The Communication Process

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Yuwanda Megri Santika ◽  
Otang Kurniaman ◽  
Zariul Antosa

Reading is one of the important aspects in the communication process. Reading can make someone better understand the contents of the reading. In learning to make it easier for students to understand the contents of the reading it will be easier if it begins with the ability to determine the main ideas of the paragraph. Based on this, the researcher conducted a study by applying the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) learning model to the ability to determine the main idea of the paragraph at the fifth grade students of SD 003 Pulau Kopung. This study aims to determine the effect of the CIRC learning model on the ability to determine the main ideas of paragraphs of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 003 Pulau Kopung. This research method is a quasi- experimental Nonequivalent Control Group Design. This research was conducted in two classes, the VA class as the control class and VB class as the experimental class with 22 students in each class. The results of the study showed that the CIRC learning model influenced the ability to determine paragraph main ideas with the results of calculations derived from the gain index, the experimental class using the CIRC learning model got an increase in gain of 0.59 with the middle class and the control class with the normal learning model got an increase of 0.31 with medium class.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-32
Apriyanti Kartika Agustin ◽  
Irfan Sanusi ◽  
Herman Herman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan fungsi manajemen pada Masjid Al-Anshari dalam meningkatkan Jama’ah Shalat Shubuh dan Shalat Jum’at. Secara lebih rinci tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk pengetahui proses perencanaan, proses pengorganisasian, proses penggerakan dan proses pengendalian di Masjid Al-Anshari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dipandang tepat untuk digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yakni dengan cara observasi, wawancara, rekaman audio dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Masjid Al-Anshari di dalam meningkatkan jama’ah Shalat Shubuh dan Shalat Jum’at memiliki proses perencanaan berupa penyusunan unsur tujuan, unsur kebijakan, unsur kemajuan, dan unsur program. Proses pengorganisasian yang dilakukan dengan pembagian kerja melalui struktur organisasi, departementalisasi dengan deksripsi kerjanya, distribusi otoritas, dan koordinasi yang dilakukan setiap Briefing di Coffee Break. Proses penggerakan dilakukan melalui proses motivasi, proses kepemimpinan dan proses komunikasi. Proses pengendalian dilakukan dengan memperbaiki penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang ada.   This study aims to determine the application of management functions in the Al-Ansari Mosque in improving Jama'ah Shubuh Prayer and Friday Prayers. In more detail, the purpose of this research is to find out the planning process, the organizing process, the mobilization process and the control process at Al-Ansari Mosque.  This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, considered appropriate for use in this study. The data collection method is by observation, interview, audio recording and documentation study.  The results of this study indicate that the Al-Ansari Mosque in improving the congregation of the Shubuh Prayers and Friday Prayers has a planning process in the form of compilation of objectives, policy elements, progress elements, and program elements. The organizing process is carried out with the division of labor through the organizational structure, departmentalization with its work description, distribution of authority, and coordination that is carried out every Briefing at Coffee Break. The mobilization process is carried out through a motivational process, a leadership process and a communication process. The control process is carried out by correcting the existing deviations.

Dr. Neeta Sharma

Abstract Communication is a process of sharing information through speech, writing, gestures or symbols between two or more people. The focus of the present paper is oral communication and the language under consideration is English. The teacher should adopt a student centered approach. The learners should be encouraged to do things in the class which result in developing their communication skills. The trainer has to focus on both the linguistic and paralinguistic features of the communication process while enhancing learners’ communication skills. These features involve the effective use of words, forming grammatically intelligible sentences and an appropriate use of voice and intonation. The teacher should encourage and train his students to use positive body language while listening and speaking. In order to hone the communication skills of the learners, it is very important to make the learners comfortable with the language they have to communicate in. Shedding their inhibitions is also one of the pivotal areas of concerns. This paper explores different techniques that could be useful while training students in communication skills. Communication is a process of sharing information through speech, writing, gestures or symbols between two or more people. The focus of the present paper is oral communication and the language under consideration is English. The major elements of a communication process are sender, receiver, message and feedback. Effective communication is a two way process. It involves both expressive (speaking) skills and receptive (listening) skills. It entails receiver’s understanding of the message sent by the sender and his feedback to the sender. Listening plays a very important role in the language learning process. It is the most primary of the four basic skills of any language i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Listening paves way for speaking. One can never be a good speaker if one is not a good listener. An effective communicator is first a good listener and then a good speaker. According to Tickoo ( 2003 ), ‘Good listening skills not only lay the foundations of good speech, but they grow best through effective communication’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 135-142

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Tantry Widiyanarti

As a multicultural country, Indonesia has the potential to experience horizontal conflict. The conflict is usually triggered by SARA issues. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the motto of the state becomes forgotten. Society is divided and fragmented, fellow nation children blasphemous and hostile. If this continues, it is not impossible that the state will experience the disintegration. But, there are many ways that can be done to avoid it. One of them is digging back the local wisdom of the nation. Recitation Quran, as one part of the Indonesian local wisdom can be a part in glueing the love of the homeland, the love of diversity and the love of harmony. Knitting diversity through recitation Quran is one way to prevent the disintegration of the nation. Therefore, recitation Quran should be communicated well and correctly should be communicated well and correctly so that acceptable to the community and the national values to be conveyed through recitation Quran can be implemented. Such a thing necessarily requires the proper way of communicating so that the communication process and communication goals can be achieved. The process of communication and how to communicate will shape its own communication pattern. The communication pattern that is able to convey the purpose of recitation Quran is interesting to be studied as seen in this research. The method of this research is using qualitative method through observation, interview and documentation. This method is believed to be able to dig deep data so that the research objectives can be achievedKeywords: Recitation Quran, local wisdom, communication patterns, pancasila, multicultural

Jurnal Common ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Tina Rakhmatin ◽  
Dian Amilia

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses komunikasi interpersonal orang tua kepada anak autis di Kota Bandung. Untuk menjawab dari tujuan penelitian tersebut, peneliti menetapkan sub fokus pada Komunikasi verbal, komunikasi nonverbal, dan faktor penghambat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi deskriptif dimana informan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang yang terdiri dari empat informan kunci sebagai orang tua dan satu informan pendukung psikolog anak sebagai informan pendukung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses komunikasi interpersonal yang dilakukan antara orang tua dengan anak autis tidak seperti melakukan komunikasi dengan anak normal dan sulit untuk melakukan komunikasi agar dapat dipahami oleh anak autis. Komunikasi verbal yang dilakukan dengan autis harus jelas, tegas, singkat dan juga dengan menggunakan metode gambar, serta adanya kata-kata perintah yang diberikan demi kemandirian anak autis. Komunikasi nonverbal dilakukan dengan gerakan-gerakan ketika orang tua memberikan larangan kepada anak dengan menggunakan gerakan jari telunjuk yang mengacung kemudian digoyangkan, mereka akan segera berhenti melakukan hal tersebut dan memahami bahwa hal tersebut dilarang. Faktor penghambat dalam berkomunikasi dengan anak autis yaitu sulitnya melakukan kontak mata, kurangnya respon yang diberikan, kesulitan berbicara yang dialami anak autis, serta gangguan pada bidang sensori. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This study aims to determine the parent's interpersonal communication process to autistic children in the city of Bandung. To answer the purpose of the study, the researcher established a sub focus on verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and inhibiting factors. This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive studies where the informants involved in this study amounted to five people consisting of four key informants as parents and one informant supporting child psychologists as supporting informants. The results of this study indicate that the process of interpersonal communication carried out between parents and children with autism is not like communicating with normal children and is difficult to communicate so that it can be understood by children with autism. Verbal communication done with autism must be clear, firm, concise and also by using the image method, as well as the words of the commands given for the independence of autistic children. Nonverbal communication is carried out with movements when parents give a prohibition to children by using the movement of the index finger that is raised and then shaken, they will immediately stop doing that and understand that it is prohibited. Inhibiting factors in communicating with children with autism are difficulty in making eye contact, lack of response given, speech difficulties experienced by autistic children, and disturbances in the sensory field.

Jurnal Common ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rismawaty Rismawaty ◽  
Sofie Aulia Rahmah

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses komunikasi kelompok dalam metode pembelajaran sentra di TK Zaid bin Tsabit. Penelitian ini mendiskusikan tentang proses komunikasi kelompok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Kualitatif dengan pendekatan Deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan peneliti ada dengan studi pustaka, penelusuran data secara online, wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi dengan 3 orang informan kunci yaitu guru di TK Zaid bin Tsabit serta 3 informan pendukung yaitu Kepala TK Zaid bin Tsabit dan 2 orang tua murid. Uji keabsahan data dengan peningkatan ketekunan, triangulasi dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat, teknik analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan evaluasi.Hasil penelitian ini bahwa Proses komunikasi yang terjadi merupakan komunikasi langsung yang terjadi dua arah dan dilakukan terus menerus untuk membentuk kemandirian anak. Proses komunikasi yang terjadi dalam kelompok metode pembelajaran sentra membentuk kemandirian anak. Proses komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh guru kepada anak dilakukan dengan memberikan arahan-arahan kepada anak serta contoh dari arahan yang telah disampaikan oleh guru.Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah metode pembelajaran sentra membentuk kemandirian anak lewat komunikasi yang dilakukan guru secara terus menerus, karna melalui pembelajaran sentra anak diminta untuk melakukan segala sesuatunya sendiri dalam pengawasan guru. Saran yang diberikan adalah guru harus lebih kreatif dalam memberikan materi pada metode pembelajaran sentra serta bersikap lebih tegas dalam mendidik anak dan melakukan komunikasi yang berkelanjutan dengan orang tua murid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This study was conducted to determine the process of group communication in the center learning method at TK Zaid bin Tsabit. This study discusses the process of group communication. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques carried out by the researcher were with literature studies, online data searches, interviews, observation and documentation with 3 key informants namely the teacher at TK Zaid bin Tsabit and 3 supporting informants namely TK Head Zaid bin Tsabit and 2 parents. Test the validity of data by increasing perseverance, triangulation and discussion with colleagues, data analysis techniques using data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and evaluations.The results of this study that the communication process that occurs is direct communication that occurs in two directions and carried out continuously to form the independence of children. The communication process that occurs in a group of central learning methods shapes children's independence. The process of communication carried out by the teacher to the child is done by giving directions to the child as well as examples of directions that have been delivered by the teacher.The conclusion of this study is that the central learning method shapes children's independence through continuous communication by the teacher, because through central learning children are asked to do everything themselves in the supervision of the teacher. The advice given is that the teacher must be more creative in giving material to the central learning method and be more assertive in educating children and making ongoing communication with parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. e004653
Dylan Graetz ◽  
Silvia Rivas ◽  
Lucia Fuentes ◽  
Ana Cáceres-Serrano ◽  
Gia Ferrara ◽  

IntroductionFatalistic cancer beliefs may contribute to delayed diagnosis and poor outcomes, including treatment abandonment, for children with cancer. This study explored Guatemalan parents’ cancer beliefs during initial paediatric cancer communication, and the sociocultural and contextual factors that influence these beliefs.MethodsTwenty families of children with cancer were included in this study. We audio-recorded psychosocial conversations with psychologists and diagnostic conversations with oncologists, then conducted semi-structured interviews with parents to explore the evolution of their cancer beliefs. Audio-recordings were transcribed and translated from Spanish into English, with additional review in both languages by bilingual team members. All 60 transcripts were thematically analysed using a priori and novel codes.ResultsGuatemalan parents’ beliefs evolve as they learn about cancer through various sources. Sources of information external to the cancer centre, including prior experiences with cancer, media exposure, community discussion and clinical encounters, contribute to pre-existing beliefs. Many parents’ pre-existing cancer beliefs are fatalistic; some are influenced by Mayan spirituality. Sources internal to the cancer centre include psychologists and oncologists, other providers, other patients and families. Psychologists acknowledge pre-existing beliefs and deliver cancer education using verbal explanations and hand-drawings. Oncologists provide diagnostic information and outline treatment plans. Both support hope by providing a path toward cure. Parents’ lived experience is a culmination of sources and simultaneously independent. Ultimately most parents arrive at an understanding of cancer that is consistent with an allopathic medical model and offers optimism about outcomes.ConclusionAn interdisciplinary communication process that includes cancer education, is attentive to pre-existing beliefs, and supports hope may encourage acceptance of the allopathic medical model and need for treatment. Providers in settings of all resource levels may be able to use these techniques to support cross-cultural cancer communication, reduce treatment abandonment and improve therapy adherence.

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