Historical Ontology

2018 ◽  
pp. 11-16
Thomas Nail

This chapter lays out the historical methodology of the book. The primary inquiry of this book is ontological, but not foundational. It is historical. In other words, it does not aim to identify the absolute and immutable structure of being forever and all time (being qua being). The contribution of Being and Motion is to locate a new historical ontology of motion—a minimal condition that, from the perspective of the present, appears to have always been a hidden dimension of the past. The aim is therefore to take one the most important (not the only or essential) features of contemporary reality (motion) and use it to reinterpret the dominant notions of ontology, such as space, time, force, quality, quantity, relation, and so on. From the vantage point of the present, the past can now be reinterpreted anew, without foreclosing the future.

Demetris Nicolaides

Heraclitus declares the being (that which exists, nature) but identifies it with becoming, but Parmenides declares just the Being; only what is, is, what is not, is not. All “follows” from that: change, he argues, is logically impossible and so what is, is one and unchangeable! This dazzling absolute monism is in daring disagreement with sense perception, but curiously it has found a well-known genius as a supporter. Emboldened by his theory of relativity, Einstein considers the universe as a four-dimensional “block” (a space-time continuum like a loaf of bread) which, remarkably, contains all moments of time (of past, present, and future) always, and where change is an illusion. He said, “For we convinced physicists, the distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however persistent.” In the block universe, the past is not gone, it is present; and the future, like the present, is, well, present, too.

Transfers ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 152-174
Adrian Deoanca

The political force of infrastructures is often attributed to their functioning as designed, while their political afterlives remain underexplored. In this article, I explore ethnographically the phatic force of ruins of infrastructure, by dwelling on a liminal railroad segment in Romania that remains unrehabilitated many years after its breakdown. Such an open-ended state of suspension allows the isolation of infrastructure’s political and affective dimensions. The Giurgiu-Bucharest railroad met its demise in 2005 in the wake of heavy floods, producing an infrastructural gap that impacts local mobility and unravels the postsocialist social contract. State authorities and citizens engage in tactics of remediation that, while unsuccessful in resuming traffic, maintain a sense of phatic connection that kindles nostalgia for the past and frustrates anticipation of the future. These tactics make the railroad a medium for hope and at the same time a symbol for the absolute impossibility of hope.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 677-701 ◽  
Heng Li ◽  
Yu Cao

AbstractAccording to the Temporal Focus Hypothesis (TFH), people’s implicit spatial conceptions are shaped by their temporal focus. Whereas previous studies have demonstrated that people’s cultural or individual differences related to certain temporal focus may influence their spatializations of time, we focus on temporal landmarks as potential additional influences on people’s space-time mappings. In Experiment 1, we investigated how personally-related events influence students’ conceptions of time. The results showed that student examinees were more likely to think about time according to the past-in-front mapping, and student registrants, future-in-front mapping. Experiment 2 explored the influence of calendar markers and found that participants tested on the Chinese Spring Festival, a symbol of a fresh start, tended to conceptualize the future as in front of them, while those tested on the Tomb Sweeping Day, an opportunity to remember the ancestors, showed the reversed pattern. In Experiment 3, two scenarios representing past or future landmarks correspondingly were presented to participants. We found that past-focused/future -focused scenarios caused an increase in the rate of past-in-front/future-in-front responses respectively. Taken together, the results from these three studies suggest that people’s conceptions of time may vary according to temporal landmarks, which can be explained by the TFH.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (15) ◽  
pp. 62-91
Jorge Enrique Blanco García

This paper addresses the contemporary historical novel as a practice of critical ontology of the present. That is to say, a field of reflection that investigates the current ontological status. In the Colombian case, historical fiction has been attentive to interpret the past of violence and armed conflict in an aesthetic way as a mechanism to understand the future of the present. This essay proposes that historical novels, despite being located in a space-time already travelled, maintain a matrix of meaning anchored in the present reality's interpellation. To this end, this paper analyzes the novels The Crime of the Century (2006) by Miguel Torres and So much blood seen (2007) by Rafael Baena.

Vikram Narayanda ◽  
Archana M. ◽  
Raman D.

In the previous past times internet of things (IoT) constructed up the different parts of life to improve usefulness by reducing human work including only a pair of sensors. In the previous there were frequently the absolute greatest obstacles which IoT as of now prompts achievement are not automatic. Just a few percent of organizations were fruitful with their IoT activities be that as it can, given a considerable number of which are simply operational or authoritative. Albeit numerous issues related with IoT arrangements are not mechanical, they are similarly agonizing and hard to survive. Furthermore, if each association needs to beat these difficulties in a void, a 74 percent 3 dissatisfaction rate is probably going to proceed. Be that as it may, by transparently sharing the information and bits of knowledge increased through broad experience encouraged IoT to push ahead all in all intensifying our human potential. The achievement of IoT over the past impediments puts more prominence on its capacity to conquer the future difficulties. IoT is an innovation that should be known as an aid. In any case, since it interfaces all the things to 4 the Internet, the things become defenseless against a type of security dangers. Huge organizations and cyber security analysts are giving their best to make things ideal for the purchasers, yet there is still a ton to be finished.

Lipar ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (75) ◽  
pp. 211-227
Arsenije Sretković ◽  

This paper deals with verb forms in the poems The Marriage of Bey Ljubović and Zirka Kajovića from the stylistic and syntactic standpoint. The analysis procedure includes a syntactic indicative, a syntactic relative, qualifier, gnome form, narrative form, and absolute. In addition, referentiality and non-referentiality of verb forms are considered. Bearing in mind that verb forms are most often combined, the stylistic effects of combinations of verb forms are considered. This paper aims to determine the inventory of verb forms and describe their syntactic and stylistic features. The analysis showed that a rich inventory of verb forms could be found in Radovan Bećirović’s poems. Simple Past Tense, Truncated Perfect, imperfect, aorist, and temporally transposed Present Tense denote the past. In both poems, the future is expressed by the future one, and apart from it, in the poem The Marriage of Bey Ljubović, a futuroid is found. The present is realized in a syntactic indicative, and, additionally, it is found as a qualifying, gnomic, and narrative present, of which it is most often used as a narrative. Examples of presentations with modal meanings are not uncommon. In terms of referentiality, present forms in poems denote referential and non-referential actions. The infinitive is found as a complement to modal or phase verbs and is also used in the absolute. The past is realized in the syntactic indicative and the syntactic relative and denotes referential and non-referential actions. The aorist is a high-frequency verb form in the poem The Marriage of Bey Ljubović and is used in most cases as a narrative. The imperfect is realized in syntactic relative and suggests referential and non-referential actions. The Future Simple Tense is found in the syntactic relative, then the absolute, and with modal meanings, i.e., the meaning of intention, commandments, possibilities, etc. While the use of the Future Simple is linked to the heroes’ discourses, the futuroid appears in the narrative discourse. Except in the function of Future Simple, futuroid is found in gnome use. The pre- sent, the aorist, the imperfect, and the truncated perfect are forms whose stylistic features contribute to the topicality, experience, dynamism, and drama of the events being reported.

Alexandre Harvey-Tremblay

Consistent with special relativity and statistical physics, here we construct a partition function of space-time events. The union of these two theories resolves longstanding problems in regards to time. It augments the standard description of time given by the (non-relativistic) arrow of time to one able to show the emergence of three macroscopic regimes of time: the past, the present, and the future, represented by space-like entropy, light-like entropy, and time-like entropy, respectively, and in a manner consistent with our experience of said regimes. First, using Fermi-Dirac statistics, we find that the system essentially describes a "waterfall" of space-time events. This "waterfall" recedes in space-time at the speed of light towards the direction of the future as it "floods" local space with events that it depletes from the past. In this union, an observer O will perceive two horizons that can be interpreted as hiding events behind it. The first is an event horizon, and its entropy hides events in the regions that O cannot see. The second is a time horizon, and its entropy "shields" events from O's causal influence. As only past events are "shielded", and not future events, an asymmetry in time is thus created. Finally, future events are hidden by an entropy prohibiting O from knowing the future before the present catches on.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (23) ◽  
pp. 2050191
Z. Borvayeh ◽  
M. Reza Tanhayi ◽  
S. Rafibakhsh

In this paper, we use the complexity equals action proposal and investigate holographic complexity for hyperscaling violating theories on different subregions of space-time enclosed by the null boundaries. We are interested in computing the onshell action for certain subregions of the intersection between the Wheeler DeWitt patch and the past, as well as, the future interior of a two-sided black brane. More precisely, we extend the results of Ref. 1 in parts, to hyperscaling violating geometries and to find the finite onshell action, we define the proper counter terms. We show that in computing the rate of complexification the dynamical exponent plays a crucial rule, but, at the late time, rate of the complexity growth is independent of the hyperscaling parameters.

2020 ◽  

The international thematic collection of papers New Understanding of Capital in the Twenty-First Century responds to the need to understand the huge changes in global society beyond currently available information. The papers collected in New Understanding of Capital in the Twenty-First Century are by scientists and researchers from different countries, who attempt to, metaphorically speaking, reshape history, portray the past, and inform about the future, with the aim of exchanging knowledge, experience, and information through the medium of written words. Approaching capital from a philosophical vantage point, the contributors of this edited volume expose the challenges and opportunities resulting from a more humanistic perspective.

Carlos Araque Osorio

<p>Resumen</p><p>A partir del objetivo del semillero de investigación “Del entrenamiento actoral a la construcción del personaje”, que consiste en crear relaciones entre diversas manifestaciones artísticas y culturales, se indaga sobre las festividades, las carnestolendas y el regocijo, para analizar los comportamientos de quienes hacen y configuran la festividad. Una reflexión onírica sobre los personajes de carnaval y su relación con la teatralidad contemporánea. Un puente entre el pasado y el futuro para vivir a plenitud el presente, sin desconocer los cambios y trasformaciones que experimentan no solo los coparticipes del eventos, sino los mismos seres que, por momentos quizá muy efímeros, los vivencian y los proyectan en la colectividad.</p><p>Palabras claves</p><p>Carnaval, personajes, relación, festividad, construcción, vivencia, permisividad, exceso, inversión, travestismo.</p><p> </p><p>Suma asichigmanda pi kagta Sugllapi Tapuchikunakui kallariskamandata iachaikuspa kawachingapa ima iachaskuska imasa kagta carnestolendas sumaglla pikunam chipi llugsinkuna ñugpamanda imasa kagta antiwa kunaraspa sumaglla kawachingapa Tukuikuna sugllapi ñuspatasina karka chasallatata. ima suti Rimai Simi: Canestolanda pikuna, sugllapi puncha, kallariri kawasaikuna permisividad, iapa mirachii travestismo</p><p> </p><p>The Character of Comedic Freedom .Abstract</p><p>From the vantage point of the research workshop “From the Actor’s Training to the Construction of the Character,” the aim of which is to create connections between different artistic and cultural events, we explore festivities, carnival and joy, to analyze the behavior of those who make up the feast: A dreamlike reflection on carnival characters and their relationship with contemporary theatricality; a bridge between the past and the future to live fully in the present, without ignoring the changes and transformations experienced, not only by the participants in the event, but by the people who, perhaps for very fleeting moments, live them and project them unto the community .</p><p>Keywords</p><p>Carnival characters, relationship, holiday, construction, experience, permissiveness, excess, investment, transvestism.</p><p>Le personnage de la liberté comique. Résumé</p><p>À partir de l’objectif de la pépinière de recherche « De l’entraînement de l’acteur à la construction du personnage », consistant à créer des relations entre les diverses manifestations artistiques et culturelles, nous étudions les fêtes, les carnavals et les réjouissances afin d’analyser les comportements de ceux qui font et forment la fête. Une réflexion onirique sur les personnages de carnaval et leur relation avec la théâtralité contemporaine. Un pont entre le passé et le futur pour vivre pleinement le présent, sans ignorer les changements et les transformations qu’éprouvent non seulement les coparticipants des événements, mais les êtres mêmes qui, à des moments peut-être très éphémères, les vivent et les projettent dans la collectivité.</p><p>Mots clés</p><p>Carnaval, personnages, relation, fête, construction, expérience, permissivité, excès, investissement, travestisme.</p><p>O personagem da hilária liberdade. Resumo</p><p>A partir do objetivo do foco de investigação “ o treinamento do ator para construir o personagem”, que é o de criar relações entre diferentes manifestações artísticas e culturais, ele explora as festividades, o carnaval e a alegria, para analisar os comportamentos de quem fazem e configuram as festividades. Uma reflexão de sonho sobre os personagens do carnaval e sua relação com teatralidade contemporânea. Uma ponte entre o passado e o futuro para viver plenamente o presente, sem ignorar as mudanças e transformações experimentom não só os parceiros do evento, mas as mesmas pessoas que, por momentos, talvez, muito fugazes, a “vivenciam” e os projetam para a comunidade. (Coletividade).</p><p>Palavras chaves</p><p>Caracteres carnaval, relacionamento, festas, construção, experiência, permissividade, o excesso de investimento, travestismo.</p>

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