scholarly journals Mandat Liga Bangsa-Bangsa : Kegagalan Palestina Menjadi Negara Merdeka (1920-1948)

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-312
Hanafi Wibowo

Abstrak Artikel ini mengkaji Palestina pada masa Mandat Inggris melalui Metode Historis dengan Pendekatan Politik. Pasca Perang Dunia Pertama (1914-1918), Inggris mendapat mandat dari Liga Bangsa Bangsa untuk mengelola administrasi bekas wilayah wilayah Arab yang sebelumnya adalah bekas wilayah Turki Usmani. Di dalam proses pengelolaan ini, terjadi permasalahan dimana muncul dua kekuatan yang saling bertentangan yaitu Zionis Yahudi sebagai pendatang baru dan rakyat Palestina sebagai penduduk asli. Keinginan Liga Bangsa Bangsa yang menugaskan Inggris untuk memberikan masing masing kedua bangsa itu sebuah negara yang merdeka mendapat penolakan baik dari pihak Palestina maupun dari pihak Yahudi itu sendiri. Studi ini juga mempelajari dampak dari keberhasilan orang Yahudi mendirikan Israel diatas penderitaan rakyat Palestina. Artikel ini ingin menjelaskan mengapa Palestina mengalami kegagalan dalam mendirikan sebuah negara merdeka yang  penulis dapatkan dari pelbagai sumber dan data-data tertulis.  Menurut penelahaan penulis, era Mandat Inggris adalah akar dan awal kegagalan Palestina mendirikan negara merdeka, selain itu terdapat dua faktor penting penyebab kegagalan tersebut. Pertama, adalah faktor internal dari rakyat yang saat itu berupa adanya kesalahan strategi dari elit dan rakyat Palestina sendiri. Kedua yaitu faktor eksternal adalah campur tangan negara-negara Arab tetangga yang memecah Palestina demi kepentingannya.---Abstract This article examines the period of the British Mandate of Palestine through the Historical Method and Political Approach. Post First World War (1914-1918), the British received the mandate from the League of Nations to manage the administration of the former Arab territories which previously was a former territories of the Ottoman Empire. In this management process, there is a problem which emerged two opposing forces, namely the Zionist Jews as newcomers and the Palestinians as natives. League of Nations assigned Britain to give each of the two nations was an independent country gets a rejection by the Palestinians and  the Jews themselves. This study also studied the impact of the success of the Jews set up Israel over the plight of the Palestinians. This article wants to explain why the Palestinians have failed in establishing an independent state that the author got from various sources and data. According to the review of the author, the British Mandate era is the root and the beginning of the failure of the Palestinians to establish an independent state. There are two important factors causing this failure. First, the internal factors of the people who was in the form of an error in the strategy of Palestinians themselves. A second ,external factor which the interference of neighboring Arab states (Jordan and Egypt) who partitioning the territories of Palestine.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-112
Nurmalia Susanti ◽  
Nana Supriatna ◽  
Yeni Kurniawati Sumantri

This research emerged from the author’s interest in cultural magazines’ involvement regarding a political situation in Indonesia. The main problem discussed “how was the Sastra magazine’s resistance against cultural politics of the Leaded Democracy periodin 1961-1964?” The main problem elaborated into four research questions, namely: (1) how was the background of Sastra magazine’s publication?; (2) how was the culture concept from Sastra magazine’s perspective?; (3) how was the Sastra magazine’s efforts to defended its perspective in addressing anti-mainstream cultural concepts?;and (4) how was the impact received by the Sastra magazine due to maintaining the anti-mainstream cultural concept?. The method used in this study is the historical method which is divided into four stages, such as heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Based on the study, it can be explained that Sastra published in 1961 was a continuation of Kisah, the publication of this magazine has acted as aneffort to provide good reading for the community. In its development, Sastra has its own view of the cultural concept of the Leaded Democracy era, that Indonesian culture is an honest culture that was born from the conscience of the people based on humanity, not based on the slogans of party interests. That was considered not following the spirit of revolution that had not been completed at the time, which led to attacks from various parties, especially from the Lekra. Sastra maintained its stance, one of which was through its involvement in the Manifes Kebudayaan, which was a statement of a group of artists regarding Indonesia’s national culture. But not even a year, theManifes Kebudayaan declared forbidden by President Sukarno because he considered competing with the Indonesian Political Manifesto. The prohibition statement became a trigger for Sastra to disappear from circulation because it was labelled as a tool for the reactionaries.

Trevor Griffiths

In this chapter, Trevor Griffiths focuses on the people who ran and staffed cinemas and who shaped the experience of going to the cinema. These were not simply the entrepreneurs who owned the cinema or the distribution companies but also the more publicly visible employees of the cinema such as the manager, the ushers and usherettes, the musicians and the projectionists who were central to the experience of going to a show. The chapter charts, through reference to the trade press and trade union records, developments in the employment experience of cinema staffs, and in particular traces the impact of growing levels of unionization and labour militancy from the First World War onwards.


Geopolitical changes in international relations after the First World War, new accents in the foreign policy of the leading European countries, increasing the relevance of the "Ukrainian issue" were the main factors that stimulated the interest of Galicia's public figures in international policy. The Western Ukrainian Society of the League of Nations (ZUTLN), pursuing the idea of reviving Ukrainian statehood, tried to influence the solution of the "Ukrainian issue" in the format of the Union of Societies of the League of Nations (STLN). The author considers the program principles of activity, the status of ZUTLN in STLN, the impact of international factors on the evolution of its activities, shows the relationship of ZUTLN with the ZUNR (Western Ukrainian People's Republic) government-in-exile, Ukrainian parties, organizations, institutions. The attitude of ZUTLN to the policy of the Polish authorities on the "Ukrainian issue" is also illustrated. The formation of the society is associated with the Ukrainian political emigration, and its ideological platform was based on the idea of non-acceptance of the Versailles system of treaties (on the dividing of Ukrainian lands between the USSR, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia), the Treaty of Riga 1921 between Poland, the Russian SFSR, and the USSR, as well as the decision of the Council of Ambassadors of the Entente States of March 15, 1923. To implement the statutory tasks, ZUTLN kept close contacts and cooperated with the ZUNR government-in-exile, political parties of Western Ukraine, as well as with the UPR (Ukrainian Parliamentary Representation) and other public and political organizations. Keywords: ZUTLN, STLN, Poland, the Western Ukrainian People's Republic, statut, Galicia, League of Nations.

Herni Purnaningsih ◽  
Agus Mulyana

This article entitled “Bagus Rangin Resistance: The Forgotten National War”. The main issue discussed in this essay is “Why there is resistance of Bagus Rangin in the year of 1806-1812 and how it affects society in the future”. The problem is assesed using the historical method through four steps of activity, there are; heuristic, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The result showed that the background of the Bagus Rangin resistance in 1806-1812 are because the high tax system applied by the colonial government, colonial exploitation and political domination of the Sultante of Cirebon which cause a reduction in the role of the Sultan in Cirebon residency. The leader of this resistance movement was called Bagus Rangin, people assumed that he is the messiah that being perceived as ‘Ratu Adil’ who will save the people, especially farmers and students from colonial tyranny. The impact of Bagus Rangin resistance is giving inspiration for the people of Cirebon to fight colonialism.

2010 ◽  
pp. 59-76
Wanda Jarząbek

The impact of the 1968 events on the FRG’s Ostpolitik and its reception in Poland may be considered in the short and the long term. What the article takes into consideration are the short-term effects of this political approach, observed in the years 1968–1969.Writing about the events of 1968, the author dwells on March 1968 in Poland, or more precisely, on those of its aspects which were related to the formation and implementation of the state’s policy, namely, the turbulence in ruling circles, the replacing of the people who occupied the high-ranking posts and the staffing changes in Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nevertheless, from the point of view of the creators of Germany’s Eastern politics, what was fundamental was the intervention of the Warsaw Treaty armies in Czechoslovakia. The rebellion among the youth was of lesser importance to the current politics at the time. Its consequences were felt mostly in the succeeding years and were related, i.a., to public opinion in the FRG and its attitude toward the forms and extent of normalising relations with the countries of East Europe, including Poland.After 1968, in the case of the FRG, the mode of implementation of its Eastern politics was modified. It was concluded that it is the Soviet Union which must be the main partner in any talks (though it was the most important interlocutor anyway, albeit attempts were also made to hold autonomous talks with the satellite countries) and that attention must be paid to avoiding the impression that for Bonn, Ostpolitik is just an instrument to help loosen intra-block dependencies.For Poland, the events of 1968 implied a reduced field of manoeuvre, not so much because not only in Bonn, but also in other Western capitals, it was formally acknowledged that the priority lies with Moscow, but also because of diplomatic practice. Warsaw did not, however, intend to give up the right to pursue its interests, tangible evidence of which was provided by the diplomatic activity of 1969, manifest both by a turn in its policy toward Germany, and by undertaking efforts to sell its own vision of the European Conference. 

Sarat Kumar Lenka

In recent years, rural villages of India have found a place on the tourist map of the world. Not only does rural tourism provide an additional source of income to the villagers but it also helps showcase the rural life and culture of the people, such as art, crafts, and heritage, etc., of the village and community. At present, most of the states of India are facing many challenges for the implementation of rural tourism projects, which stands against achieving the objective of the project set-up by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India. Some of the problems are very grave and need immediate attention of the administration. The Department of Tourism, Govt. of Odisha, has identified eight villages in the state for implementation of the Rural Tourism project. Padmanavapur, a village in South Odisha is one of them. The author has taken this village to study the impact of rural tourism on the socio-cultural life of the local community. The chapter indicates that the village has a high potential for tourists, but due to the delay in implementation and completion of the project, the stakeholders are not getting the desired benefits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 202
Hartina Batoa ◽  
Mardin Mardin ◽  
Dahlan Dahlan

The research was conducted in Jawi-Jawi Village, Bungku Selatan Subdistrict, Morowali Regency from February to March 2019. The location selection was carried out purposively deliberately) with the consideration that the people are Bajo people who work as fishermen. The determination of informants was carried out using the census method, totaling 8 people, and had carried out farming activities, consisting of Bajo ethnic fishermen, village heads, village secretaries, and community leaders. Collecting data using observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Retrieval of data through interviews with informants based on a list of questions and related parties in farming activities. The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the factors driving the adaptation form of the Bajo tribe to farming activities were internal factors, namely the lack of income of fishermen, lack of fishing gear, lack of knowledge of fishermen, age of fishermen, and limited capital. Meanwhile, external factors are uncertain climatic conditions and the impact of mining activities.

Satriadi Satriadi ◽  
Dani Masrianto ◽  
Deri Afrizon ◽  
Hanifa Gustryanda ◽  
Seri Mulyani ◽  

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat  terhadap ecommerce, mengetahui dampak penerapan e-commerce terhadap perilaku masyrakat Kota Tanjungpinang, mengetahui tingkat kepuasan Masyrakat dalam melakukan transaksi perdagangan melalui e-commercedan mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal dalam penerapan e-commerce pada usaha kecil dan menengah. . Jenis penelitian yang digunakan kulitatif, sumber data yang digunakan yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik analisis yang digunakan analisis Internal Factors Analysis dan External Factors Analysis serta analisis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, dan Threats. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan e-commerce hampir keseluruhan telah mengenal e-commerce sebagai transaksi jual beli online dengan menggunakan teknologi dan memanfaatkan media internet yang dapat digunakan kapan saja, dalam menggunakan e-commerce kendala yang dihadapi hanya dari jaringan internet yang belum bisa terakses disuatu tempat. E-commerce banyak kemudahan yang didapatkankan, lebih efektif dan efisien serta merasakan kepuasan setelah melakukan pembelian dengan menggunakan di Tanjungpinang. Berdasarkan jumlah kekuatan dan peluang yang lebih dominan dibandingkan kelemahan dan ancaman. E-commerce menjadikan perilaku masyarakat Kota Tanjungpinang menjadi konsumtif tetapi dengan adanya e-commerce masyarakat jugadapat memanfaatkannya untuk menawarkan produknya. Kata kunci: E-commerce, UKM, SWOT, Strategi ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the public's response to e-commerce, determine the impact of the application of e-commerce on the behavior of the people of Tanjungpinang City, determine the level of public satisfaction in conducting trade transactions through e-commerce and identify internal and external factors in the application of e-commerce in small and medium enterprises. . . The type of research used is qualitative, the data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. The analysis technique used is the analysis of Internal Factors Analysis and External Factors Analysis and analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The results of this study indicate that the application of e-commerce is almost entirely familiar with e-commerce as an online buying and selling transaction using technology and utilizing internet media that can be used at any time, in using e-commerce the constraints faced are only from the inaccessible internet network. at some place. E-commerce has many conveniences, is more effective and efficient and feels satisfaction after making a purchase using Tanjungpinang. Based on the number of strengths and opportunities that are more dominant than weaknesses and threats. E-commerce makes the behavior of the people of Tanjungpinang City consumptive, but with the existence of e-commerce, people can also use it to offer their products. Keywords: E-commerce, UKM, SWOT, Strategy

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 412-420 ◽  
H Dixit ◽  
SB Marahatta

Objective: To analyse the impact of the medical colleges that have been set up within the last two decades by production of the doctors and the effect on the health of the people Materials and methods: SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) analysis of medical education in Nepal has been done by reviewing medical manpower produced by the different institutions in the undergraduate and postgraduate (PG) categories, their registration with the Nepal Medical Council in terms of the existing health scenario of the country Results: Shows severe shortage of basic sciences teachers. In the clinical areas ophthalmic manpower and services provided are exemplary. There are shortages and shortcomings in all areas if standard health care is to be provided to the Nepalese. There is a long way to go to provide the expected educational and medical services to foreigners prepared to pay more to avail of this in Nepal. Key words: HRH, undergraduate, PG, basic sciences, clinical, medical tourism.   doi: 10.3126/kumj.v6i3.1725   Kathmandu University Medical Journal (2008), Vol. 6, No. 3, Issue 23, 412-420  

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Agus Suwignyo ◽  
Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri

ABSTRACKThis paper analyzed the people’s practices of citizenship in Central Java during the 1950s using the conceptual frame of social risilience. The notion of risilience had so far been studied in terms of security, food and energy supplies, and social nets on natural disaster risk reduction. Meanwhile, the period of the 1950s in Indonesian history had attracted many studies to focused on political aspects, such as parliamentary system of governance, regionalism and the dreath of economic crises leading to a change in political regimes. During the 1950s the newly independent state of Indonesia had to struggle for physical, political and social infrastructures, partly as the post-Second World War recovery project.This paper showed that, regardless of the difficult situation and limited financial sources, the Indonesian people during the 1950s proved themselves to be risilient. They took an active part in the daily communal life activities. By using historical method in analysing several newspapers of the 1950s, this paper argued that the people’s participation in philantropy programs, social organizations and solidarity movements, significantly formed a strong social tie in the presence of the weak Indonesian State. The people showed a type of citizenship through which a quality of social risilience was performed and contested. However, it was hard to identified the institutional pattern in these practices of citizenship.ABSTRAK Artikel ini mengkaji praktik kewargaan sehari-hari masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa, tahun 1950an dalam bingkai ketahanan sosial. Selama ini konsep ketahanan telah dipahami dalam konteks keamanan, ketersediaan pangan dan keberlanjutan energi, dan jaring sosial menghadapi darurat bencana alam. Di sisi lain, kajian tentang periode 1950an dalam sejarah Indonesia terfokus pada aspek politik menyangkut percobaan sistem pemerintahan, isu-isu regionalisme dan krisis ekonomi yang berujung pada pergantian rejim kekuasaan.Artikel ini bermaksud menunjukkan bahwa pada periode 1950an itu, praktik kewargaan sehari-hari masyarakat menunjukkan pola yang jika dibaca dalam konsep kontemporer merupakan bentuk ketahanan sosial masyarakat. Periode 1950an merupakan masa-masa awal kemederdekaan Indonesia dengan kondisi pasca perang yang membutuhkan pembangunan infrastruktur di berbagai bidang. Meskipun demikian, dalam kondisi struktur negara yang masih lemah itu masyarakat membuktikan kemampuan bertahan dan berpartisipasi dalam aneka dimensi kehidupan sehari-hari secara kolektif. Dengan metode sejarah untuk membaca berbagai berita surat kabar tahun 1950an sebagai sumber data primer, artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa praktik kewargaan sehari-hari  dalam bentuk program-program filantropis, perkumpulan sosial dan aksi gerakan sosial merupakan penanda ketahanan kolektif masyarakat dalam menghadapi keadaan tak menentu akibat lemahnya negara ketika itu. Meskipun demikian, praktik kewargaan tersebut cenderung tidak memiliki struktur institusional yang baku. 

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