scholarly journals Shaping the environmental consciousness of international engineering students in class Russian language

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 15011 ◽  
Irina Kondratieva ◽  
Tatiana Rogacheva ◽  
Nadezhda Malina ◽  
Elena Vyshegorodskaya

The article is devoted to the issues of forming ecological consciousness of foreign students of technical universities at the classes on Russian as a foreign language. The article gives definition of ecological consciousness; methods of formation of competence of a future engineer as a specialist, who is aware of the necessity to observe ecological principles in his work, are studied. The statistics of student polls on environmental problems is given. Reading texts on environmental topics, preparation of monologic statement on the theme “Environmental problems of our time”, holding a discussion club, preparation of scientific reports on environmental issues, participation in an imitation role-playing game, participation in events of the university, devoted to environmental protection, help to realize the importance of the problem and the need to solve it in the professional activity of a technicalspecialist.

2020 ◽  
pp. 129-139
Людмила Ивановна Ярица

Рассматривается вопрос преподавания русского языка как иностранного в техническом вузе России. Актуальность темы обусловлена ростом числа иностранных студентов в российских вузах и необходимостью скорейшего овладения ими русским языком. Описаны особенности изучения русской научной лексики, терминологического аппарата технических дисциплин, в частности языка математики, иностранными студентами, обучающимися на подготовительном отделении Томского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета. Проведен лингвистический эксперимент, в ходе которого студентам был предложен диктант, изобилующий научной лексикой; описаны результаты, а также нарушения произношения и написания терминов, так как главную трудность представляет именно изучение лексики научного стиля речи. Выявлены и описаны, структурированы особенности отступлений от нормы, предложены варианты работы по реализации программы отработки навыков нормативного письма иностранными студентами. Достаточно трудным является определение границы слова, написание букв в конце слова, восприятие шипящих согласных, парных согласных по глухости/звонкости, мягкости/твердости; определение рода имен существительных (в большинстве языков народов бывшего Советского Союза нет категории рода). В связи с этим возникает необходимость тщательно продумывать типы упражнений в соответствии с потребностью учащихся и их последовательность. The issue of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a technical university in Russia is considered. The relevance is due both to the increase in the number of foreign students in Russian universities and the need for them to master the Russian language as soon as possible in order to continue their studies in Russian. The aim of the work is to describe the features of mastering Russian scientific vocabulary, the terminology of technical disciplines, in particular, the language of mathematics by foreign students studying at the preparatory department of the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Building). A linguistic experiment was carried out, when students were offered to write a dictation, replete with scientific vocabulary. The results, as well as violations of pronunciation and spelling of terms have been described, since the main difficulty is precisely the study of the vocabulary of the scientific style of speech. The peculiarities of deviations from the standard were also identified, structured, and described. Options for the implementation of the program for the development of normative writing skills by foreign students were proposed. Rather difficult is the definition of the word boundary, writing letters at the end of a word, the perception of hissing consonants, paired consonants (unvoiced – voiced), soft – hard; determination of the gender of a noun (in most languages of the former Soviet Union there is no category of gender). This requires the necessity of elaborate thinking over the exercise types and their sequence in accordance with students’ needs. This work continues a series of methodical publications, the main aim of which is improving the quality of foreign student education in technical universities of Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-60
Marina Yu. Andreeva ◽  
Yury N. Sentyabov ◽  

The development of the Internet, the transition to the fourth technological order contributes to the quantitative and qualitative change in virtual organizations. A special place in the virtual environment is occupied by the gaming segment, the volume of which in 2018 reached over 116 trillion dollars, nearly doubling in the past five years. COVID-19 has undoubtedly played into the hands of the online gaming industry, increasing sales across all segments. This study analyzes the massively multiplayer online role-playing game that created the phenomenon of the virtual world. It is the virtual game worlds that have formed the niche of the virtual gaming commercial teams (VGCT`s), which specialize in the provision of services for the development of content produced by development organizations for user players. However, in order to successfully operate in the face of tough virtual gaming competition, a commercial team needs both an understanding of the business process and attracting sources of funding. The article discusses the strategy of forming the investment attractiveness of VGCT, as one of the key aspects of competitiveness. The paper presents the author`s definition of the investment attractiveness of VGCT, carried out SWOT analysis of the working VGCT “Zeta”, assessed the investment attractiveness on the basis of unidentified assets. The purpose of the study is to develop approaches to determining the investment attractiveness of VGCT in the specific conditions of the economy of the virtual world of multiplayer games. Brief statement of the problem is to substantiate the need of managing goodwill of a virtual organization as the main tool for increasing its competitiveness. The article used general scientific methods and methods of SWOT-analysis. The definition of the economy of the virtual gaming world of multiplayer role-playing online games is given. The essence of the concept of “investment attractiveness” is revealed in relation to a specific object of research – a virtual gaming commercial team, its assessment is carried out in the context of external and internal factors. It was determined that goodwill constitutes the basis of VGCT’s investment attractiveness, and the task of increasing the competitiveness of VGCT is inextricably linked with the management of goodwill as a set of unidentifiable assets.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 600-608 ◽  
Amanda Nathale Soares ◽  
Maria Flávia Gazzinelli ◽  
Vânia de Souza ◽  
Lucas Henrique Lobato Araújo

This is an experience report on the creation of a Role Playing Game used as a pedagogical strategy for promoting the development of autonomy and critical-reflexive thinking among undergraduate students of Nursing during their training. The game's creation took place in the School of Nursing of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, between November 2011 - March 2012, involving four stages: definition of the game design; creation of the game's prototype; and evaluation of the game's dynamic by players of Role Playing Games; and preparation of the 'masters'. The game was created with the aim of providing the students of the Nursing Course with metaphorical experience of problem-situations corresponding to the main scenarios of professional activity. It is believed that the game prepared constitutes a pedagogical strategy in which the students engage and become involved in their process of thinking, of elaborating new meanings, of knowing and of acting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 12013
Irina Kondratieva ◽  
Nadezhda Malina ◽  
Tatiana Rogacheva ◽  
Elena Vyshegorodskaya

The article analyzes the use of business games that simulate real situations when teaching Russian to foreign students in order to form the required professional competencies. Simulation games are considered as an important element that contributes to increasing the motivation of learning, activating the process of communication in a non-native language and making decisions in the professional sphere. The authors pay special attention to the consideration of approaches to solving the problems of advanced training of engineering students. It is noted that the business game, which simulates various aspects of the professional environment and real production processes, allows you to train students to apply the theoretical knowledge gained and solve problems that arise in their professional activities. The advantages of using business games over traditional learning technologies are considered: free communication, an captivating and exciting game process contribute to the development of communication skills of students who have the language barrier in other conditions of language learning. It is noted that the business game allows you to form linguistic competencies in conditions close to real ones, promotes the development of creative thinking, and the acquisition of teamwork skills in the professional sphere.

Suzanna Ihnatenko

The article focuses on the process of training future physical education teachers for future activity on the basis of simulation teaching as a training prerequisite. The essence and significance of simulation and game-based learning in the process of future teachers’ professional training are described. The following means of simulation and game-based learning are distinguished: simulation game, business game, role-playing game, problem situations, game training; the feasibility of their usage is argued. Keywords: professional activity, simulation and game-based learning, training of students, physical education.

Svitlana Ivanova ◽  
Lubomir Dimitrov ◽  
Viktor Ivanov ◽  
Lada Prokopovych

The features of using Role-playing games in educating students - prospective teachers are considered. In practical classes on teaching methods of various disciplines, Role-playing games are often used, associated with conducting a fragment of a lesson or a full lesson. Typically, these practical classes are organized on an empirical level. The version of the Role-playing game "Observing Mathematics Lessons", developed on the basis of the theory of contextual learning, is presented. Psychological and pedagogical principles: simulation of specific conditions, game modelling of the content and forms of professional activity, collaborative activities are used in the design of the game. These principles are the basis for creating a game model, which consists of: game goals, a set of roles that indicate the functions of the player, the scenario and the rules of the game. The simulation model contains: didactic goals, the subject of the game and the evaluation system. An important difference developed by the Role-playing game is to take into account the personality types of students - participants in the game. Students with personality types typical for STEM students were selected for the role of "good pupil”. The roles of the "bad pupils" were played by students with personality types typical for students who usually do not have academic success in mathematics. A survey has been conducted, which showed that the proposed Role-playing game enable the simulation of the real situation of an observing mathematics lesson.

2009 ◽  
Vol 59 (9) ◽  
pp. 1809-1816 ◽  
P. Prat ◽  
M. Aulinas ◽  
C. Turon ◽  
J. Comas ◽  
M. Poch

Current management of sanitation infrastructures (sewer systems, wastewater treatment plant, receiving water, bypasses, deposits, etc) is not fulfilling the objectives of up to date legislation, to achieve a good ecological and chemical status of water bodies through integrated management. These made it necessary to develop new methodologies that help decision makers to improve the management in order to achieve that status. Decision Support Systems (DSS) based on Multi-Agent System (MAS) paradigm are promising tools to improve the integrated management. When all the different agents involved interact, new important knowledge emerges. This knowledge can be used to build better DSS and improve wastewater infrastructures management achieving the objectives planned by legislations. The paper describes a methodology to acquire this knowledge through a Role Playing Game (RPG). First of all there is an introduction about the wastewater problems, a definition of RPG, and the relation between RPG and MAS. Then it is explained how the RPG was built with two examples of game sessions and results. The paper finishes with a discussion about the uses of this methodology and future work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 18014
Elena Vyshegorodskaya ◽  
Nadezhda Malina ◽  
Tatiana Rogacheva ◽  
Irina Kondratieva

Innovative approaches to teaching the disciplines of the philological cycle in universities involve the introduction of new methods into the process that meet the needs of today. Wide use of interactive forms, methods and technologies of teaching, providing for joint creative activities of the teacher and students. The development of skills for independent work in order to obtain the necessary information, its independent application becomes important in training. First of all, this applies to teaching Russian as a foreign language to foreign students of a non-philological profile. The conditions for teaching philological disciplines at the technical faculties of universities are the focus on the development of independence in learning, mutual enrichment of professional training and knowledge of the language in which a specialty is acquired and an increase in the role of Russian in the process of training specialists for foreign countries. An important element of the educational process in teaching bachelors is the writing and presentation of the final qualifying work. One of the tasks of the changing education system in Russia can be considered the strengthening of the practical preparedness of the future specialist for professional activity, and, accordingly, the use of innovative technologies, including new methodological approaches.

Елена Александровна Данилова ◽  
Татьяна Николаевна Юркина

В настоящей статье представлен анализ типичных ошибок иностранных студентов при образовании и употреблении русских падежных форм, а также приведены некоторые приемы работы, призванные облегчить запоминание русских падежей обучающимися. Актуальность данного исследования обусловлена прежде всего трудностью системы русского склонения, включающего разнообразие оттенков значения падежей и вариантов падежных флексий. Необходимость эффективного освоения русской падежной системы особенно возрастает при изучении русского языка как иностранного. Овладение грамматическими нормами образования и употребления падежных форм имен существительных русского языка играет важную роль в коммуникации и представляет большую трудность для иностранцев. В статье содержится анализ наиболее частотных ошибок, возникающих при склонении имен существительных, а также намечаются пути преодоления таких ошибок. Для облегчения знакомства с русскими падежными конструкциями наряду с теоретическими упражнениями в методике преподавания русского языка как иностранного активно используются упражнения в игровой форме, различные грамматические рифмовки, имитативные упражнения, мнемонические правила, ролевые игры. Они позволяют иностранным обучающимся в ненавязчивой форме закрепить грамматические правила, а также активизируют совместную речевую деятельность обучающихся, дают возможность совершенствовать полученные речевые навыки и грамматические умения. The article analyzes typical mistakes of foreign students in the formation and use of Russian case forms, as well as some methods for students’ memorizing Russian cases. The relevance of this research is primarily due to the difficulty of the Russian declension system, which includes a variety of shades of case meaning and variants of case inflections. Effectively mastering the Russian case system is particularly important when studying Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL). Mastering grammatical norms of education and the use of case forms of nouns in the Russian language plays an important role in communication and is a great difficulty for foreigners. The article provides the analysis of the most frequent errors that occur when declension of nouns, and also outlines ways to overcome such errors. To facilitate the process of mastering the Russian case constructions, along with theoretical exercises in the teaching methods of RFL, exercises in the form of games, various grammatical rhyming, imitative exercises, mnemonic rules, and role-playing games are actively used. They contribute to foreign students’ collective speaking and improving their speaking and grammar skills.

The article is devoted to one of the topical issues of modern pedagogical science – to the formation of speech culture of non-philologist students in the course of studying Russian language as state language of the Russian Federation, language of international communication, national language of the Russian people. The main competence formed in the course of studying Russian language is the communicative competence which is aimed at the development of speech activity of the students of non-philologist specialties. According to the opinion of the author of the research, an important indicator of success of the non-philologist specialist in the hi-tech competitive world is acquisition of skills of professional communication, use of the methods of speech influence and conviction. In the given work we investigate the question of grammatical and stylistic norms of the use of the category of noun gender representing the greatest complexity in the oral and written language of non-philologist students. In this regard the purpose of the present work is creation of the lingual-methodical principle of communicative approach which will provide the formation of speech culture of non-philologist students in the higher educational institution when studying the category of gender in Russian; determination of pedagogical technologies of training in order to increase the culture of speech communication of the future experts. The practical importance of the studied problem consists in the improvement of quality of the vocational training of non-philologists students; in the definition of the trajectory of the educational growth of future highly qualified specialist capable to choose language means in professional activity reasonably, to realize the communicative intentions in various situations of communication adequately, to respect the grammatical and stylistic rules of using the category of noun gender.

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