scholarly journals The Educational Environment of the University as a Factor in Shaping the Management Culture of the Future Social Security Specialist

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1 (339)) ◽  
pp. 146-156
Serhii Konoshenko ◽  
Nataliia Konoshenko ◽  
Karyna Gordienko ◽  

The article substantiates the educational environment of the university as a factor in shaping the management culture of the future social security specialist. The resources (personal, organizational, social partnership) of the educational environment of the university in the formation of the management culture of the future social security specialist are characterized. Subject-spatial, value-based content-technological, organizational-managerial, subjective components of the educational environment of a higher education institution are considered. The signs of polyvariance of the university environment in the formation of the parameters of the management culture of the future social security specialist are determined. It is proved that the multivariate educational environment of the university allows to solve the problem of forming the management culture of the future social security specialist through the use of his resources in the educational process, in extracurricular activities, in the organization of independent student work. Pedagogical influence of environmental resources on the student, ensures his active involvement in educational, research, creative extracurricular activities, increases the level of managerial knowledge, provides an opportunity to practice management skills, forms professional and managerial values.

Serhii Konoshenko ◽  
Nataliia Konoshenko ◽  
Violetta Tsocalo ◽  

The article reveals the theoretical foundations of the formation of management culture of the future social security specialist in the educational environment of higher education. It is substantiated that a social security specialist in modern conditions is a manager who must be able to form a team, develop and implement social programs and projects, create a socially healthy society, establish social contacts, carry out social partnership. Models of professional training of social workers in the university are analyzed. Didactic modules of formation of managerial culture of the future specialist in higher educational institution are considered. The content of professional competencies (socio-psychological, legal, organizational, economic, informational, marketing, consulting) of the future specialist in the social sphere as a subject of managerial activity is revealed. The expediency of wide application of personality-oriented, organizational, environmental, effective, competence approaches in the formation of the management culture of the future social security specialist is substantiated.

Anastasiya A. Korsakova ◽  
Anna G. Samokhvalova ◽  
Marina Yu. Kovalenko

The article discusses current issues of inclusion of project activities in the educational process of a higher education institution, the need to form competencies of innovative project activities among students as a mechanism for the formation of social creativity of a future professional. The essence of the concept of «social creativity» is revealed, a model of the relationship of its components with the stages of project activity is proposed. The paper presents a study among students aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the formation of social creativity of a person through the inclusion of students in project activities. Methodological tools of the ascertaining stage of the experimental work are presented, designed to determine the level of students’ communicative and social creativity. The study established the relationship between the level of social creativity of students and the communicative difficulties that arise in their interaction – the higher the level of social creativity, the less communicative difficulties a student experiences. As part of the formative part of the experimental work, two ways to include students in project activities in the educational environment of the university are described: as the implementation of one of the disciplines of the educational programme and as part of extracurricular activities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-29
Tatiana Nickolaevna Korneenko ◽  

For several centuries, the mission of the university, original created for the intellectual and cultural development of man, has changed little. The main task of the university is undergoing changes today. The growing antropogical contradiction: the uncertainty of the future, enormous technological variability and existential unpreparedness for this person, contributes to the revision of the university model. The purpose of the article is to develop a pedagogical model of the university that can respond to modern challenges. Methodology. The university always focuses on the future, accepts young people who will develop this future, so the emphasis of modern methodology in the design of educational systems should be “from the future”. This means that it should be based on the reflection of existing phenomena in culture today (see V.S. Stepin). In this work, university models from the late 17th century to the beginning of the 21st century were selected as materials of research in this work and their missions were analyzed. It is concluded that the era influences the formation of the university’s mission, its purpose, goals and methods of education. In particular, classical university education has always been built on three vectors: the vector of the search for the ideal self, the vector of social identification and the vector of cultural identification. In the modern period, the advantage of the vector of socialization over others is increasing. The results of the study. The pedagogical model of education at a modern university is presented. The basis is the thought of M.K. Mamardashvili about a self-fulfilling person and the principles of liberal education: the principle of active independent activity efforts, the principle of a varied educational environment, the principle of volumetric communication, communicativeness and creativity, the principle of reliance on independent learning. Thus, the modern educational environment of the university should be a varied, multi-level, practice-oriented, reflective environment in which 3 educational vectors are concentrated: the search for one’s purpose (idealization), cultural identification and social self-realization. Their combination allows us to overcome the one-sided emphasis of the educational process on socialization. The results of the research may be applied in design and implementation performance of blended learning models or their components in practice of universities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-82
Manchenko Igor P. ◽  

The article substantiates the need to develop a structural and functional model for the formation of professional values in the educational environment of the university. Such a need is due to the lack of requirements in educational and professional standards for the formation of professional values among future economists and the presence of such requirements for a specialist in documents that determine the development of higher education and state youth policy. The author presents the structure of the model for the future economists’ professional values formation in the educational environment of the university, as the interaction of conceptual-targeted, content-activity and criterion-effective blocks. Methodologically, the model is based on the leading provisions of axiological, personality-oriented, competent and environmental approaches and a set of principles, which ensures the creation of an axiologically saturated educational environment in the university and the gradual formation of professional values in future economists in the process of their educational and extracurricular activities. The model is implemented through the axiologization of the content of the training of economists, the development and selection of tasks on a value-meaning basis, the use of didactic tools that activate the activities of students and ensure effective interaction between participants in the educational process. The author describes a criterion-diagnostic complex, which allows to identify the level of a personality’s professional values formation in students according to each of the criteria and establish the degree of effectiveness of all pedagogical influences. Keywords: structural-functional model, professional values of an economist, economist’s professional values formation, educational environment of the university

Oksana Babakina ◽  
Valentyna Lytvyn ◽  

The article reveals the specifics of the formation of management culture of future teachers in the educational environment of higher education. The terminological analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature is carried out and the content of the concepts "management", "pedagogical management", "culture", "managerial culture", "managerial activity" as components of professional and pedagogical culture of the future teacher's personality is specified. It is established that the management of the educational process involves the teacher's awareness of his role as a manager of the educational process, mastery of managerial knowledge and skills, modern innovative technologies and the like. A modern teacher must be deeply aware of the place and role of educational processes in the world cultural space, combine deep fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical training, be ready to implement management activities based on professionalism, so that a modern teacher must form a management culture.

2021 ◽  
Armine Dallaqyan

The article presents a feature of the process designing the educational environment of a university, an innovative and effective method which is the Foresight- method.This method allows you to identify trends and conditioning factors and prepare the future of educational process of the university based on possible scenarios.

2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (12) ◽  
pp. 133-142
V. I. Toktarova ◽  
A. E. Shpak

The article addresses issues related to the description of the aspects of the instructional design of a mobile educational environment of a modern higher education institution. The authors give the definitions of the mobile educational environment, describe its functional features, and also consider the requirements for its instructional design and development. The article presents the clustering of digital services for the full implementation of a mobile educational environment (services for planning and supporting educational activities, services for organizing and supporting educational activities, communication and feedback services, general information services). The results of the experimental research to identify the attitude of students, teachers and administrative workers to the functional significance of mobile technologies and their application in the educational process are presented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 155-162

Education like others spheres of life of modern society is in the state of dynamic changes. New formats of universities as well as their missions and roles in the social and economic development are actively discussed by professional environment. A number of external and internal factors that determine the depth and scale of transformation have effects on the development of the system of higher education. The system of higher education is under the influence of the system and institutional dynamics, which dictate the need for changes. The activity of universities as centers of education, science and culture is one of the most important bases of social progress. This role becomes especially important in XXI century, which is based on new knowledge and principles of technological development. First of all a university takes new features in the current conditions of globalization. The fundamental task that needs to be solved in order to achieve the goals of a modern University is the change of meanings, goals and content of education by active participation in the internationalization processes of the system of higher education and by introducing reforms in educational process. Of course new economic conditions (global market and information technologies) require modifications. It was stated that the commercialization of University innovations in Azerbaijan is a relatively new direction, since the country is just adopts the path of an innovative economy. In this regard the transformation of a scientific idea to a product or a service faces a number of difficulties. It was investigated the problem of commercialization of the results of scientific activities of higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan. For the first time Azerbaijan State University of Economics has implemented its rebranding in the educational system of the country in order to strengthen the market position of the educational institution and realization of innovative marketing strategies. The University’s strategic goals were defined under the UNEC brand, and the brand development was successfully continued with the support of the scientific and expert community. An integrative educational environment is created in Azerbaijan State University of Economics and such environment ensures the unity of the “education – science – innovation – commercialization – production system”. It is important to note that UNEC strategy also provides for clustering of economical education and so that it provides for increasing the integration pace of the University into the world scientific and educational space. The article presents the innovative infrastructure of Azerbaijan State University of Economics connected with its integration into the global scientific and educational environment. The paper studies the matters of the international cooperation issues of the University with universities of such countries as USA, EU, Russia, Turkey, which expands the academic potential of the University and increases its competitiveness. The article substantiates the conclusion that the globalization of higher education increases the importance of commercialization of higher education institutions in the field of education and science. The article reveals the successful experience of UNEC University in the creation and implementation of joint educational programs, expanding academic mobility, attracting foreign applicants, conducting joint researches and international scientific events in partnership with universities in the EU, Russia and Turkey.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-56
Bakhytzhan Akhmetov ◽  
Valery Lakhno ◽  
Asselkhan Adranova ◽  
Baurzhan Kassymbergebayev ◽  

This article discusses the problems of ever-increasing demands on the organization and quality of the educational process on the part of society. Today there are new opportunities for the comprehensive development of students of the XXI century, new, more effective information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular cloud- oriented learning environments (COLE), are developing rapidly. The problems of the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for designing a cloud-oriented educational environment of the university and the justification of the structural scheme of its interaction with the methodological center of the ministry based on the use of cloud technologies are analyzed. It is necessary to introduce such models of the learning environment, which will allow to fully satisfy the demands of teaching staff on the organization and conduct of classes of a new type, the activation of educational activities of students, the formation of digital competence and the comprehensive development of personality. Such opportunities are provided by the use of a cloud-based educational environment of the university.

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