scholarly journals The growth response and shallot production on some dosage of npk nitrate compound fertilizer 16-16-16

2021 ◽  
Vol 911 (1) ◽  
pp. 012048
Andi Faisal Suddin ◽  
Maintang ◽  
Muh. Asri ◽  
A.A. Wahditiya ◽  
Abdul Wahid Rauf ◽  

Abstract Fertilizer is considered to be one of the important factors in increasing shallot production. However, this must be followed by proper fertilization management to meet the nutrient requirements of the plant. This research was conducted with the aim of dertermining the correct dosage of NPK 16:16:16 based on ammonium nitrate in shallot plants. The assessment was carried out in October-December 2018. The research was carried out at one of the centers of shallot development, specificallly in Batu Rampung Hamlet, Tanete Village, Angeraja Sub-District, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi. A randomized block design (RBD) was used in this research, accompanied by three replications and eight treatments: P1 = NPK Nitrate 16-16-16 450 kg/ha + Urea 150 kg/ha + ZA 300 kg/ha; P2 = NPK Nitrate 16-16-16 400 kg/ha + Urea 150 kg/ha + ZA 300 kg/ha; P3 = NPK Nitrate 16-16-16 350 kg/ha + Urea 150 kg/ha + ZA 300 kg/ha; P4 = NPK Nitrate 16-16-16 900 kg/ha; P5 = NPK Nitrate 16-16-16 800 kg/ha; P6 = NPK Nitrate 16-16-16 700 kg/ha; P7 = Urea 200 kg/ha + ZA 400 kg/ha + KCL 100 kg/ha; P8 = NPK Phonska 645 kg/ha + Urea 645 kg/ha + SP36 645 kg/ha. The results showed that NPK Nitrate Fertilization 16:16:16 at a dose of 700- 900 kg/ha indicated a fairly high growth and production (14.5-16.3 t/ha). The results obtained were not significantly different from the high-dose fertilization used by farmers (17.2 t/ha), and higher than the single dose based on the recommendation (12.8 t/ha).

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
F. S. Luhulima ◽  
M. T. Lasut ◽  
R. P. Kainde ◽  
A. Thomas

ABSTRACT Various doses of NPK fertilization  could increase plant growth. This research studied  the effect of NPK compound fertilizer with some kind of dose on the growth of seedlings of red jabon. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Silviculture Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sam  Rarulangi which lasted from May until June 2012, The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of compound NPK fertilizers on the growth of seedlings of red jabon. The research used experimental design of Randomized Block Design (RBD), Each treatment was replicated 5 times and each replication consisted of 5 red jabon seedlings. The treatments being given were: (1) without fertilizer (control), (2) 1 g of NPK/ plant, (3) 2 g of NPK/plant, (4)  3 g of NPK/plant and (5) 4 g of NPK/plant.  The results of this research showed that compound fertilizer NPK influence to high growth, diameter,  number of leaves, root volume and dry weight of seedlings red jabon canopy. NPK fertilizer with a dose of 3 g/plant  (D) can increase height growth,  diameter and number of leaves. While the parameters of the root volume and dry weight of the canopy, NPK treatment media with 4 g/plant (E) gives better results.Keywords : NPK fertilization, growth seedling, red jabon ABSTRAK Pemupukan NPK dengan berbagai dosis dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman. Dalam penelitian ini dipelajari pengaruh pemupukan majemuk NPK dengan beberapa macam dosis terhadap pertumbuhan bibit jabon merah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Silvikultur Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Rarulangi yang berlangsung mulai Mei s/d Juni 2012. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemupukan majemuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan bibit jabon merah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 5 kali dan setiap ulangan terdiri atas 6 bibit jabon. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah : (1) tanpa pupuk (kontrol), (2) pupuk NPK 1 gram/tanaman, (3) pupuk NPK 2 gram/tanaman, (4) pupuk NPK 3 gram/tanaman dan (5) pupuk NPK 4 gram/tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dosis pupuk majemuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi, diameter, jumlah daun, volume akar dan berat kering tajuk bibit jabon merah. Pemupukan NPK dengan dosis 3 gram/tanaman (D)  dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi, diameter dan jumlah daun. Sedangkan pada parameter volume akar dan berat kering tajuk, media dengan perlakuan NPK 4 gram/tanaman (E) memberikan hasil yang lebih baik.Kata kunci :  pemupukan NPK, pertumbuhan bibit, jabon merah

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 062
Apresus Sinaga ◽  
Didik Indradewa ◽  
Priyono Suryanto

The efforts to improve the productivity of soybean can be done through technological innovation by the provision of chemical fertilizers and mycorrhizae. This study were aimed to obtain information on the effect of a single fertilizer, which can provide the same or higher level of soybean crops if compared with those compound fertilizers, as well as to find out the effect of mycorrhizae to the improvement of efficiency in the use of inorganic fertilizers. It is expected that the mycorrhizae inoculation can reduce single fertilizer’s dose to the level equivalent to the compound fertilizer given by farmers. The study was conducted in Bleberan Village, Playen Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta from February to May 2015. It was conducted by using a two-factors factorial design arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. The first factor was inorganic fertilizer (N, P2O5 and K2O), consisting of 5 levels, i.e. without fertilizer (0-0-0 kg/ ha), Phonska fertilizer (45-45-45 kg/ha), single fertilizer (45 -45-45 kg/ha), a low single fertilizer (23-36-30 kg/ha) and high single fertilizer (23-108-90 kg/ha). The second factor was mycorrhizal inoculation, consisting of three levels, i.e. without mycorrhizae (0 g), medium dose (2.5 g) and high dose (5 g). Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a significance level of 5%. If there was a significant difference, analysis was followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test with a significance level of 5%. The relationship between variables observed was examined by a correlation analysis. The results showed that there was no interaction between inorganic fertilizer and mycorrhizal application. The dose of single fertilizer which was equivalent to the dose of compound fertilizer given to soybean could increase crops by 1.37 t/ha compared with plants treated with a compound fertilizer 1.13 t/ha. The results of correlation analysis among parameters showed that there were correlations between the grain crops and height (r = 0.506**), stem diameter (r = 0.303*), and the number of pods per plant (r = 0.313*).

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 277
Usman Usman ◽  
Neltje Nobertine Palinggi ◽  
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin ◽  
Makmur Makmur ◽  
Rachmansyah Rachmansyah

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kebutuhan optimum kadar protein dan lemak pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan komposisi badan ikan kerapu macan ukuran konsumsi. Sembilan pakan uji dibuat dalam bentuk moist pelet dengan tiga dosis protein (46%, 49%, dan 52%) dan tiga dosis lemak (9%, 11%, dan 13%). Ikan uji dipelihara dalam 27 keramba jaring apung ukuran 1 m x 1 m x 2 m selama 140 hari, diberi pakan uji secara satiasi dua kali sehari dan diset dalam rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial berdasarkan kelompok ukuran bobot awal ikan yaitu (i) 122,0±4,2 g; (ii) 144,0±7,1 g; dan (iii) 172,9±10,5 g. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju pertumbuhan spesifik dan sintasan ikan relatif sama (>0,05) di antara perlakuan. Efisiensi pakan cenderung meningkat dengan meningkatnya kadar protein dan lemak pakan. Tingkat efisiensi pemanfaatan protein cenderung menurun dengan meningkatnya kadar protein pakan, tetapi meningkat dengan meningkatnya kadar lemak pakan. Hasil analisis proksimat badan ikan menunjukkan bahwa kadar bahan kering dan lemak ikan relatif tidak dipengaruhi (P>0,05) oleh peningkatan kadar protein pakan, namun kadar bahan kering dan lemak ikan tersebut sedikit naik dengan meningkatnya kadar lemak pakan. Kadar protein dan abu ikan relatif tidak dipengaruhi oleh perubahan kadar protein dan lemak pakan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini tampak bahwa pakan dengan kadar protein 49% dan lemak sekitar 11% mampu memberikan pertumbuhan dan komposisi badan ikan kerapu macan yang baik.This experiment was conducted to investigate the optimum dietary protein and lipid level for growth and body composition of tiger grouper. Nine dietary experiments were formulated to moist pellet contain three levels of protein (46%, 49%, and 52%) and three levels of lipid (9%, 11%, and 13%). The fish were fed twice daily to satiation for 140 days in twenty seven net cages of 1 m x 1 m x 2 m, were set up factorial randomized block design based on fish size group i.e. (i) 122.0±4.2 g, (ii) 144.0±7.1 g, and (iii) 172.9±10.5 g. The results shown that specific growth rate and survival rate were not significant different (P>0.05) for all treatments. Feed efficiency increased when protein and lipid content increased. Protein efficiency decreased when protein diets increased and increased when lipid diets increased. No interaction occurred between protein and lipid content to all observable biological variables. Dry matter and lipid content of test fish were not affected by protein diets increase but by lipid diet content. Protein and ash of test fish were not affected by either protein or lipid contained in diet. To assure high growth rates and high quality of fish product, it is suggested to feed tiger grouper with diet containing 49% protein and 11% lipid. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 17

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian mengenai jarak tanam dan pemupukan untuk tanaman<br />rosela merah (Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa) belum banyak dilakukan.<br />Suatu penelitian, yang dilakukan di Desa Kanyoran, Kecamatan Semen,<br />Kabupaten Kediri pada tahun 2010, bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jarak<br />tanam dan dosis pupuk NPK majemuk yang tepat bagi pertumbuhan serta<br />produksi kelopak bunga rosela merah dan analisis usaha tani. Perlakuan<br />disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan 3 ulangan.<br />Sebagai faktor pertama adalah 3 ukuran jarak tanam yang terdiri atas 1) 80<br />x 50 cm; 2) 100 x 50 cm; dan 3) 120 x 50 cm; dan sebagai faktor kedua<br />adalah 5 dosis pupuk NPK majemuk yang terdiri atas a) 30 kg NPK/ha; b)<br />37,50 kg NPK/ha; c) 45 kg NPK/ha; d) 52,50 kg NPK/ha; dan e) 60 kg<br />NPK/ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara jarak<br />tanam (100 x 50 cm) dengan dosis pupuk (45 kg NPK/ha) yang<br />memberikan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang produktif,<br />jumlah buah, bobot kelopak bunga berbiji, bobot biji, bobot basah kelopak<br />bunga tanpa biji, dan bobot kelopak bunga kering maksimal, masing-<br />masing sebesar 186,63 cm; 16,33 cabang; 117,00 buah; 41,33 kg/petak;<br />16,17 kg/petak; 26,67 kg/petak; dan 2,35 kg/petak (652,75 kg/ha). Usaha<br />tani rosela merah memberikan keuntungan sebesar Rp 10.420.000/ha<br />dengan B/C = 1,49. Harga pokok kelopak bunga kering sebesar<br />Rp13.031/kg lebih kecil dibanding harga pasar (Rp 40.000/kg), dan dapat<br />dijamin tidak akan terjadi kerugian bagi petani<br />Kata kunci : Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa, jarak tanam, pupuk NPK<br />majemuk, pertumbuhan, produksi</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />There has been no research program on plant spacing and fertilization on<br />red roselle plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa) up to 2010. A study<br />conducted in Desa Kanyoran, Kecamatan Semen, Kediri in 2010, aimed at<br />getting appropriate plant spacing and NPK compound fertilizer dosage for<br />growth and calyx production of red roselle, as well as its farm analysis.<br />The experiment was arranged in a factorial randomized block design with<br />three replicates. As the first factor were 3 dimensions of plant spacing<br />consisting of 1) 80 x 50, 2) 100 x 50, and 3) 120 x 50 cm, and the second<br />factor were 5 doses of NPK compound fertilizer consisting of a) 30, b)<br />37.50, c) 45, d) 52.50, and e) 60 kg NPK/ha. The results showed that there<br />was an interaction between plant spacing (100 x 50 cm) with fertilizer<br />dosage (45 kg NPK/ha), which resulted in plant height, number of<br />productive branches, number of fruits, weight calyx with seed, seed<br />weight, fresh weight of seedless calyx, and maximum dry weight of calyx,<br />each amounting to 186.63 cm; 16.33 branches; 117.00 fruits; 41.33<br />kg/plot; 16.17 kg/plot; 26.67 kg/plot; and 2.35 kg/plot (652.75 kg/ha),<br />respectively. Red roselle farm provided a gain of Rp10,420,000/ha with a<br />B/C of 1.49. Production cost of dried calyx was Rp13,031/kg, lower than<br />market price (Rp 40,000/kg), and was guaranteed to be no loss to farmers.<br />Key words: Hibiscus sabdariffa var. sabdariffa, plant spacing, NPK<br />compound fertilizer, growth, production</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-129
Enda Sabda Gentri Sembiring ◽  
Julaili Irni ◽  
Rama Riana Sitinjak ◽  
Bayu Pratomo

Introduction: This study aims to determine the growth response of Mucuna bracteata cuttings to the concentration and duration of soaking shallot extract. Materials and Methods: This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors, namely: shallot extract concentration (P) consists of 4 levels, include P0= untreated, P1= 10 ml, P2= 20 ml, P3= 30 ml, meanwhile the soaking time (Q) consists of 4 levels, such as Q0= momentarily dipping, Q1= 15 minutes, Q2= 30 minutes, Q3= 45 minutes. The data was processed by ANOVA and if significant, then further tested with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the rate of 5%. Results: The concentration of shallot extract, soaking time and their interaction had a very significant effect on the survival percentage of Mucuna bracteata D.C. cuttings. The highest survival percentage of cuttings of Mucuna bracteata on the effect of shallot extract concentration and soaking time was obtained in the P0Q0, P0Q1, and P3Q2 treatments after the lid was opened at 4 weeks after planting. In the number of leaves also had significant effect in the interaction of two factors

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-191
Muhammad Rizqillah Hidayat

       Watermelon come from arid tropical and subtropical regions of Africa. Watermelon is an annual plant that grows and requires full sun. Lebak swamp soil is known to have the properties and properties of acid sulphate soils that affect the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Fertilizers are the key to soil fertility. Compound fertilizer is a fertilizer that contains several nutrients, for example nutrients (nitrogen), potassium (K) and phosphorus (P). This study aims (i) to obtain influence and (ii) the best dosage of various applications of NPK Compound fertilizer dosage on the growth and yield of watermelon plants on lebak wetland. The study was conducted in Teluk Buluh Village, Banjang District, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency in July - September 2013, this study used a single randomized block design (RBD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications so that there were 25 experimental units. The factors tested were various doses of Compound NPK fertilizer, namely m1: 0.333 t.ha-1 (200 g / bed), m2: 0.666 t.ha-1 (400 g / bed), m3: 0.999 t.ha-1 ( 600 g / bed), m4: 1,332 t.ha-1 (800 g / bed) and m5: 1,665 t.ha-1 (1000 g / bed). The results of this study indicate that the dosage of Compound NPK fertilizer given to watermelon plants in swampland area had a significant effect on plant length and number of leaves aged 25 HST and 30 HST and had a very significant effect on the fruit weight and number of watermelon plants with the best treatment is  m3: 0.999 t.ha-1 (600 g / bed).

Agrikultura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
Stefina Liana Sari ◽  
Rija Sudirja ◽  
Emma Trinurani Sofyan

ABSTRACTApplication of liquid organic fertilizer formula plus on degraded soil to improve the productivity of the land and chili (Capsicum annuum L.) productionSoil exploitation in large numbers occurred in the District Wanaraja of Garut Regency. Excavation of soil more than 2 meters from the top layer for the manufacture of red bricks has exceeded the ability of the soil to re-establish its structure. So that the soils, which were agricultural lands, can be classified as degraded soils with less fertility and chemical properties. Lans reuse for agriculture requires adequate recovery and fertilizer input. This study aimed to determine the formula of LOF (liquid organic fertilizer) plus used with NPK compound fertilizer on degraded soil to improve the soil productivity. The design used was a Simple Randomized Block Design (RBD) by 10 combinations of LOF plus treatment with NPK compound fertilizer as follows: A = Control (degraded soil, no fertilizer), B = 0% LOF + 1 NPK, C = 0.25% LOF + 1 NPK, D = 0.50% LOF + 1 NPK, E = 0.75% LOF + 1 NPK, F = 1.00 % LOF + 1 NPK, G = 0.5% LOF + 3/4 NPK, H = 0.5% LOF + 1/2 NPK, I = 0.5% LOF + 1/4 NPK, J = 0.5 LOF + 0 NPK, and K = 1 NPK of normal soil that all replicated three times. The results showed that the degraded soil of red bricks required concentration of LOF above 0.5% to 1% when applied with 1 dose of standard NPK. It is able to balance the uptake of nutrients P, Ca, and B and percentage of fruitset in chili commodities equivalent to normal soil.Keywords: Chilli, Liquid Organic Faertilizer (LOF), NPK, Soil degrededABSTRAKEksploitasi tanah dalam jumlah yang besar terjadi di Kecamatan Wanaraja, Kabupaten Garut. Terjadinya penggalian tanah lebih dari 2 meter dari lapisan atas untuk pembuatan batu bata merah melampaui kemampuan tanah untuk membentuk struktur tanah kembali, sehingga tanah-tanah yang sebelumnya merupakan tanah pertanian ini dapat digolongkan menjadi tanah terdegradasi dengan sifat kimia kurang subur dan pemanfaatan kembali untuk pertanian memerlukan pemulihan dan input pupuk yang cukup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formula pupuk cair organik (PCO) plus yang digunakan bersama NPK pada tanah terdegradasi guna meningkatkan kembali produktvitas tanahnya. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah RAK sederhana dengan 10 kombinasi perlakuan PCO plus bersama NPK yaitu A = Kontrol (tanah terdegradasi, tanpa pupuk), B = 0% PCO + 1 NPK, C = 0,25% PCO + 1 NPK, D = 0,50% PCO + 1 NPK, E = 0,75% PCO + 1 NPK, F = 1,00% PCO + 1 NPK, G = 0,5% PCO + 3/4 NPK, H = 0,5% PCO + 1/2 NPK, I = 0,5% PCO + 1/4 NPK, J = 0,5 PCO + 0 NPK, dan K = 1 NPK tanah normal. Semua perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah terdegradasi bekas tambang batu bata merah memerlukan konsentrasi PCO di atas 0,5% sampai dengan 1% apabila diaplikasikan bersama 1 dosis NPKstandar. Hal ini mempu mengimbangi serapan hara P, Ca, dan B serta persen fruitset pada komoditas cabai setara dengan tanah normal.Kata Kunci: Cabai, NPK, Pupuk Cair Organik (PCO), Tanah terdegradasi

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Juhriah Juhriah ◽  
Muhammad Azrai ◽  
Elis Tambaru ◽  
Jum Eka Rahayu

This research is the phenotypic characteristics and grouping of hybrid waxy corn Zea mays L. product of the top cross had been carried out in the experimental plant Indonesian Cereals Research Institute (ICERI) in Maros South Sulawesi. This research aims to determine the phenotypic characters of the hybrid of waxy corn Zea mays L. product of the top cross and grouping based on its phenotypic characteristics. This research used a randomized block design (RBD) with 17 th treatments (corn strains) and three replications. Waxy corn strains used were: URI 1 (G8), G8G1, G8G2, G8G3, G8G4, G8G5, G8G6, G8G7, Soppeng (G10), G10G1, G10G2, G10G3, G10G4, G10G5, G10G6, G10G7, and Paramitha.. All data (qualitative and quantitative) are arranged in binary tables and grouped using the NTSYST program. The observations show that the data obtained comes from 14 quantitative characters and 17 qualitative characters. Quantitative data from 14 characters were tested and the results of 10 characters were significantly different and the other 4 were not significantly different. The grouping results show that the 17 corn strains studied formed 3 groups at the similarity coefficient of 0.76. Soppeng's corn is different from the others.

2015 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Hidayat Saputra ◽  
Sudradjat , ◽  
Sudradjat , ◽  
Sudirman Yahya ◽  
Sudirman Yahya

<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Effective and efficient fertilization is affected by fertilizer dose, and therefore information on the appropriate dose of a single fertilizer for oil palm will be beneficial to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of fertilization in oil palm plantations. The objectives of this research were to study the response patterns and to determine optimum rate of single fertilizer package related to the growth of one year old oil palm trees. The experiment was conducted from March 2013 to February 2014 at IPB-Cargill Teaching and Research Farm of Oil Palm, Jonggol Bogor. The experiment was arranged in randomized block design with one factor and replicated three times. The treatments were four single fertilizer package as followed: control, 300 g urea + 375 g SP-36 + 350 g KCl + 25 g boric acid + 25 g CuSO4.5H2O, 600 g urea + 750 g SP-36 + 700 g KCl + 25 g boric acid + 25 g CuSO4.5H2O, 900 g urea + 1125 g SP-36 + 1050 g KCl + 25 g boric acid + 25 g CuSO4.5H2O per plant. The result showed that application of single fertilizer package significantly increased the growth of young oil palm linearly as shown by plant height, stem girth, leaf area of frond number 9, chlorophyll and P content of the leaves and quadratically on leaf number at the last observation. The optimum rate of single fertilizer for one year old oil palm trees had not been attained at this research because the plant growth response to fertilization was still linear.</p><p>Keywords: inorganic, leaf frond number 9, optimum rate, growth response, stem girth</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Muhammad Fadhil Amiruddin Sudomo ◽  
Suryo Hadiwinoto ◽  
Sapto Indrioko ◽  
Budiadi Budiadi ◽  

Thinning is one of silvicultural management actions in maintaining and increasing growth and quality of standing stands. This study aims to determine growth response of selected teak clone to several intensities of thinning and intercropping. The method was a factorial completely randomized block design (RCBD) with thinning intensity (4 levels): 0% (control = A1), 25% (A2), 50% (A3) and 75% (A4) as the main plot, whileintercropping (2 levels), as the sub plot. The results showed that the Current Annual Increment (CAI) of diameter at breast height (CAI DBH), volume/tree (CAI vol/tree) and volume/hectare (CAI vol/ha) of stands gave a significant positive response to thinning intensity treatment. CAI DBH one year after thinning were 0.79 cm, 1.47 cm, and 2.46 cm; increased by 32%, 145% and 310% at the thinning intensity of 25%, 50% and 75% when they compared with the control (0.59 cm). CAI vol/ha of stand in the first year, namely 11.88 m3/ha, 14.04 m3/ha, and 16.78 m3/ha or with an increase of 9%, 29% and 54% respectively at an intensity of 25 %, 50% and 75% compared to the control.

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