scholarly journals O cuidado às mulheres lésbicas no campo da saúde sexual e reprodutiva [The care to lesbian women in the field of sexual and reproductive health] [El cuidado de las mujeres lesbianas en el campo de la salud sexual y reproductiva]

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. e34262
Luciane Marques De Araujo ◽  
Lucia Helena Garcia Penna ◽  
Joana Iabrudi Carinhanha ◽  
Cristiane Maria Amorim Costa

Objetivo: descrever e analisar o cuidado às lésbicas, por enfermeiras e médicos, no campo da saúde sexual e reprodutiva. Método: pesquisa descritiva, qualitativa. Participaram do estudo 24 enfermeiras e 21 médicos atuantes na atenção primária, no município do Rio de Janeiro. Pesquisa aprovada por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados em 2014, por meio da entrevista semiestruturada. Desenvolveu-se análise de conteúdo temático-categorial. Resultados: os esquemas de percepção e apreciação de enfermeiras e médicos sobre as lésbicas apresentam um conteúdo fortemente normativo e os profissionais apresentam defasagem de conhecimento, inabilidade de comunicação e omissão em relação às demandas de saúde dessas mulheres. Conclusão: o cuidado às lésbicas é permeado por rotinas heteronormativas e a omissão de enfermeiras e médicos frente às demandas de saúde de lésbicas opera como uma violência simbólica, sendo condicionante do menor acesso à saúde.ABSTRACTObjective: to describe and analyze care by nurses and physicians for lesbians’ sexual and reproductive health. Method: in this qualitative, descriptive study, data were collected in 2014, by semi-structured interviews of 24 nurses and 21 physicians working in primary care in Rio de Janeiro city. Thematic category content analysis was applied. The study was approved by the research ethics committee. Results: nurses’ and doctors’ perceptions and understandings of lesbians are strongly normative in content and personnel display knowledge deficits, inability to communicate and omission in relation to these women’s health demands. Conclusion: care for lesbians is permeated by heteronormative routines, while nurses’ and physicians’ omissions in response to lesbian health demands operates as symbolic violence, and is a condition in their more restricted access to health.RESUMENObjetivo: describir y analizar el cuidado a las lesbianas, por parte de enfermeras y médicos, en el campo de la salud sexual y reproductiva. Método: investigación descriptiva, cualitativa. Participaron del estudio 24 enfermeras y 21 médicos que trabajan en la atención primaria, en el municipio de Río de Janeiro. Investigación aprobada por el Comité de Ética en Investigación. Los datos fueron recolectados en 2014, a través de la entrevista semiestructurada. Se desarrolló el análisis de contenido temático-categorial. Resultados: los esquemas de percepción y apreciación de enfermeras y médicos sobre las lesbianas presentan un contenido fuertemente normativo y los profesionales presentan desfase de conocimiento, inhabilidad de comunicación y omisión en relación a las demandas de salud de esas mujeres. Conclusión: el cuidado a las lesbianas se hace a través de rutinas heteronormativas y la omisión de enfermeras y médicos ante las demandas de salud de lesbianas se muestra como una violencia simbólica y limita el acceso a la salud.

Neus Sánchez Expósito

El aborto ha sido siempre un tema complejo que, en la actualidad, sigue suscitando intensos debates desde planteamientos muy dispares y posturas irreconciliables. Detrás de las diferentes líneas argumentativas para legitimar o no la interrupción voluntaria de la gestación existe un análisis de salud sexual y reproductiva desde una óptica moral con una concepción determinada de la “maternidad” que condiciona la jurisprudencia de los diferentes países. Muchas legislaciones permiten el aborto por cuestiones de salud, pero la defensa de la libertad de las mujeres lo reivindica como un derecho humano.<br /><br />Abortion has been always a complex subject still carries on causing heated discussions from very disparate criteria and irreconcilable positions. Behind the different argumentative lines to legitimate, or not, the voluntary termination of pregnancy, there is an analysis on sexual and reproductive health from a moral viewpoint with a certain conception of “motherhood” that conditions all countries’ jurisprudence. Many legislations authorize abortion on heath matters, but the defense of the women’s freedom demands it as a human right.<br /><br />

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 215013272094051
Mulugeta Feyissa ◽  
Tadesse Nigussie ◽  
Yitagesu Mamo ◽  
Temesgen Aferu

Background: Adolescents who have communication about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with their parents are less likely to participate in risky sexual behaviors and to utilize modern contraceptives. However, communication on SRH issues between adolescents and their parents continues to be below the desired goals in low- and middle-income countries. Objective: To assess SRH communication between adolescent girls and their mothers among students in secondary and preparatory schools in Fiche town, Oromia, Central Ethiopia. Method: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March 27 to March 30, 2017, using a structured self-administered questionnaire. A total of 181 adolescent female students selected from 2 schools in the town participated in the study. Data were collected on sociodemographic characteristics, student-mother communication, and knowledge about and attitudes toward SRH issues. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed, and variables with a P value less than .05 were considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 103 (56.9%) of the students had discussed SRH issues with their mothers. The mothers’ educational status (ie, primary school and above, adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 10.01, 95% CI = 3.55-28.19; the student living with friends, AOR = 5.29, 95% CI = 1.09-25.47; the students’ knowledge about SRH issues, AOR = 8.57, 95% CI = 3.61-20.35; and students’ attitude toward SRH issues, AOR = 2.79, 95% CI = 1.26-6.15) were identified as independent positive predictors of student-mother communication on selected SRH issues. Conclusion: More than half of the study participants had communication on SRH issues with their mothers. SRH communication was positively associated with maternal educational status, the students’ living with friends, and the student’s knowledge of and attitude toward SRH issues.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (30) ◽  
pp. 179-190
Renê Dos Santos Spezani ◽  
Denize Cristina de Oliveira

Descrever como é construído o circuito afetivo-representacional dos adolescentes que vivem com HIV e analisar os desafios que emergem dessa construção para o conhecimento e a assistência de enfermagem. Pesquisa exploratória, desenvolvida em ambulatório de hospital de referência para tratamento de HIV/aids na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com 42 adolescentes soropositivos ao HIV. Os dados foram coletados mediante instrumento de contextualização dos sujeitos e entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados com base nas proposições metodológicas da Teoria Ego-ecológica e análise de conteúdo temática.  A construção do circuito afetivo-representacional dos adolescentes é mediada por um processo dialógico psicocontextual, que transcorre em meio a vivências demarcadas pela necessidade de encobrimento do diagnóstico em suas relações cotidianas. A valorização desse circuito se faz necessária para as práticas de enfermagem, visto que configura possibilidades de estabelecer percursos que possam dar maior resolutividade às demandas de saúde dos adolescentes que vivem com HIV.Descritores: Adolescente, Cuidados de Enfermagem, Soropositividade para HIV. Construction of the affective-representational circuit of adolescentes living with HIVAbstract: Describe how the affective-representational circuit of adolescents living with HIV is constructed and analyze the challenges that emerge from this construction for nursing knowledge and care. Exploratory research, developed at a referral hospital for treatment of HIV / AIDS in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with 42 HIV-positive adolescents. Data were collected through subject contextualization instrument and semi-structured interviews and analyzed based on the methodological propositions of the Ego-ecological theory and thematic content analysis. The construction of adolescents affective-representational circuit is mediated by a contextual psychological process, that takes place in the midst of experiences marked by the need to cover up the diagnosis in their daily relationships. The evaluation of this circuit is necessary for nursing practices since it configures possibilities to establish pathways that can give greater resolution to the health demands of adolescents living with HIV.Descriptors: Adolescent, Nursing Care, Seropositivity HIV. Construcción del cicuito afectivo-representativo de adolescentes com VIHResumen: Describir cómo se construye el circuito afectivo-representativo de los adolescentes que viven con el VIH y analizar los desafíos que surgen de esta construcción para el conocimiento y la atención de enfermería. Investigación exploratoria, desarrollada en un hospital ambulatorio de referencia para el tratamiento del VIH / SIDA en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, con 42 adolescentes VIH positivos. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio del instrumento de contextualización del sujeto y entrevistas semiestructuradas y analizados en base a las propuestas metodológicas de la Teoría Eco-Ecológica y el análisis de contenido temático. La construcción del circuito afectivo-representativo de los adolescentes está mediada por un proceso dialógico psico-contextual, que tiene lugar en medio de experiencias marcadas por la necesidad de encubrir el diagnóstico en sus relaciones cotidianas. La apreciación de este circuito es necesaria para las prácticas de enfermería, ya que configura posibilidades para establecer vías que puedan dar una mayor resolución a las demandas de salud de los adolescentes que viven con el VIH.Descriptores: Adolescente, Cuidado de Enfermería, Seropositividad al HIV.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
Augusto Cezar Antunes de Araujo Filho ◽  
Karla Vivianne Araújo Feitosa ◽  
Isabela Maria Magalhães Sales ◽  
Fernanda Maria de Jesus Sousa Pires de Moura

Objective: reporting the experience of nursing academics as the assistance provided in the area of reproductive and sexual health to prisoner women. Methodology: this is a descriptive study of type case studies about the experience of nursing students in extension project "Nursing care: contributions on reproductive health of inmate women of a penitentiary in Teresina", in the months from march to december 2013. Results: health assistance in Brazilian prisons is still deficient, however, despite the limitations, it can be performed activities aiming at an effective nursing care, because despite the obstacles, it is due to the nurse and to the health team working on the development of strategies for coping with difficulties, by optimizing available resources. Conclusion: experience has shown that the full nursing care to prisoner women’s health, in the context of sexual and reproductive health is essential, mainly because these women constitute a vulnerable population to the development of various diseases. Descriptors: Nursing Care. Women. Prisons.  

Leah Gwatimba ◽  
Nanga Raymond Raselekoane ◽  
Anthony O. Nwafor

Patriarchy continues to place limitations on women’s rights in many societies. This is manifested by the unequal gender power relations between sexes, which also adversely impact women’s sexual and reproductive health rights. Using the key human rights principles of non-discrimination and gender equality, the study aimed to analyse gender equality within the sexual and reproductive health domain in customary marriages from the Zimbabwean and South African perspectives. The study was qualitative, conducted in Makwarela (South Africa) and Concession (Zimbabwe) with 16 participants using semi-structured interviews to collect data which were analysed using narrative analysis. The study established that there are restrictive gender norms that negatively affect the interaction of women with the health system, thereby producing negative health outcomes. The study recommends that women be empowered educationally, politically and financially so that they can make their own decisions regarding their health and well-being.

Noura Alomair ◽  
Samah Alageel ◽  
Nathan Davies ◽  
Julia V. Bailey

Abstract Introduction In Saudi Arabia, sexual and reproductive health education is not offered in any formal setting, and there is a significant lack of knowledge amongst Saudi women. This study aimed to explore barriers to Saudi women’s sexual and reproductive wellbeing. Methods The study employed qualitative methods using semi-structured interviews with women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2019. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results Twenty-eight women were interviewed. Sexual and reproductive wellbeing is a complex matter affected by personal, familial, environmental, socio-cultural, religious, and institutional factors. Being unmarried is a significant barrier to accessing sexual and reproductive information and services, with ignorance signifying modesty and purity. Parental control acted as a barrier to acquiring knowledge and accessing essential healthcare services. Schools contribute to lack of awareness, with teachers omitting sexual and reproductive health-related subjects and evading answering questions. Conclusions There are multiple factors that restrict Saudi women’s access to sexual and reproductive health information and services, impacting their overall wellbeing. Research and policy efforts should be directed towards overcoming the complex barriers to Saudi women’s sexual and reproductive wellbeing. Public health initiatives are needed to improve youth, parents, and teacher’s knowledge, and improve public perceptions towards sexual and reproductive health education.

Maria de Fátima Martins ◽  
Paula Cristina Remoaldo ◽  
Ana Paula Carvalho

In Portugal, the Health Ministry’s family planning programmes have traditionally focused on women. However, the involvement of men in family planning is crucial to the promotion of equal opportunities in health. Recent advances in technology and the means of communication that support Sexual and Reproductive Health seemed to mark the beginning of a new era in family planning in which men and women could be equal partners in the decision making processes, but these hopes have not been realised. In this chapter, we present semi-structured interviews conducted with 66 men from the Northwest of Portugal between May and June 2010. The results show that 90% of the respondents consider their involvement in the vigilance of Sexual and Reproductive Health important. However, 83.3% have not, to date, participated in any kind of consultation for family planning. The results identify a need to create new strategies for the promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health among men, employing for example social marketing strategies, in which new technologies and certain means of communication could have an important role.

Kelli Stidham Hall ◽  
Abubakar Manu ◽  
Emmanuel Morhe ◽  
Vanessa K. Dalton ◽  
Sneha Challa ◽  

Adolescent pregnancy contributes to high maternal mortality rates in Sub-Saharan Africa. We explored stigma surrounding adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and its impact on young Ghanaian women’s family planning (FP) outcomes. We conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 63 women ages 15-24 recruited from health facilities and schools in Accra and Kumasi, Ghana. Purposive sampling provided diversity in reproductive/relationship/socioeconomic/religious characteristics. Using both deductive and inductive approaches, our thematic analysis applied principles of grounded theory. Participants described adolescent SRH experiences as cutting across five stigma domains. First, community norms identified non-marital sex and its consequences (pregnancy, childbearing, abortion, sexually transmitted infections) as immoral, disrespectful, and disobedient, resulting in bad girl labeling. Second, enacted stigma entailed gossip, marginalization, and mistreatment from all community members, especially healthcare workers. Third, young sexually active, pregnant, and childbearing women experienced internalized stigma as disgrace, shame and shyness. Fourth, non-disclosure and secret-keeping were used to avoid/reduce stigma. Fifth, stigma resilience was achieved through social support. Collectively, SRH stigma precluded adolescents’ use of FP methods and services. Our resulting conceptual model of adolescent SRH stigma can guide health service, public health, and policy efforts to address unmet FP need and de-stigmatize SRH for young women worldwide.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Claudia Milena Noguera Vargas

Resumen: En las instituciones, leyes y políticasen las sociedades occidentales, las figuras institucionalizadasde la madre y del padre van ligadasa la subordinación sociocultural de la mujer, demodo que la relación jerárquica aparece vinculadaa la reproducción. La Política de Salud Sexual yReproductiva de Colombia, 2003-2006, basada enesta asociación imaginaria entre la mujer y la madre,si bien en principio busca contribuir al cambiodel estatuto de las mujeres en el país, choca contrala barrera simbólica que impide comprender yatender las problemáticas que afectan a las mujeresen tanto que tales, y no únicamente como madres yprotectoras de las futuras generaciones. Este trabajose propone contribuir a hacer visibles estas barrerasanalizando el origen de dichos imaginariosy centrando la discusión en las problemáticas queafectan a las mujeres en tanto que sujetos de derechosy no solamente en tanto que progenitoras.Palabras clave: diferencia sexual, imaginarios dela mujer, salud sexual y reproductiva, políticas públicas.Images of Women in the Sexual and ReproductiveHealth Public Policy in Colombia, 2003-2006Abstract: In institutions, laws and policy inWestern societies, the institutionalized figures of themother and the father are linked to women’s socioculturalsubordination, so that the hierarchical relationis linked to reproduction. Colombia’s Sexualand Reproductive Health Policy, 2003-2006, basedon the imaginary association between woman andthe mother, although seeking in principle to contributeto changes in women’s status, clashes againstthe symbolic barrier that prevents understandingof and attention to women’s problems, tending toview them only as mothers and caregivers for futuregenerations. This paper aims to contribute to makethese barriers visible by analyzing the origin ofthese images and centering the discussion on problemsaffecting women as subjects of rights and notmerely as mothers.Key words: sexual difference, images of women,sexual and reproductive health, public policies

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Flore Deboscker ◽  
Mathieu Nacher ◽  
Antoine Adenis ◽  
Florence Huber ◽  
Aude Lucarelli ◽  

Purpose Incarcerated women are a vulnerable population in terms of sexual and reproductive health. In French Guiana, most incarcerated women come from unsafe environments and are incarcerated because of drug trafficking. Medical follow-up processes used in prison (medical assessment on arrival, and then two half-days per week upon request but without an obstetrician-gynecologist) does not allow for a thorough assessment of the impact of incarceration on women prisoners’ health to take place. In the absence of data, the purpose of this study was to describe incarcerated women’s experiences in relation to sexual and reproductive health. Design/methodology/approach Semi-structured interviews were conducted among French-speaking adult women who had been incarcerated for at least four months in a French Guianan prison. Menstruation, contraception, pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted infections and sexuality were described by means of interpretative phenomenological analysis. Findings A total of 14 women were interviewed. They suffered from menstrual cycle disorders, poor hygiene and menstrual insecurity. They appeared to have emotionally disinvested sexuality. However, intra-prison sexual activity existed for some (masturbation, conjugal prison visits, homosexual intercourse between fellow prisoners). Homosexual relations were a source of discrimination. Being pregnant while incarcerated was viewed negatively. A lack of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and high-risk behaviors such as piercing and tattooing practices were widespread. Originality/value Incarceration is a vulnerable time for women’s sexual and reproductive health. Sexual activity exposes women to risks and discrimination that should be taken into account in a multidisciplinary approach adapted to the prison environment.

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