Making Up 3D Bodies

Kiona Hagen Niehaus ◽  
Rebecca Fiebrink

This paper describes the process of developing a software tool for digital artistic exploration of 3D human figures. Previously available software for modeling mesh-based 3D human figures restricts user output based on normative assumptions about the form that a body might take, particularly in terms of gender, race, and disability status, which are reinforced by ubiquitous use of range-limited sliders mapped to singular high-level design parameters. CreatorCustom, the software prototype created during this research, is designed to foreground an exploratory approach to modeling 3D human bodies, treating the digital body as a sculptural landscape rather than a presupposed form for rote technical representation. Building on prior research into serendipity in Human-Computer Interaction and 3D modeling systems for users at various levels of proficiency, among other areas, this research comprises two qualitative studies and investigation of the impact on the first author's artistic practice. Study 1 uses interviews and practice sessions to explore the practices of six queer artists working with the body and the language, materials, and actions they use in their practice; these then informed the design of the software tool. Study 2 investigates the usability, creativity support, and bodily implications of the software when used by thirteen artists in a workshop. These studies reveal the importance of exploration and unexpectedness in artistic practice, and a desire for experimental digital approaches to the human form.

Beschasnyi S.P. ◽  
Lysenko E.M. ◽  
Hasiuk O.M. ◽  
Erlish О.О.

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that is colourless, odourless, and has the potential to cause momentaryhypoxia by bonding with heme-inspired proteins. Because of these properties, it causes the highest number of toxications. Due to its properties, this gas causes damage to the nervous and cardiovascular system. The development of anoxia is associated with the impact on the system of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and the development of oxidative stress in the body. The body produces a small amount of carbon monoxide as a result of erythrocyte breakdown. Picomolar concentrations of carbon monoxide even have anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic,cytoprotective and antiproliferative properties. Kidney is one of the first organs,that responds to the occurrence of hypoxia, are responsible for the removal of products of metabolism and toxicants, including ethanol. For the study, the blood and urine samples were taken from patients with acute intoxication. The amount of methemoglobin in the blood was determined by spectrophotometric method. The concentration of ethanol in blood and urine was measured by gas-liquid chromatography method. The correlation analysis showed that carbon monoxide affects the rate of excretion of ethanol from the body. Among individuals under 40 years of age, there was a correlation between the level of carbon monoxide and the amount of ethanol in the blood. Among older adults this correlation was not established. A direct correlation with the level of this gas in the blood and the level of ethanol in the urine among people under 40 years of age was found. Among older individuals, the opposite was observed –a high level of methemoglobin was responsible for the decreased level of ethanol. There were no correlations between methemoglobin level and age. Comparison of the studied indices did not show any sexual differences in ethanol excretion, but there were age specific features: ethanol excretion under the influence of carbon monoxide among people under 40 years old was more accelerated.Key words:hypoxia, CO intoxication, blood, methemoglobin, kidneys. Монооксид карбону являє собою токсичний газ, який не має кольору,без запаху та здатен спричиняти миттєву гіпоксію шляхом зв’язування з гем-вмісними білками. Через такі властивості він спричиняє найбільшу кількість отруєнь. Цей газ,завдяки своїм властивостям,спричиняє ураження нервової та серцево-судинної системи. Розвиток аноксії пов’язаний із впливом на систему окисного фосфорилювання у мітохондріях та розвиткомоксидативного стресу. В організмі продукується невелика кількість ендогенного монооксиду карбону внаслідок розпаду еритроцитів. Пікомолярні концентрації монооксиду карбону навіть володіють протизапальними, антиапоптичними, цитопротекторними та антипроліферативними властивостями. Нирки є одним із перших органів, який реагує на розвитокгіпоксії, вони відповідають за видалення продуктів метаболізму й токсикантів, зокрема етанолу.Зміни у функціонуванні нирок відображаються на загальному стані організму.Для дослідження отримували зразки крові та сечі від осіб із гострою інтоксикацією. У крові спектрофотометричним методом визначали вміст метгемоглобіну, який утворювався внаслідок вдихання монооксиду карбону та відповідного потрапляння до кровоносної системи. Методом газово-рідинної хроматографії вимірювали концентрацію етанолу у крові та сечі. Розрахунок кореляційних зв’язків показав, що монооксид карбону впливає на швидкість екскреції етанолу. У осіб до 40 років спостерігалася кореляція між показником рівня метгемоглобінута вмістом етанолу у крові. У осіб старшого віку цього зв’язку не встановлено. Виявлено прямий зв’язок із рівнем цього газу у крові та рівнем етанолу в сечі у осіб до 40 років. У осіб старшого віку спостерігалася зворотня реакція–високий рівень метгемоглобінуобумовлював зниження рівня етанолу. Кореляційні зв’язки між вмістом метгемоглобіну та віком не було виявлено. Порівняння досліджуваних показників не виявило статевих відмінностей у екскреції етанолу, проте виявлено вікові особливості: екскреція етанолу в умовах впливу монооксиду карбону в осіб до 40 років була більш пришвидшена.Таким чином, можна стверджувати, що монооксид карбону обумовлює зміни у функціональній активності нирок.Ключові слова:гіпоксія, інтоксикація СО, кров, метгемоглобін, нирки.

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-123 ◽  
Boban Cvetanovic ◽  
Dragan Cvetković ◽  
Momir Praščević ◽  
Miljan Cvetković ◽  
Milan Pavlović

During everyday operations with tractors, drivers are exposed to harmful effects of various factors. In addition to unfavourable temperature and humidity, dust and noise, one of the factors harmful to driver’s health is vibrations. They come from the tractor engine and from the roughness of the ground and are transferred to the cab and through the seat to the body of the driver. In case of high level magnitude vibrations and a long period of exposure to them, many health problems occur. The harmful effect of the vibrations is especially obvious in older models of tractors. High intensities of vibrations (above permitted limits) were found during the measurements of vibrations at the driver seat in such tractors. This study is an attempt to reduce the vibration levels using various vibration-absorbing components, such as cushions, at driver’s seat. The results of the measurements showed that the vibration levels were significantly lower in comparison to original seats.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-218
Robert Stănciulescu ◽  
Lucian Tarnu

Abstract The adaptation of the fighter to the combat situations within the different missions, as well as the need to face any request coming up during the confrontations, imposes an extremely complex training system. Having an essential role in combat, the fighter must acquire qualities both in terms of mental, biological and physical features. Due to the threats that hang over the fighters at any time in this type of conflicts, the emphasis in their training is aimed at training in conditions as close to the existing reality as possible, with a focus on the impact that the battlefield has on his psyche and physique, so that at the same time he can adapt his systems of action of the body to the requirements of any nature imposed by each mission. The paper highlights that the process of training this type of fighters includes, among the training pillars, physical and mental training as a support for exceptional training and effective exercise of roles and missions entrusted to the military organization in peacetime, in situations of crisis and especially at war. In the economics of the formative process, physical and mental training represents the essence of a high level of acquiring the qualities specific to the successful conduct of combat, a fact for which their development has been and will always remain a priority objective throughout the continuous training of fighters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (7 (110)) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Ihor Vikovych ◽  
Ljubomyr Krainyk ◽  
Roman Zinko ◽  
Vitalij Popovych ◽  
Orest Horbai

This paper considers the influence of the transitional modes of movement (acceleration, braking) of a multi-link vehicle on the vibration protection of transported non-fixed or partially fixed cargoes. The impact phenomenon, in this case, can be strengthened by the existence of coupling mechanisms between the links of a multi-link vehicle. To reduce such horizontal impact loads, it is advisable to use elements with viscoelastic damping in the coupling devices of a multi-link vehicle. To study the actual impact phenomena during the transportation of non-fixed or partially fixed cargoes under the extreme modes of movement of two-link vehicles, it is proposed to use a flat two- and three-mass dynamic model with viscoelastic damping. At the same time, the theory of elastic impact has been applied while the elastic-damping characteristics of vehicles' suspensions were not taken into consideration. It has been shown that the reported research results make it possible to estimate the approximate values of the mechanical parameters for restrictive devices that protect non-fixed or partially fixed cargoes from impact, during the transition modes of transportation, depending on the conditions of motion. This practically makes it possible to select the rational design parameters for the elements of viscoelastic restrictive devices, in particular elastic elements and dampers, in order to reduce impact loads on non-fixed heavy cargoes during transportation under extreme modes of movement. Based on this study, a procedure of vibration protection of non-fixed or partially fixed cargoes in the body of a two-link vehicle during its uneven movement has been proposed, which implies determining the maximum dynamic loads on these cargoes as well as the possibility of choosing the rational design parameters for restrictive devices in order to prevent or reduce the impact of these cargoes hitting the restrictive devices

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (5) ◽  
pp. 920-924
Larisa A. Sarafinjuk ◽  
Olga P. Khapitska ◽  
Larysa Ya. Fedoniuk ◽  
Lyudmila V. Fomina ◽  
Daria A. Merkulova ◽  

The aim was to determine the main differences in the external structure of the body and the of central hemodynamics parameters in of high-level sports skills volleyball players of the juvenile age with the role of libero, hitters and setters. Materials and methods: 116 volleyball players of high level athletic skill of the youth age from 16 to 20 years old. The control group included 140 practically healthy girls who were not engaged in sports of the corresponding age. Anthropometric investigation was performed according to Bunak’s V.V. and Martirosov’s E.G. method, rheographic – according to the method of Ronkin M.A. and Ivanov L.B. The reliability of the difference between independent quantitative values was determined using Mann–Whitney U-test. Results: It was established that volleyball players have significantly higher total, longitudinal, circumferential dimensions of the body, width of distal epiphyses, transverse diameters of the chest and pelvis in comparison with girls, who are not involved in sport. According to the most parameters of the body external structure the hitters are predominate than setters and libero. In hitters and setters, most anthropo-somatotypological parameters are larger than in nonathletes. The stroke and minute volumes, the impact index, the volume velocity of the blood and the capacity of the left ventricle in volleyball players are significantly higher. Specific peripheral resistance is significantly lower than that of girls who are not involved in sports. Between the volleyball players of different positions in the value of the central hemodynamics parameters, there were no significant differences, except for the impact index, which is significantly higher in libero than in the hitters. Conclusions: The external structure of the body, anthropometric parameters and indicators of central hemodynamics depend of volleyball player’s position and have some peculiarities.

Mostafa Khalil ◽  
Anwer Hashish ◽  
Hamed M Abdalla

During missile system development, multidisciplinary design procedure is iteratively implemented based on the missile objective and target nature including internal ballistic, warhead function, and airframe configuration. By applying missile preliminary design, a good estimation for different design parameters can be obtained which will be useful through further detail design process. The aim of this paper is to build a preliminary design procedure for an unguided tactical missile that uses single-stage solid propellant motor to deliver a defined payload mass to a desired ground range. Based on data of available similar mature missile systems, two empirical formulas are developed to serve in the initial sizing of the missile with consideration of slenderness ratio, warhead mass, and desired ground range. Two different design concepts are implemented for tubular and star grains with different propellant compositions and chamber filling coefficients while the body-alone airframe configuration is adopted. The results demonstrate the capability of the proposed design procedure in defining the detailed design parameters. The impact of changing the propellant compositions and chamber filling coefficients on the obtained ground range is also explored.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Claudio Ciaccioli ◽  
Anna Eva Morabito ◽  

In industry, today’s approach to assembly design is still largely based on a bottom-up approach which, in contrast with the most advanced top-down techniques, is unfit to deal with very large and complex products. The reason for this lies in the high number of relationships to be established between parts and in the lack of a high-level control of the assembly design. This makes the management of design changes a labor-intensive process and the capture of design intent difficult to achieve. The paper, referring to the most advanced research fields of Concurrent Engineering and Knowledge-Based Engineering, focuses on a top-down modelling approach based on skeleton, which constitutes the most natural but still scarcely exploited way to attain a high reactivity to design modifications. Through the application of suitable methodologies, such as that one for a SKeLeton geometry–based Assembly Context Definition (SKL-ACD), the skeleton is also able to capture and codify assembly process engineering information since the early phases of the product development process. With the purpose of promoting the knowledge of these skeleton-based modelling techniques, that have a great relevance for training professional, technical and mechanical engineers, this paper implements the SKL-ACD methodology to an industrial case study in order to identify, with a unique and repeatable workflow, the reference geometrical entities and the mutual relationships to embed into the product skeleton. The skeleton types and the related fields of use are also described, placing particular emphasis on problems or shortcomings still not resolved, especially in consideration of the need to assist the designer in defining the impact of a parameter on assembly modification and in avoiding loops while defining formulas. A new tool, in the form of a multilayer graph, is finally proposed that is able to display and differentiate clearly the formulas, the design parameters and the impact of their modification on skeleton entities and members of the assembly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-54
Qurat-ul-Ain Javaid ◽  
Amna Ajmal

The purpose of the current study was to explore the impact of body image on self-esteem in adolescent males and females. A sample of 290 adolescents (144= male, 146= females) was taken from different schools and colleges of Multan. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Body Image Scale were used to measure the impact. Findings indicated a positive relationship between the level of confidence in the body image of adolescent males and their self-esteem. Moreover, it was found that adolescent females in their later years of adolescence had a high level of self-esteem as compared to adolescent females in their early years of adolescence. Independent t-test scores found that adolescent females report feeling more conscious about their body image and weight as compared to adolescent males. Results also showed that adolescent females disclose less information about themselves as compared to adolescent males.

Spencer B. Backus ◽  
Aaron M. Dollar

Adding grasping and manipulation capabilities to unconstrained vehicles such as UAVs, AUVs, and small space craft so that they can deliver cargo, grasp and retrieve objects, perch on features in the environment, and even manipulating their environment is an ongoing area of research. However, these efforts have relied heavily on structuring the interaction task and have predominantly utilized existing gripper designs that were not specialized for the platform or task. In this paper, we present a parametric model of a novel underactuated hand design that is composed of prismatic-revolute-revolute joint fingers. This kinematic configuration attempts to minimize disturbance forces to the body of the vehicle while achieving stable grasps on a wide range of objects under significant positional uncertainty. In particular, this paper investigates the impact of various design parameters, including the relative link lengths and force allocation across the three joints, on grasping performance and suggests optimal design parameters for a prototype hand.

L. A. Sarafinyuk ◽  
O. P. Khapitska ◽  
Yu. I. Yakusheva ◽  
A. O. Ivanytsia ◽  
P. V. Sarafinyuk

The somatotypological characteristic of acrobats in the literature is insufficiently disclosed, especially from the position of the role of sports selection, training and competitive activities in the formation of somatotype in athletes, whose professional activity is marked by coordination, rhythm and artistic movements, and the early onset of the impact of intense physical activity on their body. The purpose of the work is to establish the peculiarities of the components of the somatotype of acrobats with a high level of sportsmanship of prepubertal, pubertal and postpubertal age. We conducted a survey of 122 girls acrobats of high-level sports skills. As a control group, 126 girls were examined, who were not engaged in sports and studied in schools of Vinnytsia. The girls’ passport age was between 8 and 21 years old. In order to determine the biological age, we used the scheme Avtandilov G. G. (1990). The examined girls were divided into three groups according to the degree of biological maturity: prepubertal period (36 acrobats and 39 girls of the control group); puberty period (31 acrobats and 35 girls of the control group); postpubertal period (55 acrobats and 59 girls of the control group). The somatotypological study was performed according to the estimated modification of the Heath-Carters method (1990). The analysis of the obtained results was carried out in the licensed package “Statistica 5.5” using parametric methods of estimation of indicators. It was found that in the prepubertal period of the ontogenesis in the acrobat and in the girls who were not engaged in sports, the group somatotype was ecto-mesomorphic. In this period, the fatty component of the somatotype in acrobats was significantly lower, and mesomorphic - significantly higher than that of non-sports girls. In the puberty period, the somatotype in control and acrobats had distinct features of the ecto-mesomorphic type. It was found that acrobats in this period had a greater linearity of the body, as evidenced by the significantly higher values of their ectomorphic component of the somatotype. In addition, the size of the endomorphic component was significantly lower in athletes than in the control group. In the postpubertal period of ontogenesis, the F- and L-components were not significantly different, unlike in the previous period, which was characterized by intense puberty development. Acrobats only showed a significant predominance of the mesomorphic component of the somatotype. It can be concluded that the peculiarities of acrobatic sports activity in prepubertal, puberty and postpubertal age have the most significant effect on the development of the fatty and muscular components of the somatotype.

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