scholarly journals Manajemen Pesantren sebagai Khazanah Tonggak Keberhasilan Pendidikan Islam

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-153
Ahmad Khoiri

Management is one of the most important aspects of managing an institution / agency especially in educational institutions, so expect especially Islamic education institutions and boarding schools because it can not be separated when talking about Islamic education definitely a benchmark of all it is a boarding school education, history has proven that the embryo of formal education is education schools starting from the household, surau, mosques and public places, The new Islam began to grow rapidly after education was started in utakan even serve as doktrinisasi process. Inspirational relentless, berkaryapun always sure, Batsul masa'il, sorogan, mukhadloroh as the hallmark of learning as well as the evaluation process, so as to give birth to a reliable generations who are ready to solve all the problems that occur at this time. Thus the usefulness aspects of Islamic education outcomes can be felt from the ma-society down to the top, this is evidenced by the works of the scholars / clerics and students who continue to fortify themselves with berakhlakul karimah amidst the bustle of the current world developments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-84
Muhammad Nasrudin ◽  
Hilman Harun ◽  
Ahmad Salim ◽  
Ahmad Dimyati

the basic principles of Islamic boarding school education, namely; Al Muhafadhah ala al-qadim al shalih wa al akhdzu bi al jadid al ashlah. This principle has encouraged pesantren to maintain good old Islamic values without denying better changes. This paper intends to explore two sides of the coin for Pondok Persantren where one side is a distinct advantage for but can be a boomerang that hinders the progress of Islamic education based on understanding the basic elements and values of Islamic boarding schools and, then contributing thoughts in building a holistic Islamic boarding school education so that can follow the development of science without losing the obligation to maintain basic values. Holistic pesantren education can only be achieved if it is reaffirmed that the elements of the boarding school education system are not oriented towards learning religious knowledge but how kyai, teachers / ustaz and santri can learn to live in religion.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Rustam Ibrahim

<p>The author’s interest in researching on de-radicalization of religion in the literature of islamic boarding school education was driven by the fact that religion de-radicalization are now starting to touch many aspects of society. Religious radicalism is often associated with terrorism, such as suicide bombers under the pretext of <em>jihad</em> (martyrdom), violence in the name of <em>amar ma'ruf-nahy munkar</em> (commanding the good and forbidding the evil), even now starting to organize religious radicalism in the establishment of the state. Ironically, some of the perpetrators of terrorism are graduates of boarding schools. This is due to the fact that there are several texts in the literature of boarding school education that are vulnerable to radical behaviors, such as <em>jihad</em>, commanding the good, or fighting against non-Muslims. It makes boarding schools are negatively affected despite the fact that they are institutions of Islamic education in Indonesia who spread the teachings of Islam which is <em>rahmatan lil Alamin</em> (blessing for the universe), tolerant, and contextual. Therefore, this study wanted to know about de-radicalization of religion in the understanding of texts in the literature of boarding school education, particularly related to the meaning of <em>jihad</em>, commanding the good, and Islam as the blessing for the universe.</p><p>This research uses library research, which is a pure literature research. This method is used for obtaining data on de-radicalization in the view of boarding schools using descriptive approach. This research is a study on religious teachings in relation to society, nature, character, and the influence of the thoughts and ideas in forming the character of a group.</p><p>De-radicalization of religion in the literature of boarding schools includes several things. First, boarding schools should not teach jihad with war, but with education. Next, the applications of <em>amar ma'ruf-nahy munkar</em> must be done through certain stages, so that the direction fits the condition of the object of the missionary endeavor. Violence must not be used as long as it is still possible to use subtle ways since violence is only legalized when the situation is extremely urgent.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>De-radicalisation of Religion, Text, Literature, Boarding School</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-116
Salman Al Farisi

Abstract: Modern Islamic boarding schools are also called  pesantren kholaf (modern)  as acronyms of salaf or ashriyah. The model of integration of Islam, science and culture is contained in the conditions of the Islamic boarding school, the methods, traditions and intellectual spirit of the santri in the pesantren Khalaf  with all the combination of Islamic values ​​and culture, having challenges that must be overcome in facing challenges in the global era. With its very integrated the slogan, al muhafadhah 'ala al qadim al shalih wa al-ahdz bi al-jadid allashlah (holding good old things and taking new things better. This slogan can be the key to reconciling tradition and modernization: Modernization in Islamic education is a renewal that occurs in Islamic boarding schools, at least it can erase the image of some people who consider Islamic boarding schools to be traditional educational institutions, now they want to produce true scientists who are able to produce ulama. protect the people and advance the nation and state. Keywords: integration, Islamic studies, Science, Nusantara Culture, and Pesantren Kholaf.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Gatot Krisdiyanto ◽  
Muflikha Muflikha ◽  
Elly Elvina Sahara ◽  
Choirul Mahfud

Abstract The “Ayo Mondok” Movement is part of the pesantren's response to modernity. In the modern era like this, there are still many Muslim societies in Indonesia that make pesantren a reference for formal and informal educational institutions. Indeed, initially the pesantren was only traditional and only aimed to explore the science of religion. However, along with the modernization of the times, Islamic boarding schools have not only become institutions to explore religious sciences but also general science. This paper explains the history and development of pesantren, and how the system of pesantren education answers the challenges of modernity. To get the desired results, the research library was chosen by researchers as the research method in this study. The results of this study reveal that Islamic boarding schools are a gathering place for santri to get religious knowledge from a cleric. The beginning of the pesantren was only a simple hut which was built as a makeshift with the aim of getting closer to the kyai or the teacher intended for the purposes of studying religion. While the system of pesantren education is still using the book of salaf or more familiarly called kitab kuning.   Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Modernity and Islamic Education   Abstrak Gerakan Ayo Mondok merupkan bagian dari respon pesantren menghadapi modernitas. Di era modern seperti ini, masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia masih banyak yang menjadikan pesantren sebagai rujukan lembaga pendidikan formal maupun informal. Memang pada awalnya pesantren hanya bersifat tradisional dan hanya bertujuan untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja. Akan tetapi seiring dengan modernisasi zaman, pesantren tidak hanya menjadi lembaga untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja tetapi juga ilmu umum. Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang sejarah dan perkembangan pesantren, dan bagaimana sistem pendidikan pesantren menjawab tantangan modernitas. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, maka  library research dipilih oleh peneliti sebagai metode penelitian dalam studi ini. Hasil dari kajian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pesantren merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para santri untuk mendapatkan ilmu agama dari seorang kyai. Awal mula pesantren hanya berupa pondok sederhana yang dibangun seadanya dengan tujuan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada kyai atau guru yang dituju untuk keperluan menimba ilmu agama. Sedangkan sistem pendidikan pesantren sampai sekarang masih tetap menggunakan kitab salaf atau lebih familiar disebut kitab kuning.   Kata Kunci: Pesantren, Modernitas dan Pendidikan Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Ahmadun Najah

One of the distinctive cultures that live sustainably in the boarding school environment is the khidmah tradition. Khidmah is interpreted as an attitude and wholehearted devotion activity carried out by a santri to his kyai or teacher, both during the study period at the boarding school or after graduation. Among Islamic boarding schools, this khidmah tradition has been deeply rooted since ancient times and is still maintained until now, and it is felt that it will persist into the future. More than just a tradition, this khidmah becomes an important identity of a santri as well as one of the benchmarks for his success in studying because in Islamic boarding school education. This study tries to explain the meaning and forms of khidmah, the factors behind the emergence of khidmah, motivation for khidmah, the theological basis of khidmah, as well as its virtues and benefits so that people can understand this khidmah problem more deeply and completely. This research is qualitative in the form of a literature study, with a conceptual approach to Sufism and morality. So it is possible to answer some aspects of the problem as mentioned earlier. After extracting the data and analyzing it, in this study several conclusions were obtained, including; first, khidmah is a form of devotion and service performed by a student (santri) to his teacher (kyai), as a form of respect and obedience to the teacher. This devotion can be in the form of devotion that has physical nuances, thoughts, possessions, or in the form of prayer. Second, the emergence of a khidmah tradition in Islamic boarding schools and other Islamic educational institutions is motivated by several factors such as strong moral education, especially morals for teacher (kyai), kyai who is believed to be pious and holy people, and the dormitory life system in the community a long period which builds an inner closeness between teacher and student. Third, some of the motivations that encourage students to be khidmah are to get the kyai's willingness (ridha) as well as an expression of gratitude and want to repay the kyai's services..

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Sumarto Sumarto

Historically, Islamic boarding schools were Islamic educational institutions developed by Indonesian people. Because actually pesantren is a cultural product of Indonesian people who are fully aware of the importance of education for indigenous people who grow naturally. Regardless of where the tradition and system is adopted, it will not affect unique patterns and have taken root and lived in the community. The pattern of life in pesantren is formed naturally through the process of planting values and developing the process of influencing influence with society. Islamic boarding schools always experience dynamics that never stop, in line with the social changes that occur.In the pesantren management system, the existence of a vision and mission occupies an important position. The vision must be formulated earlier and then set forth in the mission, namely programs and activities to realize the vision, and furthermore is to compile an action program in a mature and flexible plan to be implemented in a certain period of time in stages. The vision and mission of Islamic education which is the hope, ideals, and goals of Islamic education, are basically built from Islamic values and the results of analysis of the existence of Islamic education.Islamic boarding schools should be the center of Islamic education development, because; Islamic Boarding School is a center of religious education, which combines general and religious education, becomes a fortress for scientific balancers which are increasingly rapid by the influence of globalization, the development of science and knowledge is unstoppable, so Islamic boarding schools present as a fortress to provide boundaries that are in accordance with Islamization. This paper explains how Islamic boarding schools should be in developing Islamic education, preserving and preserving Islamic scholarship as a practice and practice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 407-420
H. Muntholib ◽  
Maisah ◽  
Maryani S.Ag,

Management of Islamic Boarding Schools in the Development of Islamic Education in Jambi Province. Dissertation, Management of Islamic Education / Postgraduate Program of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Islamic University, 2018. The purpose of this study was to find out about Islamic boarding schools that have not been effective in the development of Islamic Education in Jambi Province due to interenal and external factors, want to know and find planning ), organizing, implementing actuating and controlling Islamic boarding schools in the development of Islamic Religious Education in Jambi Province, and wanting to know about the concept of Islamic boarding school development in Islamic Education in Jambi Province. The research approach used is a qualitative approach to the type of case study. It is hoped that the image will be raised about quality, social reality, the perception of the target researchers. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study have not been effective, because of internal and external factors that exist in Islamic boarding schools in the development of Islamic Religious Education. Planning the management of Islamic boarding schools has been based on clear objectives, but not optimal, there is no maximum human and financial resources. Organizing at the Islamic Boarding School is functional, the division of labor has been achieved, the work guidelines are not optimal, and leaders of Islamic boarding schools often delegate to Deputy leaders, because the Kyai are not daily at the pesantren. The management of Islamic boarding schools has cooperated with stakeholders, has not produced graduates above national standards, the committee is not optimal, guidance is not optimal and there are rewards and funmenmen. Supervision of Islamic Boarding School management for maximal absenteeism, optimal information, active computerized system, pesantren website is less active, six-month meetings are less optimal, once a year meeting are optimal, active in motivation and active in clarification and correction. The concept of development is the design of developing something that already exists in order to improve the quality of more advanced. Recommendations The results of this dissertation research, researchers recommend specifically to: Leaders and Managers of the Zulhijjah Muara Bulian Islamic Boarding School in Batanghari, Syekh Maulana Qori Merangin Leaders and Pesantren, Head of the Ministry of Religion Jambi Province and Leaders of Non-Formal Education Institutions, and Community Organizations.

M Sahibudin M Sahibudin

Pesantren is the center of Islamic education in Indonesia, where the students are studying. The word santri itself is used to find on the group of Muslims in Java who have a stronger tendency on the teachings of his religion, some say that this pesantren education is the original Indonesian tradition, so this boarding school education is a feature that has Indonesia. In a boarding school of course there are a lot of elements that are interconnected and very related existence of one with the other. Like kiai, asatidh (the teachers), as well as the santri (as learners) as well as the existence of classical books (yellow book) and so on. Education Pesantren and yellow book it is a very sustainable and is the development of Islamic scholarship tradition, especially in Indonesia. Several streams later emerged as modernists, reformers and fundamintalis. In addition, the upgrading of pesantren educational institutions is not only limited to formal religious education alone, but also has established universities in the form of high schools, institutes and even universities. The synergy of the pesantren and college educational institutions becomes a dance of attention when the two institutions are complementary to one another.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali ◽  
Mohammad Fajar Sodik Fadli

Education is the main investment in shaping a person's character, personality and mentality. In this globalization era, character, personality and mental education are eroded by western education. Islamic boarding school education is a top priority in shaping a person's character, personality and mentality to be better. Islamic boarding school education provides optimal and effective time in implementing religious and moral values. The capacity of pesantren as a religious institution in its history has succeeded in realizing the order of life of religious communities, with a fundamental and complex understanding of Islam. The values of Islamic education that are so complex from values, aqeedah, monotheism, morality and science in this era of globalization have been fulfilled in Islamic boarding schools. Therefore Islamic boarding school education applies the values of quality Islamic education to establish the mentalty resilience of santri (islamic student), Islamic boarding school plays an important role in making a person become a human who is civilized (insanul kamil).

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Mukhamad Ilyasin

The existence of Islamic education e.g. Islamic boarding schools has contributed in in the middle of social lives in Indonesia. Continuously, Islamic boarding schools have developed in accordance with social demand nowadays. Besides, Islamic boarding school education should make adaptation by doing many changes especially in the field of learning management through curriculum integration of Salafiyah and Kholafiyah in order to build Islamic boarding school as central for excellent. Therefore, as an effort to achieve intended goal, observation and interview were conducted to obtain the data regarding with description of learning management especially concerning with Salafiyah and Kholafiyah curriculums at Nabil Husein Islamic boarding school Samarinda. The findings indicate that the value of Islamic boarding school is assumed as a core value of curriculum development as shifting paradigm through Islamic boarding school learning management. That paradigm has correlation with institutional goals of Nabil Husein i.e. as Islamic education main controller with religious and moral values oriented. In addition, graduates of Nabil Husein are expected to master two types of knowledge fields i.e. general and Islamic knowledges with spiritual values, so that Islamic boarding school education graduates are able to integrate among social, emotion, and intelligence quotients. Further implication is also noticed and suggested in this research.

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