Research Methods and Data Sources

2019 ◽  
pp. 9-42
Naoko Horii
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Sri Wahyuni

The purpose of this research is to study and to analyze the pattern of tourist destinations to determine the excellence of attractions in each district in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, as a tourist attraction. This research uses qualitative research methods with sampling techniques using positive sampling. Data sources used are informants, tourist attractions, and documents. Determination of the advantages of a tourist attraction in a regency and even in the Special Region of Yogyakarta aims to increase the selling power or visitors of a tourist attraction and become an icon or mascot in the regency or region in Yogyakarta Special Region. From the results of the discussion, it was concluded that the most preeminent in the Yogyakarta Special Region was Tourism, Beach and Temple Villages. Keywords: Tourist Patterns, Tourist Attraction, Tourist Asset, Potential Resources

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 560-566 ◽  
Anat Rafaeli ◽  
Shelly Ashtar ◽  
Daniel Altman

New technologies create and archive digital traces—records of people’s behavior—that can supplement and enrich psychological research. Digital traces offer psychological-science researchers novel, large-scale data (which reflect people’s actual behaviors), rapidly collected and analyzed by new tools. We promote the integration of digital-traces data into psychological science, suggesting that it can enrich and overcome limitations of current research. In this article, we review helpful data sources, tools, and resources and discuss challenges associated with using digital traces in psychological research. Our review positions digital-traces research as complementary to traditional psychological-research methods and as offering the potential to enrich insights on human psychology.

2021 ◽  
Alan Jacobs ◽  
Diana Kapiszewski ◽  
Sebastian Karcher

In political science, qualitative analytic methods are rarely taught using “active learning” strategies. We discuss a novel approach to teaching such methods: having students engage with scholarship that has been annotated using Annotation for Transparent Inquiry (ATI). ATI allows authors to annotate passages in a digital publication to clarify methodology, add detail about evidence or analysis, or link to data sources. Learning methods through engagement with annotated articles allows students to interact with original data and to better understand and evaluate how authors collected, analyzed, and used those data. This leads students to learn research methods in a way that more closely approximates how they will use those methods in their own research. We present a general description of strategies for teaching with ATI. We illustrate the approach using three examples of instructors teaching both undergraduate and graduate students. We conclude with recommendations for effectively using ATI in the classroom.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 137 ◽  
Dylan Kneale ◽  
Robert French ◽  
Helen Spandler ◽  
Ingrid Young ◽  
Carrie Purcell ◽  

This letter seeks to synthesise methodological challenges encountered in a cohort of Wellcome Trust-funded research projects focusing on sexualities and health. The ten Wellcome Trust projects span a diversity of gender and sexual orientations and identities, settings; institutional and non-institutional contexts, lifecourse stages, and explore a range of health-related interventions.  As researchers, we originate from a breadth of disciplinary traditions, use a variety of research methods and data sources. Despite this breadth, four common themes are found across the projects: (i) inclusivity, representations and representativeness, (ii) lumping together of diverse groups, (iii) institutions and closed settings (iv) ethical and governance barriers.

Yustitia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-97
Moya Nurmelinda

Fiduciary is the transfer of ownership rights to an object on the basis of trust provided that the object whose ownership rights are transferred remains in the control of the owner of the object. While the Fiduciary guarantee in accordance with Article 1 paragraph 2 of Law no. 42 of 1999 is a security right on a movable object, both tangible and intangible and immovable objects, especially buildings that cannot be encumbered with mortgage rights. Research Methods in this scientific papers using normative juridical research methods. As well as using data collection techniques carried out using descriptive analysis techniques, with secondary data sources, which include primary legal materials such as laws and regulations relating to fiduciary and mortgage rights. The results in this research can beexplained that as referred to in Act No. 4 of 1996 concerning Mortgage Rights which remains in the control of the fiduciary, as collateral for the repayment of certain debts and gives priority to other creditors. Fiduciary guarantees can be carried out and stipulated in afiduciary certificate which is authorized by a notary. With this certificate, it can also be used as a protection for both parties, both as a borrower and as a lender, no one is harmed.

Ambar Ratmoko ◽  
Nurma Yunita

The purpose of this study is to explain and describe the Orderly Administration of Market Levy Payments in East Barito District, Central Kalimantan. The type of research used in this study is descriptive with qualitative research methods with observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data sources in this study are the Head of the Trade Office, the Head of the Market Management Division, the Head of Market Signatures, and the effective Banyan Market Traders. Based on the results of the study showed that the orderly administration of payment of market retribution had not gone well, this is because there are still many unregulated administrative traders every month and related agencies are not strict in taking action against traders who are not orderly administration. Traders complain that the government does not pay attention to market facilities, infrastructure in the form of roads and the level of market cleanliness. Kendal-constraints that prevent the Department of Commerce from carrying out administrative order, namely the lack of employees in the field and lack of assertiveness in carrying out their duties in taking action against traders who are not in orderly administration. The program carried out in carrying out administrative order is to register the name of the merchant and enter it into the database and make a rental contract for shops, market outlets and bases for a period of 2 years

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Ainur Rosikin ◽  
Yoga Klody Arianto ◽  
Nanda Amaliah Pramawanda ◽  
Abdul Halim Fathani

The purpose of this study is to help students who experience mathematical phobia by conducting mathematical therapy. Mathematical therapy was carried out using multimedia "digimonica". This research used quantitative research methods, type of action research. The data sources in this study were 13 students of Class XI of SMA Islam Hasyim Asy'ari Batu who have a mathematical phobia. Data collection method was done by using tests and interviews. The action research process began with the identification of problems, namely the level of students' mathematical phobias. This process was carried out by conducting a pretest, then the researcher conducted a mathematical therapy action with multimedia "digimonica" as an effort to overcome the students' mathematical phobia, then ended with a posttest. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest, the data obtained changes in the level of mathematical phobia of students. In the initial conditions, there were three categories of students who had mathematical phobias (mild, moderate, high), whereas after mathematical therapy, the level of mathematical phobia decreased (mild and moderate). In general, the average student successfully answered more than 2 questions correctly. This proves that therapy using multimedia "digimonica" can help students to reduce the level of mathematical phobia.

Rahmiati Rahmiati ◽  
Elfiani Elfiani

<p><em>This research is motivated by the decree in article 70 of Law act. 7 of 1989 regarding of the Religious Courts which regulates a grace period of 6 (six) months for witnessing a divorce pledge trial at the Religious Court. of setting this rule. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the talak pledge trial at the Bukittinggi Religious Court as well as to know the wisdom of determining the 6 (six) month grace period for pronouncing the divorce vows by the husband against the wife in front of the Religious Court. This paper uses descriptive field research methods within the framework of qualitative analysis from data sources of observation, interviews and literature. The results of research and analysis found that the implementation of the pledge trial at the Bukittinggi Religious Court was carried out after the decision on the divorce divorce case had permanent legal force (inkracht), that is, if there was no ordinary legal remedy against the verdict. The time limit given to carry out the divorce pledge at the trial after the verdict with incraht is six months after the date of the divorce pledge trial is determined. The wisdom from determining a grace period of 6 (six) months for the husband to pledge his divorce is; First, to give the husband the opportunity to think about reviewing the decision to divorce his wife. Second, protection of the rights of women (wives). In this case, the husband is given the opportunity within this grace period to fulfill the rights of the wife who is demanded in court and decided by the panel of judges.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh</em><em> </em><em>ketentuan dalam Pasal 70 UU No 7 Tahun 1989 tentang Peradilan Agama yang mengatur tenggang waktu 6 (enam) bulan untuk penyaksian sidang ikrar talak di Pengadilan Agama</em><em>. Aturan ini sejatinya tidak ditemukan di dalam kajian fiqh, namun secara fungsi belum terungkap kegunaan dari penetapan aturan ini</em><em>. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan sidang ikrar talak di Pengadilan Agama Bukittinggi</em><em> sekaligus </em><em>mengetahui hikmah dari penetapan tenggang waktu 6 (enam) bulan untuk pengucapan ikrar talak oleh suami terhadap isteri dihadapan sidang Pengadilan Agama. </em><em>Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif dalam kerangka analisis kualitatif dari sumber data observasi, wawancara dan literatur. Hasil penelitian dan analisa ditemukan bahwa pelaksanaan sidang ikrar talak di Pengadilan Agama Bukittinggi dilakukan setelah keputusan perkara cerai talak mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap (inkracht), yaitu apabila terhadap putusan tersebut tidak adalagi upaya hukum biasa. </em><em>Tenggang waktu yang diberikan untuk melaksanakan ikrar talak di Persidangan setelah putusan Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap (BHT) adalah enam bulan sejak penetapan hari sidang ikrar talak.</em><em> Hikmah dari penetapan tenggang waktu 6 (enam) bulan bagi suami untuk mengikrarkan talaknya adalah; Pertama, untuk memberikan kesempatan berpikir kepada suami guna mengkaji ulang keputusan menceraikan isterinya. Kedua, Perlindungan terhadap hak-hak perempuan (isteri). Dalam hal ini, suami diberi kesempatan dalam tenggang waktu tersebut, untuk memenuhi hak-hak isteri yang dituntut di persidangan dan diputuskan oleh majelis hakim. Tujuan utama dari ketentuan tenggang waktu untuk ikrar talak adalah untuk mempersulit terjadinya perceraian dan kemaslahatan terhadap suami (pemohon) dan isteri (termohon).</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 675
Andi Hidayat ◽  
Mukhlisin Mukhlisin

Technological developments are now penetrating the world of worship, for those who want to pay zakat even easier. A number of online applications including online shopping provide zakat payment features for muzakki. Looking at the data in the National Zakat Agency that the potential for zakat in 2019, based on the IIPZ association and Indonesia's zakat outlook, the potential for zakat is around Rp. 233.8 trillion divided into 5 objects of Zakat. In 2016 and 2017, zakat income was only around 6 trillion. The huge potential of zakat in Indonesia makes all zakat practitioners or zakat collection bodies have to find ways to maximize the potential for zakat and be able to create poverty in Indonesia. From efforts to manage zakat efficiently, Dompet Dhuafa as Amil zakat implements an online application system for zakat, the goal is to facilitate and improve zakat services for the better, with this online zakat application it is hoped that it will be able to absorb some of the existing potential zakat and help make it easier for people to pay zakat because limited distance and time.The purpose of this research in general is that the development and growth of zakat will increase with the existence of online zakat collection. In particular, to make it easier for muzakki in distributing zakat.This research uses qualitative research methods which are commonly referred to as naturalistic research methods because the research is carried out in natural conditions (natural setting), the research data sources are primary and secondary. The results and findings of the study are the growth of zakat from each year, either from the growth of zakat in the online zakat system or in the overall zakat income every year.

10.32505/3346 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-143
Syahri Syahri

Extracuricular is needed by the education unit as a forum to develop the interests and talents of learners. The purpose of this study is how the role of the principal's leadership in the sustainability of extracurricular management at MI Nahdatul Ulama Sumber Agung. The research methods used in this study are qualitative, data sources through interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study are 1) The process of managing the cocurricular by the principal at MI Nahdatul Ulama Sumber Agung is carried out from the formulation, formulation, utilization, to the stage of evaluation and control of activities. 2) The obstacles faced in the extracurricular management of MI Nahdatul Ulama Sumber Agung are the difficulty of getting competent supervisors according to the field, sometimes difficulty to get infrastructure, and also obstacles in motivating learners to continue to be excited to follow the activities. 3) The result of the principal's leadership in managing extracurriculars at MI Nahdatul Ulama Sumber Agung is the interest and talent of students can be included in the race.

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