Hosts and parasites as aliens

2006 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-128 ◽  
H. Taraschewski

AbstractOver the past decades, various free-living animals (hosts) and their parasites have invaded recipient areas in which they had not previously occurred, thus gaining the status of aliens or exotics. In general this happened to a low extent for hundreds of years. With variable frequency, invasions have been followed by the dispersal and establishment of non-indigenous species, whether host or parasite. In the literature thus far, colonizations by both hosts and parasites have not been treated and reviewed together, although both are usually interwoven in various ways. As to those factors permitting invasive success and colonization strength, various hypotheses have been put forward depending on the scientific background of respective authors and on the conspicuousness of certain invasions. Researchers who have tried to analyse characteristic developmental patterns, the speed of dispersal or the degree of genetic divergence in populations of alien species have come to different conclusions. Among parasitologists, the applied aspects of parasite invasions, such as the negative effects on economically important hosts, have long been at the centre of interest. In this contribution, invasions by hosts as well as parasites are considered comparatively, revealing many similarities and a few differences. Two helminths, the liver fluke,Fasciola hepatica,of cattle and sheep and the swimbladder nematode,Anguillicola crassus,of eels are shown to be useful as model parasites for the study of animal invasions and environmental global change. Introductions ofF. hepaticahave been associated with imports of cattle or other grazing animals. In various target areas, susceptible lymnaeid snails serving as intermediate hosts were either naturally present and/or were introduced from the donor continent of the parasite (Europe) and/or from other regions which were not within the original range of the parasite, partly reflecting progressive stages of a global biota change. In several introduced areas,F. hepaticaco-occurs with native or exotic populations of the congenericF. gigantica, with thus far unknown implications. Over the fluke's extended range, in addition to domestic stock animals, wild native or naturalized mammals can also serve as final hosts. Indigenous and displaced populations ofF. hepatica, however, have not yet been studied comparatively from an evolutionary perspective.A. crassus, from the Far East, has invaded three continents, without the previous naturalization of its natural hostAnguilla japonica, by switching to the respective indigenous eel species. Local entomostrac crustaceans serve as susceptible intermediate hosts. The novel final hosts turned out to be naive in respect to the introduced nematode with far reaching consequences for the parasite's morphology (size), abundance and pathogenicity. Comparative infection experiments with Japanese and European eels yielded many differences in the hosts' immune defence, mirroring coevolution versus an abrupt host switch associated with the introduction of the helminth. In other associations of native hosts and invasive parasites, the elevated pathogenicity of the parasite seems to result from other deficiencies such as a lack of anti-parasitic behaviour of the naïve host compared to the donor host which displays distinct behavioural patterns, keeping the abundance of the parasite low. From the small amount of available literature, it can be concluded that the adaptation of certain populations of the novel host to the alien parasite takes several decades to a century or more. Summarizing all we know about hosts and parasites as aliens, tentative patterns and principles can be figured out, but individual case studies teach us that generalizations should be avoided.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-97
Сивкова ◽  
T. Sivkova ◽  
Красникова ◽  
E. Krasnikova ◽  
Шураков ◽  

Objective of research: to study the caryopathic effect of bio-preparation Bacillus subtilis 12В on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of white mice after a single intra-abdominal administration of the Fasciola hepatica extract. Materials and methods: The investigations were conducted on white male mice after oral use of preparation Sporovite based on B. subtilis 12B; then the intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extracts at a dose of 100 mkg/head was applied. The protein extract from F. hepatica was administered to mice of the second group, and animals of the third group received only the probiotic Sporovite. Animals of the fourth group did not get the preparation and served as controls. 48 hours later the animals were killed; touch smears obtained from testis were stained by the Romanovsky method and examined under a microscope what enables to determine the mitotic index and the number of pathological meiosis forms. The experiments were conducted on lambs whose seminal vesicles were placed into a solution of 10% Formalin and examined histologically. 2-3μ-thick slices were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin by Van Gieson method and examined under a microscope at 50, 400 and 1000 x magnifications. Results and discussion: During the pathomorphological and caryomitotic studies of testis of white mice and lambs after administration of Sporovite on the background of intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extract the reduction of negative effects on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of testis in animals wasn’t observed. A decrease in mitotic index by 2-3 times and a high amount of pathological forms were registered. The number of metaphases with preterm chromosome disjunction under the joint effect of F. hepatica and B. subtilis extracts has decreased by half.

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 (5) ◽  
pp. 375-384
M. Drohvalenko ◽  
A. Mykhailenko ◽  
M. Rekrotchuk ◽  
L. Shpak ◽  
V. Shuba ◽  

Abstract A part of the COI mitochondrial barcoding gene was sequenced from seven species of different taxonomical groups: Ambystoma mexicanum (Amphibia, Ambystomatidae), Darevskia lindholmi, Lacerta agilis exigua (Reptilia, Lacertidae), Erinaceus roumanicus (Mammalia, Erinaceidae), Macrobiotus sp. 1 and 2 (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae) and Cameraria ohridella (Insecta, Gracillariidae). The sequences were compared with available sequences from databases and positioned on phylogenetic trees when the taxa had not yet been sequenced. The presence of Mexican axolotls in herpetoculture in Ukraine was confirmed. The partial COI genes of the Crimean rock lizard and an eastern sub-species of the sand lizard were sequenced. We demonstrated the presence of two tardigrade mitochondrial lineages of the Macrobiotus hufelandi group in the same sample from the Zeya Natural Reserve in the Far East: one was nearly identical to the Italian M. macrocalix, and the other one is similar to M. persimilis and M. vladimiri. We also confirmed the presence of the invasive haplotype “A” of the horse chestnut leaf miner in Ukraine, in line with the hypothesized route of invasion from Central Europe.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 336
Yulia Pebriani

<em>Local culture is very diverse Indonesia became an honor and challenge to maintain and inherited to the next generation. Local Indonesian culture is very proud because it has a very varied diversity and unique. As time, lead to changes in lifestyle a more modern society. As a result, people will prefer the new culture that may be considered more practical than the local culture. Views on kinship, treasures, and wander in the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck Hamka works and novels Bulan Susut works Ismet Fanany changes and cultural shifts. Kinship, treasures, and wander in the novel Sinking Ship Van Der Wijck Hamka's work is described explicitly, whereas kinship, treasures, and wander in the novel Month Losses Ismet work Fanany described implicitly. Changes in people's lives has implications for social Minangkabau culture in Minangkabau society. A leadership that is both functional mamak transformed into symbolic leadership. Mamak originally as straps tribesmen, has changed the status and intrinsic meaning.</em>

PMLA ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 123 (3) ◽  
pp. 718-722 ◽  
Kathleen Fitzpatrick

I was invited by the MLA committee on the status of graduate students in the profession to speak at a convention workshop entitled “Keywords for a Digital Profession.” My keyword was obsolescence, a catchall term for a multiplicity of conditions; there are material obsolescences, institutional obsolescences, and purely theoretical obsolescences, each type demanding a different response. I spent years pondering theoretical obsolescence while writing The Anxiety of Obsolescence: The American Novel in the Age of Television. The book argues, in part, that claims about the obsolescence of cultural forms often say more about those doing the claiming than they do about the objects of the claims. Neither the novel in particular nor the book more broadly nor print in general is dead, and agonized announcements of the death of such technologies and genres often serve to re-create an elite cadre of cultural producers and consumers, ostensibly operating on the margins of contemporary culture and profiting from their claims of marginality by creating a sense that their own values, once mainstream and now decaying, must be protected. Two oft-cited reports of the National Endowment for the Arts, Reading at Risk (2004) and To Read or Not to Read (2007), come to mind; like numerous other expressions of anxiety about the supposed decline of reading, each rhetorically creates a cultural wildlife preserve in which the apparently obsolete can flourish (United States). These texts suggest that obsolescence is, in this case at least, less a material state than a political project.

Parasitology ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 134 (6) ◽  
pp. 841-852 ◽  
S. L. L. HILL ◽  

SUMMARYThis study begins to redress our lack of knowledge of the interactions between colonial hosts and their parasites by focusing on a novel host-parasite system. Investigations of freshwater bryozoan populations revealed that infection by myxozoan parasites is widespread. Covert infections were detected in all 5 populations studied and were often at high prevalence while overt infections were observed in only 1. Infections were persistent in populations subject to temporal sampling. Negative effects of infection were identified but virulence was low. Infection did not induce mortality in the environmental conditions studied. However, the production of statoblasts (dormant propagules) was greatly reduced in bryozoans with overt infections in comparison to uninfected bryozoans. Overtly-infected bryozoans also grew more slowly and had low fission rates relative to colonies lacking overt infection. Bryozoans with covert infections were smaller than uninfected bryozoans. High levels of vertical transmission were achieved through colony fission and the infection of statoblasts. Increased fission rates may be a strategy for hosts to escape from parasites but the parasite can also exploit the fragmentation of colonial hosts to gain vertical transmission and dispersal. Our study provides evidence that opportunities and constraints for host-parasite co-evolution can be highly dependent on organismal body plans and that low virulence may be associated with exploitation of colonial hosts by endoparasites.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Xu Tingting ◽  
Zuo Yuxiu ◽  
Ma Cunhong

<span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 宋体; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;" lang="EN-US">With the development of society and the rise of women's status, professional women become non-ignorable in the workplace. The development of professional women also results in all kinds of pressure. Through the survey of the status of professional women's occupational pressure, this paper aims to analyze the differences of the total pressure in age, disposition, education, marital status, type of work and demographics, so as to explore the main factors; besides, this paper will also study the coping situation and discuss the relationship between the way of release and occupational pressure. Hope to conduct a more in-depth study of professional women's stress from wider angles in all around, providing a scientific basis for most professional women to adjust the physical and mental state, relieve stress, avoid the negative effects of burnout and improve work efficiency. This research has adopted cluster sampling method, surveyed by way of questionnaire, and discussed the status and influencing factors of women's occupational stress. The investigation on the influencing factors and countermeasures of female occupational stress could provide a more effective way of pressure relief for the majority of women, improve their work efficiency and better serve society! Therefore, it becomes an important topic to study the stress of professional women.</span>

2021 ◽  
Vol 85 ◽  
pp. 227-244
María Sandra Peña-Cervel ◽  
Andreea Rosca

This paper provides evidence of the fruitfulness of combining analytical categories from Cognitive Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis for the analysis of complex literary characterizations. It does so through a detailed study of the “tributes”, i.e. the randomly selected children who have to fight to death in a nationally televised show, in The Hunger Games. The study proves the effectiveness of such categories to provide an analytically accurate picture of the dystopian world depicted in the novel, which is revealed to include a paradoxical element of hope. The type of dehumanization that characterizes the dystopian society of Panem is portrayed through an internally consistent set of ontological metaphors which project negative aspects of lower forms of existence onto people. This selection of metaphors promotes a biased perspective on the poor inhabitants of Panem, while legitimizing the social inequalities the wealthy Capitol works hard to immortalize. However, Katniss undergoes a metamorphosis through her discovery of her own identity, which hints at an emerging female empowerment. This transformation, together with her identification with the Mockingjay, a supernatural being that voices her beliefs and emotions, contributes to disrupting the status quo imposed by the almighty Gamemakers and to purveying a message of optimism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1197-1202
Mohammed Abdullah Abduldaim Hizabr Alhusami

The aim of this paper is to investigate the issue of intertextuality in the novel Alfirdaws Alyabab (The Waste Paradise) by the female Saudi novelist and short story writer Laila al-Juhani. Intertextuality is a rhetoric and literary technique defined as a textual reference deliberate or subtle to some other texts with a view of drawing more significance to the core text; and hence it is employed by an author to communicate and discuss ideas in a critical style. The narrative structure of Alfirdaws Alyabab (The Waste Paradise) showcases references of religious, literary, historical, and folkloric intertextuality. In analyzing these references, the study follows the intertextual approach. In her novel The Waste Paradise, Laila al-Juhani portrays the suffering of Saudi women who are less tormented by social marginalization than by an inner conflict between openness to Western culture and conformity to cultural heritage. Intertextuality relates to words, texts, or discourses among each other. Moreover, the intertextual relations are subject to reader’s response to the text. The relation of one text with other texts or contexts never reduces the prestige of writing. Therefore, this study, does not diminish the status of the writer or the text; rather, it is in itself a kind of literary creativity. Finally, this paper aims to introduce Saudi writers in general and the female writers in particular to the world literature.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Fernanda Coutinho

In this essay, I examine the status of Baleia, the family dog in Graciliano Ramos’s Vidas secas (1938). My principal interest is to analyse the attenuation of distances and the differentiation of sensibility between humans and animals in the novel. I argue that Baleia allows Ramos to leave aside an absolute belief in human reasoning and think of the nonhuman animal as a being endowed with complexity. In this, Ramos deviates from a speciesist appreciation of history and sharpens the gaze of his readers with respect to the limitations of our understanding of the world and its beings.

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