History of State and Law as an Independent Scientific Specialty

10.12737/1166 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 98-103
Алексей Демичев ◽  
Alexey Demichev

In the article it is proved that the history of state and law should be an independent scientific specialty. The author analyzes the subject of the history of state and law, the specifics of the scientific novelty in the historical and legal research, offers criteria of differentiation of history of state and law with branch legal disciplines. Also measures for improvement of quality of examination of historical and legal dissertation researches are offered.

2020 ◽  
pp. 180-195
Renata E. Paliga

Until the 19th century, the factor causing epidemics was not known, and the escape from a place where it occurred as well as isolation of patients was considered to be the only effective way to avoid illness and death. Quarantine in a sense similar to modern times was used in 1377 in Ragusa, today’s Dubrovnik, during the plague epidemic. It was the first administratively imposed procedure in the world’s history. It was later used in Venice and other rich port cities in the Mediterranean. On the territory of today’s Poland, quarantine measures were used by the so-called Mayor of the Air – LukaszDrewno in 1623 during the plague epidemic in Warsaw. The quarantine left its mark on all areas of human activity. It affected all humanity in a way that is underestimated today. Throughout history, it has been described and presented visually. It is omnipresent in the world literature, art and philosophy. However, the isolation and closure of cities, limiting trade, had an impact on the economic balance, and the dilemma between the choice of inhabitants’ health and the quality of existence, i.e. their wealth, has been the subject of discussions since the Middle Ages. Since the end of the 19th century, quarantine has lost its practical meaning. The discovery of bacteria and a huge development of medical and social sciences allowed limiting its range. In the 20th century isolation and quarantine no longer had a global range, because the ability to identify factors causing the epidemic, knowledge about the incubation period, carrier, infectiousness, enabled the rational determination of its duration and territorial range. The modern SARS COV 2 pandemic has resulted in a global quarantine on a scale unprecedented for at least three hundred years. The aim of this paper is to present the history of quarantine from its beginning to the present day, including its usefulness as an epidemiological tool.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 478-501
Aldenir De Araujo Saraiva ◽  
Stephannie Bispo Buonaduce ◽  
Hesler Piedade Caffé Filho ◽  
Denes Dantas Vieira

 Resumo: A educação ambiental nasce da emergência ecológica planetária, ou seja, do contexto da educação, como uma demanda de seu ambiente, visto que os recursos ambientais são finitos, limitados e estão intrinsecamente inter-relacionados. Podemos dizer que a história da Educação Ambiental está ligada ao movimento ambientalista, que surge discretamente no início do século XX, mas foi, a partir da segunda metade do século XX, após as décadas de 1940 e 1950, que foi sendo impulsionado por vários eventos, como o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial e os diversos avanços tecnológicos. Este estudo discute aspectos históricos da Educação Ambiental com base em pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a temática. Concluiu-se que a educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável ainda representa um grande desafio, seja nacional, seja mundial. Políticas públicas que possam mitigar tais lacunas devem ser incentivadas e apoiadas, para que tenhamos m futuro com maior qualidade de vida para a humanidade. Palavras-chave: Aspectos históricos; Educação Ambiental; Desenvolvimento sustentável.  Abstract: Environmental education is born from the planetary ecological emergency, that is, from the context of education, as a demand of its environment, since environmental resources are finite, limited and are intrinsically interrelated.  We can say that the history of Environmental Education is linked to the environmental movement, which emerged discreetly at the beginning of the 20th century, but it was, from the second half of the 20th century, after the 1940s and 1950s, that it was driven by various events , such as the end of World War II and the various technological advances.  This study discusses historical aspects of Environmental Education based on bibliographical research on the subject.  It was concluded that education for sustainable development still represents a great challenge, whether national or global.  Public policies that can mitigate these gaps must be encouraged and supported, so that we have a future with a better quality of life for humanity.  Keywords: Historical aspects;  Environmental education;  Sustainable development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 290-299
Venera R. Amineva ◽  

The characteristics of a new type of literary discourse having a feature of transculturality is given on the material of a poem “Prayer for the Cup” (1989–1991) a significant work by R. Bukharaev. A global, multicultural and international world is reconstructed in the poem, the existence of which is determined by the idea of transitivity — simultaneity and continuous flow, transitions from one into another: epochs, events, topos, languages. The hero of this world — is a lonely stranger, walking along the road of life, linearly opening the autonomous world of his “I”. the history of his spiritual travel correlates with the way of Christ full of suffering. The poem is full of historical and literary allusions and reminiscences from the world literary works, performing an identifying function. It is stated that identification performed by different elements of a literary text is carried out both “on the borders”, “in the interval” between different traditions, as well as “within the limits”, “inside” a homogeneous culture. Therefore, it is multiple, and meanwhile fundamentally incomplete, “split”, “fluid”, “intermediate”, “flickering”, probabilistically multiple, constantly questioning its status and revealing the growing plasticity of the subject, who is in the process of constantly recreating its own “I”. A new form of worldview, the product of which is a phenomenon of transcultural literature, is formed by synthesizing tendency. It functions within the artistic world of the poem and overcomes the boundaries between different types of culture and traditions, demonstrating the way new meanings overcome it, tolerant in their content and functions, can be appear from confrontation. An ability of an artistic image to endless mutual overflowing and transformations of meaning is a new quality of poetic language corresponding to the peculiarities of the transcultural type of artistic consciousness.

A. John Simmons

The problem of political obligation has been one of the central concerns of political philosophy throughout the history of the subject. Political obligations are the moral obligations of citizens to support and comply with the requirements of their political authorities; and the problem of political obligation is that of understanding why (or if) citizens in various kinds of states are bound by such obligations. Most theorists conservatively assume that typical citizens in reasonably just states are in fact bound by these obligations. They take the problem to be that of advancing an account of the ground(s) or justification(s) of political obligation that is consistent with affirming widespread obligations. Other theorists, however, anarchists prominent among them, do not accept the conservative assumption, leaving open the possibility that the best theory of political obligation may entail that few, if any, citizens in actual states have political obligations. Much of the modern debate about political obligation consists of attempts either to defend or to move beyond the alleged defects of voluntarist theories. Voluntarists maintain that only our own voluntary acts (such as freely consenting to the authority of our governments) can bind us to obedience. Because actual political societies appear not to be voluntary associations, however, voluntarism seems unable to satisfy conservative theoretical ambitions. Some individualists turn as a result to nonvoluntarist theories of political obligation, attempting to ground obligations in the receipt by citizens of the benefits governments supply or in the moral quality of their political institutions. Others reject individualism altogether, defending communitarian theories that base our political obligations in our social and political roles or identities. Individualist anarchists reject instead the conservative ambitions of such theories, embracing a voluntarism which entails that most citizens simply have no political obligations.

1987 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-140 ◽  
A. G. Hopkins

This article surveys research into the business history of Africa completed during the past decade, taking as a point of departure the author's previous essays, ‘Imperial business in Africa’, in this Journal (XVII, (1976), 29–48 and 291–305), and using as a point of reference the published proceedings of two conferences held in Paris and London in 1981 and 1983. It is apparent that knowledge of indigenous and expatriate business in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has expanded considerably during the past ten years, and also that the studies produced by specialists on Africa have particular strengths: they remain integrated with other branches of history; they have illuminated the relationship between business enterprise and official policy; and they have been concerned to explore the wider social consequences of business activities and to relate historical research to current development issues. The literature reveals some characteristic weaknesses too, quite apart from limitations of source materials: the market for knowledge remains imperfect, and specialists often fail to incorporate work which is available; and their analysis is frequently limited by a reluctance to make use of theories of the firm and of accounting techniques. An explanation of these characteristics is offered, and it is concluded that once the present deficiencies have been recognized they can be overcome, and that the quality of research will improve still further as the subject continues to grow during the next decade.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-128
Gema Perdana

The neutrality of ASN and the politicization of the bureaucracy are still issues that need to be addressed immediately. This paper discusses the history of ASN neutrality arrangements; the influence of the bureaucratic politicization toward the ASN neutrality; and the role of KASN in manifesting the ASN neutrality. This paper is a result of a normative legal research, using the historical approach and statute approach. This paper is intended to contribute on the formulation of the ASN management that is free from the political intervention and works solely for the benefit of the nation and the state. In its history, the ASN’s neutrality was highly influenced by the inclination of the legislators. The public officials, whether from a political background or independent, should not place the ASN as a tool to maintain their power. The new institution of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) is expected to be able to maintain the quality of the implementation of the merit system. Furthermore, the regulations are needed in order to restrict the access of public officials to conduct abuse of authority, also provide the access to strict supervision from the parties including the ASN’s internal in order to be able to report any form of intervention. AbstrakNetralitas ASN dan politisasi birokrasi masih menjadi permasalahan yang perlu segera diatasi. Tulisan ini membahas mengenai sejarah pengaturan netralitas ASN; pengaruh politisasi birokrasi terhadap netralitas ASN; dan peran KASN untuk mewujudkan netralitas ASN. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian hukum normatif (normative legal research), dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah (historical approach) dan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach). Tulisan ini bertujuan memberikan kontribusi dalam perumusan manajemen ASN yang bebas dari intervensi politik dan bekerja semata-mata untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara. Dalam sejarahnya, netralitas ASN sangat dipengaruhi oleh keinginan dari pembentuk undang-undang. Pejabat publik, baik berasal dari politik ataupun independen, tidak seharusnya menempatkan ASN sebagai alat untuk mempertahankan kekuasaannya. Lembaga baru Komisi Aparatur Sipil Negara (KASN) diharapkan mampu menjaga kualitas pelaksanaan sistem merit. Selanjutnya, diperlukan regulasi dalam rangka pengetatan akses pejabat publik untuk menyalahgunakan kewenangan, serta memberikan akses pengawasan yang ketat dari para pihak termasuk internal ASN untuk dapat melaporkan segala bentuk intervensi.

Neurosurgery ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 64 (CN_suppl_1) ◽  
pp. 236-236
Soroush Niketeghad ◽  
Abirami Muralidharan ◽  
Uday Patel ◽  
Jessy Dorn ◽  
Robert Greenberg ◽  

Abstract INTRODUCTION Stimulation of human visual cortex is known to elicit visual percepts (phosphenes) which makes it a suitable candidate for generating artificial vision for blind. Although there have been a few attempts to build visual cortical prostheses, a greater understanding of the physiology of stimulation is required to generate useful perceptions. This study aims to characterize the phosphenes elicited by a neurostimulation device and explore the effects of stimulation parameters (amplitude, frequency, pulse-width and burst duration) on the quality of these percepts. METHODS A 30-year-old volunteer with an 8-year history of bare light perception secondary to Voght-Koaynagi-Harada Syndrome participated in this study. Two parallel cortical strip leads (each with four contacts) were implanted over the right medial occipital lobe. Phosphene characteristics were assessed postoperatively using subject's drawings of on a touch screen as well as subjective description of the percepts intensity and color. The stimulus parameters for eliciting a well-defined phosphene were obtained by varying the stimulus parameters for each contact at the beginning of each session during the eight months' period of the study. RESULTS >Stimulation of each of the eight contacts elicited phosphenes with a consistent shape and location in the visual field. The stimulus parameters for generating a well-defined phosphene were stable for six contacts and had to be adjusted for two over the period of the study. Increasing the amplitude and frequency resulted in more intense perceptions and the subject indicated seeing colored phosphenes for certain amplitudes. Simultaneous stimulation of multiple contacts was perceived as a summation of percepts elicited by stimulating the contacts individually. Sequential stimulation of two contacts generated two phosphenes and the subject was able to identify them in order. CONCLUSION Visual cortical prostheses are feasible candidates for creating artificial sight due to reproducibility of the perceptions and consistency of the stimulation parameters required to generate basic visual perceptions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 70-78
Levchenko Olga Yu. ◽  

The study of the history of domestic foreign language education continues to remain relevant, since some aspects of this problem have not received their comprehensive description. In this regard, the activity of real schools is of undoubted interest, the understanding of the experience of which has practical importance in the context of improving the quality of teaching foreign languages, developing subject concepts and further improving the mathematical and natural science training of students. The issues of real education, which were the subject of special attention of state and public figures, representatives of the pedagogical community and entrepreneurship, received wide coverage in publications published in the pre-Soviet period. The theoretical analysis of historical and pedagogical editions demonstrates a certain specificity of teaching foreign languages in real schools. The study of ancient languages was the prerogative of classical gymnasiums, while in real schools the emphasis was on the learning of new languages. The training course was aimed at acquiring skills in various types of speech activity and provided for the achievement of not only developing and educational, but also practical goals. The program set tasks for each stage of training and contained recommendations on the organization of educational activities. Much attention was paid to reading. Awareness of the importance of foreign language education contributed to the search for the most effective forms of educational activity on the lesson.

2021 ◽  
OI Kubar

This work is the author's commentary on events and documents that are important for the correct interpretation of the history on bioethics and the search for a moral basis for preventing ethical catastrophes in the future. The real reason for turning to the subject of the article was an in-depth study of the roots of the formation of ethical self-awareness and ethical legal awareness in Russia, which we presented earlier in the previous issue of the journal of Medical Ethics (2021, V. 9, No. 1.). The historical memory of the Nuremberg trial and the realities of the humanitarian catastrophe of the COVID-19 pandemic certainly give a special impetus to the development of this topic. Important issue is a special request of the journal editors to write this particular article. The reason is the author's discovery and presentation of the unique and forgotten documents of extraordinary importance, as well as the strategic focus of the journal's policy on an objective presentation of the facts of national ethics / bioethics in order to form the integrity of the role and influence of Russia and to improve the quality of education in this area.

2014 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-146 ◽  
Soraya de Chadarevian

In 1956, Joe Hin Tjio and Albert Levan published a paper in which they suggested that the number of human chromosomes was 46 and not 48. The story of the recount has been the subject of numerous studies and debates. In this essay I propose to revisit the 1956 paper and the questions surrounding it by considering the chromosome images it contained. Paying attention to the images, including especially the photomicrograph that has come to represent the new chromosome count, offers the opportunity to study the history of an iconic image of genetics. In the course of this history the image moved from proving the quality of Tjio and Levan’s preparations to becoming an object of contention, proof of authorship, example to emulate, manipulable object, recognizable icon, and historical object in its own right. More generally, the essay highlights the role of visual techniques and materials in shaping knowledge and staking claims in human heredity in the mid-twentieth century. The history of postwar cytogenetics has long been overshadowed by dominant accounts of molecular approaches in biology that developed rapidly at the same time. Yet the recognition that, well into the 1970s, chromosome pictures were the most recognizable images of genetics points to the need for new approaches to the historiography.

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