“You May Not Give It Away”: How Social Norms Shape Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesian Jurisprudence

1998 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 382-408 ◽  
John Bowen

AbstractA recent Indonesian Islamic law compilation presents an apparent anomaly in restricting the right to give away wealth as hiba to one-third of an estate — whereas the trend in Indonesian law reform has been to bring Islamic law closer to local inheritance practices. By means of a narrative analysis of a recent court decision, I identify a discourse of justifying the new restrictions in terms of general religious and social norms of fairness and agreement among heirs. Examination of local debates over law and property in two Sumatran societies, Gayo and Minangkabau, suggests that hiba is regarded as an impediment to Islamization of social life, and as introducing elements of unfairness and discord. Thus the new rule can be explained as having been motivated by local social processes and social norms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 153
Ali Abubakar ◽  
Juliana Juliana ◽  
Maisyarah Rahmi Hasan

This article aims to analyze the protection of life (ḥifẓ al-nafs) as the law reason (`illat) of the rights of children outside of legal marriage (ALPS) of biological fathers. Ḥifẓ al-nafs is assumed to be `illat emerging from many neglected ALPS phenomena and resulting in negative stigma and discrimination. This research is a study of Islamic law using the theory of `illat in analyzing the problem of children's rights outside of legal marriage. The research concludes that the presence of the 2010 Constitutional Court decision regarding the civil rights of ALPS with biological fathers reveals new spaces in seeing the nature of ALPS rights. This is different from the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council and classical fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) arguments, which tend to only link the child to the mother. Based on the Constitutional Court decision, the essence of ALPS rights from biological fathers is limited to civil rights. The responsibility of the biological father to ALPS is in the form of physical and mental support, while denying other rights such as guardianship of marriage; ALPS rights today have been largely abandoned. Thus, the protection/care is necessary. `Illat (the reason of law) in ḥifẓ al-nafs (protection of the life) is real and can be juxtaposed with `illat ḥifẓ al-nasl (protection of heredity). Ḥifẓ al-nasl does not completely fulfill the real requirements of an `illat which can abolish the abandonment of ALPS.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  

For reformers, Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, the primary source of Islamic teachings, are the solution to all current Muslims' problems. The main source of Islamic teachings must be explored using the right to ijtihad so that Islam can solve the current and future problems of the ummah. In the early preparation for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the discussion concerning Islamic law from the aspect of fiqh was receding because all Muslims were preoccupied with the formation of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This agendas never made Hasbi forget the agenda of Islamic law reform in Indonesia, even though the many Muslim reformers of his time established social organizations. Abstrak: Bagi kaum pembaharu, solusi dari seluruh problem umat Islam sekarang ini, adalah kembali kepada Alquran dan Sunnah Rasulullah Saw. Yang merupakan sumber pokok ajaran Islam. Sumber pokok ajaran Islam, harus digali dengan mempergunakan hak berijtihad, agar Islam dapat menyelesaikan masalah umat, baik sekarang maupun akan datang. Pada masa awal persiapan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, perbincangan tentang hukum Islam dari aspek fiqh semakin surut karena semua umat Islam disibukkan dengan pembentukkan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Namun, kesibukan tersebut tidak pernah membuat Hasbi ikut terlena untuk melupakan agenda pembaruan hukum Islam di Indonesia kendatipun banyak para pembaru Muslim di masanya yang mendirikan organisasi-organisasi kemsyarakatan (Ormas). Kata kunci: ijtihad, hukum islam, sunnah, pembaharuan

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-64
Moza Jadeed ◽  
Attiya Waris ◽  
Celestine N Musembi

This article argues that the observance of Islamic inheritance law (IIL) by Muslims in Kenya while the rest of the citizens employ a universal inheritance law is legitimate. It is within the Muslims’ right to equality and freedom from discrimination both under the now-repealed 1963 independence Constitution and the present Constitution of Kenya 2010. Through analysis of previous works, cases (local and foreign), statutes, international human rights instruments, international consensus documents, other international agreements, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, the article justifies the application of IIL in the country. It also conducts a thematic reading of the Qur’an, the Muslim Holy Book and the primary source of Islamic law, to demonstrate that IIL is a matter of exceptional importance to Muslims and therefore deserves accommodation in the Kenyan legal system under the right to equality and freedom from discrimination. The article, therefore, allays fears and misconceptions that the recognition of IIL in the country’s normative structures gives Muslims special treatment, makes them lucky and/or disunites Kenyans. Instead, it shows that such an arrangement is lawful and aligns with the principle of separation of the state and religion. It also makes Kenya inclusive and cohesive as it respects the rights of all its citizens, including the minorities. And because the enjoyment of this right is personal, the article highlights that the hesitance by other minority groups (locally and abroad) to assert it during their countries’ lawmaking or law reform processes does not estop Kenyan Muslims from doing it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Asman Asman

Abstract: This study analyzes the thoughts of Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im in Islamic law reform, Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im, a Sudanese intellectual figure. The objective of this study is for discovering Naskh's thinking conceptually, as an object for Islamic law studies. This critical study emphasizes that it is a need to review the naskh principle, for an-Na'im, which lies in the requirement to treat the texts in the Quran relevantly to fillenough Islamic law reform in a modern context. By comprehending the naskh verses in the Koran as a form of delaying their implementation to the right time, He uses logic or paradigm reversed from the conventional naskh principles, by re-streamlining the principles of Islamic teachings contained in the verses in the Mecca phase, which in conventional naskh theory have stated by the Madaniyyah verses that came down later. For him, reversing the naskh process is an evolutionary principle of interpretation. The methods used are descriptive, hermeneutic, and phenomenological methods. In practical terms, his naskh thinking which is aimed at revitalizing the interpretation of Islamic teachings in the context of the modern world can be useful for its application for the benefits of the ummah in the renewal of Islamic law in Islamic legal reform.Keywords: reform, Islamic law, critical, Abdullahi Ahmed Na'in Abstrak: Kajian ini menganalisis pemikiran Abdullahi Ahmed an­-Na'im dalam reformasi hukum Islam, Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im adalah salah seorang tokoh intelektual Sudan. Arah tujuan dalam kajian ini diarahkan untuk menguak pemikiran naskh secara konseptual, sebuah objek kajian yang diletakkan sebagai bagian dari kajian studi hukum Islam dalam pembahruan. Studi kritis ini menegaskan bahwa perlunya peninjauan kembali prinsip naskh, bagi an-Na'im yang terletak pada keharusan untuk memperlakukan teks-teks al-Quran secara relevan demi mewujudkan pembaruan hukum Islam yang memadai dalam konteks modern. Dengan memahami naskh ayat-ayat dalam al­-Quran sebagai suatu bentuk penundaan pelaksanaannya hingga waktu yang tepat, ia menggunakan logika atau paradigma terbalik dari prinsip naskh konvensional, yaitu dengan mengefektifkan kembali prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam yang terdapat pada ayat-ayat fase Makkah, yang dalam teori naskh konvensional dinyatakan telah oleh ayat­-ayat Madaniyyah yang turun belakangan. Baginya, membalikkan proses naskh merupakan prinsip interpretasi yang evolusioner. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, hermeneutika, dan fenomenologi. Secara praktis, bahwa pemikiran naskhnya yang ditujukan untuk merelevansikan penafsiran ajaran Islam dalam konteks dunia modem, dapat berguna penerapannya bagi kebaikan dan kemaslahatan umat dalam pembaharuan hukum Islam dalam reformasi hukum Islam.Kata kunci: reformasi, hukum Islam, kritis, Abdullahi Ahmed Na'in

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson

AbstractThis paper provides an overview of the political process which led to the adoption of one of the most important reforms of the Code civil since 1804. This major revision of the French Code civil took place by way of an ‘ordonnance’ (delegated legislation). That, in itself, was highly controversial. As regards substance, the most controversial points related to the need to strike a new balance between contractual justice and legal certainty in French contract law to make it better suited to economic and social life in the twenty-first century. The French contract law reform began at the instigation of President Chirac, was continued under Sarkozy’s presidency and was finally completed while François Hollande was the President of France. This background might suggest that, from a political standpoint, the new provisions of the Code civil successfully struck the right balance between legal certainty and contractual justice; if only political life were so simple. As will be shown in the second part of this paper, many questions remain open. The first part recounts the story behind the reform, from its origins to its completion. The second part gives some further insight into some emblematic new provisions of the Code civil.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-210
Iin Mutmainah ◽  
Muhammad Sabir

This study discusses about the testament wajibah to differently religious heirs (an Analysis of Supreme Court decision number: 368 K/AG/1995). The purpose of this study are to know about the principle of inheritance under islamic law, and to understand the status of testament to differently religious heirs , and to analyze the constitute of consideration and the legal basis used in deciding the rights of differently religious heirs. The result show that the testament wajibah given to differently religious heirs become a problem because of the status of differently religion, these heirs cannot get inheritance rights. Through the decision of supreme court, judge ruled that differently religious heirs have the right to get inheritance with some consideration. Although there is no rule on testament wajibah to differently religious heirs, the judge have succeeded in ijtihad, finding and exploring the value of existing law. This decree shows that the judges actually carry out duties as a legislator who receive, examine, and decide cases such a new through benefit consideration based on the Qur’an and Hadith

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 272
Rika Vira Zwagery ◽  
Emma Yuniarrahmah

AbstrakUsia Dewasa Awal merupakan usia rentan mengalami krisis karena terdapat tuntutan sosial yang harus dicapai seperti menikah, bekerja dan memiliki masa depan yang jelas. Tuntutan yang ada seringkali membuat seseorang merasa khawatir akan masa depannya sehingga berdampak pada psikologisnya sehingga dibutuhkan suatu usaha yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi perasaan khawatir tersebut agar dapat menjalani hidup secara optimal. Topik pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah masalah yang terjadi pada masa dewasa awal yaitu (QLC) Quarter Life Crisis, yakni perasaan khawatir yang hadir atas ketidakpastian kehidupan mendatang seputar relasi, karier, dan kehidupan sosial yang terjadi sekitar usia 20-an). Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan gambaran terkait QLC (tanda-tanda, kategori, cara menghadapi rintangan, dan meningkatkan pemahaman). Metode kegiatan berupa seminar online (diskusi panel) melalui aplikasi Zoom Meetings dengan tema “Quarter Life Crisis : Choose the Right Path, What Should I Do Next?” terbagi menjadi 2 sesi penyampaian materi. Peserta berasal dari masyarakat umum berjumlah 116 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta memahami konsep QLC dan aplikasinya dalam realita kehidupan.. Kegiatan ini penting dilaksanakan karena QLC pada setiap orang berbeda-beda dan dinamis sehingga perlu pemahaman konsep dan penerapan QLC yang tepat.Kata Kunci: QLC, dewasa awal ,perkembangan.AbstractAdulthood is an emerging age because the challenges of social norms must be achieved, such as getting married and having a bright future. Sometimes, someone worried about his future and has an impact on the psychological. Its takes an effort to reduce the feeling. .The topic of community service is Quarter Life Crisis, which’s the worriness that’s present over the uncertainty of future life (relationships, careers, and social life) occurs around the age of 20. The purpose is to provide an overview of QLC (signs, categories, how to deal with obstacles, and increase understanding). The method used online seminar (panel discussion) through the Zoom Meetings application with the theme "Quarter Life Crisis: Choose the Right Path, What Should I Do Next?" divided into 2 sessions. The participants came from the general public (116 people). The results are the participants understand the concept of QLC and its application. This activity is important to carry out because everyone's QLC is different and dynamiC. It’s necessary to understand the concept and apply the correct QLC.Key Word: QLC, adult, development

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-98
Ayesha Shahid

AbstractProtecting women and children is one of the core values of the Islamic legal tradition. In Muslim countries religious, constitutional, and legal frameworks obligate the state to take special measures to provide protection to women and children within families and in society. However, despite such provisions, post-divorce maintenance rights are not granted to women in Pakistan and Iran. Family law enacted in Pakistan and Iran still differs in form and substance from what has been mentioned in the primary sources of Islamic law and from the previous articulations of early Islamic law scholars. Moreover, patriarchal notions of male authority are still sustained through law and judicial interpretations when it comes to the question of giving post-divorce maintenance to women. As a result in the absence of a welfare system divorced women are left in a vulnerable situation. Although in Iran, some financial compensation under the concept of Ujrat ul Misl (compensation for household chores) is given to divorced women, but it remains unclear whether the right to Mata’at-ul-Talaq (post-divorce maintenance) has been recognised under the family law. In Pakistan the law does not include any provision for giving women Ujrat ul Misl and Mata’at- ul -Talaq. Moreover in the absence of a welfare system, divorced Muslim women in both countries are left in a vulnerable situation. This article engages with plural normative sources and contemporary notions of human rights to make the case for family law reform and for awarding post-divorce maintenance rights to Muslim women in Pakistan and Iran.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-234
Ahmad Wahyu Hidayat ◽  
Andi Zamakhsyari Baharuddin ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Fasa

In social life, Muslims often encounter forms muamalah. One of the forms muamalah is buying and selling. Sale and purchase allowed by Islam is the buying and selling that does not contain elements of usury, maysir, and gharar. Each transaction is considered valid if it meets the requirements and get along well defined purchase and in accordance to Islamic law. Credit according to Islamic terms is the right to receive payment or obligation to make payment at the time requested, or in the future, because the delivery of the goods now. While the credit sharia financing is known for providing money or bills based on agreements between the company and other parties, which require the other party to restore the funding after a certain period of time in exchange for results.This paper describes about definition, functions, objectives, elements and other types of credit, determine mortgage interest and the goodness and badness of credit, credit in Islamic economic perspective. Islam regards the practice of buying and selling as a legitimate practice and have a great maqasid for sustaining human life, maintain the property, life, lineage, intellect and serenity spiritual and physical. There are also practices in the name of selling but the fact is forbidden usury. The development of the understanding of this practice is consuming a variety of studies, so there is that to allow and forbid. Nothing justifies and forbid the sale and purchase with accounts payable, which is currently known by the term credit.

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