La Muda ◽  
Kadirun Kadirun

Abstract: The moral value in the translation of Ajonga Yinda Malusa  lyric by Sheikh Haji Abdul Ganiu is the cultural heritage of the Indonesian people that can be used as a reference in character education that is being echoed by the government at this time. The purpose of this research is to describe moral values in the translation of Ajonga Yinda Malusa lyric by Sheikh Haji Abdul Ganiu. This study used content analysis method with a hermeneutic Paul Ricouer approach about text analysis and text reconstruction. The data of this study was the translation of Ajonga Yinda Malusa lyric by Syekh Haji Abdul Ganiu. The data analysis appropriate with the components of good moral values was moral knowledge, moral feeling, and moral action. The results showed that the translation of Ajonga Yinda malusa lyric, there was moral knowledge in the aspect of moral awareness, knowledge of moral values, determination of perspective, moral thinking, decision making, and personal knowledge. Moral feeling led to the aspect of conscience, self-esteem, empathy, love a good thing, poise, and humility. Moral action led to aspect of competence, desire, and habits. These three components were an aspect that led to the birth of moral values.Abstrak: Nilai moral dalam terjemahan syair Ajonga Yinda Malusa karya Syekh Haji Abdul Ganiu merupakan warisan budaya bangsa  Indonesia yang dapat dijadikan referensi dalam pendidikan karakter yang sedang digaungkan pemerintah saat ini. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan nilai moral dalam terjemahan syair Ajonga Yinda Malusa karya Syekh Haji Abdul Ganiu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi dengan pendekatan hermeneutika Paul Ricouer tentang analisis teks dan rekontruksi teks. Data yang digunakan sebagai objek kajian adalah terjemahan syair Ajonga Yinda Malusa karya Syekh Haji Abdul Ganiu. Data analisis sesuai dengan komponen nilai moral yang baik yakni pengetahuan moral, perasaan moral dan tindakan moral. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada terjemahan syair Ajonga Yinda Malusa terdapat pengetahuan moral pada aspek kesadaran moral, pengetahuan nilai moral, penentuan prespektif, pemikiran moral, pengambilan keputusan dan pengetahuan pribadi. Perasaan moral mengarah pada aspek hati nurani, harga diri, empati, mencintai hal yang baik, kendali diri dan kerendahan hati. Tindakan moral mengarah pada aspek kompetensi, keinginan, dan kebiasaan. Ketiga komponen itu merupakan aspek yang mendorong lahirnya nilai-nilai moral.  

Asnawan Asnawan

This article aimed to describe the idea of Ki Hajar Deantara and Thomas Lichona about the moral problems of today's society. Where the children’ experience moral degradation which seems increasingly out of control. This article used library research. Documentation and observation was used in collecting data. The research reveals that Ki Hajar Dewantara’s concept of education is to realize the achievement of educational goals through the Education Tripusat. According to Thomas Lickona, there are three kinds of moral knowledge that can be used when dealing with moral challenges, including moral awareness, knowing moral values, and determining perspective. Ki Hajar Dewantara argues that in order to carry out character education, understanding must be embedded, feeling something that is learned and then implementing it in real behavior. While,  Thomas Lickona stated that the emotional side of character is the same as the intellectual side, open to the development of schools and families. Three moral aspects to teach about character include conscience, empathy, and humility. Keywords: Education Character, Degradation Moral in Society

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Chastanti Ika ◽  
Indra M Kumalasari

Penyalahgunaan narkotika saat ini telah banyak ditemui di kalangan siswa SMP. Narkotika memberikan dampak buruk bagi tubuh dan kehidupan sosial. Pendidikan karakter merupakan solusi untuk mengajarkan pentingnya pengetahuan moral tentang bahaya narkotika. Pendidikan karakter yang baik harus melibatkan pengetahuan yang baik (moral knowing), perasaan yang baik atau loving good (moral feeling) dan perilaku yang baik (moral action) sehingga terbentuk perwujudan kesatuan perilaku dan sikap hidup peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui moral knowing siswa tentang narkotika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitan kualitatif yang dilakukan di SMP Negeri 1 Kualuh Hulu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata persentase aspek moral knowing siswa pada moral awareness, knowing moral values, perspective taking, moral reasoning, decision making dan self knowledge masih tergolong rendah (38,00%) menjawab tidak pernah. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya kemampuan guru untuk implementasi pendidikan nilai karakter dan kurangnya peranan pemerintah kabupaten untuk melakukan sosialisasi atau penyuluhan tentang narkotika.Kata kunci : Moral Knowing, Narkotika, Pendidikan Karakter

Buana Bastra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Nilatul Izzah ◽  
Sunu Catur Budiyono

The research has target for describing moral value that is first figure and communitymoral there are from novel Tuhan Ijinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur. Morality is quality ofhuman behavior that shows one's behavior is right or wrong, good or bad. In order to makethis research being analyzed, so the researcher use the theory of Thomas Lickona,whichemphasize in three things, those are to know the value of moral, moral feeling, and moralbehavior. Method for this research is hermenutik method (interpreting text). Data and dataresource are the moral value of God bless Me be Prostitute novel by Muhidin M. Dahlan.Data collection technique is using repeat reading, make notes and data classification. Dataanalysis technique is using interpretation, explanation, description, and make conclusion.Data is divided by subs chapter based on the problem and research purpose. Data thatalready been interpreted then it described in an essay as the result. The conclusion by thisresearch is 1) moral knowledge there is moral awareness, knowing moral value, takeperpective, logical of moral and self knowledge from novel “Tuhan Ijinkan Aku MenjadiPelacur” 2) the attitude of moral is moral feeling, conscience, self regard, empathy, good love, self control, and humble. 3) the action of moral is interest, desire, andfigure habits and community. All of the conclusion has been found in the first figure andcommunity from novel “Tuhan Ijinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur” novel by Muhidin MDahlan.

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Agus Supriyadi

Character education is a vital instrument in determining the progress of a nation. Therefore the government needs to build educational institutions in order to produce good human resources that are ready to oversee and deliver the nation at a progressive level. It’s just that in reality, national education is not in line with the ideals of national education because the output is not in tune with moral values on the one hand and the potential for individuals to compete in world intellectual order on the other hand. Therefore, as a solution to these problems is the need for the applicationof character education from an early age.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-150
Anugrah Putri Juniarti ◽  
K. Saddhono ◽  
Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo

Morality is a personal guide of distinguishing goodness from badness with their mind. Indonesian women, especially Javanese, are perceived to be moral when they possess noble character reflected in gentle, polite, loyal, and religious attitudes. Many Indonesian cultural products portray the ideal female figure in terms of physical to a moral image. One of the cultural products dedicated to illustrate the typical moral for women is Tambang Macapat. Macapat songs containing moral values for women are the song in Serat Kitab Kalam Qodrat (KKQ). This study focuses on examining the content and moral values of Serat KKQ using gender perspective, with a primary emphasis on women’s gender. The results can be used as a model for Indonesian women and their character education support. This research is qualitative descriptive with a content analysis method. The primary data are the literary works in KKQ from Mpu Tantular Museum collection, Sidoarjo and the thesis of Sri Sulistianingsih (2016) titled Kalam Qodrat book: text edits and structural analysis. The study results are related to women’s morals, respect to parents and a husband (obedient to a husband, loyal, and harmonious), determination, maintaining self-esteem (honor) and the motivation of study. Moralitas merupakan upaya untuk membimbing manusia menggunakan akalnya untuk membedakan kebaikan dan keburukan. Wanita Indonesia khususnya wanita Jawa disebut bermoral ketika memiliki budi pekerti luhur yang tercermin dari sikap lembut, santun, setia dan taat beragama. Banyak produk budaya Indonesia yang menggambarkan sosok perempuan ideal dari segi fisik hingga moralitas. Salah satu produk budaya yang didedikasikan untuk menggambarkan moral ideal bagi perempuan adalah tembang macapat. Salah satu tembang macapat yang memuat nilai moral bagi perempuan adalah tembang macapat yang ada di dalam serat Kitab Kalam Qodrat (KKQ). Fokus studi ini mengkaji isi dan nilai moral dari Serat KKQ menggunakan perspektif gender, dengan fokus utama pada gender perempuan. Hasil kajian dapat digunakan sebagai model bagi perempuan Indonesia serta untuk mendukung pendidikan karakter perempuan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan objek kajian serat KKQ. Menggunakan metode analisis isi. Data utama penelitian ini adalah serat KKQ koleksi museum Mpu Tantular Sidoarjo dan skripsi Sri Sulistianingsih (2016) dengan judul Kitab Kalam Qodrat: suntingan teks dan analisis struktural. Hasil dari penelitian berkaitan dengan moral (akhlak) perempuan, hormat pada orang tua, hormat kepada suami (sikap patuh pada suami, tidak durhaka, setia dan rukun), akhlak berpendirian teguh, menjaga harga diri (kehormatan) serta semangat menuntut ilmu 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Dilla Dwi Nanda ◽  
Betty Simbolon ◽  
Friska Afriana Damanik ◽  
Yenita Br Sembiring

Folklore is a story that originated in society and developed in society in the past which played an important role in the development of children's character learning in the form of moral values. The purpose of this study was to explain the moral values contained in folklore to improve character education. This study used a qualitative descriptive research design. Where all the data collected is based on books and other supporting document data. From the discussion of the Timun Mas folklore, there are eight prominent moral values, namely religious values, independent values, curiosity values, hard work values, responsibility values, honesty values, creativity, the value of the spirit of hard work. And from the research results, it can be concluded that the folklore of Timun Mas has many moral values that can be applied in the world of Education to shape character.

Aksara ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-70
Arifatul Anisa ◽  
Sutrisna Wibawa

AbstrakNaskah Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj merupakan salah satu cerminan kebudayaan masyarakat Jawa pada masa lampau yang berisi nilai-nilai sebagai sumber kedamaian dalam bermasyarakat. Pengkajian terhadap naskah tersebut dianggap penting, mengingat adanya krisis moral di kalangan siswa-siswi di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai moral Jawa dalam naskah Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj dan relevansi nilai-nilai tersebut dalam pendidikan karakter di sekolah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis konten dengan pendekatan hermeneutik. Sumber data penelitian adalah naskah Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj yang berisi 25 teks, tetapi hanya 8 teks yang dapat mewakili nilai-nilai moral Jawa dalam naskah. Adapun pengesahan data dengan cara validitas semantik dan reliabilitas intrarater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya relevansi nilai-nilai moral dalam naskah dengan nilai pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa. Nilai moral dalam naskah berupa nilai kejujuran, tanggung jawab, kerukunan, keadilan, dan hati nurani. Nilai-nilai tersebut relevan dengan nilai pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa, yaitu pada nilai jujur, tanggung jawab, toleransi dan cinta damai, demokratis, dan peduli sosial. Dengan demikian, nilai-nilai moral dalam naskah Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj dapat diterapkan sebagai acuan atau contoh pendidikan karakter di sekolah. Kata kunci: naskah kuno, nilai moral Jawa, pendidikan, Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj AbstractThe Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj manuscript is one of the manifestation of Javanese culture in the past which consists of many values as the peace and society sources. The study of this manuscript is vwry significant. It is caused by the moral crisis happenedto the students in the school. The aim of this study is to unravel Javanese moral values in Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj manuscript and the relevance of these values in character education at school. The research method used was content analysis technique with hermeneutic approach. The data source in this study is Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj manuscript, which originally contains 25 texts, but only 8 texts represent Javanese moral values. The data validation was done by applying semantic validity and intra-rater reliability. In brief, the result shows that there is relevance of moral values in Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj manuscript with the values of cultural education and national character. The moral values in Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj manuscript comprise honesty, responsibility, harmony, justice, and conscience. Moreover, these values are relevant to the values of cultural education and national character; they are the values of honesty, responsibility, tolerance and love for peace, democratic, and social care. Therefore, the moral values in Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj manuscript can be applied as references or examples of character education at school.  Keywords: ancient script, Javanese moral value, education, Tashrihah Al-Muhtaaj

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 413-427
Hasnah Kanji ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Muhammad Nawir ◽  
Suardi Suardi

The purpose of this study was to find an integrative model of social care character in social science subjects in elementary schools using integrative moral knowledge, moral feelings, moral sinverbals, moral action, moral habitus and moral culture. The reality that happens is that students experience moral degradation so that they need the integration of character education in the learning process. The formulation of the research problem is how to model the integration of national character education in social science learning. The research method used qualitative methods with 10 informants consisting of the principal, teachers, students, parents. The data technique used interview, observation and documentation instruments, then the data were analyzed through data reduction, data display and verification. The paradigm used in the research is the moral education paradigm. The results of the research model of the integration of social caring character education consist of six moral levels, namely moral knowledge, moral feelings, moral synergy, moral action, moral habits and moral culture which are integrated with the values of social caring character in the learning process of social science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-72
Supriyanto Supriyanto ◽  
Masrukhi Masrukhi ◽  
Eny Winaryati

AbstractThis study was used to explore the inculcation of moral values in students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to examine how the education of values in early childhood in the Covid 19 pandemic era. The method used was qualitative. The results showed: (1) Education Moral values in the Covid 19 pandemic era carried out at TK Al Hidayah IV are: (a) Education of religious values, (b) Education of moral values, (c) Education of social values. Conclusion: (1) The education of moral values in students is carried out using the method of assigning students to students, (2) The method of moral value education is adjusted to the conditions of the students (3) To facilitate the learning process at home the teacher coordinates with the parents of the students. Recommendations: (1) Schools need support from the government in the learning process in the Covid pandemic era, (2) The learning process in the Covid pandemic era requires collaboration between teachers and parents of students, (3) In the distance learning process, teachers, students and people need to be aware of health protocols.Keywords: Early childhood, Values, Morals, Education, Social. AbstrakStudi ini digunakan untuk menggali penanaman nilai moral pada siswa pada pandemi covid 19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji bagaimana Pendidkan nilai pada anak usia dini pada era pandemic Covid 19. Metode yang digunakan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Pendidikan nilai moral pada era pandemic covid 19 yang dilaksanakan di TK Al Hidayah IV adalah adalah nilai agama dan moral, fisik motorik, kognitif, bahasa, sosial dan seni. Kesimpulan: Konsep, kendala dan dampak pendidikan nilai moral pada anak usia dini pada era pandemi covid 19 mencakup koginif, emosional dan budaya siswa. Rekomendasi: (1) Sekolahan membutuhkan dukungan dari pemerintah di dalam prososes pembelajaran di era pandemic covid, (2) Proses pembelajaran di era pandemic covid membutuhkan kerjasama antara guru dan orang tua siswa, (3) Di Dalam proses pembelajaran jarak jauh, guru, siswa dan orang perlu meperhatikan protokol kesehatan.Kata Kunci: Anak usia dini, Nilai, Moral, Pendidikan, Sosial,

2021 ◽  
Vol 331 ◽  
pp. 01016
Benny Hidayat ◽  
Ade Suzana Putri ◽  
Taufika Ophiyandri ◽  
Bambang Istijono ◽  
Dilanthi Amaratunga ◽  

COVID-19 started in China and then spread to other countries. The Indonesian government officially announced the first case of COVID-19 on 2nd March 2020. Previously, on 4th February, the Ministry of Health issued a Decree of the Minister of Health number HK.01.07 of 2020 regarding “Determination of Novel Coronavirus Infection (2019-Ncov Infection) as a Disease That Can Cause Outbreaks And Efforts to Overcome it”. WHO then declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on 11th March 2021. After that, the central government issued various regulations related to the handling of COVID-19. This paper aims to study the regulations issued by the Indonesian government regarding the handling of COVID-19. The research method uses a content analysis method using nVivo software. The study results show that the regulations are quantified, consisting of 30% related to social, 10% related to the budget, 25% related to health, 20% related to COVID-19 handling organizations, and 15% related to economic recovery. This paper also presents the challenges related to the implementation of these regulations

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