scholarly journals The Dutch Colonial Policy on Islam: Reading the Intellectual Journey of Snouck Hurgronje

2015 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 25 ◽  
Jajat Burhanudin

<p>This article will explore the intellectual journey of Snouck Hurgonje as a hired scholar for the colonial agenda. His life in Mecca and then the Indies, his knowledge on Islam and the Muslims as revealed in the works he produced, and the way it was transformed into the colonial policies, are the main subjects of the discussion. The way Snouck Hurgronje dealt with Muslims on his tour of duty, for example by collaborating with the penghulu, and working together with the Arab, Said Oesman, will also be explored. It should be stated that, in line with Snouck Hurgonje’s advice, the Dutch policy on Islam was directed (among other things) to draw the native elite --in this particular case the penghulu-- into the colonial orbit.</p><p>[Artikel ini membahas perjalanan intelektual Snouck Hurgonje, seorang ilmuwan yang bekerja di bawah dan untuk kepentingan colonial Belanda di Indonesia. Kehidupannya di Mekah, kemudian kembali lagi ke Indonesia, pengetahuannya tentang agama dan orang Islam yang tertuang dalam kerya-karyanya, serta proses pengetahuan itu semua dalam mempengaruhi kebijakan pemerintah kolonial menjadi tema utama diskusi dalam tulisan ini. Selain itu, akan dibahas pula cara-cara Snouck Hurgonje dalam berhubungan dengan orang-orang Islam selama menjalani tugasnya, misalnya ketika bekerjasama dengan para penghulu atau ketika bekerjasama dengan tokoh Arab, Said Oesman. Perlu ditegaskan pula bahwa sejalan dengan saran-saran Snouck Hurgonje, kebijakan pemerintah kolonial Belanda tentang Islam antara lain lebih ditujukan untuk menarik kalangan elit pribumi, dalam hal ini adalah para penghulu, ke lingkaran pemerintah kolonial.]

1957 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 591-594 ◽  
Robert van Niel

This year academic circles in the Netherlands are celebrating the centennial of the birth of C. Snouck Hurgronje; Arabist, scholar of Indonesian affairs, and formateur of Dutch colonial policy. Most Dutch scholars and many students of Indonesian affairs would readily agree that few men have had as intimate acquaintance with the Indonesian archipelago and its people and have had as wide a reputation as an expert on this part of the world as the late Snouck Hurgronje. Unfortunately his writings and policies are known to English-reading scholars only at second hand. Except for a few brief articles, only his books, Mekka and The Achehnese, and his lectures in Mohammedanism have appeared in English. Other important writings have appeared in German and French, but the great bulk are in Dutch. There are presently plans to translate some parts of Snouck Hurgronje's collected works and also to make available certain writings which were done after the collected works were published, but the publication plans for these translations and reprints are still indefinite.

Kandai ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 96
Yohanes Adhi Satiyoko

Equality of men is a great issue to maintain every country all the time. Indonesia is one of them which should struggle to maintain it so far. Fictional work is one of the aesthetical means to support it. The way of struggle can be memorized through the time of independence era in fictional works of Balai Poestaka publisher. Javanese language novels, Ngulandara and Kirti NdjoendjoengDradjat are two literary works published by BalaiPoestaka that were written in the dominance times of Balai Poestaka activities as commission for people’s reading in Dutch colonial era in Indonesia (Dutch Indies). Kepriyayian (nobility) was the theme of Ngulandara (1936) and Kirti NdjoendjoengDradjat(1924) novels. As seen from propaganda point of view, ideologically the portrayal of priyayi (nobleman) was analogy symbol of Dutch colonial government that ruled social system. Ngulandara and Kirti Njunjung Drajat showed a “struggle” through literary works as portrayed in wong cilik (Javanese: lower class people) who struggled against the existence of the authorities. The struggle emerged in the way of wong cilik behaved intellectually, morally, even mannerly better than the nobles (priyayi). This research used the theory of literature and propaganda using a sociological approach. Those oppositional relationships between deconstruction nobles and the raise of wong cilik in the field of intellectual, moral, and manner show the propaganda of equality of men through the voice of Jasawidagdo and Margana Djajaatmadja.Kesetaraan manusia merupakan isu besar yang harus selalu dijaga di setiap negara. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang harus tetap berjuang menjaga isu tersebut. Karya fiksi berfungsi sebagai salah satu peranti estetis untuk mendukung isu tersebut. Cara memperjuangkan isu tersebut ialah dengan mengingat kembali masa kemerdekaan melalui penerbit Balai Poestaka. Novel-novel berbahasa Jawa, Ngulandara dan Kirti Ndjoendjoeng Dradjat ialah dua karya sastra yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Poestaka yang ditulis pada waktu dominasi Balai Poestaka sebagai komisi bacaan rakyat di era kolonial Belanda di Indonesia (Hindia Belanda). Kepriyayian merupakan tema novel Ngulandara (1936) dan Kirti Njoendjoeng Dradjat (1924). Dilihat dari sudut pandang propaganda, penggambaran priyayi merupakan analogi simbol pemerintah kolonial Belanda yang berkuasa mengatur sistem sosial kemasyarakatan. Ngulandara dan Kirti Ndjoendjoeng Dradjat menunjukkan sebuah “perjuangan” melalui karya sastra seperti digambarkan melalui wong cilik yang berjuang melawan kemapanan penguasa. Perjuangan tersebut muncul dengan cara wong cilik tersebut bertindak secara intelektual, bermoral, bahkan bersikap lebih terhormat daripada para priyayi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sastra dan propaganda dengan pendekatan sosiologi. Relasi oposisional antara dekonstruksi priyayi dan bangkitnya wong cilik dalam ranah intelektual, moral, dan sikap menunjukkan propaganda kesetaraan manusia melalui suara Jasawidagdo dan Margana Djajaatmadja.  

Maud S. Mandel

This chapter builds on the link between French colonial policies and Muslim–Jewish relations in the metropole by tracing how decolonization throughout North Africa changed the way a diverse set of social actors, including French colonial administrators, international Jewish spokesmen, and a wide range of indigenous nationalist groups conceptualized Jewish belonging throughout the region. It argues that the process led to the emergence of the “North African Jew,” a category to which no individual ascribed but that worked rhetorically to unite the diverse Moroccan, Tunisian, and Algerian Jewish populations into a collective often understood to be in conflict with “North Africans,” “Muslims,” or “Arabs.”

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 258-269 ◽  
Jacinta M. Douglas

Working in neurological rehabilitation brings with it numerous opportunities to gain an understanding of the factors that contribute to shaping meaningful living and wellbeing for those tackling the major life changes encountered following acquired brain injury (ABI). These opportunities come in many forms: challenging and brave clients, wise and worrying families, questioning and inspiring colleagues, empowering and limiting work environments and rigid and advancing policy and legislative contexts.Our personal and collective understanding ofthe things that helpandthe things that get in the wayof effective rehabilitation continuously emerges from the convergence of the experience and knowledge afforded by these opportunities. The aim of this paper is to considerthe things that helpandthe things that get in the wayas they have been identified by people with ABI, their families and those who work with them and have been further evidenced through research targeted towards improving short, medium and long-term outcomes for those living with the consequences of ABI. Thesethingsas discussed in this paper capture the essential role of the self, the importance of rights and access to rehabilitation, the impact of the family and the contribution of social connection.

1992 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-40 ◽  
John Stevens

This Old Testament ‘annunciation’ prophesies the birth of Samson, one of the popular heroes of medieval story and art. There is a plenitude of evidence on this point, but his popularity could be deduced quite simply from the song which is the subject of this article. Samson dux fortissime is well known; it is often referred to, and it has been recorded at least twice in recent years. However, there is no adequate published edition of it, no comparative study of its sources and notations, and no analysis of the way in which the imposing rhetoric of its poetry is combined with an intricately patterned melody.1 This complex monophonic song offers a chance to examine melody and rhythm, rhetoric and rhyme, working together on a large scale in a harmonious and impressive whole.2

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Dahlia Haliah Ma'u

The implementation of Islamic law in Indonesia is closely related to the early arrival of Islam in Indonesia. It means that after the entry of Islamic into Indonesia, Islamic law has been followed and executed by the followers of Islam in archipelago. The existence of Islamic law that is lives in the society is recognized by the Dutch Colonial. The Dutch government realized that Islamic law is one of the pillars of power that can fight against on Dutch policy. On this basis, the Dutch changed their policy by stipulating that Islamic law applies if it has been adopted by common law. The struggle of Islamic law of Indonesia to change these policies to obtain that common law is not in accordance with Islamic law will not be applied or refused by Muslim. Furthermore, post-independence, the existence of Islamic law is progressing. This is marked by the enactment of legal product by the government and has become a positive law in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Dimas Wihardyanto ◽  
Sudaryono Sudaryono

Arsitektur merupakan salah satu produk budaya hasil pemikiran manusia yang mampu menggambarkan secara komprehensif bagaimana hubungan dirinya dengan konteks sosial maupun seting lingkungan yang ada. Tidak terkecuali arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia. Kolonialisasi di Indonesia terutama yang dilakukan oleh Belanda merupakan salah satu babak sejarah penting di Indonesia karena mampu merubah cara berfikir arsitektur di Hindia Belanda semakin modern mendekati yang terjadi di Barat. Pengaruh modernisme dalam arsitektur tersebut tentunya tidak dapat dilepaskan dari perkembangan cara berfikir masyarakat barat yang bertitik tolak dari cara memandang alam dan manusia melalui pendekatan kategorisasi dan analogi. Setelah melalui kurun waktu yang cukup panjang arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia akhirnya tidak dapat memaksakan penggunaan arsitektur barat secara penuh. Konteks sosial budaya serta seting lingkungan dan iklim yang berbeda akhirnya mampu mengajak para arsitek untuk mengedepankan cara berfikir yang bertitik tolak pada alam melalui pendekatan analogi alih-alih menonjolkan arsitektur barat sebagai simbol manusia modern melalui pendekatan kategorisasi. Kemunculan arsitektur Indis adalah salah satu buktinya. Selanjutnya melalui metode kajian literatur terhadap sejarah perkembangan filsafat barat, metodologi penelitian arsitektur, dan teori-teori mengenai arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia peneliti mencoba merunut dan merumuskan bagaimana Posisi keilmuan arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia dalam konteks sejarah filsafat dan filsafat ilmu. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwasanya perkembangan arsitektur kolonial di Indonesia berawal dari cara berfikir dualisme dengan mengambil alam sebagai tidak tolak, kemudian beralih menjadi cara berfikir monisme dengan revolusi industri sebagai latar belakang, dan kemudian kembali ke cara berfikir dualisme dengan menempatkan alam sebagai titik tolak pada abad ke 20.DUTCH COLONIAL ARCHITECTURE IN INDONESIA IN THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF PHILOSOPHY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE                                                  Architecture is one of the cultural products of human thought that can to comprehensively describe how its relationship with the social context and the existing environmental settings. Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia is no exception. Colonialism in Indonesia, especially those carried out by the Dutch, is one of the important historical phases in Indonesia because it can change the way of thinking architecture in the Dutch East Indies increasingly modern that is happening in the West. The influence of modernism in architecture indeed cannot be separated from the development of western society's way of thinking, which starts from the way of looking at nature and humans through a categorization and analogy approach. After a long period of time, Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia finally could not force the full use of western architecture. The socio-cultural context and the different environmental and climatic settings were finally able to invite the architects to put forward the way of thinking that starts with nature through an analogy approach instead of highlighting western architecture as a symbol of modern humans through the categorization approach. The emergence of Indis architecture is one of the proofs. Furthermore, through the method of studying literature on the history of the development of western philosophy, architectural research methodology, and theories about Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia researchers try to trace and formulate the scientific position of Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia in the context of the history of philosophy and philosophy of science. The results obtained from this study are that the development of colonial architecture in Indonesia started from the way of thinking of dualism by taking nature as not rejecting, then turning into monism with the industrial revolution as a background, and then returning to the way of thinking of dualism by placing nature as a point starting in the 20th century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-99
Sarah E. Medland

AbstractThis letter reflects on my collaborations with Nick Martin over the past 18 years. Working together we have applied twin-family and statistical genetics methods to examine the genetic architecture and identify genetic variants influencing a range of physical, psychological and social traits. The common thread across much of this work has been the empirical questions: Why are we the way we are and how can this knowledge help us when things go wrong?

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Balasundram Maniam

The purpose of this paper is to shed some light on the on-going debate about the United States’ debt level and how U.S. lawmakers are attempting to resolve it. On the surface, it seems like they are not working together to resolve the issue, but further complicating it with various tactics, such as the government shutdown. That raises the question, “why is this the case?” to which the answer can be found through the understanding of the American political system and the way it was founded. It should be noted that many leading economists have questioned the very idea as to why we are making a big deal about the U.S. debt issue and assert that the U.S. does not have a debt crisis to begin with, and the issue is simply made up for political reasons. Many leading economists have a position on this argument and they strongly believe that their position is the correct one. The objective of this paper is to highlight those views as well as share its own view on the important topic while keeping an eye on why the U.S. political system functions the way it does.

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