In the eye of the recipient

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-232 ◽  
Katrin Riese ◽  
Mareike Bayer ◽  
Gerhard Lauer ◽  
Annekathrin Schacht

Plot suspense is one of the most important components of narrative fiction that motivate recipients to follow fictional characters through their worlds. The present study investigates the dynamic development of narrative suspense in excerpts of literary classics from the 19th century in a multi-methodological approach. For two texts, differing in suspense as judged by a large independent sample, we collected (a) data from questionnaires, indicating different affective and cognitive dimensions of receptive engagement, (b) continuous ratings of suspense during text reception from both experts and lay recipients, and (c) registration of pupil diameter as a physiological indicator of changes in emotional arousal and attention during reception. Data analyses confirmed differences between the two texts at different dimensions of receptive engagement and, importantly, revealed significant correlations of pupil diameter and the course of suspense over time. Our findings demonstrate that changes of the pupil diameter provide a reliable ‘online’ indicator of suspense.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (20) ◽  
pp. 202122
Josiane Silva de Oliveira ◽  
Juliana Mendes de Morais ◽  
Marcos Pedro da Silva

RUA DO LAZER IN THE CENTER OF GOIÂNIA: an analysis based on the concept of placeRUA DO LAZER EN EL CENTRO DE GOIÂNIA: un análisis basado en el concepto de lugarRESUMOA proposta deste artigo almeja esboçar uma análise da Rua do Lazer a partir do conceito de lugar por meio das narrativas dos sujeitos que ali expressam seu cotidiano, colocando a rua como lugar de significado e de diferentes dimensões enquanto movimento da vida, possível de ser apreendido pela memória. O caminho do passado dessa rua, por intermédio da história oral, torna-se um elemento primordial para entender seu sentido na vida dos sujeitos. Nessa perspectiva, a pesquisa foi realizada com comerciantes que atuam em sua maioria desde a década de 1960 e que ali persistiram apesar das diferentes reconfigurações ocorridas ao longo do tempo. Com aporte da história oral, a pesquisa buscou compreender o significado de lugar atribuído à Rua do Lazer por esses comerciantes e suas perspectivas em relação ao processo de revitalização, ocorrido no decorrer do ano de 2019, por meio de uma parceria público-privada. Como caminho metodológico, incluiu-se a abordagem qualitativa, pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo, com a utilização de entrevistas realizadas in loco. Dessa forma, os dados coletados apontam a relação estabelecida entre a Rua do Lazer e os sujeitos que nela vivem, bem como para as mudanças que a configuram atualmente.Palavras-chave: Lugar; Significado; Memórias; Rua do Lazer – GO.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article aims to outline an analysis of Rua do Lazer from the concept of place through the narratives of the subjects who express their daily life there, placing the street as a place of meaning and of different dimensions as a movement of life, possible to be apprehended by memory. The path of the past of this street, through oral history, becomes a primordial element to understand its meaning in the subjects' lives. In this perspective, the research was carried out with traders who have been operating mostly since the 1960s and who have persisted with the different reconfigurations that occurred over time. With the contribution of oral history, the research sought to understand the meaning of place attributed to Rua do Lazer by these sellers and their perspectives in relation to the revitalization process, which occurred during the year 2019, through a public-private partnership. As a methodological approach, a qualitative approach, bibliographic, documentary and field research was included, with the use of on-the-spot interviews. Thus, the data collected point us to the relationship that is established between Rua do Lazer and the subjects who live on it, as well as to the changes that currently configure it.Keywords: Place; Meaning; Memoirs; Rua do Lazer – GO.RESUMENEl propósito de este artículo tiene como objetivo esbozar un análisis de la Rua do Lazer desde el concepto de lugar a través de las narraciones de los sujetos que expresan su vida cotidiana allí, colocando la calle como un lugar de significado y de diferentes dimensiones como un movimiento de la vida, que puede ser aprehendido. a través de la memoria. El camino del pasado de esta calle, a través de la historia oral, se convierte en un elemento primordial para comprender su significado en la vida de los sujetos. En esta perspectiva, la investigación se llevó a cabo con comerciantes que han estado operando principalmente desde la década de 1960 y que allí han persistido pese a las diferentes reconfiguraciones que ocurrieron con el tiempo. Con el apoyo de la historia oral, la investigación buscó comprender el significado de lugar atribuido a la Rua do Lazer por estos comerciantes y sus perspectivas con respecto al proceso de revitalización, que se produjo durante el año 2019, a través de una asociación público-privada. Como enfoque metodológico, se incluyó un enfoque cualitativo, bibliográfico, documental y de investigación de campo, con el uso de entrevistas sobre el terreno. Por lo tanto, los datos recopilados nos señalan la relación establecida entre la Rua do Lazer y los sujetos que viven en ella, así como los cambios que actualmente la configuran.Palabras clave: Lugar; Significado; Recuerdos; Rua do Lazer – GO.

Abbas Mohammadi

Cinema consists of two different dimensions of art and instrument. A tool that mixes with art and represents society in which anything can be depicted for others. But art has always sought to portray the beauties of this universe. The beauty that lies within philosophy. Since the advent of human beings, men have always sought to dominate and abuse women for their own benefit. In the 19th century, cinema entered the realm of existence and found its place in the human world. With the empowerment of cinema in the world, filmmakers tried to achieve their goals by using this tool.Many filmmakers use women as a propaganda tool to attract a male audience. In many films, when the hero of a movie succeeds in reaching a woman, or in doing so, she is succeeded by a woman. In this way, of course, women themselves are not faultless and have helped men abuse women. Afghanistan, a traditional and male-dominated country, has not been the exception, and in many Afghan films women have been instrumental zed and used in various ways to benefit men, and we have seen fewer films in which women be a movie hero or a woman in a movie like a man. This kind of treatment of women in Afghan films has caused other young Afghan girls to not have a positive view of Afghan cinema.

Justine Humphry ◽  
Chris Chesher

Smart home, media and security systems intervene in the territory and boundaries of the home in a variety of ways. Among these are the capacity to watch the home from afar, and to record these observations over time, as well as using the home as a site of performance for those on the outside. In this paper, we map the meanings of the smart home and explore the tensions between security and visibility, adopting a cultural history and cultural analysis methodological approach. We make a contribution to the literature on the smart home, highlighting its connection to longer trajectories of media and cultural change, and to understanding the contemporary formations of technologised surveillance, with attention to practices that emerged in response to COVID-19. We focus on two aspects of our model of domestic smartification: Ludics (devices and systems for play or entertainment) and exteriorities (security and communication interfaces that remotely monitor and expose the home). We focus on these aspects relating them to ideas of haunting and the uncanny to explore the implications of making what was previously hidden visible and manipulable to others.

2020 ◽  
pp. 223-232
Marta Kacprzak

La ermoza istorya de Robinzon o la mizerya: Sephardi Versions of Robinson CrusoeIn the second half of the 19th century the Haskalah, an intellectual movement whose objective was to educate and westernize Eastern European Jews, also reached the Sephardic communities in the Ottoman Empire. As a result, there emerged Sephardic modern secular literature, represented mainly by narrative fiction, theatre plays and press. It should be added that modern Sephardic literature is primarily based on translations or adaptations of Western novels. Among these texts we find Sephardic editions of classics of European literature, such as Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe and Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift.I have found four different versions of Robinson Crusoe that were written in Judeo-Spanish and edited in aljamía. Two of them were published serially in Sephardi press, one in Salonica in 1881 and the other in Constantinople in 1900. The other two editions were prepared by Ben Tsiyon Taragan and published as complete versions, the first one in Jerusalem in 1897 and the second one in Constantinople in 1924. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief analysis of the Sephardic adaptations of Robinson Crusoe by Taragan. La ermoza istorya de Robinzon o la mizerya: sefardyjska wersja Robinsona CrusoeHaskala, zwana także Żydowskim Oświeceniem, to ruch intelektualny, którego celem było odrodzenie kulturowe i społeczne Żydów z EuropyWschodniej oraz ich integracja ze środowiskiem lokalnym. W drugiej połowie XIX wieku Haskala objęła także społeczność Żydów sefardyjskich zamieszkujących tereny należące do Imperium Osmańskiego, w wyniku czego powstała współczesna, świecka literatura sefardyjska reprezentowana głównie przez prozę, sztuki teatralne oraz prasę. Warto dodać, że współczesna literatura sefardyjska oparta jest przede wszystkim na przekładach lub adaptacjach powieści uważanych za klasykę literatury europejskiej, takich jak Romeo i Julia Williama Szekspira, Robinson Crusoe Daniela Defoe czy Podróże Guliwera Jonathana Swifta.W trakcie prowadzonych przeze mnie badań natrafiłam na cztery różne judeo-hiszpańskie wersje Robinsona Crusoe, które zapisane zostały alfabetem hebrajskim, tzw. pismem Rasziego. Dwie z nich ukazały się w prasie sefardyjskiej, jako powieść w odcinkach, pierwsza w Salonikach w 1881 r., a druga w Konstantynopolu w 1900 r. Pozostałe dwie, autorstwa Ben Tsiyona Taragana, zostały wydane w całości, pierwsza w Jerozolimie w 1897 r., druga zaś w Konstantynopolu w 1924 r. Celem tego artykułu jest prezentacja oraz krótka analiza sefardyjskich adaptacji Robinsona Crusoe autorstwa B. T. Taragana.

Panta Rei ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-147
Álvaro Chaparro Sainz ◽  
María del Mar Felices de la Fuente ◽  
Laura Triviño Cabrera

Este artículo analiza la evolución de la investigación sobre pensamiento histórico a partir de las tesis doctorales nacionales e internacionales de los últimos veinticinco años. Para ello, se ha seguido un proceso sistemático de búsqueda en las principales bases de datos a nivel mundial, que ha reportado un total de 163 tesis doctorales. Estos trabajos se han analizado desde un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo descriptivo, con el programa de análisis estadístico SPSS y la herramienta Voyant Tools. Los resultados nos ofrecen información acerca del número de investigaciones realizadas, su evolución en el tiempo, los países, idiomas y universidades de mayor producción, y las principales temáticas trabajadas. Concluimos que, pese al aumento de las tesis doctorales sobre pensamiento histórico en los últimos años, continúan existiendo vacíos en la investigación apenas abordados. In this article the evolution of research on Historical Thinking is analyzed based on national and international dissertations defended in the last twenty-five years. For this, we have followed a systematic search process in the main databases worldwide, which has reported a total of 163 dissertations. These works have been analyzed from a descriptive quantitative methodological approach, with the SPSS statistical analysis program and the Voyant Tools tool. The results offer us information about the number of researches carried out, their evolution over time, the countries, languages and universities with the highest production, and the main topics studied. We conclude that, despite the increase in doctoral thesis on Historical Thinking in recent years, there are still research gaps that have hardly been studied.

A. H. ZAPATA ◽  

This paper is the result of two related studies done on the estimation of IT projects at a large Dutch multinational company. The first one is a study about the accuracy of different dimensions of IT project estimating: schedule, budget and effort. [Note: This paper is an extension of the paper published by the authors as "An analysis of accuracy and learning in software project estimating" [28].] This study is based on a dataset of 171 projects collected at the IT department of the company. We analyzed the estimation error of budget, effort and schedule. Also, we analyzed whether there is any learning (improvement) effect over time. With the results of the first study we proceeded to research what is causing the current estimation error (inaccuracy). The results of our first study show that there is no relation between accuracy of budget, schedule and effort in the company analyzed. Besides, they show that over time there is no change in the inaccuracy (effectiveness and efficiency of the estimates). In our second study we discovered that the sources of this inaccuracy are: (IT estimation) process complexity, misuse of estimates, technical complexity, requirements redefinition and business domain instability. This paper reflects and provides recommendations on how to improve the learning from historical estimates and how to manage the diverse sources of inaccuracy inside this particular company and also in other organizations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 485-497
Nan Zheng ◽  
Zachary G. Ives

Data provenance tools aim to facilitate reproducible data science and auditable data analyses, by tracking the processes and inputs responsible for each result of an analysis. Fine-grained provenance further enables sophisticated reasoning about why individual output results appear or fail to appear. However, for reproducibility and auditing, we need a provenance archival system that is tamper-resistant , and efficiently stores provenance for computations computed over time (i.e., it compresses repeated results). We study this problem, developing solutions for storing fine-grained provenance in relational storage systems while both compressing and protecting it via cryptographic hashes. We experimentally validate our proposed solutions using both scientific and OLAP workloads.

2013 ◽  
pp. 100-115
Stéphane Ganassali ◽  
Jean Moscarola ◽  
Francesco Casarin

Considering the large number of participants and the heterogeneity of the group, the research methodology of COBEREN has been defined in a very specific way. The authors implemented a mixed methodological approach, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques, and they used a various range of numerical, verbal, and even pictorial measurements. The scope for covering different dimensions of the consumer culture was made as open as possible but had to remain acceptable from the point of view of the survey response process. Finally, they successfully combined some a priori instructions/guidelines and some a posteriori adjustments/adaptations. This chapter introduces the data collection method, the sampling aspects, the questionnaire design and translation, implemented according to the general principles of the COBEREN methodology.

1996 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 181-186 ◽  
W.B. Whalley ◽  
C.F. Palmer ◽  
S.J. Hamilton ◽  
D. Kitchen

The volume of debris in the left-lateral, Little Ice Age (LIA:AD1550–1850) moraine of the Feegletscher, Valais, Switzerland was compared with the actual volume being transported currently by the glacier. The latter is smaller by a factor of about two. In Tröllaskagi, north Iceland, a surface cover of debris on top of a very slow moving glacier ice mass (glacier noir, rock glacier) has been dated by lichenometry. The age of the oldest part is commensurate with LIA moraines in the area. Knowing the volume of debris of a given age allows an estimate of the debris supply to the glacier in a given time. Again, there appears to have been a significant reduction in debris to the glacier since the turn of the 19th century. Debris input in the early LIA seems to have been particularly copious and this may be important in the formation of some glacier depositional forms such as rock glaciers.

Angela T. Ragusa

Epistemology is the concept used to describe ways of knowing. In other words, how you know what you know. Sociologists have been interested in how knowledge is produced since the discipline was founded in the 19th Century. How we come to know our world and make sense of it are influenced by social institutions, individual attitudes and behaviors, and our demographic position within the social order. The social order is an historical product which continues to change over time. To facilitate our learning from our socio-historical experiences, sociologists frequently turn to ideas expressed by social theorists. Social theory, whether classical or contemporary, may thus be employed to help us make sense of changes in our social and material world. Although technology is arguably as ancient as our first ancestors, as the chapters in this book reveal, the characteristics of and communications within our postindustrial society vary greatly from those which occurred in the age of modernity. This introductory chapter identifies a few well-known social theorists who have historically attempted to explain how and why social systems, at macro and micro levels, change over time. Next, it contextualizes communication as a cultural product, arguing the best way to examine the topic is from multiple, local perspectives. In the feminist tradition of postmodernist Sandra Harding, it implores us to consider the premise and source of the knowledge sources we use and espouse while communicating and interacting in specific ways and environments. Finally, grounded in the systemic backdrop of social inequality, this chapter encourages readers to begin the task of critical thinking and reflecting about how each of us, as individuals and members of local communities, nations and the world, assuage or reproduces the structurally-derived inequalities which the globalization of communication and technical systems and interacting in a global environment manifests.

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