Blended English: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning in English literary studies

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-365 ◽  
Naomi Milthorpe ◽  
Robert Clarke ◽  
Lisa Fletcher ◽  
Robbie Moore ◽  
Hannah Stark

This article provides an account of a collaborative teaching and learning project conducted in the English programme at the University of Tasmania in 2015. The project, Blended English, involved the development, implementation, and evaluation of learning and teaching activities using online and mobile technologies for undergraduate English units. The authors draw on the project’s findings from survey and focus group data, and staff reflective practice and peer review, to make the case for increasing technology-enhanced teaching and learning in English literary studies. The blended approach described in this article has the capacity to enhance disciplinary learning; increase accessibility for students in remote and regional areas; facilitate deeper scholarly enquiry; and encourage staff to develop innovative, collaborative, and flexible teaching and learning practices. Appendix 1 presents examples of the project’s practical outcomes, as well as outlines of and reflections on three of the activities developed during the project.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-68 ◽  
Tom Perks ◽  
Doug Orr ◽  
Elham Al-Omari

This case study examines the physical aspects of a particular university classroom, and what affect specific changes to the classroom had on the perceptions of students, instructors and observers regarding the room as an effective learning space. We compare survey and focus group data collected from students taking courses in the classroom prior to changes to the physical environment with comparable data from students taking courses in the same classroom after specific changes had been made. Immediately following changes to the classroom, notable increases were observed in reported perceptions of student satisfaction with the physical environment, including perceptions of the classroom as a more effective and engaging learning space. Similar perceptions of improvement as a teaching-learning space were reported by instructors and observers. However, subsequent follow-up data collection and analyses suggested little if any sustained increase in perceptions of efficacy of the room as a learning space; indeed, most reported variables returned to baseline levels. The implications of these findings and their relevance to classroom design nevertheless may provide insight regarding the manner in which physical space might support or even enhance teaching and learning.

Ratchel Chikurunhe ◽  
Armstrong Kadyamatimba

The University of Venda(Univen) distributed tablets to students for facilitating and enhancing their studies. However, the provision of tablet PCs to students may not be a panacea for quality learning, especially to technological disadvantaged rural student  population. The aim of study was to investigate the use of digital mobile devices for enhancing teaching and learning at the Univen. The research questions focused on determining the current level of use of mobile devices, how they can be used effectively for teaching and learning. Mixed methods approach was applied with data being solicited from a convenient sample of students, lecturers and an IT technician. The results of the study indicated that many students and lecturers are active and have higher perceptions of mobile devices usage. The results of the study are to be used to explicate and advance the integration of the mobile devices for promoting learning and teaching accomplishments. The findings clearly showed that mobile devices have a positive impact on the academic experience. The results also indicate that there is a gradual acceptance of the Learners Management Systems (Blackboard) by both academics and students. The digital mobile devices are eventually enhancing teaching and learning at Univen.

Khalil Alsaadat

<p>Technological development  have altered the way we communicate, learn, think, share, and spread information. Mobile technologies are those that make use of wireless technologies to gain some sort of data. As mobile connectedness continues to spread across the world, the value of employing mobile technologies in the arena of learning and teaching seems to be both self-evident and unavoidable The fast deployment of mobile devices and wireless networks in university campuses makes higher education a good environment  to integrate learners-centered m-learning . this paper discusses mobile learning technologies that are being used for educational purposes and the effect they have on teaching and learning methods.</p>

Monica Fedeli ◽  
Anna Serbati ◽  
Edward W. Taylor

This article looks at theories and practices related to faculty development and innovation in teaching and learning methods in Higher Education, in order to respond to the European 2020 Strategy, in which the High level group on the modernisation of higher education has been established, whose aim focuses on improving the quality of teaching and learning in Europe's higher education institutions (2013). The paper is framed within the context of the project PRODID (Preparazione alla professionalitŕ docente e innovazione didattica), funded by the University of Padova, Italy with the major goal of creating a permanent and effective academic center for research on learning and teaching and faculty development. The theoretical framework of PRODID is informed by constructivism and social constructivism, and the student centered approach, encouraging student-teacher partnerships as a dimension for faculty development and teaching and learning innovations. The University of Helsinki and Michigan State University are mentioned as relevant examples of organizational settings integrated in higher education institutions that offer a great variety of practices consistent with the chosen theoretical framework. They also offer the Italian program of University of Padova models for critical reflection in how their teaching strategies can be created and developed on the basis of this international experience. The final discussion aims to highlight the strategies adopted during the first year of the project, characterized by the Italian culture and revealing new insights and ideas to create an Italian model of teaching and learning center.

Carolyne Nekesa Obonyo

The use of mobile technologies to enhance 21st century learning is increasing in K-12 schools and teacher education institutions. Thus, there is a need to effectively prepare preservice teachers to use mobile technologies in their future classrooms. This chapter explores the effective use of mobile technologies in teacher preparation in ways that are transferred to K-12 teaching and learning. It goes on to look at two major organizations: the university and partner school involved in the preparation of preservice teachers. Additionally, the purposes of incorporating information and communication technologies in teacher preparation as identified by Davis are explored to understand how mobile technologies align with these purposes. Common challenges of using mobile technologies in teacher preparation are also presented.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 87 ◽  
Juan Carlos Manrique Arribas ◽  
Cristina Vallés Rap ◽  
Juan Manuel Gea Fernández

Resumen: El siguiente trabajo muestra los resultados de 29 experiencias de innovación en docencia universitaria, en las que se ha aplicado un sistema de evaluación formativa. Han participado en el estudio 7 áreas de conocimiento de 4 universidades, con un total de 1.770 alumnos y 29 profesores. El marco de referencia lo constituye la Red de Evaluación en Docencia Universitaria, centrada en investigar el potencial de la evaluación formativa para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje del alumnado universitario. La metodología empleada en esta Red de profesorado es la investigación-acción y el estudio de casos. Entre los resultados obtenidos en el estudio destacan las siguientes ventajas: a)-aprender formas alternativas de evaluación, b)-permitir mayor implicación y motivación del alumnado y c)-facilitar la adquisición de competencias de aprendizaje autónomo. Se observan algunos inconvenientes como: a)-mayor carga de trabajo para el profesor y el alumno y b)-falta de costumbre del profesorado y alumnado en la aplicación de este modelo de evaluación formativa. Sin embargo, la relación entre la carga de trabajo para el profesor y el alumno está en consonancia con el requerimiento que establece el nuevo crédito ECTS de los nuevos grados según los datos obtenidos. Los resultados extraídos permiten afirmar que la evaluación formativa supone un medio adecuado para que el alumnado alcance las competencias que exigen las titulaciones, sirviendo también como elemento dinamizador del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que permite buenos resultados académicos así como la motivación de los alumnos y profesores. Overall results of the implementation of 29 cases on the development of formative assessment in higher education Abstract: In this paper we show the overall results after having implemented 29 innovative experiences in university teaching, based on the application of formative assessment systems. This implementation covers 7 areas of knowledge, 4 universities, 1,770 students and 29 teachers. The framework is the University Formative Evaluation Network, formed by university professors who focus on researching the potential of formative assessment to improve student learning and teaching process. The methodology used is “action research” and case studies. The results show that this evaluation system has many advantages: a) it allows learning new practice of assessment, b) greater involvement and more student motivation and c) it facilitates the acquisition of independent learning skills. It also presents some drawbacks, such as increased workload for the teacher and student, and a traditional lack of practice of teachers in the application of this model. However, the relationship between workload for the teacher and the student is in line with the requirement set by the new ECTS credit of the new degrees. The most important conclusion we have reached is that formative assessment is a very appropriate means to achieve the competencies required by the degrees, and it develops a dynamic process of teaching and learning that improves academic performance and students and teachers’ motivation.

Majok Mabor Matoc Apadier

In line with South Sudan’s vision of a self- governing community, much hope was invested in the English speaking world thereby making a shift from Arabisation from the North. As a result, the English language was adopted a marker of identity and opposition to Arabic, language of government, education as well as international communication. As part of South Sudan’s look south policy, English was made to be a second language as opposed to a foreign language. In tandem with this country’s vision the University of Juba is not spared from the adoption of English as the language of instruction and a learning subject.  Due to the democratisation of schooling and education for all, enrolment in the learning of English is increasing and resultantly large classes are emerging.  In view of this, the paper therefore examines and provides preliminary results on the nature and feasibility of some teaching and learning of English in large classes at the University of Juba. This was done in light of the principles and concepts of Richards and Rodgers’ (2001) Communicative Language Teaching approach. It emerges from the findings that in the absence of a teaching framework there is no uniformity on the strategies that being adopted by both learners and teachers in the learning and teaching of English as a second language.

Andrea Rose Carr ◽  
Jo-Anne Kelder ◽  
Joseph Crawford

The Curriculum Evaluation Research (CER) Framework was developed as a response to increasing scrutiny and expectations of the higher education sector, including legislated standards for curriculum and professional teachers that explicitly require a systematic and comprehensive approach to evaluating curriculum. The CER Framework is designed to facilitate a scholarly environment to drive and assure the quality of a curriculum and the capabilities of its teaching team. It stems from a synthesis of teacher as action researcher (TAAR), quality improvement (QI), quality assurance (QA), and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) applied to the curriculum as it is designed, taught, and revised. In this chapter, the implementation of the CER Framework to the University College is reviewed and evaluated. The University College is an organisational unit comprises approximately 600 students and 80 staff. This chapter includes a reflection on the barriers and enablers of implementing the CER Framework.

Frederick Kang'ethe Iraki

Since the late 1990s, Kenya has undergone a real technological revolution, especially in the domain of mobile telephony and Internet connectivity. From a negligible number of handsets in the hands of the political elites, today almost every adult Kenyan has a mobile phone, or access to one. This is thanks to reduced costs following expansion and diversification of the market niche. Despite this remarkable progress, research has shown that cell phones are used mainly for financial transactions, social communication, and entertainment, but hardly for learning purposes. This means that despite the impressive number of smartphone owners in the university, for example, the devices are not used for enhancing student learning or teaching. In Kenya, more than 60% of the population employs mobile banking, thus underscoring the immense potential that the cell phones have for education. This chapter explores the benefits and challenges in employing mobile telephony to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

2004 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-149 ◽  
Kimberly C. Torres ◽  
Camille Z. Charles

We employ qualitative in-depth and focus group data to examine how racial stereotypes affect relations between Black and White undergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania. Specifically, we employ the concept of metastereotypes—Blacks' knowledge and perceptions of the racial attitudes that Whites have of Blacks. Our interest is in the accuracy of Black students' beliefs about Whites' racial attitudes to their group, and the consequences of metastereotypical thinking for Black students' academic performance. We find that the Black students in our sample possess some clear and largely negative metastereotypes concerning how Whites generally think about Blacks, and these metastereotypes are quite accurate. Moreover, these negative group images are at the heart of a key campus “problem”—Whites' hostility to affirmative action and the assumption that Blacks are not qualified to be at the university; and, ironically, most Blacks seem to have internalized a piece of these negative stereotypes. These results are a tangible manifestation of double-consciousness—Blacks' perceptions of themselves both through their own eyes and through the eyes of Whites, and evidence of Steele's theory of stereotype threat, in as much as Black students expend considerable energy attempting to debunk the myth of Black intellectual inferiority.

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