scholarly journals Impact of hedonic and utilitarian motivations on behavior of purchasing over internet: A study on womenHedonik ve faydacı tüketim eğilimlerinin internet üzerinden satın alma niyetine etkisi: Kadınlar üzerine bir araştırma

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 171 ◽  
Ayşegül Tavukçu ◽  
Yusuf Volkan Topuz

On the basis of creating a successful customer relations on the internet media lies the ability to understanding the consumer intensions and behaviors.   The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the extent to which the hedonic and utilitatian consumption tendencies of women consumers who purchase through internet affect their purchasing behaviors.  In this study which relies on descriptive and causative study, the data is collected with survey method.  400 participants were reached through the survey prepared in the internet media.  The population comprises women over 18 who purchased through internet in the last three months.  The data obtained is tested using regression analysis.  As a result of the findings obtained, it was determined that the utilitation and hedonic consumption tendencies affected the behavior of purchasing over internet in positive direction and women consumers having utilitatian values have the intention to purchase more over the internet compared to women consumers having hedonic values. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. Özetİnternet ortamında başarılı bir müşteri ilişkileri yapısı oluşturabilmenin temelinde, tüketici niyet ve davranışlarını anlayabilmek yatmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı internetten alışveriş yapan kadın tüketicilerin sahip oldukları hedonik ve faydacı tüketim eğiliminin satın alma niyetini ne ölçüde etkilendiğini ortaya koymaktır. Betimleyici ve nedensel araştırmaya dayalı bu çalışmada veriler anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. İnternet ortamında hazırlanan anket ile 400 katılımcıya ulaşılmıştır. Ana kütle, son üç ay içerisinde internetten alışveriş yapmış 18 yaş üstündeki kadınlardan oluşmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler regresyon analizi kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda, faydacı ve hedonik tüketim eğilimlerin internet üzerinden satın alma niyetini pozitif yönlü olarak etkilediği ve faydacı tüketim eğilimine sahip kadın tüketicilerin hedonik tüketim eğilimine sahip olanlara oranla internet üzerinden daha fazla satın alma niyetine sahip oldukları belirlenmiştir.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sjarifuddin Hasan

Abstract:  Every company engaged in the field of advertising media through  the internet has opportunities and challenges in the move. This study is directed to observe the activities used in advertising through the internet, media quality facebook  as a marketing medium in the e-commerce B2C (business to consumer) and the interaction  between the seller and the buyer (customer) in deciding on the purchase of Batik Keris  in  Jakarta. This issue has subsequently  been formulated  in  accordance with the data collection study variables, namely the advertising data over the internet, facebciok  as its  medium  quality  marketing  B2C  e-commerce,  and  the interaction between the  seller and the buyer  in the purchase decision Batik Keris. This data is compiled riding  100 respondents using a questionnaire and analyzed using regression analysis model. The results of the study showed that the quality of facebook as an intermediary  media marketing  and B2C e-commerce and the interaction  between the seller and the buyer (customer) found positive and significant impact in deciding the purchase of Batik Keris in Jakarta.

Karolina Robert Perčić ◽  
Nenad Perić ◽  
Đuro Kutlača

The acceptance and adoption of Internet media of direct marketing by consumers in the Republic of Serbia as marketing innovations, both in terms of communication between bidders and consumers as well as contemporary purchasing methods, has been presented in this paper. The research in the field of marketing innovations mainly relates to their application by the bidders, and if there is any research on this topic from the perspective of consumers, it is not sufficiently detailed and useful to be of importance for the formulation of marketing strategies in the field of internet marketing. The methodological approach to studying this topic involves the application of a descriptive-analytical method in order to explain marketing innovations and diffusion of knowledge and technologies in internet marketing. The basis for the conducted research, which is empirical by character and has been performed in the period June-July 2017 on the territory of the Republic of Serbia by using the questionnaire survey method, was taken from the research from 2016 - the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) and the Market Research Agency MASMI. The target group are Serbian citizens - consumers aged 15 to 64 (the categories of labor-efficient population) in order to examine what their habits and preferences regarding the use of the direct marketing media are with the aim of being informed about products/services, companies and ordering/purchasing via the Internet. The sample is simple and random. The sample consists of 1532 respondents, and the statistical error is 2.5% (confidence interval 95%). When processing data and interpreting the results, SPSS was used as well as descriptive and comparative statistics (X2-test - chi-squared test, t-test, ANOVA, regression and correlation). There is a statistically significant correlation between the variables - the consumer's age and dependent variables: the frequency of web site visits on the Internet for obtaining information, the frequency of ordering products/services on the web and the frequency of visits and orders via social networks. The number of consumers in Serbia who buy online is increasing from year to year and thus companies need to focus on Internet marketing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ediyansyah M.Pd.I

Media internet membuat hubungan yang jauh menjadi dekat, cepat dan mudah. Ini memberikan banyak manfaat, beberapa dapat memberikan manfaat baik dan buruk, manfaat kebaikan jika digunakan untuk mencari informasi tentang pembelajaran dan kejahatan jika digunakan untuk pornografi, informasi tentang kekerasan, dan lainnya yang negatif termasuk bahaya psikologis karena kecanduan internet. Sumber daya manusia dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa MTS di Tanjung Pinang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media internet terhadap perkembangan psikologis siswa MTS di Tanjung Pinang. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner skala likert. Analisis menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi dan analisis regresi berganda dengan uji prasyarat, analisis korelasi momen produk dan regresi berganda. Besarnya koefisien korelasi antara variabel X dan Y adalah sama dengan 0,201> 0,1654. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada hasil yang diperoleh bahwa ada pengaruh antara media internet terhadap perkembangan psikologis siswa MTS di Tanjung Pinang.   Abstract: The internet media makes a distant relationships be close, fast and easy. This provides many benefits, some can provide good and bad benefits, goodness benefits if used to find information about learning and badness if used for pornography, information about violence, and others that are negative including psychological endanger due to the internet addiction.The human resources in this research are MTS students in Tanjung Pinang. The purpose of these research was to determine the influence of internet media on the psychological development of MTS students in Tanjung Pinang. This is qualitative research. The technique of collecting data using the Likert scale questionnaire. Analysis using correlation analysis techniques and multiple regression analysis with prerequisite tests, product moment correlation analysis and multiple regression.The magnitude of the coefficient correlation between variable X and Y is equal to 0.201 >  0.1654. The conclusions in this reaserch are based on the results obtained that there is an influence between internet media on the development psychological of MTS students in Tanjung Pinang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Munadhil Abdul Muqsith

Abstract:The internet developed for the first time in Indonesia in the early 1990s. Starting from the pagayuban network, it is now expanding without boundaries anywhere. A survey conducted by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) said that the number of internet users in Indonesia in 2012 reached 63 million people or 24.23 percent of the country's total population. Next year, that figure is predicted to increase by close to 30 percent to 82 million users and continue to grow to 107 million in 2014 and 139 million or 50 percent of the total population in 2015. million people. This matter also results in political communication with the internet media, or is often said to be cyber politics. Cyber politics in Indonesia has faced growth in recent years. There are many facilities that support the growth of cyber politics, such as Facebook, Twitter, mailing list, YouTube, and others.Keywords: Cyberpolitik, Internet  Abstrak:Internet berkembang pertama kali di Indonesia pada awal tahun 1990-an. Diawali dari pagayuban network kini berkembang luas tanpa batas dimanapun juga. Suatu survei yang diselenggarakan Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) mengatakan kalau jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia tahun 2012 menggapai 63 juta orang ataupun 24,23 persen dari total populasi negeri ini. Tahun depan, angka itu diprediksi naik dekat 30 persen jadi 82 juta pengguna serta terus berkembang jadi 107 juta pada 2014 serta 139 juta ataupun 50 persen total populasi pada 2015. juta orang. Perihal ini pula berakibat pada komunikasi politik dengan media internet, ataupun kerap diucap dengan cyber politic. Cyber politic di Indonesia hadapi pertumbuhan sebagian tahun terakhir. Banyaknya fasilitas yang menunjang pertumbuhan cyber politic semacam terdapatnya facebook, Twitter, mailing list, youtobe, serta lain-lain.Kata Kunci: Cyberpolitik, Internet 

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 391-400
Rianto Nurcahyo ◽  
Dennis Andry ◽  
Kevin Kevin

The purpose of this study is to identify and understand the factors that can influence the intention to purchase through trust, price, and service quality on consumers This research uses quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents Data analysis method used in this research is simple and multiple regression analysis. The result shows that the three variables used have a positive influence on intention to purchase variable. The most dominant variables in explaining the variation of intention to purchase are service quality variable of 35.5%, the price of 17.2%, and trust of 24.6%. Keywords: service quality, price, trust, intention to purchase

2010 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-132 ◽  
Madeleine Akrich

This paper describes the emergence of new activist groups in the health sector, spinning off from internet discussion groups. In the first part, it shows how self-help discussion groups can be considered as communities of practice in which, partly thanks to the Internet media, collective learning activities result in the constitution of experiencial knowledge, the appropriation of exogenous sources of knowledge, including medical knoweldge and the articulation of these different sources of knowledge in some lay expertise. In the second part, it describes how activist groups might emerge from these discussion groups and develop specific modes of action drawing upon the forms of expertise constituted through the Internet groups. Activists groups together with self-help groups might form epistemic communities ( HAAS 1992 ), i.e. groups of experts engaged in a policy enterprise in which knowledge plays a major role : in the confrontation of health activists with professionals, the capacity to translate political claims into the langage of science appears as a condition to be (even) heard and be taken into consideration.

Hatice Altunkaya

In the present study, emotional intelligence and academic listening skill levels of pre-service teachers and the correlations between these variables were determined. Furthermore, the emotional intelligence levels and academic listening competencies of pre-service teachers were also investigated based on the variables of gender, department, and the preference of the department of study. The study group included 361 freshmen pre-service teachers attending the Faculty of Education and the study was conducted with survey method, a quantitative research method. The study data were collected with the “Academic Listening Skill Competency Scale” and “Rotterdam Emotional Intelligence Scale”. In the study, the regression analysis was conducted to determine the causality between emotional intelligence scores and academic listening skill scores revealed significant findings. The study findings demonstrated that “Total Emotional Intelligence” scores of the students reflected above average emotional intelligence levels. It was determined that the academic listening skill competency scores of the pre-service teachers were above average in both scale sub-dimensions and the total scale score. The results of regression analysis showed that the causality between Total Emotional Intelligence and Total Academic Listening Skills was significant.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Benny Sigiro

This study aimed to investigate the linkages the responsiveness of the budget with public participation, budget transparency and commitment of policy makers in term of local budgeting process. Based on the survey method, data for this study obtained through questionnaires submitted to the respondents include of local governments elements, legislators and public element (citizen, community leaders, NGOs, community organization and other relevant organizations) in Sleman Regency. The data were analyzed to test the hypothesis by using multiple regression analysis. The results of this research showed that public participation, budget transparency and commitment of policy makers, simultaneously and partially has a positive and significant impact on the responsiveness of the budget. The results also confirm the implications and limitations which discussed in the end of the study.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan respon dari anggaran dengan partisipasi masyarakat, transparansi anggaran dan komitmen dari pembuat kebijakan dalam hal proses penganggaran daerah. Berdasarkan metode survei, data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang diajukan kepada responden meliputi pemerintah daerah elemen, legislator dan elemen masyarakat (warga negara, tokoh masyarakat, LSM, organisasi masyarakat dan organisasi terkait lainnya) di Kabupaten Sleman. Data dianalisis untuk menguji hipotesis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi publik, transparansi anggaran dan komitmen dari pembuat kebijakan, secara simultan dan parsial memiliki dampak positif dan signifikan terhadap respon dari anggaran. Hasil ini juga mengkonfirmasi implikasi dan keterbatasan yang dibahas dalam akhir penelitian.

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