scholarly journals Gerakan Literasi Digital: Studi Pemberdayaan Pemuda Melalui Program Sistem Informasi Potensi Kreatif Desa di Kulonprogo

Eka Zuni Lusi Astuti

Youth is a potential resource in development. However, youth can be toxic as a substitute for various social deviations or tonics as agents of change in development. Youth has a pioneering in the village. Youth Studies Center (YouSure), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada prepares these youth empowerment opportunities by developing Sipkades (Sistem Informasi Potensi Kreatif Desa). Based on community-based research, this paper aims to describe the implementation of the Sipkades carried out by the YouSure Community Service Team in Brosot Village, Galur District, and Sidorejo Village, Lendah District, Kulon Progo Regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This paper emphasizes several things. First, youth empowerment in the social, cultural and economic fields needs to be supported by digital literacy. Second, digital literacy skills can contribute to village development through the use of the internet. In this digital age, youth cannot be separated from digital technology. If it does not support digital literacy skills, digital technology brings a bad effect on youth. Sipkades try to empower youth digital literacy so that they are asked to build their villages through the use of digital technology. Using community empowerment strategies by community-based resources management approach, Sipkades encourages young people to optimize their village resources and promote it through the internet—the slogan is thinking globally, act locally.Pemuda merupakan sumber daya potensial dalam pembangunan. Namun demikian, pemuda dapat menjadi toxic sebagai pelaku berbagai penyimpangan sosial atau tonic sebagai agen perubahan dalam pembangunan. Pemuda harus menjadi pelopor perubahan di desa. Youth Studies Centre (YouSure), Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Gajah Mada menangkap peluang pemberdayaan pemuda ini dengan mengembangkan Sipkades (Sistem Informasi Potensi Kreatif Desa). Melalui Community Based Research, tulisan ini berusaha mendeskripsikan implementasi Sipkades yang dilaksanakan oleh Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat YouSure di Desa Brosot, Kecamatan Galur, dan Desa Sidorejo Kecamatan Lendah, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Tulisan ini menekankan pada dua aspek penting sebagai temuan penelitian. Pertama, pemberdayaan kepemudaan di bidang sosial, budaya dan ekonomi perlu disertai dengan gerakan literasi digital. Kedua, dengan keterampilan literasi digital pemuda dapat berkontribusi pada pembangunan desa melalui penggunaan internet. Pada era digital ini, pemuda tidak dapat dilepaskan dari teknologi informasi. Sipkades berupaya memberdayakan pemuda agar melek digital sehingga berpartisipasi membangun desa melalui pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Menggunakan startegi pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan pendekatan pengelolaan sumberdaya berbasis komunitas, Sipkades berupaya mendorong pemuda supaya mampu mengenali potensi lokal desa—slogan yang tepat “think globally, act locally.  

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-43 ◽  
Julie Coiro

ABSTRACT: This paper details a number of challenges and opportunities for today’s learners when reading for information on the Internet. After defining online reading comprehension from a new literacies perspective and how it appears to be different than offline reading comprehension, I highlight details about four of the biggest challenges for today’s learners. These include 1) understanding and becoming proficient with the new literacy skills and practices needed for online research; 2) developing a special kind of digital wisdom that focuses on learning how to learn with the Internet; 3) taking on new roles in a digital culture that expects learners to actively participate and contribute with new knowledge as a member of their community; and 4) developing positive attitudes toward using the Internet for academic work. The second part of the paper shares examples of how skilled online readers can use the steps of online inquiry to think more deeply about topics that interest them; develop a personal voice as they share ideas with others; and work collaboratively to build meaning and new digital products that enable them to make a difference in their world, or matter. You can explore the research and resources from this presentation in more depth at <>.KEYWORDS: online reading comprehension; online inquiry; digital literacy; reading on the Internet; online readers. RESUMO:Este artigo detalha alguns desafios e oportunidades para o aprendiz contemporâneo, quando ele lê para obter informações na Internet. Depois de definir a compreensão da leitura online pela perspectiva dos novos letramentos e de mostrar como ela parece se diferir da leitura do impresso, eu destaco detalhes a respeito de quatro dos maiores desafios para os aprendizes na atualidade. Eles incluem: 1) compreender e se tornar proficiente nas habilidades dos novos letramentos e nas práticas necessárias para a pesquisa na Internet; 2) desenvolver um tipo especial de conhecimento digital que focaliza o aprender a aprender com a Internet; 3) a assumir novos papéis na cultura digital que espera que alunos, como membros de uma comunidade, participem ativamente e contribuam com ela trazendo novos conhecimentos; e 4) o desenvolvimento de atitudes positivas em relação ao uso da Internet para o trabalho acadêmico. Na segunda parte do artigo compartilho exemplos de como leitores de Internet habilidosos podem usar as etapas da pesquisa online para pensar mais profundamente sobre temas que interessam a eles; como podem desenvolver sua própria voz quando eles trocam idéias com outras pessoas; e de como eles podem trabalhar de forma colaborativa para construir sentidos e produtos digitais que lhes permitam fazer a diferença em seu mundo, ou naquele assunto. Você pode explorar a pesquisa e os recursos usados nesta apresentação de forma mais aprofundada no <>.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: compreensão da leitura on-line; pesquisa on-line; letramento digital; leitura na Internet; leitores online.

Piatip Phuapan ◽  
Chantana Viriyavejakul ◽  
Paitoon Pimdee

Digital literacy and the associated skills are becoming the basic and essential skill set of any employer that wishes to survive in a highly competitive world. Given the global importance of these skills for many sectors including education, medicine, information technology, tourism, etc., the researchers sought to determine which digital literacy skills were most important in using digital technology, communications tools, and/or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information in order to function in a knowledge society. From a multistage random sampling survey of 400 second semester university seniors finishing their degrees in 2014 at 9 Thai public and private universities, it was determined that the ability to evaluate was the most important skill indicator in the development of digital literacy. Analysis was conducted by use of LISREL 8.72.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Neneng Komariah ◽  
Encang Saepudin

Background of the study: The Internet has become part of society's daily life. But the phenomenon shows that not all people are Able to use information technology and the Internet efficiently, and the information disseminated through the internet is not entirely quality information. Therefore, Internet users need digital literacy skills, that is the ability to use information technology efficiently and the ability to find, Evaluate, use, make information, and use it wisely, and lawfully. The problem is who should be held responsible to digital literacy education for the community. Public libraries can play a role in the digital literacy education for the community.Purpose: This study aims to find out how the management of ICT education in the Regional Public Library (PUSDA) of Sumedang Regency, West Java, as an effort for digital literacy education community.Method: The research method used is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis, and the data collection techniques with observation, interviews, focus group discussions, and literature study.Findings: The result shows the subject taught in ICT with the relevant training on participants' needs. The participants are students and jobless. Most of of participants did not have Reviews their own computer, they were very happy to take part in the ICT training in the library because it was free. Teachers are library staff and outside personnel assistance. Computer used are owned by the library and donations from industry. The way of teaching was easy to understand and the participants could practice using computers and search the internet. The PUSDA staff organized the training with enthusiasm.Conclusion: There are some aspects that are already owned by the public library which will support the implementation of digital literacy education effectively and efficiently. Among them is the library already has computer facilities, has a staff of professionals, and already has access to sources of digital information online

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 597-615 ◽  
Seeta Peña Gangadharan

Increasing broadband adoption among members of underserved populations remains a high priority among policymakers, advocates, corporations, and affected communities. But questions about the risks entailed in the flow of personal information are beginning to surface and shine light on the tension between broadband’s benefits and harms. This article examines broadband adoption programs at community-based and public institutions in the United States in order to understand the ways in which privacy and surveillance issues emerge and are engaged in these settings. While adults who enroll in introductory digital literacy classes and access the Internet at public terminals feel optimistic about broadband “opportunities,” they encounter “privacy-poor, surveillance-rich” broadband. Users experience myriad anxieties, while having few meaningful options to meet their concerns.

2022 ◽  
pp. 298-311
Ali Murat Kırık ◽  
Ahmet Çetinkaya

Cyberchondria refers to the state of performing repeated and excessive health-related searches on the internet leading to elevated levels of distress or health anxiety. It may have unpleasant consequences such as heightened anxiety, overwhelming information load, and troubled patient-physician relationship. To overcome the negative effects of cyberchondria, several strategies were suggested in the literature. In this chapter, enhancing digital and health literacy skills is presented as an important approach for tackling with undesirable effects of excessive health-related internet use. Basic dimensions of digital literacy are pointed out, as well as digital literacy skills. Health literacy is defined and reviewed in digital literacy framework. E-health literacy is associated with digital literacy. Searching the internet for medical information would deliver its true value through improved digital and health literacy skills. Individuals would accurately evaluate online health information, properly interpret the search results, and take the reasonable steps in applying the acquired knowledge.

Kybernetes ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (6/7) ◽  
pp. 903-912 ◽  
Zoraida Mendiwelso-bendek

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the contribution of community-based research to the self-organisation of Civil Society and in particular to community engagement, policy processes and social change. Design/methodology/approach – Starting from communities own issues and organisational structures, this paper presents a methodology to create spaces for social transformation. Its approach was designing engagement programmes of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with communities’ partnerships, supported by constructed conversations, workshops and fieldwork, coproducing knowledge within community structures. Findings – The research offers evidence that supporting community empowerment and engagement with community-based research needs a deep understanding of participatory social processes. It makes visible that researchers should have more opportunities to focus their research on communities rather than on collecting data to respond to funders. Research limitations/implications – Though community self-organisation happens one way or the other effective self-organisation processes cannot be taken for granted and need further studies and elaboration. Despite current efforts it requires more studies to understand social systems and develop stronger links to active citizenship policies. Practical implications – This research contributes to communities’ engagement in policy processes and highlights the enabling role of HEIs. Originality/value – It rearticulates participatory approaches to active citizenship and learning in communities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Jasuri Jasuri ◽  
M. Ardhi Khalif ◽  
Edi Daenuri Anwar

<p>Dedication work with the title "Design Da'wah Mosque in Millennial Era through Android" uses a community based research (CBR) model, namely by providing assistance in making mosque website design, website management and website content management in eight mosques in Central Java. The meeting point of da'wah that is carried out in the mosque either through recitation, or other forms of activity can be well documented via the internet and can be accessed by Muslims at large. The need for revitalization of the Da'wah Mosque Strategy, revitalization in question is the Da'wah Mosque Strategy is carried out massively, recorded, and uploaded on the mosque website. By uploading it on the website of the mosque, all people in need can download study materials and can see / listen at any time. Of the eight mosques, only two mosques have websites, the Baiturahman Mosque in Semarang and M asjid Agung in Central Java. This assistance resulted in a pretty good design. The website that has been designed by the mosque admin is good with menus and wicets relating to the activities of the mosque preaching. The mosque website is filtered in one "dakwah online" application. Users can enjoy the da'wah of the mosques from the eight mosques in real time effectively and efficiently.</p><p> </p><p>Pengabdian dengan topik “Desain Dakwah Masjid di Era Milenial melalui  Android” ini menggunakan model <em>community based research</em> (CBR), yaitu dengan melakukan  pendampingan pembuatan desain website masjid, pengelolaan website dan manajemen konten website pada delapan masjid di Jawa Tengah. Titik temu dakwah yang dilaksanakan di masjid baik melalui pengajian, maupun bentuk-bentuk kegiatan yang lain bisa didokumentasi dengan baik melalui internet dan dapat diakses oleh umat islam secara luas. Perlu adanya revitalisasi Strategi dakwah masjid, revitalisasi yang dimaksud adalah Strategi dakwah masjid dilakukan secara masif, terdata, dan diunggah dalam website masjid. Dengan diunggah dalam website masjid maka semua masyarakat yang membutuhkan bisa mendownload bahan-bahan pengajian dan bisa melihat/mendengarkan setiap saat. Dari delapan masjid dimaksud hanya dua masjid yang sudah memiliki website yaitu Masjid Baiturahman Semarang dan Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah. Pendampingan ini menghasilkan desain yang cukup baik. Website yang telah di desain oleh admin masjid sudah baik dengan menu dan <em>wicget</em> yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan-kegiatan dakwah masjid. Website masjid tersebut ter<em>sharing</em> dalam satu aplikasi “dakwah online”. <em>User</em> bisa memenikmati dakwah masjid dari delapan masjid tersebut secara realtime dengan efektif dan efisien.</p>

2020 ◽  
Shahrokh Nikou ◽  
Andrea Molinari ◽  
Gunilla Widén ◽  

Introduction. Information literacy and digital literacy skills have become increasingly important capabilities in the digital world, as such it is of the utmost importance to assess how individual’s literacy skills impact people’s intention to use digital technology. Method. In this paper, based on the current literature, we design our research and through an empirical study conducted in Finland and Italy, we examine how these skills impact the decision of university students to use digital technology. Analysis. Data was analysed through a novel method (fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis). Results. The fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis results show that students in these two countries differ from one another and factors influencing the intention to use digital technology vary among students. For Finnish students’ digital literacy and for Italian students’ information literacy were important factors. Conclusions. The results of this paper contribute to the information and digital literacy research and provide unique insights and practical implications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Ayunita Leliana ◽  
Laily Maulida Septiana Harti ◽  
Fauris Zuhri ◽  
Dwi Cahyani Sri Kusumaningtyas

With the onset of the digital era, the classroom's teaching and learning process has also shifted. The use of technology makes it easy for lecturers and students to access various information and references on the internet. However, not all of the information and concerns come from reliable and credible sources, so it is necessary to select and sort out the references used. This research's background determines students' ability to find and utilize and evaluate the credibility of information to be used in their writing. Although most students can use digital technology in their daily lives, they have difficulty determining whether the articles or texts from the internet come from credible sources or just subjective opinions that are not strong enough to be used as references in the 2018 class. Students' skills have an impact on the search for reference sources when they write scientific papers. The preliminary observations on students of 2018 and 2019 have shown that some students stated that they were very familiar with information technology and accessed the internet skillfully. Some had difficulty finding the required references. The output of this research is a guide for checking the credibility of references and articles published in journals so that the public can refine the findings of this study by providing contributive input. If the results are positive, it means that they can be applied to other courses in other classes as well.

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