scholarly journals Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar pada Materi Haji dan Umrah dengan Strategi Practice Rehearsal Pairs di Madrasah

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-118
Ma'ruf Yuniarno

This study is purposed to find out how to improve students' motivation and learning outcomes through Practice Rehearsal Pairs (PRP) strategy in the course of Hajj and Umrah. The research was designed as a classroom action research. The subject of this research was VIIIC grade students of MTs Negeri 1 Bantul of academic year 2016-2017. The results of this study indicate a significant increase in learning motivation. The percentage of students' learning motivation in Pre-cycle was 6.25%. At the meeting I of Cycle I, the student motivation was 40.63% and went up to 50.00% at meeting II. At meeting I of Cycle II, student motivation also rose to 53.13% and increased at the second meeting to 71.88%. There were 22% of total students scored above the Minimum Passing Grade (KKM) at Pre-cycle. At the Meeting I of Cycle I, students who scored ​​above the KKM rose to 41%. At the Meeting II of Cycle I, the average of student score rose to 59%. At the Cycle II Meeting I, it increased to 63% and significantly rose to 78% at Meeting II of Cycle II. In short, the implementation of Practice Rehearsal Pairs strategy in Hajj and Umrah course can improve motivation and learning outcomes by modifying certain substances that are the use of attractive media, seating arrangements, and effective classroom management strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Iin Indriyati

This class action research aims to improve students' motivation and learning outcomes through the SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) approach to Environmental Pollution VII VII E material, SMP Negeri 1 Wonosari in semester 2 academic year 2017/2018. This research lasted for 2 (two) cycles, the first cycle was held 3 (three) meetings and the second cycle was held 2 (two) meetings. Things to be improved through this classroom action research are learning motivation and student learning outcomes through the SETS approach. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and tests. Motivation questionnaire data is in the form of student acquisition scores during cycle I and cycle II while the learning outcome data is the value of student test results after the learning process of cycle I and cycle II. The results of the questionnaire are tabulated and processed and then compared with indicators of success that have been determined to measure the improvement and achievement. The test result data is processed by calculating the percentage of students who reach the KKM then compared with indicators of success to find out the improvement and achievement. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion it can be concluded that the SETS approach can increase student motivation and student learning outcomes. The final recapitulation of student learning motivation increased from 65.83% (enough) in the first cycle to 76.28% (good) in the second cycle while the student learning outcomes increased from 58.33% in the first cycle to 83.33% in the second cycle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 246-252

This research is classroom action research (CAR) which aims to increase motivation and learning outcomes for the composition function material in class XI UPW1 SMKN 1 Bandung by using Zoom Cloud Meeting Media. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that: 1) The use of Zoom Meeting Media can increase the learning motivation of Class XI UPW1 Students on Composition Function Material at SMK Negeri 1 Bandung in the 2021/2022 academic year. It can be seen from the Observation Sheet in the form of a questionnaire given to students in the first cycle of 59% and the second cycle of 81% indicating that students are motivated in the learning process with increasing zoom media. 2) The use of Zoom Meeting Media can Improve Student Learning Outcomes of Class XI UPW1 on Composition Function Material at SMK Negeri 1 Bandung in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. There is an increase in each cycle with the percentage of classical completeness of each cycle, namely the first cycle of 60% and the second cycle of 86%. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) bertujuan untuk Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Materi Fungsi Komposisi pada siswa kelas XI UPW1 SMKN 1 Bandung dengan menggunakan Media Zoom Cloud Meeting. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Penggunaan Media Zoom Meeting dapat Meningkatkan Motivasi belajar Siswa Kelas XI UPW1 Pada Materi Fungsi Komposisi di SMK Negeri 1 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Dapat terpantau dari Lembar Observasi berupa angket yang diberikan kepada siswa pada siklus I sebesar 59 % dan siklus II sebesar 81 % menunjukan bahwa siswa termotivasi dalam proses pembelajaran dengan media zoom meningkat. 2) Penggunaan Media Zoom Meeting dapat Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI UPW1 Pada Materi Fungsi Komposisi di SMK Negeri 1 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklus dengan persentase ketuntasan secara klasikal masing- masing siklus yaitu siklus I sebesar 60 % dan siklus II sebesar 86 %.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Asmin A Kandupi

This study aims to improve student motivation and learning outcomes in determining the main idea of paragraphs using intensive reading techniques at SD Negeri Bambalo. This research method uses classroom action research conducted in 2 cycles. The research subjects were 9 grade students of SDN Bambalo Semester 1 in the academic year 2020/2021. Data collection techniques in this study used tests and documentation. The data validation used triangulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the application of an intensive reading technique approach to the material of determining the main idea of paragraphs can increase student motivation and learning outcomes. The class average score increased from 56.99 in the initial study, to 72.88 in the first cycle, and in the second cycle to 81.88 with the level of completeness of learning from 2 students or 22.22% in the initial conditions to 5 students or 55.55% in the first cycle and 8 students or 88.89% in the second cycle. The increase in learning motivation is also getting better, in the initial study there were 2 students or 22.22% of 9 students, in cycle I, students were complete as seen from the learning motivation of 5 students or 55.55% of 9 students, and in cycle II, Incomplete seen from the learning motivation of 9 students or 100% of 9 students. The conclusion is that the application of intensive reading techniques can increase motivation and learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SDN Bambalo Semester 1 in the 2020/2021 academic year.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-126
Ichvita Rachma Unengan ◽  
Chusnal Ainy ◽  
Himmatul Mursyidah

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar siswa dengan model pembelajaran Teams Games Tournament (TGT) menggunakan media Ludo Math pada materi segiempat. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas dengan 4 tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, serta refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VII SMP. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 11% siswa tuntas pada prasiklus atau nilai pretest. Setelah diterapkan model TGT dengan media Ludo Math pada siklus I diperoleh hasil tes belajar sebesar 63% siswa tuntas, sedangkan pada siklus II diperoleh hasil tes sebesar 89% siswa tuntas. Adapun angket motivasi siswa diperoleh hasil sebanyak 42% siswa memiliki motivasi tinggi sebelum tindakan. Motivasi siswa meningkat setelah perlakuan, yaitu menjadi 79% siswa memiliki motivasi tinggi pada siklus I dan 90% siswa memiliki motivasi tinggi pada siklus II.   Abstract: The study aims to improve learning outcomes and learning motivation for students with the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning model using Ludo Math media on quadrilent material. This research is a type of action research class with 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subject of this study is class VII Junior High School. The results showed that 11% of students were due at the Prasiklus or pretest value. After applied TGT model with Ludo Math media in cycle I obtained study test result of 63% students complete, while in cycle II obtained the test result of 89% students due. The student motivation poll obtained as much as 42% of students have high motivation before the action. Student motivation increases after treatment, i.e. to 79% of students have high motivation on cycle I and 90% of students have high motivation on II cycles

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Dwi Nurviyanto ◽  
Pairun Roniwijaya

The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in student motivation and student learning outcomes by applying the learning method demonstration on learning fix a starter system in SMK N 1 Gabuswetan Indramayu academic year 2013/2014. The main focus of this study is the difference in student motivation and student learning outcomes of students before and after implementing the learning demonstration method in a class.            This research is classroom action research. The subjects in this study were students of class XII TKR B SMK N 1 Gabuswetan Indramayu academic year 2013/2014, amounting to 35 students. Objects in this study is based on an increase in motivation and learning outcomes through the demonstration method of fixing the starter system. The research was conducted in three cycles with four stages of classroom action research, namely: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection on each cycle. Data collection techniques obtained through the use of multiple choice questions (pre-test and post-test), observation of student activity sheets and motivation questionnaire (before and after the demonstration methods implemented). The analysis used is the analysis of quantitative data with descriptive statistics.            Results of research show that after the implemented demonstration method of motivation and learning outcomes showed improvement. Learning motivation increased from 49% pre-cycle (less motivated category) to 74.6% (medium motivation category). Learning outcomes produce an average yield of pretest and post-test on the first cycle is 37 to 70.71 of 35 students, the average value of the class on the second cycle of the pre-test value of 40.29 into a post-test value 66.85 and the third cycle value average class in the third cycle is increased from pre-test value of 38.65 and post-test value to 76. After all the activities that students end up achieving completeness criteria or achieve ≥ 75 there were 28 students or 80% of the total number of students (80%> 60% = pass in classical).

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Eva Maya Kesuma Sari

AbstractEducation is an activity that has core interactions between students and educators as well as various educational sources. Interaction between students and educators and educational resources can take place in social situations (education), Classroom Action Research is used to describe the motivation and learning outcomes of students' economic subjects in Class X IIS SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. Classroom Action Research is conducted when learning activities take place, both overall and related to the material. The results of the study show that the application of role playing makes students as the subject of learning activities, and they must actively practice the communication with their friends. Learning motivation of students looks enthusiastic and dynamic. So that it can improve the positive climate to improve maximum learning outcomes.Keywords: Learning, role playing, and learning motivationAbstrakPendidikan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang berintikan interaksi antara peserta didik dengan para pendidik serta berbagai sumber pendidikan. Interaksi antara peserta didik dengan pendidik dan sumber-sumber pendidikan tersebut dapat berlangsung dalam situasi pergaulan (pendidikan), Penelitian Tindakan Kelas digunakan guna mendeskripsikan motivasi dan hasil belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi peserta didik kelas X IIS SMA Negeri 2 Banjarmasin. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dilakukan ketika kegiatan pembelajaran yang berlangsung, baik secara keseluruhan maupun terkait dengan materi. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan role playing menjadikan peserta didik sebagai subyek dari kegiatan pembelajaran, dan mereka secara aktif harus melakukan praktik-praktik berkomunikasi dengan temannya. Motivasi belajar peserta didik terlihat antusias dan dinamis. Sehingga mampu meningkatkan iklim positif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar yang maksimal.Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, role playing, dan motivasi belajar

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Marthinus Usmany

This study aims to improve students’ motivation and learning outcomes by PCP strategies on plant tissue material in class XI Science of SMA Negeri 4 Ambon. This research is a classroom action research design. The learning activities are divided into 2 cycles and refer to the John Elliot (1988) model which consists of four stages of action in each cycle. The results showed there was an increase in students’ motivation and learning outcomes from the first cycle to the second cycle, where student motivation reached 80% in the first cycle, and in the second cycle increased to 87%. The percentage of the students’ number who completed learning in the first cycle is 64%, that increased in the second cycle to 84%. The percentage increase of students’ motivation and learning outcomes has reached a success indicator so it can be concluded that the application of biology learning by using a PCP (Point Counter Point) strategy can increase the motivation and learning outcomes of students on plant tissue material of Class XI Science  in SMA Negeri 4 Ambon.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Emil Mon

Based on obsevation at the Student of sport in SMP N 1 Bukittinggi City showed the learning outcomes is still low. This is estimated influence by pphysical fitness and learning motivatio. This study aims to know the contribution of physical fitness and learning motivation to learning outcames of student’s Sport in SMP N 1 Bukittinggi City. This reasearch medthod is correlation, to know how big the contribution one variable each other. The population are student of Sport in SMP N 1 BukittinggiCity in the academic year 2014/ 205 with amount 30 student. The sampling technique is total sampling, so the samples are 30 student. Data was collected by physical fitness test instrument Indonesia aged 13 to 15 year and completed questionnaires to measure physical fitnessand learning motivation, and learning outcomes used 2nd data of student’s report in 2015/2016 acamic year. The results showed that: (1) physical fitness had a significant contribution with tcount (3,71) >ttable(1,70) and give contribution for 32,95% to learning outcomes. (2) Learning motivation had a significant contribution with tcount (5,60) > ttable(1,70) and give contribution for 52,85% to the learning outcomes. (3) physical fitness and leaning motivation have significant contribution with F count (42,948) > Ftable (3,35) And countributed together by 76.04% to learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 770
Firsa Fajar Mahardika ◽  
Budi Eko Soetjipto ◽  
Siti Malikhah Towaf

<p class="Abstrak"><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to describe the application of the Find Someone Who and Timed Pair Share learning models to improve social studies motivation and learning outcomes. The type of research used is Class Action Research. The subject of this study was the VB class of SDN Pakunden 2 with 37 students. The results of this study that the application of the Find Someone Who and Timed Pair Share learning models can increase the motivation and learning outcomes of social studies. At the end of the second cycle, all indicators assessed were able to exceed the specified success criteria.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan model pembelajaran <em>Find Someone Who</em> dan <em>Timed Pair Share</em> untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPS. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VB SDN Pakunden 2 dengan jumlah 37 siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran <em>Find Someone Who</em> dan <em>Timed Pair Share </em>dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPS. Pada akhir siklus II, seluruh indikator yang dinilai mampu melampaui kriteria keberhasilan yang ditetapkan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 1428
Nur Najama ◽  
Punaji Setyosari ◽  
Munzil Munzil

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This action research was conducted to improve learning motivation and learning outcomes in the fourth-grade students. The study was conducted in two cycles. Based on research in the first cycle showed that: (1) In the observation of implementation the learning by teachers reached 76% (2) the result of the motivation questionnaire reached the number of 73%. (3) The students test at 64%. The data on the cycle I have not achieved the criteria for the successful action yet. So, it was necessary to carry out improvements to the next action, namely cycle II. In the cycle II, it showed that (1) In the observation of implementation, the learning by teachers reached 88. (2) the result of the motivation questionnaire reached the number of 89%. (3) The students test results at 93%. The results of data analysis in cycle II have shown that the success criteria have been reached, so there was no need to continue the next cycle.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV. Penelitian dilaksanakan dua siklus. Berdasarkan penelitian siklus I menunjukkan bahwa (1) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran oleh guru mencapai 76%,  (2) hasil angket motivasi siswa mencapai 73%, dan (3) tes hasil belajar siswa sebesar 64%. Data pada siklus I tersebut belum mencapai kriteria keberhasilan tindakan, sehingga perlu dilaksanakan perbaikan pada tindakan selanjutnya, yaitu siklus II. Pada siklus II menunjukkan bahwa (1) keterlaksanaan pembelajaran oleh guru mencapai 88%, (2) hasil angket motivasi siswa mencapai 89%, dan (3) tes hasil belajar siswa sebesar 93%. Hasil analisis data pada siklus II tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kriteria keberhasilan telah tercapai sehingga tidak perlu dilanjutkan pada siklus selanjutnya.

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