scholarly journals Pericarp growth dynamics associate with final grain weight in wheat under contrasting plant densities and increased night temperature

2020 ◽  
Vol 126 (6) ◽  
pp. 1063-1076 ◽  
Jaime Herrera ◽  
Daniel F Calderini

Abstract Background and Aims The pericarp weight comprises <17 % of wheat grain weight at harvest. The pericarp supports the hydration and nutrition of both the embryo and endosperm during early grain filling. However, studies of the pericarp and its association with final grain weight have been scarce. This research studied the growth dynamics of wheat pericarp from anthesis onwards and its relationship to final grain weight under contrasting plant densities and night warming. Methods Two spring wheat cultivars contrasting in kernel weight (Bacanora and Kambara) were sown in field conditions during seasons 2012–13 and 2014–15. Both genotypes were grown under contrasting plant density (control, 370 plants m–2; and low plant density, 44 plants m–2) and night temperatures, i.e. at ambient and increased (>6 °C) temperature for short periods before and after anthesis. From anthesis onward, grains were harvested every 3 or 4 d. Grain samples were measured and the pericarp was removed with a scalpel. Whole grain and pericarp fresh and dry weight were weighed with a precision balance. At harvest, 20 grains from ten spikes were weighed and grain dimensions were measured. Key Results Fresh weight, dry matter and water content of pericarp dynamics showed a maximum between 110 and 235 °Cd. Maximum dry matter of the pericarp ranged between 4.3 and 5.7 mg, while water content achieved values of up to 12.5 mg. Maximum values and their timings were affected by the genotype, environmental condition and grain position. Final grain weight was closely associated with maximum dry matter and water content of the pericarp. Conclusions Maximum pericarp weight is a determinant of grain weight and size in wheat, which is earlier than other traits considered as key determinants of grain weight during grain filling. Better growing conditions increased maximum pericarp weight, while higher temperature negatively affected this trait.

1966 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 198-214
J. Bruinsma

It was concluded from an experiment with Petkus winter rye sown at 7 seed rates in the range 5-180 kg/ha that: (1) crop analysis facilitated the interpretation of yield analysis; (2) crop analysis can be confined to the counting of plants at tillering, of ears during heading and of florets per ear after anthesis, and to determinations of either dry weight or of N or chlorophyll contents per unit soil area, per plant or per organ; (3) tillering was able to compensate for lower plant densities until 1.5 dm2 of space per plant was reached; (4) at decreasing seed rates, the rate of development decreased, while the number of florets per ear, floret fertility and rate and duration of grain filling increased; (5) the number of florets per ear, their fertility and grain filling depended on the nutritive conditions during tillering and shooting, at about the time of anthesis, and during ripening, respectively; (6) there were close correlations between the amount of N and of chlorophyll in the aerial parts and the logarithm of plant or culm space, indicating that the relative space per plant or per culm rather than the absolute space per plant or per culm was the determining factor; (7) grain weight and total weight per culm increased proportionally with logarithm of culm space and, hence, yield per unit area showed an optimum value at a culm density of about 2.7 x 106 culms per ha; (8) dry-matter distribution in the culms was largely independent of the size and the nutritive conditions of the culms, grain weight always being about 30% of total weight.-A.G.G.H. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Yingying Sun ◽  
Suiqi Zhang ◽  
Jiakun Yan

AbstractEight dryland winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.), which were widely cultivated from the 1940s to the 2010s in Shaanxi Province, China, were selected and grown in plots, and two water treatments (irrigation and drought) were used to identify the contribution of ears, leaves and stems to grain weight and grain number associated with cultivar replacement. The plant height and stem dry weight of the dryland wheat decreased significantly during the cultivar replacement process, but there was a remarkable increase in the dry matter translocation of stems under irrigation. Shaded-ear and defoliation treatment could decrease the grain number and grain weight, and the grain weight was more influenced. Both the leaf and ear are important photosynthetic sources for dryland wheat, and the contribution of ear assimilates showed a significant increase over time; however, the contribution of leaf assimilates showed a negative correlation with cultivation over time. The accumulation of stem assimilates and ear photosynthesis both increased the grain weight potential. In the future breeding process, cultivars with more assimilates stored in the stem and greater assimilative capacity of ears, especially a greater contribution of ear assimilates, are expected to increase the grain yield.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 670-678 ◽  

ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of plant densities and sidedressed nitrogen (N) rates on nutrition and productive performance of the common bean cultivars IPR 139 and Pérola. For each cultivar, a randomized complete block experimental design was used in a split-plot arrangement, with three replicates. Plots consisted of three plant densities (5, 7, and 9 plants ha-1) and subplots of five N rates (0, 30, 60, 120, and 180 kg ha-1). Aboveground dry matter, leaf macro- and micronutrient concentrations, yield components, grain yield, and protein concentration in grains were evaluated. Lower plant densities (5 and 7 plants m-1) increased aboveground dry matter production and the number of pods per plant and did not reduce grain yield. In the absence of N fertilization, reduction of plant density decreased N concentration in common bean leaves. Nitrogen fertilization linearly increased dry matter and leaf N concentration, mainly at lower plant densities. Regardless of plant density, the N supply linearly increased grain yield of cultivars IPR 139 and Pérola by 17.3 and 52.2%, respectively.

Milka Brdar ◽  
Marija Kraljevic-Balalic ◽  
Borislav Kobiljski

Grain yield of wheat is dependent on grain weight, which is the result of grain filling duration and rate. The study was undertaken to examine the relation between grain weight and rate and duration of grain filling in five high-yielding NS wheat cultivars. Stepwise multivariate analysis of nonlinear regression estimated grain filling parameters was used to examine cultivar differences in grain filling. On the basis of three-year average, the highest grain dry weight had cultivar Renesansa, and the lightest grains were measured for cultivar Evropa 90. Stepwise multivariate analysis indicated that all three nonlinear regression estimated parameters (grain weight, rate and duration of grain filling) were equally important in characterizing the grain filling curves of the cultivars studied, although sequence of their significance varied in different years, which is probably caused by different environmental conditions in three years of experiment.

1994 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 791 ◽  
CF Jenner

As temperature rises above 18-22�C, the observed decrease in the duration of deposition of dry matter in the kernel is not accompanied by a compensating increase in the rate of grain filling with the result that grain weight (and yield) is diminished at high temperature. Reduced starch content accounts for most of the reduction in grain dry matter at high temperature. Responses to temperature in the low temperature range, 20-30�C (the LTR), could possibly be ascribed to the temperature response characteristics of the reaction catalysed by soluble starch synthase (SSS), the enzyme synthesising starch. However, the rate of cell enlargement and the rate of accumulation of nitrogen in the grain also do not increase much as temperature rises, so other explanations are conceivable for the temperature responses in the LTR. Variation amongst cultivars of wheat in tolerance of high temperature is evident in the LTR. At temperatures above 30�C (in the high temperature range (HTR) between 30 and 40�C), even for short periods, the rate of starch deposition is slower than that observed at lower temperatures, an effect which is carried over after transfer from high to lower temperatures. This response is attributable to a reduction in the activity, possibly due to thermal denaturation, of SSS. Several forms of SSS are found in cereal endosperm, and some forms may be more tolerant of high temperature than others. Loss of enzyme activity at high temperature is swift, but is partly restored some time after transfer from hot to cool conditions. There appear to be two distinct mechanisms of response to elevated temperature, both resulting in a reduced grain weight through reduced starch deposition, but one of them is important only in the range of temperature above 30�C.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (No. 8) ◽  
pp. 377-386 ◽  
Bogdan Kulig ◽  
Edward Gacek ◽  
Roman Wojciechowski ◽  
Andrzej Oleksy ◽  
Marek Kołodziejczyk ◽  

The study aimed at comparing the yield of dry biomass and energy efficiency of 22 willow cultivars depending on the harvesting frequency and variable plant density. The field experiment was established in 2010. The willow cultivars were planted in two densities; 13 300 and 32 500 plants per ha. Among the compared cultivars in the second year (2013) of full production, high yield of dry matter was obtained from cvs. Tordis (33.1 t/ha/year), Inger (30.4 t/ha/year) and Klara (29.0 t/ha/year). After six years of cultivation, the highest aboveground dry matter was given by cvs. Tora (27.4 t/ha/year) and Tordis (27.0 t/ha/year). The gross calorific value of willow biomass ranged from 15.2–20.1 GJ/t dry weight. Greater energy efficiency (329.3 GJ/ha/year) occurred in willow cultivars collected in a two-year cycle than in the one-year cycle (286.4 GJ/ha/year). In the two-year cycle collected in the third year after planting, energy efficiency was greater (379.5 GJ/ha/year) than in the two-year cycle harvested in the sixth year after planting (279.15 GJ/ha/year). The initial slower growth of biomass does not determine plant yielding.

B. P. Meena ◽  
G. S. Chouhan ◽  
V. K. Meena ◽  
H. S. Sumeriya

Application of eight irrigations (seedling, 6 leaf, knee-high, before tasseling, 50% tasseling, 50% silking, grain formation and grain filling stages) where no stress was occurred significantly increased dry matter distribution. Data related to dry matter partitioning in stem, leaves and cobs at 25, 50, 75 and at harvest stage of crop. In general, irrespective of the treatments, crop attained maximum leaf dry weight at flowering stage. This decreased progressively up to harvest stage. While, stem dry weight showed increasing trend up to tasseling and silking stage and than declined slightly towards harvest stage of the crop. Obviously, cobs dry weight increased linearly from flowering up to harvest stage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-69
I. R. Muhammad ◽  
M. S Kallah ◽  
E. O. Otchere ◽  
J. P. Otchere ◽  
J. P. Alawa ◽  

Trials were conducted at Gangora in the northern Guinea Savanna ecological zone of Nigeria during the 1990 and 1991 rainy seasons. The effects of date of planting (4th,14th, 24th June and 4th  July) and levels of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 50,100, 150 and 200kg/ha) on growth components of Sorghum almum  were investigated. Planting in mid-June (14th June) in 1990 and early-July (4th July) in 1991 resulted in superior stand established and dry matter yields (p<0.05) than other dates. In mid-June and early-July planting 14 day post-planting, plant densities were 7.0 and 9.0 culms/m2 while plant heights were 20.4 and 11.3cm for the respective years. It had high tillering capacity and irrespective of date of planting (except for early-June planting) plant densities by 56 days post-planting (DPP) were greater than 100 culms/m2. Plant height at this stage were greater than 100 culms/m2 and were generally above 200cm. ninety DPP the pasture was at full bloom/hard dough stage. Dm yields then ranged from 8.0 to 11.4 tDM/ha in 1990 and 9.6 to 14.7 tDM/ha in 1991. Similarly seed yield for the respective years were 894.7 and 836.3 kg/ha. Fertilizer application (p<0.05) plant vigour, tillering and dry matter yield up to the highest N applied. In the first years trial, plant density at 35 days post-planting ranged from 12.0 to 29.0 culms/m2 while in the second year the ranged was 13.0 to 26.0 culms/m2. The corresponding values at 56 DPP (i.e 42 days following N application) were 32.0 to 81.0 and 45.0 to 101.0 culms/m2. Dry matter yields rose steadily from 6.5 to 12.5 tDM/ha in 1990 and from 8.9 to 13.6 tDM/ha in 1991 as fertilizer was increased 0 to 200 kgN/ha. Seed yield during the same period for the respective years varied from 416.0 to 753.0kg/ha. This study has shown that planting between mid-June and early-July with fertilize application of 100 to 200 khN/ha favour S. almum establishment and production in the northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria

Agronomy ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 243 ◽  
Jairo Cazetta ◽  
Marcos Revoredo

Increasing plant density seems to improve the productivity of maize crops, and the understanding of how the metabolism of non-structural carbohydrates is affected in plants under high crop density is critical. Thus, with the objective of further clarifying this issue, maize plants were subjected to densities from 30,000 to 90,000 plants ha−1, and the plant growth, soluble sugars and starch contents, invertase and sucrose synthase activities, and plant production were evaluated. We found that the stalk is more sensitive to the increasing plant density than leaves and kernels. The dry weight of the stalk and leaves per single plant decreased more drastically from low to intermediate plant densities, while grain production was reduced linearly in all plant density ranges, leading to higher values of harvest index in intermediate plant densities. The sucrose concentration did not change in leaves, stalk, or kernels of plants subjected to increasing plant densities at the R4 stage. Also, the specific activity of soluble invertase, bound invertase, and sucrose synthase did not change in leaf, stalk, or kernels of plants subjected to increased plant density. The productivity was increased with the increase in plant density, using narrow row (0.45 m) spacing.

1996 ◽  
Vol 127 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-96 ◽  
P. Q. Craufurd

SUMMARYAn erect, 60-day cultivar of cowpea, IT84S–2246, was grown with adequate soil moisture at two locations in Nigeria in 1990/91, Ibadan (7° N) and Kano (12° N), contrasting in total incident radiation (Q) and at plant population densities of 1·9–7·7 and 5·4–16·3 plants/m2, respectively. Leaf area, radiation interception and dry matter (DM) accumulation and partitioning were measured. Total shoot and seed dry weights were greater at Kano (mean 4·10 and 1·61 t/ha, respectively) than at Ibadan (mean 1·89 and 0·68 t/ha, respectively), and greater athigher plant densities. Relationships between the reciprocal of total shoot (Wt) and seed dry weight (Ws) per plant and plant population density (Np) determined at Kano and Ibadan were linear and parallel; intercepts, however, were significantly different (P < 0·005). The theoretical maximum potential Wt and Ws per unit area (i.e. 1/b) was therefore the same at Kano and at Ibadan, 448 and 170 g/m2, respectively. However, the optimum Np at Kano and Ibadan was markedly different, c. 10 and 40 plants/m2, respectively. These differences in the relations between DM yields and Np at Kano and Ibadan are examined in terms of leaf area, radiation interception and the partitioning coefficient, and the implications for the design of other agronomic investigations in cowpea are discussed.

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