Accounting and Control in Health Care: Behavioural, Organisational, Sociological and Critical Perspectives

Margaret A. Abernethy ◽  
Wai Fong Chua ◽  
Jennifer Grafton ◽  
Habib Mahama
Stuart Murray

Care’ is a shifting, plural word when used in the context of discussions of health. It suggests attention and compassion when articulated as a verb, but has overtures of regulation and control when used as a noun – to be ‘in care’ is usually not unproblematic. Two chapters in this section – those by Sarah Atkinson and Lucy Burke – speak specifically to the complexities of this idea. As Atkinson makes clear in her chapter, care invokes questions of resource just as much as it outlines interpersonal relationships; it presents what she terms ‘dilemmas, paradoxes and challenges’ when conceived of as a totality and, especially in global contexts, suggests entangled modes of time and space.

Diana Hart

All countries are faced with the problem of the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCD): implement prevention strategies eff ectively, keep up the momentum with long term benefi ts at the individual and the population level, at the same time tackling hea lth inequalities. Th e aff ordability of therapy and care including innovative therapies is going to be one of the key public health priorities in the years to come. Germany has taken in the prevention and control of NCDs. Germany’s health system has a long history of guaranteeing access to high-quality treatment through universal health care coverage. Th r ough their membership people are entitled to prevention and care services maintaining and restoring their health as well as long term follow-up. Like in many other countries general life expectancy has been increasing steadily in Germany. Currently, the average life expectancy is 83 and 79 years in women and men, respectively. Th e other side of the coin is that population aging is strongly associated with a growing burden of disease from NCDs. Already over 70 percent of all deaths in Germany are caused by four disease entities: cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes. Th ese diseases all share four common risk factors: smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of physical activity and overweight. At the same time, more and more people become long term survivors of disease due to improved therapy and care. Th e German Government and public health decision makers are aware of the need for action and have responded by initiating and implementing a wide spectrum of activities. One instrument by strengthening primary prevention is the Prevention Health Care Act. Its overarching aim is to prevent NCDs before they can manifest themselves by strengthening primary prevention and health promotion in diff erent sett ings. One of the main emphasis of the Prevention Health Care Act is the occupational health promotion at the workplace.

Anne Weissenstein

We present an update on infection prevention and control for COVID-19 in healthcare settings. This update focuses on measures to be applied in settings with increasing community transmission, growing demand for concern about COVID-19 patients, and subsequent staffing issues in the event of shortages of personal protective equipment for healthcare facilities worldwide. The comfort and emotional resilience of health care workers are key components in maintaining essential health care services during the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) outbreak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Teresa Ferreira ◽  
Filipe Orfao ◽  
Cesar Fonseca ◽  
Lara Guedes de Pinho

Introduction: The World Health Organization creates norms and guidelines for the adoption of good practices in health care that are provided to the surgical patient. In order to prevent and control infections associated with health care, the nurse must follow the guidelines for preparing the surgical patient for success. These infections can be particularly harmful to the elderly person given their vulnerability. The preoperative preparation, includes the trichotomy as one of the interventions to be performed, however, is one of the most controversial interventions that has caused in clinical practice, by the potential risk of infection in the surgical patient. Aim: To investigate the need for trichotomy, or removal of hair, in the preparation of the skin of the surgical patient, clarifying which is the most appropriate technique in the prevention of infection. Methodology: we conducted an umbrella review. The documentary research followed the consultation of bibliographic sources in the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health (CINAHL) and Public/Publisher Medline (PubMed) databases. The researched articles were grouped in a time horizon between 2011 and 2020. Afer data extraction, a narrative analysis was performed. Results: We found 40 articles from which 8 were selected. Conclusion: Trichotomy should be avoided by increasing the risk of infection of the surgical site. Innovative haircut and vacuum technologies can help in hair removal, mitigating the risk of contaminating the surgical incision. The timing of the trichotomy is not consensual among researchers.

Olumuyiwa A. Olowe ◽  
Andrew J. Ross

Background: Despite hypertension being a common condition among patients attending primary health care (PHC) clinics, blood pressure (BP) control is often poor. Greater insight into patient-related factors that influence the control of hypertension will assist in the development of an intervention to address the issues identified.Aim: The aim of the study was to assess patient-related variables associated with hypertension control among patients attending a peri-urban PHC clinic.Setting: The setting for this study was a peri-urban PHC clinic in KwaZulu-Natal.Method: This was an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study with 348 patients selected over a 1-month period. A validated questionnaire was used to collect data on patients’ hypertension knowledge and self-reported adherence, and BP recordings from their medical record were recorded to ascertain control.Results: Of the 348 participants, only 49% had good BP control and 44% (152/348) had concurrent diabetes mellitus. The majority of patients had moderate levels of knowledge on hypertension and exhibited moderate adherence. There was a significant relationship between knowledge and reported adherence, between reported adherence and control, but not between reported knowledge and control.Conclusion: Despite over 90% of the study population having moderate knowledge, and 62% with moderate reported adherence, BP was well controlled in only less than 50% of the study population. These findings suggest a need to emphasise adherence and explore new ways of approaching adherence.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 46 ◽  
Beate Andre ◽  
Endre Sjøvold ◽  
Marte Holmemo ◽  
Toril Rannestad ◽  
Gerd I. Ringdal

Introduction: Exploring the work culture of health care personnel is important in order to understand the challenges they face and the issues they experience. Believing in and shaping their futures indicates a working culture influenced by promoting factors. The aims of this study were to explore how health care workers at a Palliative Medicine Unit perceive their future work culture would be and whether they perceive that their expectations and desires will be fulfilled. Design: A correlational study. Methods: Health care personnel, physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, and others (N = 26) at a PMU in Norway completed a questionnaire according to the two perspectives, expectations (future) and desire (wish). The findings in these two perspectives were compared. The method seeks to explore what aspects dominate the particular work culture and identifying challenges, limitations, and opportunities. The findings were also compared with a reference group of 347 ratings of well-functioning Norwegian organizations, named the “Norwegian Norm”. Results: The findings for the wish perspective showed significant (p<0.05; p<0.01) higher rates for nurturing and synergy dimensions and significant lower rates (p>0.05; p>0.05) for opposition and control dimensions than the findings for the future perspective. Conclusions: It appears that the health care personnel wish for changes that they don’t believe they will achieve. The changes the respondents wish for are fewer negative work culture qualities, such as assertiveness and resignation, and more positive work culture qualities, such as engagement and empathy. Changes must be made to give the health care personnel improved working conditions and empowerment in order to change their situations to reflect what they wish for. The present findings can give an indication as to the direction that research ought to follow in subsequent studies.

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-206
Abdul Gowi ◽  
Achir Yani S Hamid ◽  
Tuti Nuraini

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran pengaruh latihan asertif terhadap perilaku kekerasan orang tua pada anakusia sekolah di Kabupaten Karawang. Sampel pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol masing-masing 32 orang. Latihan asertifdilakukan selama 6 sesi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi asertif orangtua padakelompok intervensi dibanding kelompok kontrol secara bermakna (p< 0,05). Kemampuan anak dalam mengendalikan emosipada kelompok intervensi meningkat, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol menurun secara bermakna (p< 0,05). Latihan asertifmembantu orangtua menurunkan perilaku kekerasan pada anak melalui komunikasi asertif. Terapi ini direkomendasikan padaorangtua, guru, dan pemberi pelayanan kesehatan.Kata kunci: kemampuan komunikasi asertif orangtua, latihan asertif, mengendalikan emosiAbstractThis research aimed to describe the influence of assertive training on violence behavior of parents towards children in Karawangdistrict. Samples in the intervention group and control were 64 parents, 32 respondent for each group. Assertive training hasconducted in 6 sessions. The results showed increased assertive communication skills of parents on the group that receivedassertive training. There was significant difference among those groups (p< 0.05). The group of parents who did not receiveassertive training, showed a significant decreased communication of skills (p< 0.05). The was increased ability of children incontrolling their emotions of intervention group parents, while there was significant decreased children ability of controlgroup parents (p< 0.05). Assertive training was proven to decrease parents’ violent behaviors towarsd children. It wasrecommended that this training to be regularly conducted to parents, teachers, and health care provider.Keywords: parent’s assertive comunication ability, assertive training, managing emotions

2021 ◽  
Yunyun Yan ◽  
Teng-yang Fan ◽  
Yan-ling Zheng ◽  
Hai-qin Yang ◽  
Tian-shu Li ◽  

Abstract Background In fulfilling the COVID-19 containment, primary health care (PHC) facilities in China played an important role. We sought to investigate the exact tasks performed at the PHC facilities and the processes of COVID-19 prevention and control.Methods Semi-structured face-to-face interviews for primary care physicians (PCPs) and a simple survey for residents were conducted in the field survey. Based-on purposive stratified sampling, 32 PCPs were selected from 22 PHC facilities in Wuhan as a high-risk city, in Shanghai as medium-risk city and in Zunyi as low-risk city. In the field survey, semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with PCPs to summarize the tasks of COVID-19 prevention and control at the PHC facilities. A simple survey was used to investigate the local residents’ awareness about COVID-19 prevention and control.Results In pre-outbreak period, the PHC facilities mainly engaged in storing medical supplies; in out-break period, they were responsible for screening, transferring, quarantine and treatment; in regular prevention and control period, attention was given to the employees and items of cold-chain & fresh food markets, etc. In Wuhan, PHC facilities focused on graded diagnoses and treatments of patients; in Shanghai, they were mainly engaged in at-home/centralized quarantine; in Zunyi, they focused on the screening of high-risk individuals. In urban areas, COVID-19 were more likely to be transmitted; in urban-rural areas, it was difficult to perform screening on the migrant populations; in rural areas, the risk was much lower. The community residents had satisfactory compliance with the preventive measures.Conclusion We identified differences in the prevention and control tasks performed at the PHC facilities in China. During the different phases of the pandemic, the tasks were adjusted depending on the gradually comprehensive understanding of COVID-19. Among the cities at different risk levels, screening, quarantine, transferring or treatment was chosen to be a priority accordingly. Located in different intra-city geographic locations at different risk levels, the PHC facilities conducted their own tasks accordingly. Additionally, compliance on the part of the local community residents could not be overemphasized in COVID-19 prevention and control.

Rev Rene ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 353
Andréa Mara Bernardes da Silva ◽  
Denise De Andrade ◽  
Anneliese Domingues Wysocki ◽  
Adriana Cristina Nicolussi ◽  
Vanderlei José Haas ◽  

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