scholarly journals Climate Change Impact: The Experience of the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh Affected by Cyclones Sidr and Aila

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Russell Kabir ◽  
Hafiz T. A. Khan ◽  
Emma Ball ◽  
Kay Caldwell

Bangladesh is considered one of the countries most at risk to the effects of climate change and its coastal area is most vulnerable. This study tries to explore the experiences of cyclones Sidr and Aila affected people living in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. This study was conducted in the cyclone Sidr affected Amtali Upazila of Barguna District and in the cyclone Aila affected Koyra Upazila of Khulna District. Primary data collection was done using Focus Group Interview and then a thematic analysis approach was used for analysis. Three core themes emerged from the analysis and they are, firstly, impacts of climate change on the socioeconomic condition of the people, secondly, the impact on the health status of the population, and finally the impact on vulnerable people. Findings show that the effects of climate change have serious consequences on the livelihood patterns of the affected population and on their overall health status. As a result, the unfavorable health condition of these affected people makes them more vulnerable to various emerging diseases.

Sergei Soldatenko ◽  
Sergei Soldatenko ◽  
Genrikh Alekseev ◽  
Genrikh Alekseev ◽  
Alexander Danilov ◽  

Every aspect of human operations faces a wide range of risks, some of which can cause serious consequences. By the start of 21st century, mankind has recognized a new class of risks posed by climate change. It is obvious, that the global climate is changing, and will continue to change, in ways that affect the planning and day to day operations of businesses, government agencies and other organizations and institutions. The manifestations of climate change include but not limited to rising sea levels, increasing temperature, flooding, melting polar sea ice, adverse weather events (e.g. heatwaves, drought, and storms) and a rise in related problems (e.g. health and environmental). Assessing and managing climate risks represent one of the most challenging issues of today and for the future. The purpose of the risk modeling system discussed in this paper is to provide a framework and methodology to quantify risks caused by climate change, to facilitate estimates of the impact of climate change on various spheres of human activities and to compare eventual adaptation and risk mitigation strategies. The system integrates both physical climate system and economic models together with knowledge-based subsystem, which can help support proactive risk management. System structure and its main components are considered. Special attention is paid to climate risk assessment, management and hedging in the Arctic coastal areas.

2017 ◽  
Sri Rum Giyarsih

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s surface. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) average temperature of the Earth’s surface was global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the 0.74 ± 0.18 0C (1.33 ± 0.32 F) over the last hundred years. The impact of rising temperatures is the climate change effect on agricultural production. If the community does not craft made adaptation to global warming will have an impact on food security. This research aims to know the society’s adaptation to food security as a result of global warming and to know the influence of global warming on food security. The research was carried out based on survey methods. The influence of global warming on food security is identified with a share of household food expenditure and the identification of rainfall. Sampling was done by random sampling. The Data used are the primary and secondary data. Primary Data obtained through structured interviews and depth interview using a questionnaire while the secondary data retrieved from publication data of the Central Bureau Statistics B(BPS), Department of Agriculture and Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG). The expected results of the study is to know variations of food security due to global warming in Kulon Progo Regency. Comprehensive knowledge through community participation and related Government increased food security that is used as the basis for drafting the model society’s adaptation to the impacts of global warming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-169
Eko Sumartono ◽  
Gita Mulyasari ◽  
Ketut Sukiyono

Bengkulu is said to be the center of the world's climate because of the influence of water conditions and the topography of the area where the rain cloud formation starts. The waters in Bengkulu Province become a meeting place for four ocean currents which eventually become an area where the evaporation process of forming rain clouds becomes the rainy or dry season and affects the world climate. Method to analyze descriptively, shows oldeman Classification and satellite rainfall estimation data is added. In relation to the Analysis of Potential Food Availability for the Coastal Areas of Bengkulu Province uses a quantifiable descriptive analysis method based. The results show that most are included in the Oldeman A1 climate zone, which means it is suitable for continuous rice but less production due to generally low radiation intensity throughout the year. In an effort to reduce or eliminate the impact of climate change on food crop production, it is necessary to suggest crop diversification, crop rotation, and the application of production enhancement technologies. Strategies in building food availability as a result of climate change are: First, develop food supplies originating from regional production and food reserves on a provincial scale. Second, Empowering small-scale food businesses which are the dominant characteristics of the agricultural economy, especially lowland rice and horticultural crops. Third, Increase technology dissemination and increase the capacity of farmers in adopting appropriate technology to increase crop productivity and business efficiency. Four, Promote the reduction of food loss through the use of food handling, processing and distribution technologies. 

2021 ◽  
Alexandre Gauvain ◽  
Ronan Abhervé ◽  
Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy ◽  
Luc Aquilina ◽  
Frédéric Gresselin

<p>Like in other relatively flat coastal areas, flooding by aquifer overflow is a recurring problem on the western coast of Normandy (France). Threats are expected to be enhanced by the rise of the sea level and to have critical consequences on the future development and management of the territory. The delineation of the increased saturation areas is a required step to assess the impact of climate change locally. Preliminary models showed that vulnerability does not result only from the sea side but also from the continental side through the modifications of the hydrological regime.</p><p>We investigate the processes controlling these coastal flooding phenomena by using hydrogeological models calibrated at large scale with an innovative method reproducing the hydrographic network. Reference study sites selected for their proven sensitivity to flooding have been used to validate the methodology and determine the influence of the different geomorphological configurations frequently encountered along the coastal line.</p><p>Hydrogeological models show that the rise of the sea level induces an irregular increase in coastal aquifer saturations extending up to several kilometers inland. Back-littoral channels traditionally used as a large-scale drainage system against high tides limits the propagation of aquifer saturation upstream, provided that channels are not dominantly under maritime influence. High seepage fed by increased recharge occurring in climatic extremes may extend the vulnerable areas and further limit the effectiveness of the drainage system. Local configurations are investigated to categorize the influence of the local geological and geomorphological structures and upscale it at the regional scale.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 5918
Gianoli ◽  

The impact of climate change dynamics has a multiplicative effect when the interlinkages between water and energy are considered. This also applies to climate change co-benefits that derive from adaptation and mitigation initiatives implemented at the urban level and that address the water-energy nexus. A better understanding of the water-energy nexus is a precondition for integrated resource planning that optimizes the use of scarce resources. Against this background, the paper assesses the potential impact of water-energy saving technologies (WEST) on the water-energy nexus of Cuenca, Ecuador, focusing on how vulnerability to climate change may affect the water metabolic cycle of the urban area. Water-energy saving technologies such as rainwater harvesting, solar water heaters, and micro water turbines, reduce water-related energy consumption and mitigate greenhouse gases emissions; thereby illustrating the potential to generate climate change mitigation and adaptation co-benefits. The paper relies on primary data collected through interviews and a survey as well as secondary data in order to assess the extent to which water-energy saving technologies influence the water-energy nexus in Cuenca’s urban water metabolic cycle. Within the context of climate change, the paper develops a business-as-usual scenario and assesses how this is modified by the implementation of water-energy saving technologies.

Robert David Lubalo Onyango ◽  
Christopher Oludhe ◽  
Doris Amwata

Global warming effects have far reaching impacts of livelihoods of many rural communities including fishers. It is in record that fishing accounts for world’s 36 million fishers nearly 1.5 billion consumers who rely on fish for their dietary animal protein. Past studies have concentrated on fisher communities and climate variability in marine waters and oceans; mainly investigating the impact of climate variability on fish distribution and production. Limited focus has addressed the interaction between impacts of climate change on the fishing activities on inland and fresh waters such as in Lake Victoria and the fishers coping and adapting with changes and variability of climate. The discussions in this article focused on Lake Victoria shore location of Mbita where the livelihood of local community is largely fishing. The objectives were to: Determine the influence of gender on access and control of fisher resources for climate adaptation in Mbita sub-county; Document the current coping strategies and constraints to Climate variability/change in Mbita sub-county. The study used a constructivist epistemology and the mixed methods research design to help it achieve its findings. Yamane’s formula (1964) is used to get the sample size of 388 respondents out of a population of 13191. Primary data was collected through use of  questionnaires, interview schedules for KII and FGDs. Secondary data collection was collected through document reviews of relevant past studies reports and working papers on  (temperature/rainfall data) of Mbita for the last 30 years data to get the trend of these elements and to determine climate variability and change. The instruments were validated using experts’ content validity with the supervisors. Piloting was used to ascertain reliability of the instruments Analysis was accomplished using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences. Presentation was done in descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that there was gender discrimination in access and control of resources which support adaptive activities that makes women more vulnerable to Climate Variability/Change hazards and disasters. The study further found that adaptation  requires access and control of factors of production which were traditionally under the control of male fishers making women more vulnerable and susceptible to surviving through chamas and table banking activities. Statistically access to and control was significant to adaptation at p-value of 0.000. Under coping strategies the study found that adaptation required transformation of mind set that called for bigger investment which required the collaboration and consultation of entire Mbita community and county government to address environmental and conservative resource utility. The study concluded that lack of alternative livelihood opportunities/options is the major constraints to adaptation for people living in the Lake Victoria region escalated with limitation of skills outside fishing industry, limitation of other employable professional skills including lack of capital. The study recommends a transdiciplinary concientization of adaptive strategies which can translate into flexible and sustainable climate change adaptation and gender inclusive livelihood activities. Future research should explore participatory action research on environmental influences affecting CCA by comparing findings across other beaches and livelihoods to see if gendered resources have any role in their adaptation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-203
Rishikesh Pandey

The global climate system is changing faster than earlier projections with variable rates across the geographic scale. The impacts are also perceived heterogeneously across the places and communities. This study explores gender differentials in impact-perception in the Kaligandaki river valley in central Nepal. Research used primary data collected from 360 households, 75 Key Informants and 24 Focus Groups Discussion as well as through construction of nine Historical Timeline Calendars from three clusters – Meghauli (lower basin), Lumle (middlepart) and Upper-Mustang (upper-basin). The impact perception was assessed under seven social-ecological variables in the unipolar Likert Scale. The impact perception does not significantly differ across the gender of respondents while testing the means of perception scores and probably it is due to the impacts that have been experienced at profound level. The test of independence of gender to level of impacts indicates no significant association. This research also tried to check if other social-economic variables such as age of respondents and landholding size of household as well as self-reported economic status of households were significantly associated with some of the impacts. However, the number of cells with expected counts less than 5 in chi-square test turned to be more than 20 percent so they were considered to be invalid. Nevertheless, impact perception is significantly associated with the places of residence or study clusters, which indicates that local social-ecological system matters in climate change impacts. The qualitative information however, suggests otherwise that women feel higher level of risk and impacts, and is related to their concern over the welfare of family members and livelihood resources. Since risk perception is found to be related to spatial characteristics, this research recommends for development and implementation of targeted and localized adaptation policies. None the less, those policies must also recognize the women’s concerns on climate change impacts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 921 (1) ◽  
pp. 012049
P Agustine ◽  
H Parung ◽  
P Davey ◽  
C Frid

Abstract Following an oil spill in the western Java Sea, in July 2019, the issue of oil pollution has received heightened interest. More and more people in Indonesia are increasingly aware that environmental damage will be a severe threat to the sustainability of ecosystems and environmental services. Given that oil pollution does endanger not only the aquatic ecosystem but also the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem, it is essential to encourage the involvement of stakeholders to contribute to efforts to prevent and minimize the impact of oil pollution in coastal areas that may arise in the future. Thus, since oil pollution is extremely harmful not only to aquatic ecosystems but also terrestrial ecosystems, coastal management strategies are urgently required to minimize the impact of oil pollution in the future. The overall aim of this research is to provide recommendations for policy formulations that may be adopted by the relevant local government to protect coastal areas from seawater contaminated with oil. This research uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including Statistical analysis, Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The type of data collected will be primary data and secondary data which are sourced from experts and agencies engaged in the management of the coastal and marine environments.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (T4) ◽  
pp. 274-281
Ve Ngoc Hoang ◽  
Thai Hong Tran

Climate change is occurring increasingly complex and unpredictable, therefore the phenomenon of saltwater intrusion at coastal areas is also increasingly serious. The saltwater intrusion threatens the production and life of people in Nghe An’s coastal areas. Our study used MIKE11, MIKE 21 and ArcGIS software to assess the effects of saltwaters intrusion on agricultural land. The results indicate that the agricultural lands in Nghe An’s coastal areas are at high hazards of saltwater intrusion. Cua Lo town is the most affected by the saltwater intrusion, typically with land for cultivation of perennial trees (BHK), paddy land (LUC, LUK), land for production forests (RST), and land for aquaculture (TSL) are at high risk from the base (with more than 90 % of the total land area).

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 8 ◽  
Muchtar Efendi ◽  
Henna Rya Sunoko ◽  
Widada Sulistya

ABSTRAK Dampak terhadap pemanasan global adalah terjadinya perubahan iklim yang berpengaruh terhadap kondisi ekosistem Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). Kondisi ini menyebabkan penurunan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat dan meningkatkan tingkat kerentanan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan analisis tingkat kerentanan masyarakat terhadap perubahan iklim di Sub DAS Garang Hulu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif-eksploratif dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode kombinasi kualititatif dan kuantitatif (mixed method). Data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui kegiatan studi literatur dan desk study. Data primer berupa persepsi masyarakat dengan wawancara mendalam dengan metode purposive sampling. Penilaian kerentanan masyarakat terhadap perubahan iklim menggunakan fungsi dari tiga komponen, yaitu paparan, kepekaan, dan kemampuan adaptasi. Hasil analisis kerentanan masyarakat ditampilkan dalam bentuk peta-peta dengan bantuan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerentanan masyarakat terhadap perubahan iklim didominasi dalam kategori rendah sampai dengan sedang dengan persentase 73.83%. Daerah yang memiliki kerentanan tinggi adalah daerah Kecamatan Ungaran Timur dan kelurahan Sukorejo di Kota Semarang. Kata Kunci : DAS, Kerentanan, Paparan, Kepekaan, Kemampuan Adaptasi ABSTRACT The impact of global warming is climate change affecting the condition of Watershed Ecosystem. This condition causes the decreasing in the level of social welfare and the increasing  level of vulnerability of  living community. This study was aimed  to analyze the level of vulnerability of living communities due to climate change in Garang Hulu sub-watersheds . This research was a descriptive-explorative approach by using a combination of qualititative and quantitative methods (mixed method). Secondary data were collected through the study of literature and desk study. Primary data were taken in the form of public perception along with  indepth interviews. Respondents were chosen through purposive sampling method. Assessment of the  social vulnerability to climate change was using a function of three components, namely the exposure, sensitivity, and adaptability. The results of the vulnerability analysis were presented in the form of maps using the GIS. The study results showed that the level of vulnerability of communities to climate change was dominated by low category to moderate with the percentage of 73.83%. Areas that had a high vulnerability were East Ungaran local district and Sukorejo village in Semarang. Key Words : watershed, vulnerability, exposure, sensitivity, adaptability.

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