scholarly journals Small Discussion Method: Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah Binaan Kota Yogyakarta dalam Menerapkan Model Cooperative Learning

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-189
Murtinah Murtinah

The weak teacher's competence in understanding learning models is an early cause of student achievement in the mastery of teaching materials. A weak symptom of the teacher's understanding of the learning model at MTs Muhammadiyah Karangkajen in understanding the learning model was found after the academic supervision of one semester in the first semester of lesson 2019/2020. This research aims to determine the extent to which the professional improvement of teachers through small discussion in understanding and implementing cooperative learning models in order to improve student learning achievement. This research using the method of study of Madrasah (PTS) is conducted in 2 cycles. Improved teacher competence in understanding and implementing cooperative learning models achieve satisfactory results. From a pre 41.43% cycle, it becomes 71.43% on the I cycle, and can increase to 80.33% in the II cycle. The results of this study show that coaching through academic supervision through small discussion can improve the professionalism and performance of teachers in understanding cooperative learning models with a 80% compensation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Yandry Niak ◽  
Jeinne Mumu ◽  
Anderson Leonardo Palinussa

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in polynom factorization material using a cooperative learning model type Student Facilitator and Explaining (SFE). This research has qualitative research. The class conducted the action using teaching materials and grup worksheets, which have been adapted to the SFE model and learning is carried out in two cycles. At the end of each cycle a final cycle test is carried out, then the data obtained are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The result of the study showed that there was an increase in the learning outcomes of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Manokwari who were taught to use the SFE type cooperative learning model on polynom factorization material.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-62
Sonny Agustendi

Abstrak: Pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik ditentukan oleh banyak faktor. Di antaranya faktor yang sangat penting adalah bagaimana guru mengemas pembelajaran yang mengacu pada pembelajaran yang aktif, inovatif, kreatif, efektif, menyenangkan, gembira dan berbobot. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan oleh Slavin yaitu Cooperative Learning Tipe STAD. Model tersebut dipandang mampu untuk mendorong sisa belajar aktif dan kreatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Fase pembelajaran mengacu pada pembelajaran Cooperative Learning tipe STAD. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan di kelas XI IPS 4 SMA Negeri 2 Banjar diketahui bahwa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi perekonomian terbuka. Simpulan ini didasarkan dari peningkatan ketuntasan belajar setelah dilakukan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD meningkat. Pada siklus I sebesar 17 % dan  pada siklus II menjadi 89%. Guru dapat menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan dapat dijadikan sebagai variasi model pembelajaran, namun harus disesuaikan dengan karakteristik materi yang akan dipelajari seperti pada materi perekonomian terbuka.Abstract: Many factors determine the achievement of student learning outcomes. Among the significant factors is how teachers package learning that refers to active, innovative, creative, practical, fun, joyful and weighty learning. One of the learning models developed by Slavin is Cooperative Learning Type STAD. The model is considered capable of encouraging the rest of active and creative learning. This research is a Classroom Action research. The learning phase refers to STAD Cooperative Learning types. Based on the results of classroom action research conducted in class XI IPS 4 Public Senior High School 2 Banjar, it is known that by using the cooperative learning model STAD type can improve student learning outcomes in the most economical material. This conclusion is based on the increase in learning completeness after the STAD type cooperative learning model, which increased in the first cycle by 17% and in the second cycle to 89%. The teacher can apply the STAD type cooperative learning model to improve student learning outcomes and can be used as a variety of learning models, but must be adapted to the characteristics of the material to be studied as in the open economy material.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 789
Maria Yulianti

The background of this study was the low student learning outcomes of PPKn, from 28 students who achievedthe completeness criteria at least only 11 students (39.29%). The low student learning outcomes are caused bythe high level of individuality between students so that the achievement of competence among studentsexperiences a very distant difference. Based on this, the researchers made improvements to student learningoutcomes through the application of STAD cooperative learning models. This research is a classroom actionresearch, with the subject of class VII of SMP Negeri 3 Teluk Kuantan. The data used in this study is PPKnlearning outcomes data. The results stated that after applying the STAD type cooperative learning model studentlearning outcomes had increased in the initial data the number of students who completed were 11 students, incycle I had an increase with the number of 18 students, and in cycle II the number of students who completedcontinued to increase by the number 22 student.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-242
Akhiri Putri ◽  
Johanes Sapri ◽  
Herman Lusa

This study aims to improve student learning achievement in Thematic learning class III A SDN 38 Bengkulu City by applying the Cooperative learning model type Make a Match. The subjects of the study were students of class III A SDN 38 Bengkulu City. The research instruments were observation sheets and test sheets. The observation data analysis technique used the formula of average score, highest score, lowest score, difference in score, and range of values for each criterion. Test data were analyzed using the formula of the average value and the percentage of classical learning completeness. Thus the application of the Make a Match type Cooperative learning model can improve student learning achievement in Thematic learning class III A SDN 38 Bengkulu City

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-184
Nely Hartika ◽  
Ira Ismeylia Saputri

This study aims to find out how the application of inquiry learning models in accounting subjects in class X AK in SMKN 4 Serang City and to find out whether the inquiry learning model can improve student learning outcomes in class X AK in Accounting Basic Subjects in SMK 4 Serang City.This research uses a class action research method which consists of two cycles.  Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing reflection.  The subjects of this study were participants in grade X SMK 4 Serang City consisting of 36 students and teachers in Accounting as a team of collaborators.  These results indicate that the Inquiry learning model can improve student learning outcomes based on cycle one, from 36 students who succeeded in getting grades above the KKM of 36.56% with an average value of 66, whereas in the second cycle there was a significant increase to be 100% with  an average value of 82.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-60
Yustina Upik ◽  
Avelius Dominggus Sore

Abstract: The problem in this study is the lack of student activeness in learning causes low learning outcome percentage 52,94%. The form of research I use is classroom action research (PTK). Data were collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and test sheets, and the research phase was conducted in 2 cycles. The result of the research shows that the study of cooperative type listening team in the implementation of cycle 1 turns out that the students have not maximized their opinions so that the achievement of the value has not been maximized. It is seen from the students' learning result in cycle 1, the highest score is 80, the lowest score is 50, average 66 and the percentage of mastery of 58.82%. However, in cycle 2 students have been able to express the answers in groups well, and in cycle 2 ended the teacher's efforts to improve the learning outcomes with the highest score of students obtained by 90, with an average of 76, and the percentage of mastery of 94.11%. To improve student learning outcomes, teachers use the appropriate learning model and in accordance with the material that is taught, and critical thinking patterns and responsiveness of students can be honed by expressing opinions in front of the class.Keyword: Cooperative Learning Model Type Listening Team Improves Learning OutcomesAbstrak: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah kurangnya keaktifan siswa dalam belajar menyebabkan hasil belajar yang rendah persentasenya 52,94%. Bentuk penelitian yang saya gunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Data dikumpulkan melalui  observasi, angket, wawancara, dan lembar tes, serta tahap penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pengkajian terhadap hasil belajar menggunakan cooperative tipe listening team dalam pelaksanaan siklus 1 ternyata siswa belum maksimal  mengemukakan pendapat sehinga menyebabkan pencapaian nilai belum maksimal hal tersebut dilihat dari hasil belajar siswa pada siklus 1, nilai tertinggi 80, nilai terendah 50, nilai rata-rata 66 serta persentase ketuntasan sebesar 58,82%. Namun pada siklus 2 siswa telah mampu mengungkapkan jawaban dalam kelompok dengan baik, dan pada siklus 2 berakhirlah upaya guru untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dengan nilai tertinggi siswa di peroleh sebesar 90, dengan rata-rata 76, serta persentase ketuntasan sebesar 94,11%. Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, guru menggunakan model pembelajaran yang tepat dan sesuai dengan materi yang di ajarkan, dan pola berpikir kritis dan tanggap dari siswa dapat diasah dengan mengemukakan pendapat didepan kelas.Kata kunci: Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Listening Team meningkatkan Hasil Belajar

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Nurmasyitah Nurmasyitah.

 This research entitled the application of model of learning make a match in the content ofglobalization on student learning outcomes SD Blang Kiree. The problem in this research ishow student learning outcomes by using cooperative learning models make a match in thecontent of globalization on class IV SD Blang Kiree. This research aims to know the results ofthe learning model cooperative learning using make a match. This research uses qualitativeresearch method. The subjects of the research were grade IV SD Blang Kiree totalling 25persons. The conclusion that the application of the model make a match increases studentlearning results in SD Blang Kiree.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-92

This study aims to (1) improve mathematics learning outcomes by using jigsaw type cooperative learning model in grade 5 students of SD Negeri 050600 Kuala Langkat Learning Year 2017/2018. (2) Describe the constraints encountered by using jigsaw type cooperative learning model to improve mathematics learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate an increase in student learning outcomes on subjects mathematics material KPK and FPB class V Elementary School 050600 Kuala Langkat. This is evident from the results of research conducted on the pretest of students who got the complete value of 5 people or 21.73% while the students who did not complete as many as 18 people or 78.27%. Then continued research research on the first cycle of students who got the complete value of 14 people or 60.86% while the unfinished students as many as 9 people or 39.14%, then there is an increase in increase in cycle I compared to pretest. But this does not meet the specified category of mastery. Then proceeded on the second cycle of students who get a total score of 20 people or 86.95% while students who are not complete as many as 3 people or 13.05%, then an increase in cycle II compared to cycle I and has fulfilled the specified mastery . Furthermore, teacher activity on observation cycle I obtained an average of 60% and in cycle II increased to 78%. While the student activity on the learning process obtained an average of 58% and in the second cycle has increased to 84%. Thus obtained the conclusion that by using cooperative learning model type jigsaw on subjects mathematics material KPK and FPB in class V SD  050600 Kuala Langkat can improve student learning outcomes. Therefore it is suggested for subsequent learning to use cooperative learning model of jigsaw type so that student learning result can increase

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Fira Zarti ◽  
Khairani Khairani

This study aims to implement the Numbered Head Togerher (NHT) type of cooperative learning model in social studies subjects for grade VII students of SMPN 40 Padang. This research is an experimental research. Research instruments in the form of tests and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using ANOVA. The results showed (1) student learning outcomes applied to the NHT type cooperative model were higher than student learning outcomes with conventional methods at SMPN 40 Padang. (2) The learning outcomes of students who have high motivation to learn are higher using NHT type cooperative learning models than students who have low motivation with conventional methods. (3) The learning outcomes of students who have lower learning motivation are higher using conventional learning models higher than using NHT learning models. (4) there is an interaction between the use of the Numbered Head Together (NHT) type of cooperative learning model and motivation in influencing student learning outcomes in social studies subjects in class VII SMPN 40 Padang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 394-399
Ahmad Susanto ◽  
Lativa Qurrotaini ◽  
Is wan ◽  
Fari hen

Research with the title Application of Cooperative Learning Models and Interaction Patterns in an effort to improve student learning outcomes in the Junior High School XVIII, South Tangerang Indonesia, in social studies subjects. This research was conducted on seventh grade students of Junior Hight School XVIII, South Tangerang. Indonesia. This research method uses a descriptive quantitative approach, while the research instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive statistical test. The results of the study are the results of the application of cooperative learning models and interaction patterns in an effort to improve student learning outcomes, in social studies subjects, as evidenced by the results of statistical tests obtained based on the level of satisfaction, the average value obtained is strongly agree at 31%, agree at 50%, disagree by 18%, answers that strongly disagree obtained a value of 1%. Meanwhile, based on the answers according to the percentage of peer group interaction pattern variables, the average value obtained was 31% strongly agree, 41% agree, 24% disagree and 3% strongly disagree. The results of the answer test based on student achievement in social studies obtained the average value of those who answered strongly agree amounted to 29%, san who answered agreed 47%, and disagreed 22%, and strongly disagreed by 2%.

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