scholarly journals Peran Pelatihan Dan Workshop Bagi Peningkatan Motivasi, Inovasi Dan Kreativitas Pada Umkm Kerajinan Tangan Dari Manik-Manik

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Santi Riana Dewi ◽  
Andari Andari ◽  
Martina Rahmawati Masitoh

This community service is carried out by lecturers at the university, in order to participate actively in improving the quality of human resources through counseling and workshops. Counseling and workshops carried out are related to efforts to increase motivation, innovation and creativity in MSMEs, especially handicrafts made from beads. The results of MSMEs in the form of handicrafts from beads are still very much needed to be continuously improved. Besides that the market for bead creativity products is still very widely opened. The results of these beadsare  in the form of prayer beads and various women's jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces. The handicrafts are chosen because the method of making them is quite easy and the ingredients needed are easy to obtain. The method used in this service is participatory approach, and the respondents consist of the community as business actors. Respondents also participated directly in the focus group discussion, interviews, training, workshops, consuls, and executions. Through the implementation of this service it is hoped that it will be able to encourage the growth and development of MSMEs to improve community welfare and improve the quality of the active role of lecturers as a form of concern for improving the quality of human resources in the community. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-240
Haula Rosdiana ◽  
Maria R.U.D. Tambunan ◽  
Inayati Hifni

Dalam mengoptimalkan penerimaan pajak, pemerintah selayaknya mendesain sistem perpajakan yang berpegang prinsip efisiensi dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek keadil-an dan kesederhana. Dalam sistem perpajakan, hukum formal mempunyai peranan penting dalam mengejawantahkan hukum material, karena itu Undang-undang Ketentu-an Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan (KUP) menjadi salah satu kunci keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan pajak. Mengingat strategisnya peran UU KUP, perlu untuk mereview kembali UU KUP yang saat ini berlaku serta perlu dilakukan suatu penyempurnaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif yang terdiri dari studi literatur dan focus group discussion. Penelitian bertujuan memberikan masukan atas KUP yang saat ini masih dalam proses pembahasan dengan menekankan pada aspek kemudahan (ease of administration), keadilan (equity) dan kepastian hukum (law enforcement). Hasil penelitian ini menekan-kan pada hal-hal terkait (i) perlunya meningkatkan basis data perpajakan, (ii) perlunya menjalankan kemudahan administrasi yang berdasarkan ketentuan yang tegas, jelas, dan sederhana, (iii) penegakan hukum yang tegas, (iv) adanya sanksi yang sebanding dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh wajib pajak, dan (v) peningkatan kualitas layanan dan profesionalisme petugas pajak. Kajian ini diharapkan mampu mendorong terwujudnya regulasi perpajakan pro terhadap optimalisasi penerimaan tanpa mencede-rai hak-hak wajib pajak. Proposal for Amendment of Formal Law on Taxation Procedure  In optimizing tax revenue, the government should design a taxation system that adheres to the principle of efficiency, justice and simplicity. In the taxation system, formal law has an important role in manifesting laws, therefore laws and taxation procedures (KUP) are one of the keys to the successful implementation of tax policies. Considering the strategic role of the KUP Law, it is necessary to review the KUP Law which is currently in force and needs to be improved. This study uses a qualitative approach with qualitative data collection techniques consisting of literature studies and focus group discussions. The research aims to provide input on KUP which is currently still in the process of discussion by emphasizing aspects of ease (ease of administration), justice (equity) and legal certainty (law enforcement). The results emphasize issues related to (i) the need to increase the taxation database, (ii) the need to carry out administrative facilities based on firm, clear and simple provisions, (iii) strict law enforcement, (iv) comparable sanctions with violations committed by taxpayers and (v) improving the quality of service and professionalism of tax officials. This study is expected to be able to encourage the realization of tax regulations that are pro to the optimization of revenue without harming the rights of taxpayers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 225-230
Anisah Ardiana ◽  
Alfid Tri Afandi ◽  
Ninna Rohmawati ◽  
Ardiyan Dwi Masahida

Abstract: Stunting refers to a chronic undernutrition that make children look smaller than children in their age. In the program of community service, role of cadre (a health volunteer) is very important to disseminate the information about stunting to community. Increase cadre’s knowledge and encourage them to be more confidence when giving the information to community about stunting and local food that can meet childreen nutrition requirement to prevent stunting in community. This program is the second year program of community service to continue the evaluation from last year program. This program is specilally for cadre in Sumberkalong village. Each meeting was conducted through focus discussion group about prevention of stunting. Then, cadres disseminated the information to community including, pregnant women, newly marriage couple and toddler moms by visiting their home or door-to-door. There were 10 cadres who participate in the communitity service in the phase of year 1 until year 2 thouroughly. Three cadres were active and often asked some questions during meeting sessions. Some others were active if they were encouraged to ask or to give an opinion. Cadres explained that cadres' knowledge increase after joining several meeting session and focus group discussion. The cadres disseminated the information to the community with confidence. Program of community service which using a focus group discussion is considered effective to increased cadres’ knowledge. Focus group discussion can be employed in encouraging cadres in the community service program.Keywords: cadre’s knowledge;  focus group discussion; stunting.Abstrak: Stunting merupakan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada tubuh dan otak yang diakibatkan keadaan kurang gizi dalam waktu yang lama. Sehingga, anak stunted memiliki tubuh yang lebih pendek dari anak normal seusianya. Peran kader kesehatan sangat penting dalam mendesiminasikan informasi kesehatan, termasuk informasi terkait pencegahan stunting anak balita di masyarakat, untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kader kesehatan dan kemampuan kader kesehatan tentang stunting dan zat gizi lokal yang dapat membantu pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi untuk mencegah stunting di masyarakat. Kegiatan ini merupakan program pengabdian kepada masyarakan tahun ke-2 yang berfokus pada pemberdayaan kader kesehatan Desa Sumberkalong Kecamata Kalisat Kabupaten Jember. Setiap pertemuan kegiatan dilaksanakn Focus Group Discussion (FGD) bersama para kader kesehatan yang membahas pencegahan stunting. Kemudian, kader kesehatan mendesiminasikan informaasi yang telah diperoleh dari tim pelaksana program pengabdian kepada masyarakat, meliputi ibu-ibu yang memiliki anak usia balita, ibu hamil dan pasangan usia subur dengan melakukan kunjungan ke secara door-to-door ke rumah. Terdapat 10 kader kesehatan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tahun ke-1 dan tahun ke-2. Sebanyak 3 kader yang aktif bertanya selama proses pertemuan dengan tim pelaksana pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Sebagain kader bertanya atau memberikan pendapatnya jika diminta. Seluruh kader menyampaikan bahwa pengetahuan kader meningkat selama mengikuti rangkaian pertemuan dan FGD.Kata kunci: Focus Group Discussion (FGD); pengetahuan kader; stunting.

Harsono Harsono ◽  
Sigit Sugiharto ◽  
Rinayati Rinayati

Abstrack Pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini menitikberatkan dan berfokus pada upaya pendampingan terhadap kader posyandu dalam melakukan analisis dan pengambilan keputusan data pelaporan posyandu balita yang bermuara pada peningkatan pelayanan posyandu balita dilingkungan RW 9 Kelurahan Gondoriyo Ngaliyan SemarangTujuan dari pelaksanaan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah pendampingan dan pembuatan aplikasi berbasis android yang memudahkan kader dalam melakukan analisis data dan pengambilan keputusan terkait dengan data posyandu balita di RW IX Kelurahan Gondoriyo Ngaliyan SemarangMetode dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi perijinan dari wilayah setempat, pengumpulan data, perancangan dan pembuatan aplikasi, uji coba aplikasi, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) peran kader posyandu balita, pelatihan dan simulasi aplikasi posyandu berbasis androidHasil dari evaluasi pelaksanaan PKM ini terlihat adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan kader dalam melakukan analisis dan pengambilan keputusan data posyandu balita melalui aplikasi android sehingga yang harapanya dapat meningkatkan pelayanan posyandu balita Kata Kunci: Analisis, Pengambilan Keputusan, Kader Posyandu Balita   Abstrack The implementation of this PKM activity focues and focues on providing assistance to posyandu cadres in analyzing and making data decision on posyandu reporting for toddlers which leads to improving posyandu services for toddlers in RW 9 Gondoriyo Ngaliyan Semarang     The purpose of the implementation of Community Service (PKM) is assistance and development of android-based application that make it easier for cadres to analyze data and make decisions related to data on posyandu under five at RW IX Gondoriyo Ngaliyan Semarang     The method of implementing this PKM activity includes licensing from the local area, data collection, designing and making applications, application trials, focus group discussion (FGD) of the role of posyandu cadres for toddlers, training and simulation of Android-based posyandu applicationThe results of the evaluation of the implementation of this PKM show an increase in the knowledge and ability of cadres in analyzing and making decisions on posyandu toddler data through an android application so that the hope can improve posyandu services for toddlers Keyword : Analysis, Decision Making, Posyandu Toddler Cadres 

There is intense concern about the liveability aspect of the affordable housing schemes in the Malaysia context. Thus, this paper provides a qualitative evaluation to determine the affordable housing liveability dimensions. This was accomplished by conducting the focus group discussion with a sample of 11 participants consisting of experts from government bodies, public and private universities and non-government organisations. A content analysis was used to determine the dimensions of affordable housing liveability. The analyses revealed that, affordable housing liveability is conceptualized as a composite of seven dimensions such as physical aspects, community and neighbourhood, public amenities, economic development, residence wellbeing, safety and security, and psychology impact. The findings will be useful to policymakers, urban planners, and developers to undertake a more active role in providing better quality of affordable housing.

Yesa Cahayaning

Parenting patterns depend on how a family environment forms rules (behavior, norms and values) that must be obeyed by family members. This parenting pattern is formed by parents consisting of fathers and mothers to provide education to their children so that it can imprint on the child and make characteristics and personal for the child. So the mayor of Surabaya held the Kampung'e Arek Suroboyo education village competition which was one of the Surabaya City Government's programs in promoting the development of the quality of human resources (HR). Thus mandating "the community is obliged and responsible for the protection of children through the activities of the community's role in the implementation of child protection. The conclusion of this community service activity is the creation of this Education Village aims to create an educational, safe, comfortable, friendly, healthy, creative, creative environment and literacy for the child's growth and development process in community support that guarantees the fulfillment of children's rights and seeks optimal child protection.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Ismaiza Busti ◽  
Mahyudin Ritonga ◽  
Ahmad Lahmi ◽  

The Head of Madrasah has a role in various matters related to improving the quality of both human resources and infrastructure in each madrasah he leads, teachers as human resources elements in madrasahs need strategic steps taken by the head of madrasah to improve their professionalism, this research aims to explore how the role of madarasah head in improving teacher competence in MTs Istiqamah Talu Talamau Subdistrict. Research is designed with an explorative qualitative approach, namely a study that aims to find the role performed by the head of madrasah through the search of various sources, the source of this research is madrasah supervisors, teachers in MTs Istiqamah and madarasah heads as a form of confirmation, to obtain data from the specified sources, in this research used observation techniques, interviews, documentation studies and focus group discussions, data analysis used is descriptive qualitative. The result of the research is that the head of madrasah plays a role in increasing the professionalism of teachers in the form of informative, coordinate, consultative and informative.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Reginawanti Hindersah ◽  
Sondi Kuswaryan

ABSTRAKSebagian sawah di  Kecamatan Sukaratu, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya tertimbun material letusan Gunung Galunggung pada 1982 sehingga kualitas sawah tidak sebaik sebelum letusan. Peningkatan kualitas tanah sawah dapat dilakukan dengan bahan organik dan pupuk hayati. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dasar tentang pupuk hayati kepada petani di desa Sinagar dan Linggajati serta meningkatkan keterampilan petani dalam aplikasi pupuk hayati disertai kompos. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, telah dilakukan diskusi kelompok terfokus dan penyuluhan mengenai pupuk hayati, praktek pembuatan kompos dan apliksi pupuk hayati konsorsium di sawah. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah 20 orang petani memahami  peran mikroba dan pupuk kotoran ternak serta komps dalam produksi tanaman; tetapi  mereka belum mampu membuat pupuk organik sesuai standard. Hanya satu orang petani yang mengaplikasikan pupuk hayati disertai penambahan kompos di tanah sawah sehingga meningkatkan produksi sebesar 1%.  Program ini memberikan gambaran bahwa teknologi pupuk hayati dapat diadopsi oleh petani di Kecamatan Sukaratu.Kata kunci: bahan Organik;  kotoran ternak; padi sawah; pupuk hayati.ABSTRACTSome of the paddy fields in Sukaratu Sub-district, Tasikmalaya Regency were buried by Mount Galunggung's eruption material in 1982 so that the quality of soil was worse than that before the eruption. Improving the quality of paddy soil can be established with biological fertilizers. The purpose of this community service was to introduce the basic knowledge about biofertilizer to farmers in the Sinagar and Linggajati Village; and to improve farmers' skills in the application of biological fertilizers and compost. To achieve the goals, we conducted a focused group discussion, short extension program on biological fertilizers, compost production, and consortium biofertilizer application in paddy fields. The result verified that 20 farmers has knowledge about the role of beneficial microbes, manure and compost for plant production but they did not able to prepare standardized organic matter. However one farmer was interested to apply biofertilizers along with compost to paddy fields. This program illustrates that biofertilizer technology can be adopted by farmer in Sukaratu Sub-district.Key Words: biofertilizer; cattle manure; organic matter; paddy soil

Usep Sahrudin

ABSTRAKPeran Pustakawan dalam pengelolaan dan penerbitan jurnal ilmiah berdasarkan pengalaman dari pengelola jurnal Sosiohumaniora, Bionatura, Dharmakarya dan  Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat di Universitas Padjadjaran, tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini, yaitu: (1) berbagi pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan jurnal serta manfaatnya bagi pustakawan; (2) menjelaskan peran pustakawan dalam pengelolaan dan penerbitan jurnal ilmiah; dan (3) menunjukkan kegiatan atau pekerjaan yang dapat diklaim sebagai angka kredit pustakawan ketika menjadi pengelola jurnal online. Metode yang digunakan metode kualitatif- deskriptif.  Metode kualitatif adalah ”disebut pula metode  penelitian  naturalistik karena penelitiannya dilakukan  pada kondisi yang alamiah. Pendekatan deskriptif adalah ” suatu penelitian yang  didasarkan pada data yang ada atau penyelidikan  yang  bertujuan pada pemecahan masalah.  Peran pustakawan sebagai pengelola jurnal ilmiah perlu pula masuk dalam kompetensi pustakawan karena berkaitan dengan keahlian pustakawan dalam memberikan layanan informasi. Dengan demikian, adanya peran aktif pustakawan di berbagai lembaga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah di Indonesia. Kata Kunci : pengelolaan, penerbitan, jurnal online, administrator jurnal ROLE OF LIBRARY IN MANAGEMENTAND PUBLISHING SCIENTIFIC JOURNALSABSTRACTThe role of librarians in the management and publication of scientific journals is based on the experience of the managers of the journal Sosiohumaniora, Bionatura, Dharmakarya and the Community Service Journal at Padjadjaran University, the objectives of writing this article: (2) explain the role of librarians in the management and publication of scientific journals; and (3) showing activities or work that can be claimed as librarian credit numbers when managing the journal. The method used is qualitative-descriptive method. Qualitative methods are "also called naturalistic research methods because their research is carried out in natural conditions". Descriptive approach is "a study based on existing data or an investigation aimed at solving problems. The role of librarians as managers of scientific journals also needs to be included in librarian competencies because they are related to librarian expertise in providing information services. Thus, the active role of librarians in various institutions is expected to improve the quality of managing scientific journals in Indonesia. Keywords: management, publishing, online journals, journal administrator 

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 13010
Ida Hayu Dwimawanti ◽  
Endang Larasati Setianingsih

Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) is a legal entity State University. Therefore, Undip is required to improve the quality of service. Human resources are the important aspect in improving services in Undip. The development of human resources in Undip is necessary; in the form of learning task, research and dedication, training, comparative study, professorships program, awards, coaching and career development. In this modern world, one aspect that needs to be considered is the ability of human resources in using IT. For example, Undip has to make sure that lecturers are required and able to write published scientific journals online. This research concluded that the success of human resource development in Undip depends on th Rector, employee commitment in the field of human resources of Undip, and the role of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) in encouraging and monitoring the implementation of research, dedication, and training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 143-150
Fajar Fandi Atmaja ◽  
Syaifulloh Yusuf ◽  

Purpose: This community service aimed to strengthen human resources for takmir (mosque manager), mosque youth, parents, and the community in implementing a child-friendly and Covid-19 safe mosque management system. Method: The method used in this community event was Focus Group Discussion, training, and practice. These three methods were used to accommodate the community services. Results: The results of this community service show that the participants understand, know, and use the facilities wisely which established the child-friendly and Covid-19 safe mosque management system. Conclusions: This service is strengthening the human resources of takmirs, mosque youth, parents and the community. The activities carried out are training for mosque management, training for TPA teachers, establishing a children's reading corner, installing Wifi, and establishing a child-friendly and safe Covid-19 mosque organization board. Keywords: Mosque management, Child-friendly, Covid-19 safe, Educational character

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