Portland Cement (PC) has the effect of "very strong "against the compressive strength. So we can get a picture that by adding the addition of plastic waste affects the compressive strength decreases. So that it can be investigated with other compositions by adding Fly Ash and sand made with a mixture ratio of 1 PC: 2 Aggregate (Sand and Fly Ash), with the hope that this Fly Ash waste can also be used for lightweight brick building elements</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Eko Marsudi Utomo ◽  
Mochamad Agung Wibowo ◽  
Sriyana Sriyana

Based on the initial plan from the contract of the Rehabilitation Klambu Kiri’s Project, main channel's work was carried out continously by an open and closed system using the kistdam method. However by the time of execution work, the stakeholders wanted the work in the main channel to be carried out based on cropping pattern, where there a drying period and a drainage period. In this case, flow area and bottom structure of the channel can only be worked during the drying period lasting three months. To be able to determine the impact of these change, a duration calculation is carried out from project's data which are internal's BQ, initial plan's resources, and the relations between activities using Microsoft Project on the flow section structure which be worked in drying period of 2017. The normal duration obtained from analysis is 203 days. It was exceeded time of drying period and possibly could have an impact on the overall project completion schedule resulting in delays, defaults and even termination of contracts. Therefore, it is necessary to have an accelerate strategy of the work on the flow section structure to be completed within a predetermined time. In this study, the acceleration strategy was carried out using crashing analysis in the critical activities from normal duration using Microsoft Project. The crashing method was carried out in stages from the crashing simulation of 30 days, 60 days, to 120 days so that obtained the duration of acceleration was 83 days. The cost component of acceleration is calculated by choosing the lowest cost from the alternatives of increasing work hours (overtime) or by adding resources. From the simulation results, the crash cost to complete the acceleration work is Rp. 1.298.307.591,- or about 2,05% of direct cost, so the efficiency is Rp. 9.692.409,- from normal duration

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Warsiti Warsiti ◽  
Risman Risman ◽  
Ardhi Ristiawan

It is hoped that the study of air quality monitoring in the area around the road can provide input to the Policy Provider regarding the number of motorized vehicles and road geometry planning so that air quality continues to meet health standards. The tool used in this study is a CO meter. Data was collected for 1 week on roads in Semarang by recording the number of vehicles passing within a certain period of time on roads with various road slopes and the amount of CO levels in the air. The data from the measurement results are compiled and then analyzed, namely analyzing the relationship between the amount of CO content in the air and the number of vehicles on the road with a certain slope. From the results of the analysis, the results will be obtained how much influence the number of passing vehicles with CO levels in the air on roads with certain slopes. The resulting output is a graph of the relationship between CO levels and the number of vehicles on various road slopes. The results showed that there was an increase in the amount of CO to the number of vehicles for the variation of the road slope of 0.5%, 2% and 5%. A significant increase in the amount of CO occurred during peak hours, namely 7.00 - 8.00 and 16.00 - 17.00 hours even exceeding the established threshold of 15,000 μg / Nm3.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Khansa Ramadianti ◽  
Nunung Widyaningsih

The Government of Jakarta is trying to reduce the traffic volume by launching many new rail-based public transportation modes in this Jakarta Capital Region, one of them is Jakarta LRT. There are so many special things at the LRT Velodrome Station, for example the strategic location of Velodrome, the Jakarta International Velodrome stadium, integrated with Transjakarta transportation mode, etc. Even though the Jakarta LRT is the new transportation mode, but the Jakarta LRT only used by few people, because the route is still too short only 5,6 km (Pengangsaan Dua to Velodrome). So, this research discuss about the preference of passengers in using Jakarta LRT as the option for their daily transportation. The analysis of data obtained in this research by using the “Importance Performance Analysis” method, and analyzed the validity and reliability by using SPSS 24 program. The results of people’s preferences by using Jakarta LRT in this research are located in quadrant II that have a good performance on passengers satisfaction, so the performance must be maintained. And the items that needs to be improved for the efficiency and effectiveness are located in quadrant I that requires the high priority on its performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Ilham Sahid Wismana Putra ◽  
Ferry Hermawan ◽  
Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko

Flood is a disaster that has the biggest threat, in terms of the number of victims or losses. Semarang City is a city that is classified as a flood prone area, this is due to the geographical location in the lowlands and highlands. The impact of the flood disaster caused damage and losses from various sectors of public infrastructure including the education service sector and health services. Damage and loss of public infrastructure will burden the government in the post-flood recovery phase. An assessment of infrastructure damage and losses from flooding is needed in order to help the Semarang City Government prepare a budget plan and manage rehabilitation and reconstruction. The purpose of this research is to explore the loss of public infrastructure due to the impact of the flood disaster, so that it can accelerate the post-disaster recovery process and management strategies for the risk of further flood disasters. The valuation method used is ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean) Method. This method can identify damage and estimate the losses caused by floods. The results of this study are that each public infrastructure building has a different level of damage and loss and the budget allocation for disaster management each year is still inadequate. A risk transfer strategy is needed with an insurance financing scheme based on the level of risk in each infrastructure building.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Rezza Mahendra Putra ◽  
Mochamad Agung Wibowo ◽  
Syafrudin Syafrudin

The world of industrial construction is always developing, thus there are negative impacts arise such as the reduction of free / green land, the use of construction materials originated from natural resources in very large quantities, excessive use of energy, and air pollution. We can actually use the tropical climate in buildings and the environments using the green building concept. The green building concept includes several parts of the construction process such as green initiation (awareness of the green building concept), green design (green building design), green construction (environmentally friendly construction process), green operation &amp; maintenance (green building maintenance). This research is conducted with the aim of analyzing the effectiveness of the application of the green building concept in construction of the buildings. The method used in this study is to compare the total cost of maintenance and impact between buildings categorized as buildings with conventional concepts and buildings with green building concepts. The variables used in this study to include the use of the type of material, monthly electricity costs, and monthly water costs. In processing the data the writer use EDGE software and the results of data processing will show the difference in the total maintenance costs of the two buildings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Adityo Budi Utomo ◽  
Iman Satyarno ◽  
Muslikh Muslikh

Increasingly expensive price of quality woods and difficulties of workmanship, it makes people switch from wood to lightweight steel as a roof truss. The use of lightweight steel as truss becomes popular because of the fast workmanship dan durability of the material. Many cases show that lightweight steel truss at school and house collapsed and caused a fatality. This lightweight steel truss study was carried out on a full scale with a span of 6 m and a slope of 300, while the loading test pattern at the placement points of battens was like truss in the community. The goals of this study to measure and observe several parameters including weight, maximum capacity, stiffness, ductility, price, length of work, and failure pattern. From testing, the result shows that lightweight steel truss has dead weight, maximum capacity, stiffness value, ductility value, price, working time, and failure pattern respectively of 21,3 kg,734 kg, 91,18 kg/mm, 2,97, Rp 1.740.000, 2 days, and failure pattern is buckling on the diagonal top chord. The result of this research indicates that lightweight steel truss can be used in the community with the limitation of using metal roof coverings instead of concrete or ceramic and the distance between the truss max 1,2 m.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Muhammad Ramli ◽  
Muhram Sula Idris ◽  
Wihdah Wihdah ◽  
Aswad Almuqarram ◽  
Hamdana Khaerunnisa

The main issue in the utilization of ground water is always related to the decrease in water table or piezometric level. The decreasing of groundwater level is often accompanied by number of environmental impacts such as; subsidence, sea water intrusion, or reduced water from residents' wells and surface water bodies. Therefore, an experimental and numerical study was carried out to learn phenomena of cone depression resulted by groundwater production well. The experimental study of physical modeling used the S12-MKII Hydrology Study System equipment, and numerical modeling used Groundwater Modeling Software - Modflow. The modeling results were verified by analytical estimation. The results indicated that the groundwater withdrawn obtained with physical model and numerical simulation is bigger than estimated by analytical equation, particularly in estimating groundwater divide to a well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Jayanti Rizqi Novianka P ◽  
Khrisna Dwi Hidayati ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Junaidi Junaidi

Traffic volume in Semarang City has increased every year due to the increasing number of vehicles. Congestion that occurs at the T-junction intersection Jl. Brigjen Sudiarto - Jl. Majapahit is one of the impacts of high traffic growth and the traffic system is not functioning properly. By considering the geometric conditions of the road, traffic volume, side obstacles and the intersection environment which is a commercial area, it is necessary to analyze the cause of the congestion at the intersection. The research conducted was to conduct a field survey to obtain primary and secondary data which are then processed using intersection management. Planning uses the 1997 Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) and uses the Excel 2013 program to process traffic data. Traffic data is obtained from recording the number of vehicles in the field for 3 days (April 29, 01 and May 4, 2019) during peak hours and presented in the form of a vehicle data table, then the behavior of the intersection can be analyzed. From the analysis results obtained value of the degree of saturation (DS) at the intersection of Jl. Brigjen Sudiarto - Jl. Majapahit 0.991. This value has exceeded the required value by the 1997 MKJI, DS ≤ 0.85. The analysis shows that the average traffic delay is 141,320 sec / pcu, so this intersection has a Service Level (LOS) F (&gt; 60).

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Fajar Surya Herlambang ◽  
Evin Yudhi Setyono

Some research on the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) test has not covered much about the problems encountered during the data collection process. Based on experience using UPV test equipment, it is known that instability occurs in reading the test results. This is caused by the inability of the operator, in maintaining the stability of the transducer both in its position and pressure, especially in the measurement with the overhead position. Therefore, in this study a tool was made to make the transducer stable in the test position. Comparison of measurement results shows that, the uncertainty of wave velocity measurement decreases from the range of 4% -17% to 0.2% -0.4%. Meanwhile, the uncertainty of measurement of wave travel time decreased from the range of 0.8% -14% to 0.1% -0.4%. This can be interpreted that, the level of accuracy of measurements using a transducer stabilizer is 99.6% -99.9%. Thus, the use of transducer stabilizers is believed to be able to improve measurement accuracy.

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