2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 208-219
Татьяна Мочаева ◽  
Tat'yana Mochaeva ◽  
Алексей Шургин ◽  
Aleksey Shurgin ◽  
Андрей Туев ◽  

The strategic goal of the development of the Russian forest complex is to significantly increase its contribution to the national economy by creating an economically sustainable, private and globally competitive group of industries. For this, the products of forest sector of Russia should enjoy equal demand both on domestic and foreign markets. The basic branch of forest complex is forestry, which provides protection, reproduction of forests, regulation of forest man-agement and control over the use of forest resources. The Republic of Mariy El is not distinguished by the presence of a large number of industrially significant natural resources. The main natural wealth of the region is forest, which covers more than 50% of its territory. The forest-growing conditions of the Republic of Mariy El in most of its territory are favorable for the growth of valuable coniferous species. Extensive exploitation of the republic's forests is a difficult period of the beginning and the middle of the 20th century, traditional ways of managing in the forest, aimed primarily at selecting the most valuable timber; insufficient financing of reforestation, forest protection measures; as well as cur-rent market situation of timber currently lead to negative changes in species and commodity structure of the country's forest resources. The locomotive of the growth of the forest complex of the Republic of Mariy El is JSC Mari Pulp and Paper Mill, which largely covers its need for wood raw materials by importing it from outside the region. Enterprises-tenants of forest areas carry out the harvesting of timber and subsequent sale of products with low added value, which reduces the contribution of forestry industries to the economy of the region. Forest recreation should be a strategic di-rection for the development of forest management in the Republic of Mariy El.

I.V. Alferov ◽  
M.N. Pak ◽  
R.V. Ivanov ◽  
N.V. Popova

The article describes the value of the feed of winter pastures in the extreme north of Yakutia. Winter pastures of the Momsky district are located in marsh places and are used as horse food. Equis?tum fluviatile grows on pastures. Equis?tum Fluviatile is winter-green plants. Equis?tum Froviatile is of the greatest value for the horses of the Momsky district. The research was carry out in the Chiskhan peasant farm of the Momsky district, in the Ulakhan-Chistay village and at the Mercury peasant farm in the Myandigi village of the Amginsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) at the end of November. 2020. Samples of winter feed take from pastures near the floodplain of the Moma River, which consisted mainly of marsh horsetail. In the Amga district, a cereal plant - creeping wheatgrass is the standard fodder for Yakutian horses; We are study the biochemical features of Equis?tum Froviatile in the conditions of the Arctic, which complement and expand ideas about the signs of the accumulation of nutrients in winter feed, depending on the cultivation zone. Winter pastures consisted mainly of Equis?tum fluviatile. In the Momsky district, the indicators are higher in cheese protein - 3.05%, for raw fat by 1.65%, for raw materials of fiber by 13.44% than in the Amginsky district. In the Momsky district, the indicators are higher in macro microelements by 1.5-2 times. It is assumed that plants of the Far North accumulate a significant amount of minerals due to their adaptive properties to growing conditions and have a high ability to absorb mineral compounds from the soil.

2021 ◽  

In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2014 concerning industri "Industry is all forms of economic activity that processes raw materials and/or utilizes industrial resources so as to produce goods that have added value or higher benefits, including industrial services". Industry is a branch of the economy whose rate of productivity development is faster than the development of the overall productivity level of the economic branch. So its role in creating production and creating jobs is certainly bigger than all branches of the economy. Humans are legal subjects as well as unique and prospective economic actors, with the development of all needs from all industrial sectors as Muslims are required to be within the framework of sharia rules, namely halal and ethical frameworks, namely thayib. So Islam is here to help develop the halal industri, especially in Indonesia so that it becomes a high economic value and is also profitable because it is based on sharia.

O. Imomov ◽  
S. Mirzaev ◽  
U. Shomatova ◽  
K. Ergasheva

This work is devoted to the study of the medicinal properties of Capparis spinosa L. on the basis of the literatures and the assessment of natural resources in the Chust adyrs of the Namangan region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the protection measures. The medicinal properties of this plant are high, and it is widely used in folk and modern medicine, and the plant also contains a high concentration of nectar and is of great importance for beekeeping. In Europe it is used in the food industry and in cooking as a dietary product.  Plants are one of the most demanded medicinal raw materials, the demand is growing, but the available natural resources cannot meet this demand. Expansion of the plantation of Capparis spinosa and with rational use we will be able to conserve the natural resources of the plant.

V. M. Shishmarev ◽  
T. M. Shishmareva ◽  

The coenopopulations of Serratula centauroides in various plant communities of Transbaikalia have been studied. In the study areas 10 geobotanical descriptions were made in plant communities with the participation of S. centauroides. In the investigated area S. centauroides is found on dry rocky slopes, in herb and sandy steppes. Depending on the growing conditions, the density of individuals in coenopopulations ranges from 0.18 to 1.80 individuals per 1 m2. The highest occurrence of S. centauroides is noted in communities dominated by Gramineous and Artemisia: Gramineous-Artemisia-herb, Filifolium-Artemisia-Gramineous, Gramineous-Artemisia, Oxytropis-Gramineous and Allium-Artemisia. Studied coenopopulations S. centauroides are confined to the following communities: Filifolium-herb, Gramineous- Artemisia-herb, Sophora-herb, Filifolium-Artemisia-Gramineous, Gramineous-Artemisia, Agropyron- Carex, Carex-herb, Oxytropis-Gramineous and Allium-Artemisia. The phytomass, biological and exploitation resources, the possible volumes of annual harvesting of raw material of S. centauroides were determined. The phytomass of S. centauroides herb ranges from 8.10±3.46 to 75.93±19.55 g/m2 (air-dry raw material). The average phytomass of 1 individual of S. centauroides herb varies from 13.67±3.59 to 67.14±14.30 g (air-dry raw materials). The total biological resources of S. centauroides herb is 777.9 t (fresh raw materials) and 266.8 tons (air-dry raw materials). The total exploitation resources of S. centauroides herb is 224.7 t (fresh raw materials) and 79.8 t (air-dry raw materials). The possible volume of annual harvesting of raw materials of S. centauroides in the studied coenopopulations on the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Republic of Buryatia amounts to 37.5 t (fresh raw materials) and 13.3 t (air-dry raw materials).

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-93
Nikolay Neykov ◽  
Petar Antov ◽  
Viktor Savov

AbstractIndustrial policy determines the industry's orientation for growth, in line with the economic development stage. The main objective of this article is to establish the sustainability of the relationship between the development of forest resources, on the one hand, and their use in wood and furniture products in the Republic of Bulgaria, on the other hand. The main tasks are to find out the sustainability in the production of timber and products from it, to assess the tendency of development and needs of policy measures. The methods used include statistical methods for trend analysis, descriptive methods and others. Forestry is a clear example of the transformation of natural resources into consumer products, where sustainability in the development of society can easily be disturbed. Forestry policies should support the use of tree resources in products with the highest possible added value.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Nicolae Talpă ◽  
Aureliu Florin Hălălișan ◽  
Bogdan Popa

With state institutions playing a determinant role and the state owning 86% of the forestland, the forest sector in the Republic of Moldova still strives to adapt to post-communist socio-economic realities. This paper evaluates the performance of forest state institutions in achieving ambitious policy goals oriented toward sustainable management and enhancing forest protection functions. The performance of the Moldsilva Agency; State Forest Enterprises; and Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment were evaluated, using the criteria of the 3L Model. The research combined participatory observations, face-to-face semi-structured interviews and secondary empirical evidence. The results indicate a paternalistic regulatory approach, with state authority institutions giving marginal importance to non-state forests, and low-efficiency state forest management institutions having financial difficulties that threaten the fulfillment of sustainability goals. The Moldsilva Agency has a central role in intra-/inter-sectorial coordination and cooperation. The authorities should seriously consider a more precise formulation of policy goals, with solid budgetary support along with institutional measures aiming at more efficient forest management structures and higher concern for non-state forests and society’s demands.

Tatyana Bezrukova ◽  
S. Malanyak

The modern forest complex of the Russian Federation needs systemic transformations aimed at transforming its organizational and managerial foundations and production and technological models into an innovative format. The relevance of this target setting is confirmed by the fact that our country has a very high potential for the development of the forest complex (1/4 of all wood reserves are concentrated in the country), but in the world market our products are sold mainly in the form of raw materials, that is, with a very low added value. Modern scientific approaches, as well as axiomatic and hypothetical methods of cognition were applied in the work. In the course of the study, the main features of the innovative development of the domestic forest complex were considered, the main factors that prevent the formation of an effective innovation environment (exo - and endo-level) were identified. The state measures on activation of innovative potential and development of branch productions are worked out, the assessment of the key problems characteristic for a domestic forest complex and their reasons is carried out. Also, direct and indirect criteria of determination (cause-and-effect relations) are established between the latter, a scheme-model of formation of the innovative environment of the forest complex is developed. The paper proposes promising directions of innovative transformation of the forest complex of the Russian Federation taking into account its features / conditions of operation, risk factors and uncertainty, the existing potential and reserves, key issues and shortcomings in terms of organization, management and production.

Pratibha Singh ◽  
Nupoor Srivastava ◽  
R.S Jagadish

<em>Pulp and paper are manufactured from raw materials containing cellulose fibers, generally wood, recycled paper, and agricultural residues. In developing countries, about 60% of cellulose fibers originate from nonwood raw materials such as bagasse (sugar cane fibers), cereal straw, bamboo, reeds, esparto grass, jute, flax, and sisal. Large amount of toxic effluent is released during process of paper production. Pulp and paper mill spent wash (raw effluent) is highly acidic in nature with high BOD, COD, TDS,  TSS, phenol, sulphate, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and metals viz. Mn Zn Cu Ni Fe and Na . Effluent was treated with chemicals FeCl3 and KMnO4. pH was found to increase from 7.8 to 8.4 on increasing concentration (1 gl-1 to 5 gl-1) of KMnO4. Similarly colour, COD and BOD were decreasing with increasing concentration of KMnO4. Maximum colour, COD and BOD reduction were recorded 21.25%, 93.79% and 81.48% respectively at 5g l-1 concentration of KMnO4. Decrease in pH was recorded from 3.3 to 2.0 on increasing concentration (1 gl-1 to 5 gl-1) of FeCl3 (Ferric chloride).  Decrease in colour, COD and BOD were also observed with increasing concentration of FeCl3. Maximum colour, COD and BOD reduction were recorded 99.10%, 54.16% and 85.92% respectively at 5g l-1 conc. of FeCl3.</em>

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 110-117
Николай Якушкин ◽  
Nikolay Yakushkin ◽  
Рамис Сафиуллов ◽  
Ramis Safiullov

The analysis of the modern agriculture state, subjective and objective factors, affecting the industry functioning is given in the article. The main parameters of its development in the Republic of Tatarstan are shown on the basis of creation of effective clusters, allowing to increase production of competitive products from raw materials production to processing and sale. The implementation of cluster development of crop production will allow most of the raw material to be processed at the enterprises of the republic and thereby increase the added value in each subcluster of the agroindustrial complex. Optimal placement of crops and processing enterprises are proposed in the zonal section, wholesale and logistics centers, which will allow to increase the output of competitive products, expand its assortment, geography and markets for product sales. Financial resources are determined for the implementation of the tasks set, the payback of additional investments.

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