scholarly journals Understanding how students perceive the role of ideas for their knowledge work in a knowledge-building environment

Huang-Yao Hong ◽  
Chieh-Hsin Chiu

This study explored how students viewed the role of ideas for knowledge work and how such view was related to their inquiry activities. Data mainly came from students’ online interaction logs, group discussion and inquiry, and a survey concerning the role of ideas for knowledge work. The findings suggest that knowledge building was conducive to developing among students a more informed view of ideas that sees ideas as improvable, real-world objects for collaborative and creative knowledge work, rather than merely as abstract thoughts for achieving an individual’s own knowledge acquisition. Moreover, it was found that how a group views the role of ideas was associated with how they improve the quality of the ideas during their group inquiry.

account ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Imanta Tarigan ◽  
Ali Masjono Muchtar

PERAN KAP DALAM IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM KAMPUS MERDEKA Imanta Tarigan [email protected] [email protected] Joachim Poltak Lian & RekanAli Masjono [email protected] Jurusan akutansi PNJ ABSTRACTThis qualitative research base on KAP Joachim Poltak Lian & Rekan experiences inconducting internship program with PNJ. The objective of the article is identify of probability ofexpanding internship program with PNJ by not only KAP but also other type of industries and also to identify the role of KAP in supporting Kampus Merdeka Curriculum. The result show, KAP plays a dominant role in supporting internship program where KAP has already started the supporting many students to learn and experiencing the real world. The curriculum has already support the need of KAP therefore, this link is possible to be expanded. Keywords: KAP Joachim Poltak Lian & Rekan, Internship, Kampus Merdeka, Kurikulum ABSTRAKArtikel ini merupakan hasil kajian dari pengalaman KAP Joachim Poltak Lian & Rekan danPoliteknik Negeri Jakarta dalam menjalankan program magang bagi mahasiswa. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kemungkinan industri untuk berperan dalam implementasikurikulum kampus merdeka. Kajian ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metodologi kualitatip, dimana dalam pengolahannya melibatkan pihak KAP, PNJ, mahasiswa yang terlibat program magang yang dilakukan dalam satu fokus group discussion. Data dikumpulkan dari berbagai media dan sumber sumber resmi dari kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan dan diolah dengan menggunakan metode compare, contras dan sintesis. Hasilnya menyimpulkan bahwa kerja sama antara KAP dan PNJ telah mempelopori implementasi kurikulum kampus merdeka dan telah memberi manfaat bagi KAP, mahasiswa dan PNJ. Kata kunci: KAP Joachim Poltak Lian & Rekan, Internship, Kampus Merdeka, Currikulum

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-240
Haula Rosdiana ◽  
Maria R.U.D. Tambunan ◽  
Inayati Hifni

Dalam mengoptimalkan penerimaan pajak, pemerintah selayaknya mendesain sistem perpajakan yang berpegang prinsip efisiensi dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek keadil-an dan kesederhana. Dalam sistem perpajakan, hukum formal mempunyai peranan penting dalam mengejawantahkan hukum material, karena itu Undang-undang Ketentu-an Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan (KUP) menjadi salah satu kunci keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan pajak. Mengingat strategisnya peran UU KUP, perlu untuk mereview kembali UU KUP yang saat ini berlaku serta perlu dilakukan suatu penyempurnaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif yang terdiri dari studi literatur dan focus group discussion. Penelitian bertujuan memberikan masukan atas KUP yang saat ini masih dalam proses pembahasan dengan menekankan pada aspek kemudahan (ease of administration), keadilan (equity) dan kepastian hukum (law enforcement). Hasil penelitian ini menekan-kan pada hal-hal terkait (i) perlunya meningkatkan basis data perpajakan, (ii) perlunya menjalankan kemudahan administrasi yang berdasarkan ketentuan yang tegas, jelas, dan sederhana, (iii) penegakan hukum yang tegas, (iv) adanya sanksi yang sebanding dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh wajib pajak, dan (v) peningkatan kualitas layanan dan profesionalisme petugas pajak. Kajian ini diharapkan mampu mendorong terwujudnya regulasi perpajakan pro terhadap optimalisasi penerimaan tanpa mencede-rai hak-hak wajib pajak. Proposal for Amendment of Formal Law on Taxation Procedure  In optimizing tax revenue, the government should design a taxation system that adheres to the principle of efficiency, justice and simplicity. In the taxation system, formal law has an important role in manifesting laws, therefore laws and taxation procedures (KUP) are one of the keys to the successful implementation of tax policies. Considering the strategic role of the KUP Law, it is necessary to review the KUP Law which is currently in force and needs to be improved. This study uses a qualitative approach with qualitative data collection techniques consisting of literature studies and focus group discussions. The research aims to provide input on KUP which is currently still in the process of discussion by emphasizing aspects of ease (ease of administration), justice (equity) and legal certainty (law enforcement). The results emphasize issues related to (i) the need to increase the taxation database, (ii) the need to carry out administrative facilities based on firm, clear and simple provisions, (iii) strict law enforcement, (iv) comparable sanctions with violations committed by taxpayers and (v) improving the quality of service and professionalism of tax officials. This study is expected to be able to encourage the realization of tax regulations that are pro to the optimization of revenue without harming the rights of taxpayers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-179 ◽  
David C. Klonoff

Real-world evidence (RWE) is the clinical evidence about benefits or risks of medical products derived from analyzing real world data (RWD), which are data collected through routine clinical practice. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of RWE studies, how these studies differ from randomized controlled trials (RCTs), how to overcome barriers to current skepticism about RWE, how FDA is using RWE, how to improve the quality of RWE, and finally the future of RWE trials.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Santi Riana Dewi ◽  
Andari Andari ◽  
Martina Rahmawati Masitoh

This community service is carried out by lecturers at the university, in order to participate actively in improving the quality of human resources through counseling and workshops. Counseling and workshops carried out are related to efforts to increase motivation, innovation and creativity in MSMEs, especially handicrafts made from beads. The results of MSMEs in the form of handicrafts from beads are still very much needed to be continuously improved. Besides that the market for bead creativity products is still very widely opened. The results of these beadsare  in the form of prayer beads and various women's jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces. The handicrafts are chosen because the method of making them is quite easy and the ingredients needed are easy to obtain. The method used in this service is participatory approach, and the respondents consist of the community as business actors. Respondents also participated directly in the focus group discussion, interviews, training, workshops, consuls, and executions. Through the implementation of this service it is hoped that it will be able to encourage the growth and development of MSMEs to improve community welfare and improve the quality of the active role of lecturers as a form of concern for improving the quality of human resources in the community. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Reginawanti Hindersah ◽  
Sondi Kuswaryan

ABSTRAKSebagian sawah di  Kecamatan Sukaratu, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya tertimbun material letusan Gunung Galunggung pada 1982 sehingga kualitas sawah tidak sebaik sebelum letusan. Peningkatan kualitas tanah sawah dapat dilakukan dengan bahan organik dan pupuk hayati. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dasar tentang pupuk hayati kepada petani di desa Sinagar dan Linggajati serta meningkatkan keterampilan petani dalam aplikasi pupuk hayati disertai kompos. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, telah dilakukan diskusi kelompok terfokus dan penyuluhan mengenai pupuk hayati, praktek pembuatan kompos dan apliksi pupuk hayati konsorsium di sawah. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah 20 orang petani memahami  peran mikroba dan pupuk kotoran ternak serta komps dalam produksi tanaman; tetapi  mereka belum mampu membuat pupuk organik sesuai standard. Hanya satu orang petani yang mengaplikasikan pupuk hayati disertai penambahan kompos di tanah sawah sehingga meningkatkan produksi sebesar 1%.  Program ini memberikan gambaran bahwa teknologi pupuk hayati dapat diadopsi oleh petani di Kecamatan Sukaratu.Kata kunci: bahan Organik;  kotoran ternak; padi sawah; pupuk hayati.ABSTRACTSome of the paddy fields in Sukaratu Sub-district, Tasikmalaya Regency were buried by Mount Galunggung's eruption material in 1982 so that the quality of soil was worse than that before the eruption. Improving the quality of paddy soil can be established with biological fertilizers. The purpose of this community service was to introduce the basic knowledge about biofertilizer to farmers in the Sinagar and Linggajati Village; and to improve farmers' skills in the application of biological fertilizers and compost. To achieve the goals, we conducted a focused group discussion, short extension program on biological fertilizers, compost production, and consortium biofertilizer application in paddy fields. The result verified that 20 farmers has knowledge about the role of beneficial microbes, manure and compost for plant production but they did not able to prepare standardized organic matter. However one farmer was interested to apply biofertilizers along with compost to paddy fields. This program illustrates that biofertilizer technology can be adopted by farmer in Sukaratu Sub-district.Key Words: biofertilizer; cattle manure; organic matter; paddy soil

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3S) ◽  
pp. 4636
T. V. Pavlova

The introduction of evidence-based medicine into practical healthcare provides physicians with the opportunity to use treatment approaches, which have been proven to be effective in randomized controlled trials. In this case, it is necessary to consider using the medication in a particular patient in accordance with the design of clinical trials and strictly follow the instructions. Drugs should be critically selected with focus on quality of available efficacy and safety data obtained in the population closest to a patient. In addition, clinicians should regularly review the available data with particular regard to its quality. The advantages, disadvantages, limitations and methodological problems of observational studies should be carefully considered during the interpretation of results. At the same time, the compliance of the results of real-world evidence studies with registration trial data indicates a high reproducibility of medication effects.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-225
Jasmi Ati ◽  
Firman F Wirakusumah ◽  
Hadyana Sukandar ◽  
Farid Husin ◽  
Yudi Mulyana Hidayat ◽  

Maternal mortality rate is an important indicator of public health quality. Most of the causes of maternal mortality are preventable factors such as patients, health workers, health facilities and referral. The purpose of this study was to analyze of the role of factors maternal mortality could have been prevented to delays in referral and treatment. This is a sequential explanatory mixed method research. The first stage is carried out through quantitative cross sectional study with data capture as much as 65 maternal mortality could have been prevented retrieved from 2015’s Maternal Perinatal Audit (AMP) documents  in Karawang Regency. The second stage is through qualitative approach with Focused Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews.The results of quantitative research shows that the majority (52 cases or 80,0%) of maternal mortality could have been prevented with delays in referral and treatment and there is a significant role of patient factors, health workers, health facilities with delays in referral and treatment while the referral factor does not have a significant role. Qualitative research results indicate that maternal mortality is caused by patient factors such as mother’s attitude toward risk, delayed and/or refusing treatment; factors of health workers due to lack of early detection, poor quality of service, lack of skilled professionals and late treatment; health facilities factors due to poor facility; referral factors such as referral refusal, referral inaccuracies and referral delays due to patient’s financial factor and team coordination and cross-sectoral cooperation is also contributing factors. The failure of early detection and decision-making due to lack of capacity of health personnel to recognize and capture high-risk cases and failure to effectively provide information, education and communication (KIE) are factors that cause delays in referral and treatment. Therefore, active participation of society, stakeholders, health professionals and policy makers are required to improve the quality of obstetric care to reduce maternal mortality.   Kematian maternal menjadi indikator penting derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Sebagian besar penyebab kematian maternal dapat dicegah meliputi faktor pasien, tenaga kesehatan, fasilitas kesehatan dan rujukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis peran faktor penyebab kematian maternal yang dapat dicegah terhadap keterlambatan rujukan dan penanganan. Desain penelitian menggunakan sequensial eksplanatory mixed method. Tahap pertama secara kuantitatif yaitu cross sectional dengan pengambilan data dari dokumen Audit Maternal Perinatal (AMP) tahun 2015 sebanyak 65 kematian maternal yang dapat dicegah di Kabupaten Karawang. Tahap kedua secara kualitatif melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif menunjukkan sebagian besar kematian maternal yang dapat dicegah mengalami keterlambatan rujukan dan penanganan yaitu 52 kasus (80,0%) dan terdapat peran yang bermakna dari faktor pasien, tenaga kesehatan, fasilitas kesehatan terhadap keterlambatan rujukan dan penanganan sedangkan faktor rujukan tidak terdapat peran yang bermakna. Hasil penelitian kualitatif didapatkan penyebab dari faktor pasien karena karakteristik ibu berisiko, terlambat mencari penanganan dan menolak pengobatan, dari faktor tenaga kesehatan karena kurangnya deteksi dini dan kualitas pelayanan, kurangnya tenaga profesional dan terlambat penanganan, dari faktor fasilitas kesehatan karena kurang fasilitas, dari faktor rujukan karena menolak rujukan, kurang tepatnya rujukan dan keterlambatan rujukan terkait biaya dan koordinasi tim serta kerja sama lintas sektor juga merupakan faktor yang berperan. Keterlambatan deteksi dini dan pengambilan keputusan karena kurangnya kemampuan tenaga kesehatan mengenali dan menjaring kasus risiko tinggi serta tidak efektif memberikan komunikasi informasi dan edukasi (KIE) yang menyebabkan keterlambatan rujukan dan penanganan. Diperlukan peran serta masyarakat, stakeholder, tenaga kesehatan dan pengambil kebijakan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kebidanan untuk menurunkan kematian maternal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Suwarni Suwarni ◽  
Sri Sulistiani

Short story of Java language is one genre in modern Javanese literature. Short story (cerpen) in a modern Javanese literature termed insufficient story (cerkak). The focus of this study of short stories is the Java language short stories contained in the Java-language magazines, such as magazines and periodicals Panyebar Jaya Baya spirit. Both of these magazines is a barometer of Javanese literature in East Java. This paper mengulik about how the position of women in the Java language short stories in 2002 ?; the extent of short stories in 2002 Java language reflects the role and status of women as found in the real world ?; and can speak Javanese short story of 2002 is used as one of the media in an effort to improve the quality of women? This paper argues that there are substantive role and the role of Achievement in the short story is the role of women outside the home, for example, the role of women in associations, organizations, and the role of world prestatif. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 09 (01) ◽  
pp. 59-61
Ghanshyam Biswas ◽  
Avinash Pandey ◽  
Nikhil Ghadyalpatil ◽  
Nilesh Lokeshwar ◽  
Boben Thomas ◽  

Abstract Introduction: Anemia is a common, underestimated problem in cancer patients receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy and has significant adverse effect on the quality of life and outcome. Darbepoetin has been shown to be effective in this setting, but controversy surrounds it actual use. Methods: We analyzed prospectively collected clinical practice data of patients receiving darbepoetin in a real-world setting for this retrospective audit. Patients with baseline hemoglobin (Hb) of <11 g/dl were included in this analysis. Their medical records were audited using a predetermined 35-point pro forma. Results: There were a total of 274 patients with advanced cancer receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy who had baseline Hb <11 g/dl and who were given darbepoetin. Head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma, lung cancer, and breast cancer were the most common cancers. Their median baseline Hb was 8.9 g/dl which rose to 11.2 g/dl at the end of commenced therapy, along with improved symptomatology. There were no new toxicities, and only two patients required discontinuation of darbepoetin due to toxicity. Conclusion: Darbepoetin is safe and effective in the prevention and management of anemia among patients receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Alwan Sri Kustono ◽  
Ardhya Yudistira Adi Nanggala

This study aims to analyze the effect of professionalism and the existence of inspectorate on the quality of health center financial statements in Situbondo Regency. This study uses a qualitative phenomenological approach because it deals with social phenomena as well as their interactions with certain environments and conditions. Informants are selected from health center’s accounting personnel. The method of collecting data is focus group discussion. The results show that professionalism has an effect on the quality of financial statements because professional employees are skilled employees in the field and will carry out their tasks seriously and responsibly, understand the rules, be objective and be oriented to quality results. The existence of inspectorates encourages the health center to conduct financial reporting in accordance with applicable standards because of the aspects of supervision and coaching.

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