Self-Development of the Future Teacher of Chemistry, through Bilingual Education, in Accordance with New Requirements of Professional Standards

Svetlana S. Kosmodemyanskaya
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Yana Vitalievna Saiko

Self-image and career orientations determine the formation and development of the future teacher as part of career advancement and professional socialization. During university studies there is a formation and development of career orientations, as well as a change of self-perception in future teachers. By understanding the prospects for career advancement and comparing them with educational opportunities and abilities, the future teacher can successfully direct self-development at achieving career goals. The effectiveness of career planning of a teacher depends largely on his/her self-confidence and ideas about career orientations, his/her satisfaction with professional activity, the consistency of professional and personal development. Aim. The purpose of the article is to identify the relationship between self-image and career orientations of future teachers. Materials and methods. The study involved 162 students of the South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University aged from 17 to 24 years. The study was based on two methods: “Career Anchors” (E. Shane), which determine the career orientations of a person; life-orientation (D.A. Leontiev), allowing to assess the degree of conviction of the subject in the ability to control his/her own life. To determine the relationship between the two variables, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used with SPSS Statistics v. 22. Results: an empirical study conducted on a sample of future teachers (n = 162) showed that there were significant correlations between self-perception and career orientations. Dependencies between two career orientations (“service”, “challenge”) with self-image (“The master of life”, “I control my life”), characterized by the ability to influence the life of the teacher, were revealed. The dominant (“work stability”, “service” and “integration of lifestyles”) and weakly expressed (“residence stability”) career orientations of future teachers were determined. It is shown that future teachers expressed a desire to shape themselves as a specialist, to transfer their experience and knowledge to their students, to embody their universal human, spiritual and moral values and ideas in their work. Students were convinced that they would be able to make the right decisions and cope with any professional difficulties. Conclusion. The results allow us to conclude that there are significant correlations between self-perceptions and career orientations in future teachers. Self-image largely determines the goals and values of the future teacher in the field of educational activities. Self-perception determines the semantic side of career orientations, while the degree of understanding of the leading career orientations affects the personal and professional development of students during training, as well as their ideas about themselves. By receiving education, future teachers strive for self-development and self-realization in the framework of "horizontal career" and clearly demonstrate their willingness to serve people and society, which confirms the need to support and develop the autopsychological competence of future teachers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (31) ◽  
I. Kamenska

The article deals with topical issues of professional training of future teachers. The essence of the concepts of «self-development» and «self-improvement» was revealed, the significance of pedagogical practice as a factor of professional self-development and self-improvement of the future teacher was substantiated. It was revealed that effective preparation of participants in the educational process in educational institutions is possible due to the strengthening of the practical orientation of students' training. That is, pedagogical practice is the initial stage in the system of professional training, the first part of the practical mastering of the pedagogical profession. It promotes the deepening and systematization of knowledge gained by students in the process of studying specialized disciplines, as well as the development of information competence of future professionals. Pedagogical practice provides a combination of theoretical training of students with their practical pedagogical activity in the conditions of educational institutions of different types and promotes the formation of a creative attitude towards future professional activities, deepening and systematization of the knowledge gained by students in the process of theoretical training; self-development and self-improvement of future teachers. In this period, the foundations of professional activity of future specialists are laid, professional qualities are formed, the ability to self-development, self-realization and interest in the future profession are revealed.It is established that proper organization of pedagogical practice contributes to professional growth of the future teachers, development of abilities, allows to create external and internal conditions for self-development of the student. Thus, continuous self-education and self-improvement are the only way that allows a modern educator to become a real professional, to develop professional competence.Keywords: professional competence, self-development, self-improvement, pedagogue, educational process.І. Каменська, кандидат сільськогосподарських наук,  Професійне становлення майбутнього педагога у навчальному процесі за рахунок педагогічної практики / ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди»,  Україна, Київська обл., м. Переяслав-ХмельницькийВ статті розглянуто актуальні питання професійної підготовки  майбутніх педагогів. Розкрито суть понять «саморозвиток» та «самовдосконалення», обґрунтовано значення педагогічної практики, як чинника професійного саморозвитку та самовдосконалення майбутнього педагога. З’ясовано, що ефективна підготовка учасників освітнього процесу у закладах освіти можлива за рахунок посилення практичної спрямованості навчання студентів. Тобто, педагогічна практика – це початковий етап у системі фахової підготовки, перша ланка практичного засвоєння педагогічної професії. Вона сприяє поглибленню і систематизації знань, отриманих студентами в процесі вивчення профільних дисциплін, а також розвитку інформаційної компетенції майбутніх фахівців. Педагогічна практика забезпечує поєднання теоретичної підготовки студентів з їх практичною педагогічною діяльністю в умовах навчальних закладів різних типів і сприяє формуванню творчого відношення до майбутньої професійної діяльності, поглибленню та систематизації знань, одержаних студентами в процесі теоретичного навчання; до саморозвитку та самовдосконалення, майбутніх педагогів. В цей період закладаються основи професійної діяльності майбутніх фахівців, формуються професійні якості, розкривається здібність до саморозвитку, самореалізації та інтерес до майбутньої професії.Встановлено, що правильна організація педагогічної практики сприяє професійному росту майбутніх педагогів, розвитку здібностей, дозволяє створити зовнішні та внутрішні умови для саморозвитку студентів. Таким чином, постійне самовиховання та самовдосконалення – єдиний шлях, який дозволить сучасному педагогу стати справжнім професіоналом, розвинути професійну компетентність.Ключові слова: професійна компетентність, саморозвиток, самовдосконалення, педагог, навчальний процес.

M. Byrka ◽  
O. Chubrey

This article discusses auto-psychological competence as a system of characteristics that provide a high level of professional competence. Determination of the auto-psychological competence is connected with the fact that a person involved in professional activities should know his / her individual characteristics, abilities and inclinations and use them as means of realizing this activity. In addition, the auto-psychological competence acts as a factor contributing to the professional development of a person, where decisive importance is acquired to: need for self-organization in professional activities, independence and self-responsibility of the future teacher. The auto-psychological competence as a component of professional competence contributes to the conscious perception of the future teacher of their activities and, accordingly, allows them to manage the processes of self-development and self-education in professional activities, as well as provides a concentration of individual experience for solving professional problems.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 5021-5028
Khushnud Yakubov, Anbarjon Egamova

The ongoing renewal of educational technologies in higher education, the introduction of innovative didactics, the formation of the education, development, and personal growth systems of the future specialist within the university are faced initially with a number of intractable psychological and pedagogical problems. The most significant of them are associated with the fact that not all teachers are ready today to become the innovative personnel in their field of specialization. of innovation [1]. It is more and more obvious that the creativeness of an individual cannot be the result of mass systems and forms of education. Modern education on the verge of entering the information age can become a cultural space that will allow a person to acquire a new cultural identity. But at the same time, the world of education must change itself significantly. Determination of the personal qualities of the future teacher, the characteristics of his professional activity and progress, the formation of self-development skills is today one of the main directions of improving teacher training. The preparation of a future teacher should be built as a system of conditions for ensuring the professional and self development. It is necessary that a novice teacher theoretically and practically be able to analyze his or her own professional capabilities and, on this basis, be able to form a routine for his own further professional growth at any stage of professional activity. This can be achieved by creating a desire of future be ready for professional self-development. A pedagogical institution needs to prepare future specialists for creative pedagogical activity, in which the acquired professional skills will be a means of developing the student's personality as well. The most important component of such training is an advanced creative imagination and the ability to evolve it. If in-depth knowledge is a platform for training a new generation of competent specialists, then creative activity is a springboard that gives them an advantage in everyday professional field, therefore, at the moment, the need to develop a technology for developing creative skills of students of the pedagogical institutions is of especial relevance

Майер ◽  
Aleksey Mayer

Students’ training technologies for innovation activity are represented from the perspective of competence approach. Directions, stages and algorithm of the future teacher training management are given. The examples of technology realization, which trigger the mechanism of teacher’s self-development, are presented. Program management structure and logic in the process of future teachers training is proved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3D) ◽  
pp. 153-158
Myroslav Kryshtanovych ◽  
Valentyna Bilyk ◽  
Artem Tkachov ◽  
Zoriana Gontar ◽  
Ivanna Tkach

The purpose of the article is to study a system for diagnosing a future teacher's readiness for self-improvement in the context of COVID-19. The high requirements of modern society for the personality, the level of professional competence and activities of educators, and as a result, new requirements for the training of pedagogical personnel and advanced training of teachers in the vocational education system imply the development of not only their professionally significant qualities, but the personality as a whole as a subject of life and self-development. The activity-value paradigm of modern education presupposes the presence of the teacher's subjective position in relation to his own development. As a result, the key aspects of the system for diagnosing the readiness for self-improvement of the future teacher in the context of COVID-19 were characterized.

2020 ◽  
pp. 206-220
Ірина Новик

In the article, we substantiate the theoretical and practical aspects of the application of "Self-book" of personal and professional growth of the future teacher. In scientific exploration, we reveal the essence and content of the concept of "Self-book", which is presented as an individual diary (book, notepad or glider) of a student, in which he captures his own achievements in personal and professional growth, determines the trajectory of self-knowledge, self-development and self-improvement also monitors the dynamics of educational outcomes through proposed diagnostic techniques. The content and methodological support of "Self-book", which allows to track the dynamics of educational results and personal and professional development of students throughout the entire period of study at a higher education institution, is characterized. We have shown that personal and professional development is a complex multifaceted process, which aims at the formation of future teachers not only general and professional competences, but also envisages the development of their personal meanings. The study identified the main components of personal and professional development of future educators, namely: personal (value-personal and professional settings; self-knowledge and self-development; professional elevation); 21st century skills (critical thinking and problem-solving skills; communication and collaboration skills; digital skills), research and development (ability to highlight the research problem; work in a team; design stages of the research; select the necessary tools to solve the research task; analyze, organize, summarize the information received; to acquire new knowledge for their own use in their professional activity; to create and present their own educational products), reflective (self-concept, personal qualities and results of their own activity; self-analysis, self-knowledge, self-diagnostics, self-assessment, self-development, self-improvement; ability to detect mistakes, disadvantages of their own professional activity, and correct them). This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using Self-book in the personal-professional development of a future educator.

Vladimir N. Mezinov ◽  
Irina Y. Filatova

The problem covered in the article is important for ensuring the effectiveness of the process of development of social intelligence in students mastering the profession of a teacher at the University. The article analyzes the concepts of "social intelligence", "self-development", "the need for self-development" and substantiates the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of development of social intelligence in high school. The following methods were used: the test of social intelligence j. Gilford and M. Sullivan (Russian adaptation of the test by E. S. Mikhailova), the method of paired comparisons by V. V. Skvortsov. The actual needs of future teachers with different levels of development of social intelligence are revealed. The study allows us to conclude that the effectiveness of the development of social intelligence in the future teacher at the University is achieved through the implementation of pedagogical technology, pedagogical support, means of classroom and extracurricular activities.

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