pulse velocity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 836
Nilo Cesar Consoli ◽  
Jordanna Chamon Vogt ◽  
João Paulo Sousa Silva ◽  
Helder Mansur Chaves ◽  
Hugo Carlos Scheuermann Filho ◽  

Failures of tailings dams, primarily due to liquefaction, have occurred in Brazil in recent years. These events have prompted the Brazilian government to place restrictions on the construction of new dams, as iron ore tailings deposited behind upstream dams by spigotting have been shown to have low in situ densities and strengths and are prone to failure. This work proposes a new trend for tailings disposal: stacking compacted filtered ore tailings–Portland cement blends. As part of the proposal, it analyses the behaviour of compacted iron ore tailings–Portland cement blends, considering the use of small amounts of Portland cement under distinct compaction degrees. With the intention of evaluating the stress–strain–strength–durability behaviour of the blends, the following tests were carried out: unconfined compression tests; pulse velocity tests; wetting–drying tests; and standard drained triaxial compression tests with internal measurement of strains. This is the first study performed to determine the strength and initial shear stiffness evolution of iron ore tailings–Portland cement blends during their curing time, as well friction angle and cohesion intercept. This manuscript postulates an analysis of original experimental results centred on the porosity/cement index (η/Civ). This index can help select the cement quantity and density for important design parameters of compacted iron ore tailings–cement blends required in geotechnical engineering projects such as the proposed compacted filtered iron ore tailings–cement blends stacking.

2022 ◽  
Stefan Möstl ◽  
Fabian Hoffmann ◽  
Jan-Niklas Hönemann ◽  
Jose Ramon Alvero-Cruz ◽  
Jörn Rittweger ◽  

Aim. Pulse wave velocity independently predicts cardiovascular risk. Easy to use single cuff oscillometric methods are utilized in clinical practice to estimate pulse wave velocity. We applied the approach in master athletes to assess possible beneficial effects of lifelong exercise on vascular health. Furthermore, we compared single cuff measurements with a two-cuff method in another cohort. Methods. We obtained single cuff upper arm oscillometric measurements thrice in 129 master athletes aged 35 to 86 years and estimated pulse wave velocity using the ArcSolver algorithm. We applied the same method in 24 healthy persons aged 24 to 55 years participating in a head down tilt bedrest study. In the latter group, we also obtained direct pulse wave velocity measurements using a thigh cuff.Results. Estimated pulse velocity very highly correlated with age (R2 = 0.90) in master athletes. Estimated pulse wave velocity values were located on the same regression line like values obtained in participants of the head down tilt bed rest study. The modest correlation between estimated and measured PWV (r² 0.40; p<0.05) was attenuated after adjusting for age; the mean difference between pulse wave velocity measurements was 1 m/s.Conclusion. Estimated pulse wave velocity mainly reflects the entered age rather than true vascular properties and, therefore, failed detecting beneficial effects of life long exercise.Funding. The AGBRESA-Study was funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the European Space Agency (ESA, contract number 4000113871/15/NL/PG) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, contract number 80JSC018P0078). Fabian Hoffmann received funding by the DLR and the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology, BMWi (50WB1816). SM, JT and JJ were supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, BMK (SPACE4ALL Project, FFG No. 866761).

2022 ◽  
Vol 92 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Catharina J. Heerema ◽  
Matthieu J.B. Cartigny ◽  
Ricardo Silva Jacinto ◽  
Stephen M. Simmons ◽  
Ronan Apprioual ◽  

ABSTRACT Turbidity currents triggered at river mouths form an important highway for sediment, organic carbon, and nutrients to the deep sea. Consequently, it has been proposed that the deposits of these flood-triggered turbidity currents provide important long-term records of past river floods, continental erosion, and climate. Various depositional models have been suggested to identify river-flood-triggered turbidite deposits, which are largely based on the assumption that a characteristic velocity structure of the flood-triggered turbidity current is preserved as a recognizable vertical grain size trend in their deposits. Four criteria have been proposed for the velocity structure of flood-triggered turbidity currents: prolonged flow duration; a gradual increase in velocity; cyclicity of velocity magnitude; and a low peak velocity. However, very few direct observations of flood-triggered turbidity currents exist to test these proposed velocity structures. Here we present direct measurements from the Var Canyon, offshore Nice in the Mediterranean Sea. An acoustic Doppler current profiler was located 6 km offshore from the river mouth, and provided detailed velocity measurements that can be directly linked to the state of the river. Another mooring, positioned 16 km offshore, showed how this velocity structure evolved down-canyon. Three turbidity currents were measured at these moorings, two of which are associated with river floods. The third event was not linked to a river flood and was most likely triggered by a seabed slope failure. The multi-pulsed and prolonged velocity structure of all three (flood- and landslide-triggered) events is similar at the first mooring, suggesting that it may not be diagnostic of flood triggering. Indeed, the event that was most likely triggered by a slope failure matched the four flood-triggered criteria best, as it had prolonged duration, cyclicity, low velocity, and a gradual onset. Hence, previously assumed velocity-structure criteria used to identify flood-triggered turbidity currents may be produced by other triggers. Next, this study shows how the proximal multi-pulsed velocity structure reorganizes down-canyon to produce a single velocity pulse. Such rapid-onset, single-pulse velocity structure has previously been linked to landslide-triggered events. Flows recorded in this study show amalgamation of multiple velocity pulses leading to shredding of the flood signal, so that the original initiation mechanism is no longer discernible at just 16 km from the river mouth. Recognizing flood-triggered turbidity currents and their deposits may thus be challenging, as similar velocity structures can be formed by different triggers, and this proximal velocity structure can rapidly be lost due to self-organization of the turbidity current.

2022 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
Tomas Melichar ◽  
Jiri Bydzovsky ◽  
Jiri Brozovsky ◽  
Miroslav Vacula

AbstractThe paper presents research focused on behaviour of cement-bonded particleboards with modified composition during sudden changes of temperature and humidity. Four types of boards were made—one control and three modified ones. Finely ground limestone was used as a modifying component in binder. Secondary wood particles made from crushing cuttings of cement-bonded particleboards were used as chips substituent. Two sets of test specimens (1 set = 6 test specimens) were manufactured. The first set was stored in laboratory conditions. The second set was subjected to 10 cycles of sudden changes of temperature (− 20 °C to + 70 °C) and humidity in accordance with EN 321 (further in the paper referred to as “wet–frost–dry cycle”.) After each cycle, dimensions and mass of the test specimens as well as ultrasonic pulse velocity were determined. A detailed analysis of structural changes in boards during cycling was carried out by an optical microscope. After 10 wet–frost–dry cycles were completed, bending strength and modulus of elasticity in bending were determined. The analysis of test results implies a very good relation between change of ultrasonic pulse velocity and width of cracks in the area of interfacial zone between cement matrix and wood particles. This finding also corresponds with dimensional and volumetric changes of the boards. Dependence of bending strength and modulus of elasticity in bending on composition of boards is apparent. Positive influence of secondary spruce chips on dimensional changes of cement-bonded particleboards caused by sudden changes of temperature and humidity was proved. Finely ground limestone contributes to more resistant structure of boards which leads to improved bending properties. Adverse conditions had more considerable influence on bending strength (decrease by 21% to 26%) than on modulus of elasticity in bending (decrease by 12% to 19%).

Buildings ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Mahmoud Ziada ◽  
Yosra Tammam ◽  
Savaş Erdem ◽  
Roberto Alonso González Lezcano

Unlike conventional concrete materials, Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) use a micromechanics-based design theory in the material design process. Recently, the use of nanoparticles in various concretes and mortars has increased. This study used nanocalcite to investigate the mechanical, microstructural fractal analysis of environmentally friendly nanocalcite-doped ECC (NCa-ECC). This paper investigated the effects of nanocalcite (NCa) with different contents (0.5, 1, and 1.5% by mass of binder) on the mechanical properties of engineered cementitious composites (ECC). For this purpose, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), and flexural strength tests were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of the ECC series. In addition, SEM analyses were carried out to investigate the microstructural properties of the ECC series. The content of nanocalcite improved the mechanical and microstructural properties of the nanocalcite-modified ECC series. In addition, the 1 NCa series (1% nanocalcite modified to the mass of the binder) had the best performance among the series used in this study.

Ana Carolina Costa Viana ◽  
Poliana Dias de Moraes ◽  
Ivo José Padaratz

Abstract The ultrasonic pulse velocity, obtained by ultrasonic non-destructive testing, has been applied to evaluate the concrete integrity. The attenuation parameters have shown more sensitivity to damage detection in the microstructure of concrete since they consider the entire ultrasonic waveform. However, it is still necessary to evaluate the sensitivity of those parameters to thermally damaged concrete. This work aims to assess the behavior and the sensitivity of the following ultrasonic parameters: pulse and group velocities, maximum amplitude, total energy, accumulated energy, and time instants corresponding to 25%, 50%, and 75% of the energy, in detecting changes due to thermal degradation of the concrete. A sample of 39 cylindrical concrete specimens with 100 mm in diameter and 300 mm in length and C25 strength class was used. The sample was distributed into 5 groups heated between 20 and 400 ºC until the internal temperature of the specimens became homogeneous. The groups were cooled inside a muffle furnace until reaching 150 ºC. Subsequently, they were exposed to the ambient temperature and humidity of the laboratory environment for, at least, 24 hours prior to the tests of mass loss, ultrasound, and compressive strength. The results show that the ultrasonic parameters are sensitive to the thermal degradation of the concrete. The pulse velocity, the accumulated energy, and the time instants corresponding to percentages of the energy decrease monotonically as the temperature increases. The group velocity shows significant dispersions, while the maximum amplitude and the total energy increase at 200 ºC. The results led to the conclusion that the pulse velocity is the least sensitive parameter, while the time instants corresponding to 25%, 50%, and 75% of the energy are the most sensitive parameters in detecting changes due to thermal degradation of the concrete.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1212 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
A S Dermawan ◽  
S M Dewi ◽  
Wisnumurti ◽  
A Wibowo

Abstract The concreted conditions assessment of the systems is an essential aspect of security assessment programs. In situ measurements of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) may be indicative of the level of damage in the original concrete. UPV influenced by the specific characteristics of the mixture. In situ UPV measurements can be indicative of the level of damage in the original concrete. The research purpose is the damage classification, UPV test interpretation (strength, density, elasticity modulus, Concrete Quality Designation (CQD)), and determines the level of structural damage visually so that more accurate inspection results. The research result showed that the plastic hinge was more damaged than other parts of the beam-column joints. The UPV test obtained density 0.84-1.03 g/cm3, CQD 10% -20%, static elastic modulus 7.68-8.39 Gpa according to [3],[4] including very poor and visually is included in category IV spalling off of covering concrete (crack width > 2mm). The use of UPV as supporting assessment for classification, repair, and maintenance of structures. If density, CQD, and elastic modulus of defining very poor classification, the structure that needs immediate repair. The use of UPV is faster, without damaging parts of the structure, and also induces damage to the core specimens as a result of the coring process, making it faster and more economical.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 209-215
Yunje Lee ◽  
Jaehun Ahn ◽  
Yungtak Oh ◽  
Jaegeon Lee

The expansion of impervious areas owing to urbanization has adverse effects on water circulation. The application of low-impact development techniques to solve these problems is gaining popularity. Among others, Permeable pavements are the most widely employed low-impact development techniques. In this study, the dynamic modulus and tensile strength of pervious polymer concrete pavement were evaluated before and after freezing-thawing cycles. A tensile strength test, performed to check the soundness of the pervious polymer concrete, yielded a tensile strength and tensile strength ratio of 0.66 to 0.96 MPa, and 72 to 83%, respectively. The ultrasonic pulse velocity was measured to determine the dynamic modulus according to the freezing-thawing cycles. When 300 freezing-thawing cycles were performed, the dynamic modulus was analyzed to drop to a level of 77~85% of the initial value. The standards for freezing and thawing tests of pervious concrete have not yet been established. It is necessary to develop test standards for freezing-thawing resistance of pervious concretes considering climate change.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 290
Farhan Ahmad ◽  
Arshad Jamal ◽  
Mudassir Iqbal ◽  
Muwaffaq Alqurashi ◽  
Meshal Almoshaogeh ◽  

Nano graphite platelets (NGPs) belong to the carbon family and have a huge impact on the construction industry. NGPs are used as multi-functional fillers and have the potential to develop reinforcing within cementitious composites. In this paper, NGPs were incorporated in cementitious composites to investigate the effects of NGPs on the fresh, mechanical, durability, and microstructural properties of concrete. Five mixes were prepared with intrusion of NGPs (0%, 0.5%, 1.5%, 3%, and 5% by weight of cement). The properties studied involved workability, air content, hardened density, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, sorptivity, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), water absorption, and external sulfate attack. The workability and percent air content decrease by 22.5% and 33.8%, respectively, for concrete with 5% NGPs compared to the control mix. The specimens containing 5% of NGPs revealed the hardened density, compressive, tensile, and flexural strength to increase by 11.4%, 38.5%, 31.6%, and 44.34%, respectively, compared to the control mix. The results revealed that the incorporation of 5%NGPs in cementitious composites reduces the sorptivity and water absorption by 32.2% and 73.9%, respectively, whereas, it increases the UPV value by 7.5% compared to the control mix. Furthermore, the incorporation of NGPs provided better resistance against external sulfate attacks. SEM–EDX spectroscopy was carried out to investigate its microstructural analysis.

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