2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 228
Ronaldo Nunes Linhares ◽  
Luiz Rafael Dos Santos Andrade

This article aims to discuss the relationship between theory and practice in the initial training of teachers for the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT), based on an experience report from a class of Education and Communication Technologies, of the course of licenciatura in pedagogy, of Tiradentes University (Unit). As procedures were qualitatively analyzed the participation of students during and after the pedagogical activities developed in this discipline, on the use of DICT in initial teacher training. The sources, the productions and the evaluations of the experience were considered through questionnaire responses. As results we find that the answers and activities contribute with the vision that the future teachers are connected in the daily by technological devices, however they face considerable challenges related to the training for the use of these technologies in teaching, in what concerns the domain of communication potentialities of mediation of DICT for teaching practices in and outside the classroom.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 114
Mônica Da Silva Gallon ◽  
Regis Alexandre Lahm ◽  
Lori Viali ◽  
João Bernardes Rocha Filho

As tecnologias digitais fazem parte do cotidiano, em equipamentos que utilizamos desde o preparo do café da manhã à programação do despertador eletrônico na hora de dormir. Os aplicativos disponíveis nos dispositivos móveis possuem variadas funções, porém aqueles que permitem uma rápida comunicação com a rede de contatos estão entre os mais utilizados, como o app WhatsApp Messenger. Com interface de fácil compreensão, permite envio de arquivos de texto, voz, vídeos, fotos, documentos e outros, sendo uma maneira simples de comunicação, substituindo, em determinadas ocasiões, ligações telefônicas e SMS. A aproximação desse recurso tecnológico do cotidiano com a vida profissional e acadêmica converte-se em um recurso facilitador no acesso a materiais de interesse por meio de compartilhamento de arquivos ou discussões em grupos com interesse comum. Dessa forma, o presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma investigação sobre o aplicativo WhatsApp como uma possibilidade de auxílio na formação continuada de professores. Para construção desta investigação, aplicamos um questionário a um grupo de 24 professores, obtendo o retorno de 23 instrumentos, analisando as respostas por meio de Análise Textual Discursiva. Como resultados, emergiram duas categorias: Contribuições do aplicativo WhatsApp à formação docente e Considerações à utilização do aplicativo WhatsApp na formação de professores.Palavras-chave: WhatsApp. Formação de professores. Tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação.ABSTRACTThey are in the devices that we use from the time we are preparing breakfast, until the time we set the alarm in bedtime. The apps available in the mobile devices own multiple functions, however those that allow a quick communication are the most popular, for example WhatsApp Messenger, this app has an easy to understand interface and allow sharing to friends text messages, voice messages, videos, photos, files and others. It is a simpler way to communicate and can substitute voice calls and SMS. The access to these daily technology resources in the professional and academic life, become a easier way to share and receive interesting material by the common interest groups. The purpose of this article is to present the WhatsApp as a possibility to aid in the continuous training of teachers. To construct our analysis, we applied a questionnaire to a group of 24 teachers, obtaining the return of 23 of these instruments, analyzing the answers through Discursive Textual Analysis. As a result, two categories emerged: contributions from the WhatsApp application to teacher training and considerations on the use of the WhatsApp application in teacher training.Keywords: WhatsApp. Teacher training. Digital information and communication technologies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 93
Juan Silva ◽  
María-Julia Morales ◽  
José-Luis Lázaro-Cantabrana ◽  
Mercè Gisbert ◽  
Paloma Miranda ◽  

At present, it is essential for teachers to develop digital competence (DCT), starting at their initial training, to properly use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in their daily practices, in addition to promoting DCT in the students. This article presents the main results of a comparative DCT study in last year pedagogy students in Chile and Uruguay. A mixed methodology was used to design and validate a test-type instrument with experts, which presented the use of ICTs in teaching contexts. This methodology enabled assessing DCT at four levels of dimensions with 10 indicators. The instrument was applied to a stratified representative sample with 5% margin of error made up of 568 pedagogy students, 273 from Chile and 295 from Uruguay. The results show an average score for the 10 assessed indicators (over a maximum of 4 points) of 2.3 for Chile and 2.2 for Uruguay, and an achievement level of 56.28% and 54.89%, respectively. These results provide a basis to guide public policy of both countries to strengthen the inclusion and treatment of DCT in initial teacher training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-175
Hércules Tolêdo Corrêa ◽  
Cleide De Araújo Campos

Pode-se dizer que o livro para crianças é um objeto artístico-cultural constituído por vários modos de linguagens. Dessa forma, partimos dos pressupostos da semiótica cultural, mais especificamente das teorizações sobre a multimodalidade, e procuramos identificar os aspectos tanto discursivos quanto educacionais de obras destinadas ao público infantil publicadas na contemporaneidade. Valemo-nos também de estudos sobre ilustração e projeto gráfico de livros infantis, tais como van der Linden (2011), Ramos (2013) e Paiva (2018). Este artigo, especificamente, centra-se na análise de dois livros da coleção Universidade das Crianças, publicada pelo selo Estraladabão, da Editora UFMG, em 2018: O que existe? O que não existe? e O que é um livro? Os nomes dos profissionais envolvidos na produção das obras estão identificados ao longo deste artigo. Hoje em dia, podemos considerar o livro para crianças como um objeto com múltipla autoria (multi ou poliautoria): além do escritor e do ilustrador, os autores principais ou protagonistas, como denominamos neste texto, também estão envolvidos na produção da obra designers gráficos, editores e coordenadores editoriais especializados, leitores críticos, revisores de conteúdo e de linguagem, e muitas vezes também outros especialistas da área editorial e educacional, como publicitários, engenheiros do papel, tradutores, adaptadores, psicólogos, pedagogos e psicopedagogos, aos quais chamamos neste artigo de autoria secundária ou coadjuvante. Analisamos alguns elementos do projeto gráfico das obras selecionadas e da relação entre texto escrito, ilustração e design, seguindo a ordem: 1- Capa e quarta capa; 2- Formato do livro e outros elementos da materialidade; 3- Layout: forma como o texto escrito e o visual são apresentados na página, o que inclui uma série de elementos e de relações entre eles, como: tipo e tamanho de letra, espaço entre linhas e mancha gráfica (a área do impresso: texto escrito e ilustração). Destaca-se que a definição deste último elemento envolve a relação entre texto escrito e texto visual. Por fim, é importante dizer que este artigo faz parte de uma pesquisa coletiva desenvolvida no âmbito do Grupo MULTDIC – Multiletramentos e usos das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na Educação –, intitulada Literatura e visualidade: a importância do projeto gráfico em livros para crianças na contemporaneidade. Palavras-chave: Livros para crianças. Multimodalidade. Projeto gráfico. GRAPHIC ELEMENTS INFLUENCE IN BOOKS FOR CHILDREN IN THE CONTEMPORANEITY: ANALYSIS OF TWO WORKS FROM THE CHILDREN'S UNIVERSITY COLLECTION Abstract: Books for children are said to be an artistic-cultural object made up of several modes of languages. Thus, this paper departs from the assumptions of cultural semiotics, more specifically the theories about multimodality, and tries to identify both the discursive and educational aspects of works aimed at children published in contemporary times. Studies on illustration and graphic design of books for children, such as Nikolajeva and Scott (2011), van der Linden (2011), Ramos (2013) and Paiva (2018) are also used. This paper focuses specifically on the analysis of two books from Universidade da Criança [Children's University] collection, published by the label Estraladabão, by Federal University of Minas Gerais Press, in 2018: O que existe? O que não existe? (COSCARELLI, 2018) and O que é um livro? (RIBEIRO, 2018). Other professionals involved in the creation of the books are identified along this paper. Nowadays, books for children can be considered as an object of multiple authorship: besides the writer and the illustrator, the main authors or protagonists, as called in this paper, there are also other professionals, who were called secondary or coadjuvants authors, such as graphic designers, editors and specialized editorial coordinators, critical readers, content and language reviewers, and often also other editorial and educational specialists, such as advertisers, paper engineers, translators, adapters, psychologists, pedagogists and psychopedagogists. Some elements of the graphic design of the selected works and the relation between written text, illustration and design were analyzed in the following order: 1- Cover and fourth cover; 2- Format of the book and other elements of materiality; 3- Layout: how the written text and the visual are presented on the page, which includes a series of elements and relationships between them, such as: type and size of letter, space between lines and graphic spot (the area of the print: written text and illustration). It should be noted that the definition of this last element involves the relationship between written text and visual text. Finally, it is important to say that this paper is part of a collective research developed within the framework of the Group MULTDIC – Multiliteracies and digital information and communication technologies, entitled Literatura e visualidade: a importância do projeto gráfico em livros para crianças na contemporaneidade [Literature and visuality: the importance of the graphic design in books for children in contemporaneity]. Keywords: Books for children. Multimodality. Graphic project.

EAD em FOCO ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Viviane Maria Penteado Garbelini ◽  
Ely Gonçalves

A inclusão de variados recursos tecnológicos contribui para a interação entre as modalidades de ensino presencial e a distância, assim como para o diálogo entre as diferentes abordagens pedagógicas. Esse processo tem ocorrido, sobretudo, em função dos recursos tecnológicos se inserirem em todas as dimensões da vida social, sejam pessoais e/ou profissionais. Ao incorporar os diferentes recursos tecnológicos às diferentes modalidades de ensino (presencial e a distância), o espaço educacional se abre de forma ilimitada. Entre a sala de aula presencial e a sala de aula virtual, interpõe-se uma vasta e indefinível fronteira entre o conteúdo e a aprendizagem, entre o professor e o aluno, entre a teoria e a prática, entre o real e o virtual. Nesse sentido, a inserção dos diferentes modelos pedagógicos se torna emergente, a fim de atender favoravelmente a um vasto número de identidades culturais, pois o conhecimento se sustenta, complementa-se e se enriquece quando emerge de um diálogo entre os diferentes componentes que dele fazem parte. A presente pesquisa se estabelece visando identificar a necessidade de implementar, no processo ensino aprendizagem, subsidiado pelas diferentes tecnologias digitais da informação e da comunicação, novos modelos pedagógicos, sendo o foco deste estudo o ensino superior. Tal pesquisa, de cunho bibliográfico, buscou, baseada em autores contemporâneos, apresentar os modelos pedagógicos aplicados na contemporaneidade em função da inserção das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação nos contextos de aprendizagem. Palavras-chave: Tecnologia Digital; Educação a Distância; Modelos de Aprendizagem. Characteristics and Educational Directions in the Digital Age AbstractThe inclusion of various technological resources contributes to the interaction between the types of classroom teaching and distance, as well as for dialogue between the different pedagogical approaches. This process has taken place, especially in the light of technological resources to insert in all dimensions of social life, are personal and / or professional. By incorporating the different technological resources to different forms of education (classroom and distance), the educational space opens indefinitely. Between the face classroom and virtual classroom interposes a vast and indefinable boundary between content and learning between the teacher and the student, between theory and practice, between the real and the virtual. In this sense, the integration of different pedagogical models becomes emerging in order to meet favorably to a vast number of cultural identities, because knowledge is based, is complemented and enriched when emerging from a dialogue between the various components which make part. This research is established in order to identify the need to implement, in the learning process, supported by the different digital technologies of information and communication, new pedagogical models, and the focus of this study higher education. This research, bibliographic nature, sought, based on contemporary authors present the pedagogical models used nowadays due to the insertion of digital information and communication technologies in learning contexts. Keywords: Digital Technology; Distance Education; Learning Models.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (0) ◽  

ABSTRACT The main objective of this article is to understand how basic school teachers (5th to 9th grades) of the Municipality of Viseu (Portugal) carried out their training on information and communication technologies. This article is part of a larger study conducted in 2012 and 2013. To have a clear picture about the skills in information and communication technologies, we applied a questionnaire and interviews and conducted individual and focused groups using a set of selected teachers. For a longitudinal analysis of the development of these skills over time, we compared the results of this study with previous analyses, particularly with that of Jacinta Paiva, in 2002, and noticed how evolved the indicators are. We concluded that training in information and communication technologies, as a rule, does not appear in initial teacher training and is much carried out by self-training, supported by friends and colleagues and in the framework of training departments. Moreover, it was found that there was significant improvement in the number of teachers who have undergone information and communication technologies training.

Tim Unwin

The development of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) has transformed the world over the last two decades. These technologies are often seen as being inherently ‘good’, with the ability to make the world better, and in particular to reduce poverty. However, their darker side is frequently ignored in such accounts. ICTs undoubtedly have the potential to reduce poverty, for example by enhancing education, health delivery, rural development, and entrepreneurship across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. However, all too often, projects designed to do so fail to go to scale, and are unsustainable when donor funding ceases. Indeed, ICTs have actually dramatically increased inequality across the world. Those with access to the latest technologies and the ability to use them effectively can indeed transform their lives, but those who are left without access have become increasingly disadvantaged and marginalized. The central purpose of this book is to account for why this is so, and it does so primarily by laying bare the interests that have underlain the dramatic expansion of ICTs in recent years. Unless these are fully understood, it will not be possible to reclaim the use of these technologies to empower the world’s poorest and most marginalized. The book is grounded in the Critical Theory of Jürgen Habermas, drawing especially on his notions of knowledge constitutive interests, and a particular conceptualization of the relationship between theory and practice. The book espouses the view that development is not just about economic growth, but must also address questions of inequality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 161-170
Yuliia Shevtsova ◽  
Hanna Shemaieva

Content analysis of 28 library and information science journals of the leading European countries has been conducted in the context of the current research. The thematic focus of these journals has been the priority of the research. Several thematic groups of library and information science journals have been identified. They include the journals that cover the following topics related to: 1) digital information; 2) development of information and communication technologies and their application in library practice; 3) library and information with the key topic of library and information management; 4) various types of communication. The conclusion has been made that scholarly interdisciplinary communication is expanding in the context of information society development. The analysis provides means for taking into account the trends in the leading European countries that help to evaluate and compare the performance of Ukrainian libraries and increase the level of professional knowledge and communication of library and information science professionals.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Cesar Augusto Cusin ◽  
Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti

Resumo A natureza atual da web, que destaca a participação colaborativa dos usuários em diversos ambientes informacionais digitais, conduz ao desenvolvimento de diretrizes que enfocam a arquitetura da informação digital inclusiva para diferentes públicos nas mais diversas ambiências informacionais. A pesquisa propõe e objetiva um ambiente informacional digital inclusivo, visando apontar os elementos de acessibilidade que permitam a promoção da inclusão informacional digital, de forma a destacar os referenciais da Arquitetura da Informação Digital, de recomendações internacionais, com o olhar da Ciência da Informação e das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC).Palavras-chave inclusão digital; web; acessibilidade; ciência da informação; arquitetura da informação.Abstract The current nature of the web, which highlights the collaborative participation of users in various digital informational environments, leads to the development of guidelines that focus on the digital inclusive information architecture for different audiences in diverse informational environments. The study proposes an inclusive digital information environment, aiming to establish the elements of accessibility that  enable the promotion of digital inclusion information in order to highlight the references of digital information architecture, the international recommendations, with the perspective of Information Science and the new information and communication technologies (ICT).Keywords digital inclusion; web; accessibility; information science; information architecture.

Yuliia Korotkova ◽  
Victoriia Romashenko

The article deals with the problem of improving of methodological work with teachers of higher education institutions with specific educational conditions, experience of pedagogical activity of which does not exceed three years. The experience of organizing of methodological work with young teachers in the Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine in the School for improving pedagogical skills is highlighted. In particular, it is noted that training at the School is carried out by organizing, practical and seminar classes with a total volume of 120 hours. The standard plan consists of three content modules: «Theory and practice of teaching and upbringing in higher education school», «Information and communication technologies in education», «Psychological aspects of teaching».

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