Urban resilience and sustainability of the city of Gondar (Ethiopia) in the face of adverse historical changes

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Mulatu Wubneh
2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Evandro Holz

The outlook on urban resilience has gone through significant evolution. Its concept has been broadened from an emphasis on endurance of functions, through a focus on adaptability of systems, towards transformative capabilities in the face of uncertainty of events. Most notably, new visions acknowledge both short-term ‘shocks’ (e.g. hurricanes) and longer-term ‘stresses’ (e.g. inequality), recognising crises as intrinsic to the complexities of the world we live in, and actually necessary for our progress. To encompass the uneven and unpredictable circumstances we experience, it is essential that we acknowledge the empowerment of citizens, along with their tangible and intangible assets (e.g. infrastructure and education, respectively), as the main drivers of change (which I refer to as ‘self-managed resilience’). Social housing programmes present a great opportunity to build on this new perspective on resilience. They allow the transformation of a set of issues (including shocks, e.g. natural disaster, and stresses, e.g. poverty) into an opportunity to embrace change and evolve from it. However, they often cause a big disruption in the city fabric and, in the long-term, even replicate the problems beneficiaries faced before it. This article shows how the application of new urban resilience perspectives in social housing, particularly via self-managed practices, can minimize the occurrence of these issues. Drawing on experiences in Brazil, it describes the positive effects in social, economic and environmental resilience derived from beneficiaries’ engagement in all project phases. Moreover, it provides a forward-looking conclusion including recommendations to further improve self-managed resilience and housing practices. Key words: urban resilience, self-managed housing, social housing

Lyubov V. Ostapenko ◽  
Roman A. Starchenko ◽  
Irina A. Subbotina

Young people’s participation in optimizing interethnic relations is becoming particularly important in the face of growing interethnic tension, a rise of distrust and suspicion between countries and nations. Based on the analysis of data from the survey carried out among Muscovites aged 16-29, the article is aimed at showing the scale and nature of interethnic interaction between the Russian population of the capital and representatives of other ethnic groups in Moscow, attitude towards such contacts in different spheres of life (including interethnic marriages), young people’s evaluation of the interethnic situation in the city and opinion on the reasons for its instability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-55
Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha
The Face ◽  

This text seeks to explore the Argentine films Castro (Alejo Moguillansky, 2009) and El asaltante (Pablo Fendrik, 2007) from within the displacement of their characters through the city. This transit configures the organising element of the plots, determining the direction and rhythm of events. The escape motto will structure the film analyses, which are also twinned by the sensory apprehension that comes from the spaces they travel through. The notion of escape, as explored by Esteban Dipaola in Argentine cinema of the 1990s, continues to throb in mid-to-late 2000s production, and in these films represents the means by which the protagonists deploy critical attitudes—sometimes radical and explosive, sometimes silent—in the face of fixed notions, suggesting some scepticism about the “stability” and “order” that they (dis)encounter in normality. RESUMEN Este texto busca explorar los largometrajes argentinos Castro (Alejo Moguillansky, 2009) y El asaltante (Pablo Fendrik, 2007) a partir del desplazamiento de sus personajes por la ciudad. El transitar se configura como elemento organizador de las tramas, determinando la dirección y el ritmo de los acontecimientos. El tema de la fuga irá estructurando los análisis de las películas, las cuales también están relacionadas por la aprehensión sensorial que hacen de los espacios que recorren. La noción de fuga, tal y como fue explorada por Esteban Dipaola en el cine argentino de los años 90, continúa vigente en la producción de mediados/fines de la primera década del siglo XXI, y en estas películas es el recurso por medio del cual los protagonistas despliegan actitudes críticas – a veces radicales y explosivas, y a veces silenciosas – frente a nociones convencionales, lo cual hace pensar que existe un cierto escepticismo con relación a la “estabilidad” y al “orden” que ellos (des)encuentran en la normalidad. RESUMO Este texto busca explorar os longas-metragens argentinos Castro (Alejo Moguillansky, 2009) e El asaltante (Pablo Fendrik, 2007) a partir do deslocamento de seus personagens pela cidade. O transitar configura-se como elemento organizador das tramas, determinando a direção e o ritmo dos acontecimentos. O mote da fuga estruturará as análises dos filmes, os quais também se irmanam pela apreensão sensorial que fazem dos espaços que percorrem. A noção de fuga, conforme explorada por Esteban Dipaola no cinema argentino da década de 1990, continua a pulsar na produção de meados/fins dos anos 2000, e é, nestes filmes, o recurso através do qual os protagonistas desdobram atitudes críticas – às vezes radicais e explosivas, às vezes silenciosas – diante de noções fixas, sugerindo certo ceticismo em relação à “estabilidade” e à “ordem” que eles (des)encontram na normalidade.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (45) ◽  
pp. 118-122
Victor Paes Dias Gonçalves ◽  
Hugo Leonardo Matias Nahmias ◽  
Marcus Menezes Alves Azevedo

Among contact sports, the practice of martial arts offers a greater risk of causing dental trauma and fractures as contact with the face is more frequent. The primary objective of the research is to evaluate the incidence of mouthguard use, and the secondary objective is to verify which type has a greater predominance and the difficulties in its use correlating to the type of mouthguard used. A documentary study was carried out with 273 athletes of different contact sports, among them: MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwondo of the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was concluded that the most commonly used mouthguard is PB Boils and Bites - Type II and its level of approval is poor, interfering with the athletes’ performance, mainly in relation to the breathing factor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-59
Josimara A. de Araújo Varela ◽  
Tatiana F.T. Palitot ◽  
Smyrna L.X. de Souza ◽  
Alidianne F.C. Cavalcanti ◽  
Alessandro L. Cavalcanti

Objective: This study aimed to analyze the presence of lesions in the skull and face and the associated factors in pedestrian victims of traffic accidents. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study carried out through the analysis of medical records of pedestrian victims of traffic accidents in an emergency service in the city of Campina Grande, Brazil, during the year of 2016. Information was collected regarding gender, age group, day of the week, time of the accident, type of vehicle involved, presence of trauma to the skull and face, and outcomes. The Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests were used, with a significance level of 5%. Results: A total of 1,884 medical records were evaluated, out of which 7.1% (n = 133) involved pedestrians. Men were the most frequent victims (68.4%), and victims of age 60 years old or over (30.5%) predominated. Almost one-third of the cases were recorded during the weekends (30.5%), and the most prevalent time was at night (52.7%). Regarding the type of vehicle involved, motorcycles predominated (47.4%). Head trauma was present in 37.6% of victims, while facial injuries corresponded to 8.2%. In 12% of cases, the victims died. The variables of gender, age group, occurrence on weekends, and trauma to the face showed a statistically significant association with the occurrence of traffic accidents (Chi-square test; p<0.05). Conclusion: Among pedestrian victims of traffic accidents, there is a predominance of men aged 65 years or over. Accidents are frequent at night, and motorcycles are the main vehicles involved. The presence of trauma to the skull and face regions is high.

Multilingua ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
William Robert Amilan Cook

Abstract This paper takes up conviviality as an analytical tool to investigate everyday language choices made by foreign residents living in Ras Al Khaimah, a small city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It draws on recent work in human geography and cultural studies to understand conviviality in terms of practices rather than outcomes. Specifically, it investigates some of the linguistic dimensions of conviviality deployed by residents of the city in everyday situations of linguistic contact and negotiation of difference. The paper focuses on participants’ “small story” narratives (Georgakopoulou, Alexandra. 2015. Small stories research: Methods – analysis – outreach. In Anna De Fina & Alexandra Georgakopoulou (eds.), The handbook of narrative analysis, 255–272. Malden: John Wiley & Sons) that exemplify everyday language choices in the face of a highly ethnolinguistically diverse as well as racially and economically stratified society. Considering the multitude of ethnolinguistic and socioeconomic divisions in the city and the country as a whole, the paper unpacks how such cross-border contact is negotiated through everyday language practices. The paper identifies four types of convivial linguistic practices described by my participants: language sharing, benevolent interpretation, language checks and respectful language choices. In the process, I also probe the limits of what studying conviviality can tell us about everyday linguistic togetherness in highly segregated societies marked by stark inequalities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 338-353
Nadia Sa’d Al-Deen

Emboldened by American partiality for the Israeli occupation and the feeble Arab-Islamic support for the Palestinian cause, Israel has been taking advantage, over the last five years, of the current events and changing conditions prevailing in the regional Arab system. The Israeli occupation authority employs the two contingent devices of education and the economy in occupied Jerusalem as a base for counter-action in its desperate effort to hit the collective political consciousness that demands terminating occupation, liberation and self-determination. The occupation authority in occupied Jerusalem has employed a systematic scheme to isolate the city from the rest of the West Bank territories. Their aim is to destroy its trade movement in order to tighten the loop of hegemony around the vital economic and social sectors, and to deprive the Palestinian Authority from returns of tourism. Life for the residents of the city has become complicated in every possible way, prompting them to abandon their city. All this would be a part of a ‘voluntary immigration’ policy as a prelude to Judaizing the city, evacuating its residents, replacing them with settlers and, ultimately, dropping the city off the partition claims. The measures adopted by the occupation authorities take advantage of the educational and economic dimensions and employ them as leverage for penetrating the articulating points of the resisting Jerusalemite society. This goal is being achieved by shaking the foundations of the educational system and by obstructing endeavours seeking to improve and propagate it. The occupation authority continued to perpetrate its scheme of ‘displacement/settlement’ when it recently expelled 100,000 Jerusalemites from their city. In light of the aforesaid, this research examines, as its main theme, the impact of putting the educational and economic dimensions to use in the Israeli project against occupied Jerusalem, on the fate of the city, and on the equation of the Arab–Israeli conflict. The paper also argues that it would be natural that a popular youth movement emerging in the face of Israel’s intransigence will nominate its own political leadership, dissociated from the political leadership of the Palestinian factions, so that insurrection can continue.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Larissa Fonseca

Sinopse: Em meio ao colorido de goiabas, batatas e flores mais que cheiros e sabores, descobrir pessoas. Agricultoras e agricultores que com suas histórias e lutas, estão representados nas varandas e nas mesas da cidade. Trazer a imagem não de uma feira, mas de cada pessoa que diariamente se dedica ao cultivo e à produção de alimentos. Encontrar o rosto e as escolhas de outros modos de fazer agricultura, de outros modos de se alimentar. De assentados e suas lutas pela preservação de sementes crioulas, de jovens universitários e sua determinação em permanecer no campo e de fumicultores aposentados dispostos a limpar suas terras dos venenos de mais 30 anos de cultivos agressivos, é feita a Feira Sabores da Terra. Feira da agricultura familiar do município de Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, que acontece todas as segundas-feiras à tarde e reúne cerca de 18 produtores. Em um pavilhão de madeira no centro da cidade são expostos doces coloniais, panificados, frangos congelados, farinhas, feijões, legumes, verduras, frutas e flores, em variedade conforme a estação do ano. Produtos que são vendidos entre boas conversas, rodas de chimarrão e é claro, uma melancia bem gelada ou uma deliciosa rapadura. Para a permanência e continuação da feira, que se realiza há pouco mais de um ano, os feirantes têm enfrentado e superado dificuldades. A distância de suas propriedades até a cidade, muitas das vezes são mais do que duas horas de viagem. A demanda, pelos consumidores, por produtos conforme padrões estéticos dos alimentos produzidos com veneno. O cansaço de mãos que, com mais de 40 anos de trabalho, ainda enfrentam a roça durante toda a semana e o frio, a chuva e o calor de uma feira praticamente ao ar livre. O conciliar o trabalho agrícola e a feira com os estudos, cujo acesso limitado pela distância das universidades, das oportunidades de estágios e pela dificuldade de ascender ao ensino público superior. Apesar de tão próximos, rostos e mãos muitas vezes invisíveis em escolhas alimentares. Gente que oportuniza uma alternativa à alimentação. Alimentação proveniente da relação de mulheres e homens com a terra, de suas sabedorias e ações. Feira Sabores da Terra, um ponto de aproximação entre o campo e a cidade, entre o cultivo e o alimento, entre o cuidado e o sabor. De agricultoras e agricultores e seus feijões, morangos e biscoitos. Este ensaio fotográfico é parte da agenda de pesquisa “Saberes e Sabores da Colônia”, desenvolvida no âmbito do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Alimentação e Cultura (GEPAC) e vinculada ao Bacharelado e ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Synopsis: In the middle of colored places with guava , potatoes and flowers more than smells of flavors, we discover people. Farmers, with your stories and struggles, are represented on the balconies and tables of the city. Representing the image of each person that daily is dedicated to the cultivation and food production, not just the image of a fair is much more than that. Find the face and choices of other ways of doing agriculture and others ways of feeding. From the land reform settlements and their struggles for the preservation of native seeds, of university students and their determination to remain in the field and retires tobacco growers willing to clear their land of the poisons of another 30 years of aggressive crops, is made the Flavors of the Earth Fair. Family Agriculture Fair, in the Canguçu City in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, of what happens on every Monday afternoon and brings together about 18 small farmers. In a wooden pavilion in Downtown city are exposed colonial sweets, bakery products, quick-frozen, flours, beans, vegetables, fruits and flowers in variety according to season. Products that are sold as God´s taste is of course chimarrão, and watermelon ice-cold or a delicious rapadura. For the permanence and continuation of the green fair, been held little more than a year ago, the small farmers have had and overcome difficulties. The distance of their properties of the Downtown , often last more than two hours of the trip. The consumer demand by products according to aesthetic standards of foods produced with venom. The fatigue of hands, still for more than 40 years of work, are still facing small farm during the days in a cool, rain and heat weather and the a fair still open. To reconcile agricultural work and the fair with studies, to which access is restricted by distances from universities, internship opportunities, and the difficulty of access to higher public education. Although close, often invisible faces and hands in food choices. People who offer alternative food. Food derived from the relationship of men and women to the land, of his wisdom and actions. Flavors of The Hearth Fair, a point of approximation between the countryside and the city, between the crop and the food, between care and taste. Of farmers and agriculturists and their beans, strawberries and biscuits. This photo essay is part of research agenda “Knowledge and tastes of the agricultural colony”, developed in the framework of the Group of the Studies and Researches in Food an Culture (GEPAC) and linked to the Bachelor’s and the Postgraduate Program In Anthropology of Federal University of Pelotas. Palavras-chave: Agricultura Familiar – Campesinato – Feira – Alimentação - Consumo Key-words: : Family Agriculture - Peasantry – Fair – Food - Consumption Ficha técnica: Direção: Larissa Fonseca Roteiro: Larissa Fonseca Fotografia: Larissa Fonseca Coordenação de Pesquisa: Renata Menasche Edição de Imagem: Larissa Fonseca e Hamilton Bittencourt Assessoria em Imagem: Claudia Turra Magni Credits: Author: Larissa Fonseca Photographs: Larissa Fonseca Direction: Larissa Fonseca Research Coordination: Renata Menasche Image Editing: Larissa Fonseca e Hamilton Bittencourt Image Consulting: Claudia Turra Magni.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 206-209
Philippe Charlier

The problem I am interested in is above all that of the biomedical management of human remains in archaeology, these ancient artifacts “unlike any other”, these “atypical patients”. In the following text, I will examine, with an interdisciplinary perspective (anthropological, philosophical and medical), how it is possible to work on human remains in archaeology, but also how to manage their storage after study. Working in archaeology is already a political problem (in the Greek sense of the word, i.e., it literally involves the city), and one could refer directly to Laurent Olivier’s work on the politics of archaeological excavations during the Third Reich and the spread of Nazi ideology based on excavation products and anthropological studies. But in addition, working on human remains can also pose political problems, and we paid the price in my team when we worked on Robespierre’s death mask (the reconstruction of the face having created a real scandal on the part of the French far left) but also when we worked on Henri IV’s head (its identification having considerably revived the historical clan quarrel between Orléans and Bourbon). Working on human remains is therefore anything but insignificant.

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