On the One-Per-Message Unforgeability of (EC)DSA and Its Variants

Manuel Fersch ◽  
Eike Kiltz ◽  
Bertram Poettering
1975 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 395-407
S. Henriksen

The first question to be answered, in seeking coordinate systems for geodynamics, is: what is geodynamics? The answer is, of course, that geodynamics is that part of geophysics which is concerned with movements of the Earth, as opposed to geostatics which is the physics of the stationary Earth. But as far as we know, there is no stationary Earth – epur sic monere. So geodynamics is actually coextensive with geophysics, and coordinate systems suitable for the one should be suitable for the other. At the present time, there are not many coordinate systems, if any, that can be identified with a static Earth. Certainly the only coordinate of aeronomic (atmospheric) interest is the height, and this is usually either as geodynamic height or as pressure. In oceanology, the most important coordinate is depth, and this, like heights in the atmosphere, is expressed as metric depth from mean sea level, as geodynamic depth, or as pressure. Only for the earth do we find “static” systems in use, ana even here there is real question as to whether the systems are dynamic or static. So it would seem that our answer to the question, of what kind, of coordinate systems are we seeking, must be that we are looking for the same systems as are used in geophysics, and these systems are dynamic in nature already – that is, their definition involvestime.

P. R. Swann ◽  
W. R. Duff ◽  
R. M. Fisher

Recently we have investigated the phase equilibria and antiphase domain structures of Fe-Al alloys containing from 18 to 50 at.% Al by transmission electron microscopy and Mössbauer techniques. This study has revealed that none of the published phase diagrams are correct, although the one proposed by Rimlinger agrees most closely with our results to be published separately. In this paper observations by transmission electron microscopy relating to the nucleation of disorder in Fe-24% Al will be described. Figure 1 shows the structure after heating this alloy to 776.6°C and quenching. The white areas are B2 micro-domains corresponding to regions of disorder which form at the annealing temperature and re-order during the quench. By examining specimens heated in a temperature gradient of 2°C/cm it is possible to determine the effect of temperature on the disordering reaction very precisely. It was found that disorder begins at existing antiphase domain boundaries but that at a slightly higher temperature (1°C) it also occurs by homogeneous nucleation within the domains. A small (∼ .01°C) further increase in temperature caused these micro-domains to completely fill the specimen.

J.A. Eades ◽  
E. Grünbaum

In the last decade and a half, thin film research, particularly research into problems associated with epitaxy, has developed from a simple empirical process of determining the conditions for epitaxy into a complex analytical and experimental study of the nucleation and growth process on the one hand and a technology of very great importance on the other. During this period the thin films group of the University of Chile has studied the epitaxy of metals on metal and insulating substrates. The development of the group, one of the first research groups in physics to be established in the country, has parallelled the increasing complexity of the field.The elaborate techniques and equipment now needed for research into thin films may be illustrated by considering the plant and facilities of this group as characteristic of a good system for the controlled deposition and study of thin films.

M. G. Lagally

It has been recognized since the earliest days of crystal growth that kinetic processes of all Kinds control the nature of the growth. As the technology of crystal growth has become ever more refined, with the advent of such atomistic processes as molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapor deposition, sputter deposition, and plasma enhanced techniques for the creation of “crystals” as little as one or a few atomic layers thick, multilayer structures, and novel materials combinations, the need to understand the mechanisms controlling the growth process is becoming more critical. Unfortunately, available techniques have not lent themselves well to obtaining a truly microscopic picture of such processes. Because of its atomic resolution on the one hand, and the achievable wide field of view on the other (of the order of micrometers) scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) gives us this opportunity. In this talk, we briefly review the types of growth kinetics measurements that can be made using STM. The use of STM for studies of kinetics is one of the more recent applications of what is itself still a very young field.

M. R. Pinnel ◽  
A. Lawley

Numerous phenomenological descriptions of the mechanical behavior of composite materials have been developed. There is now an urgent need to study and interpret deformation behavior, load transfer, and strain distribution, in terms of micromechanisms at the atomic level. One approach is to characterize dislocation substructure resulting from specific test conditions by the various techniques of transmission electron microscopy. The present paper describes a technique for the preparation of electron transparent composites of aluminum-stainless steel, such that examination of the matrix-fiber (wire), or interfacial region is possible. Dislocation substructures are currently under examination following tensile, compressive, and creep loading. The technique complements and extends the one other study in this area by Hancock.The composite examined was hot-pressed (argon atmosphere) 99.99% aluminum reinforced with 15% volume fraction stainless steel wire (0.006″ dia.).Foils were prepared so that the stainless steel wires run longitudinally in the plane of the specimen i.e. the electron beam is perpendicular to the axes of the wires. The initial step involves cutting slices ∼0.040″ in thickness on a diamond slitting wheel.

C.L. Briant

Grain boundary segregation is the process by which solute elements in a material diffuse to the grain boundaries, become trapped there, and increase their local concentration at the boundary over that in the bulk. As a result of this process this local concentration of the segregant at the grain boundary can be many orders of magnitude greater than the bulk concentration of the segregant. The importance of this problem lies in the fact that grain boundary segregation can affect many material properties such as fracture, corrosion, and grain growth.One of the best ways to study grain boundary segregation is with Auger electron spectroscopy. This spectroscopy is an extremely surface sensitive technique. When it is used to study grain boundary segregation the sample must first be fractured intergranularly in the high vacuum spectrometer. This fracture surface is then the one that is analyzed. The development of scanning Auger spectrometers have allowed researchers to first image the fracture surface that is created and then to perform analyses on individual grain boundaries.

Z. L. Wang

A new dynamical theory has been developed based on Yoshioka's coupled equations for describing inelastic electron scattering in thin crystals. Compared to existing theories, the primary advantage of this theory is that the incoherent summation of the diffracted intensities contributed by electrons after exciting vast numbers of different excited states has been evaluated before any numerical calculation. An additional advantage is that the phase correlations of atomic vibrations are considered, so that full lattice dynamics can be combined in the phonon scattering calculation. The new theory has been proven to be equivalent to the inelastic multislice theory, and has been applied to calculate energy-filtered diffraction patterns and images formed by phonon, single electron and valence scattered electrons.A calculated diffraction pattern of elastic and phonon scattered electrons for a parallel incident beam case is in agreement with the one observed (Fig. 1), showing thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) streaks and Kikuchi pattern.

C. C. Ahn ◽  
S. Karnes ◽  
M. Lvovsky ◽  
C. M. Garland ◽  
H. A. Atwater ◽  

The bane of CCD imaging systems for transmission electron microscopy at intermediate and high voltages has been their relatively poor modulation transfer function (MTF), or line pair resolution. The problem originates primarily with the phosphor screen. On the one hand, screens should be thick so that as many incident electrons as possible are converted to photons, yielding a high detective quantum efficiency(DQE). The MTF diminishes as a function of scintillator thickness however, and to some extent as a function of fluorescence within the scintillator substrates. Fan has noted that the use of a thin layer of phosphor beneath a self supporting 2μ, thick Al substrate might provide the most appropriate compromise for high DQE and MTF in transmission electron microcscopes which operate at higher voltages. Monte Carlo simulations of high energy electron trajectories reveal that only little beam broadening occurs within this thickness of Al film. Consequently, the MTF is limited predominantly by broadening within the thin phosphor underlayer. There are difficulties however, in the practical implementation of this design, associated mostly with the mechanical stability of the Al support film.

J. Gjønnes ◽  
N. Bøe ◽  
K. Gjønnes

Structure information of high precision can be extracted from intentsity details in convergent beam patterns like the one reproduced in Fig 1. From low order reflections for small unit cell crystals,bonding charges, ionicities and atomic parameters can be derived, (Zuo, Spence and O’Keefe, 1988; Zuo, Spence and Høier 1989; Gjønnes, Matsuhata and Taftø, 1989) , but extension to larger unit cell ma seem difficult. The disks must then be reduced in order to avoid overlap calculations will become more complex and intensity features often less distinct Several avenues may be then explored: increased computational effort in order to handle the necessary many-parameter dynamical calculations; use of zone axis intensities at symmetry positions within the CBED disks, as in Figure 2 measurement of integrated intensity across K-line segments. In the last case measurable quantities which are well defined also from a theoretical viewpoint can be related to a two-beam like expression for the intensity profile:With as an effective Fourier potential equated to a gap at the dispersion surface, this intensity can be integrated across the line, with kinematical and dynamical limits proportional to and at low and high thickness respctively (Blackman, 1939).

R. Rajesh ◽  
M.J. Kim ◽  
J.S. Bow ◽  
R.W. Carpenter ◽  
G.N. Maracas

In our previous work on MBE grown low temperature (LT) InP, attempts had been made to understand the relationships between the structural and electrical properties of this material system. Electrical measurements had established an enhancement of the resistivity of the phosphorus-rich LT InP layers with annealing under a P2 flux, which was directly correlated with the presence of second-phase particles. Further investigations, however, have revealed the presence of two fundamentally different types of precipitates. The first type are the surface particles, essentially an artefact of argon ion milling and containing mostly pure indium. The second type and the one more important to the study are the dense precipitates in the bulk of the annealed layers. These are phosphorus-rich and are believed to contribute to the improvement in the resistivity of the material.The observation of metallic indium islands solely in the annealed LT layers warranted further study in order to better understand the exact reasons for their formation.

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