scholarly journals Socio-geographic analysis of the demographic situation in Vinnytsia Oblast: current condition and peculiarities of development

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 613-621
Lyudmila V. Atama ◽  
Inna M. Voyna ◽  
Leonid M. Kirilyuk ◽  
Olga P. Chyzh ◽  
Yuriy V. Yatsentiuk

The article contains analysis of the current demographic situation in Vinnytsia Oblast. We determined causes and factors influencing the development of the demographic situation in Vinnytsia Oblast. The paper reveals the specifics of development of the demographic processes in Vinnytsia Oblast according to the data of the Main Statistic Service in Vinnytsia Oblast for the period from 1959 to January 1, 2020. We determined how the totals of the urban and rural populations have changed. Based on the analysis of statistical and literature sources, we researched the specifics of natural movement of population, its sex and age structure, migration, distribution of the employed population and unemployment rate. We provide characteristics of specifics of the territorial differentiation of parameters of birth, death rates, natural increment (decline), migration, sex and age structure in Vinnytsia Oblast. We analyzed the specifics of employment of population in Vinnytsia Oblast, levels of economic activity and unemployment. We etermined modern tendencies of natural movement of the population, its impact on the prospects of further changes. We found out the problems of current demographic development in Vinnytsia Oblast based on determining modern specifics of the demographic parameters of the population in the researched area. The paper suggests ways to improve the demographic situation in Vinnytsia Oblast in the immediate future. As a result of the research, the demographic situation in Vinnytsia oblast was found to be negative. We observed a number of negative tendencies and patterns, including decrease in the rural population; decrease in the birth rate in the period from 1995 to 2020; high death rates due to diseases of blood circulation and malignant tumors; high parameters of aging of the population, especially in rural areas; decrease in the number of the employable population in the Oblast, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (108) ◽  
pp. 11-32
Tatiana Viktorovna-Blinova ◽  
Svetlana Gennadievna-Bylina ◽  

The purpose of the study is to discuss the alternative scenarios of the demographic development of rural Russia. The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has changed the demographic situation in Russia: mortality and natural population decline increased, while the birth rate decreased. Ba-sed on the cohort-component method, we projected the rural population size and age structure for the period 2024-2049. Six alternative scenarios were developed: three with zero migration (without taking into account the impact of migration changes on the rural population) and three with migration. Therefore, the migration outflow coefficient was included in the three forecasting scenarios. However, the inflow of some urban population to the countryside is not ruled out. The results show that the population of rural Russia will decrease from 37.3 million (2019) to 29.6–33.1 million people (2049). The age structure of the population will change, the demogra-phic aging of rural areas will continue.

2006 ◽  
pp. 435-444 ◽  
Drasko Marinkovic

Yearly rates of population increase and the data about the relative participation of particular areas in the total number of the population of the Republic of Srpska point to the interdependence between the natural movement and the tract processes of emigration, deagrarization and urbanization. These processes are in the harmony with the demographic transition which is followed by the changes in the structure of the active population. Unfavourable tendencies in the re-distribution and reinstatement of the tract-demographic polarization have the reflection in the disturbances in the demographic structures and in the strengthening of the process of the total ageing of the population, specially in the rural areas. These tendencies result in a more pronounced polarization in the reproduction of the population in which the urban areas take over the priority. With the trend of the low and negative natural increase, which has the immediate influence on the accelerated process of ageing of the population, further growth of the population and socio-economic development of the Republic of Srpska are questionable. In order to secure the constant growth of the population of this area, it is urgently necessary to conduct the measures of the population politics, that is, it is necessary to match the demographic and general socio-economic development.

Hill Kulu ◽  
Peter Dorey

AbstractThis study investigates the contribution of population age structure to mortality from Covid-19 in the UK by geographical units. We project death rates at various spatial scales by applying data on age-specific fatality rates to the area’s population by age and sex. Our analysis shows a significant variation in the projected death rates between the constituent countries of the UK, between its regions and within regions. First, Scotland and Wales have higher projected fatality levels from Covid-19 than England, whereas Northern Ireland has lower rate. Second, the infection fatality rates are projected to be substantially higher in small towns and rural areas than those in large urban areas. Third, our analysis shows that within urban regions there are also ‘pockets’ of high projected death rates. Overall, the areas with high and low fatality rates tend to cluster because of the high residential separation of different population age-groups in the UK. Our analysis also reveals that the Welsh-, Gaelic- and Cornish-speaking communities with relatively old populations are likely to experience heavy population losses if the virus spreads widely across the UK.

Chaika I.M.

The demographic problems of rural areas are interrelated with economic, social, and even political issues. Therefore, given the relevance of the topic, the article analyzes the demographic situation in rural areas based on indicators of natural reproduction and age-sex structure of the population. It should be noted that data processing in smaller administrative entities creates advantages for monitoring positive or critical trends and reflects a more contrasting state of the demographic situation. The research article describes the differentiation of the natural population growth rate at the level of administrative raions. The map «Natural increase (decrease) rate of the Ukrainian rural population in 2018» is presented for its visual display. Characteristic interregional differences in age structure can be traced on compiled histograms. Correlation between birth rates, mortality rates, and population share in age categories: 0–15, 16–59, 60 years and older is calculated to assess the interactions of natural movement and age-sex structure. The comparison of the data of the mean and median age by regions was performed to analyze the age structure of the rural population. The balanced sex structure in settlements is both an important factor and a result of the demographic situation. Therefore, the shares of the male and female population for each age group and in all regions of Ukraine are calculated in the process of performing the practical part of the research (as of 2018). Assessment of territorial differences in the demographic burden is of great social importance. The result of the analysis of the population data set in each age group showed that the greatest demographic load exists in Chernihivska, Khmelnytska, Sumska, Vinnytska, Kyivska, Poltavska, Luhanska, Cherkaska, and Zhytomyrska regions. The obtained results of the analysis of the above-mentioned demographic parameters are summarized in the conclusions. Based on them, areas with a critical demographic situation in rural areas have been identified.Key words: rural population, age-sex structure, depopulation, natural population movement. Демографічні проблеми сільської місцевості взаємопов’язані з економічною, соціальною та навіть політичною проблематикою. Тому, з огляду на актуальність теми, у статті здійснено аналіз демографічної ситуації у сільській місцевості на основі показників природного відтворення та статево-вікової структури населення. Варто зазначити, що опрацювання даних на територіально менших адміністративних утвореннях створює переваги для моніторингу позитивних чи критич-них тенденцій та відображає більш контрастний стан демографічної ситуації. У дослідженні описано диференціацію коефіцієнта природного приросту населення на рівні адміністративних районів, а для її наочного відображення представлено картосхему «Природний приріст (скорочення) сільського населення України, 2018 р.». Характерні міжрегіональні відмінності вікової структури можна простежити на складених гістограмах. Для оцінки взаємовпливів природного руху та статево-вікової структури розраховано кореляцію між коефіцієнтами народжуваності, смертності та часткою населення у вікових категоріях: 0–15, 16–59, 60 років і старше. Також з метою аналізу вікової структури сільського населення виконано порівняння даних середнього та медіанного віку за областями. Збалансоване статеве співвідношення є водночас вагомим чинником і результатом демографічної ситуації. Тому в процесі виконання практичної частини дослідження розраховано частки чоловічого та жіночого населення для кожної вікової групи та у всіх районах України (ста-ном на 2018 рік). Важливе соціальне значення має оцінка територіальних відмінностей демографічного навантаження. Результат аналізу масиву даних чисельності населення у кожній віковій групі показав, що найбільше демографічне навантеження існує у Чернігівській, Хмельницькій, Сумській, Вінницькій, Київській, Полтавській, Луганській, Черкаській та Житомирській областях. Отримані результати вищезгаданих демографічних параметрів підсумовано у висновках. На їх основі виділено території із критичною демографічною ситуацією у сільській місцевості.Ключові слова: сільське населення, статево-вікова структура, депопуляція, природний рух населення.

2009 ◽  
Vol 89 (3) ◽  
pp. 103-114 ◽  
Daniela Arsenovic ◽  
Branislav Djurdjev ◽  
Andjelija Ivkov-Dzigurski

The aging of population in Vojvodina Province is one of the main political, national and economical issues. This paper presents the demographic situation in municipality of Kanjiza, researching the age structure. The aging is one of the most important demographic characteristics, which analyses the stage of development of a certain population. The consequence of low birthrate and emigrations in municipality of Kanjiza during the last 30- 40 years, is that the population in 1971. was in fourth stage of demographic development. The age structure in this paper is presented through the ageing of population, ageing index, age ratio, age group up to 20 year (young population) and age groups over 60 (old population), part of fertile and active population. .

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (17) ◽  
pp. 5-12 ◽  
Ekaterina Antipova ◽  
Liudmila Fakeyeva

Demographic processes in rural areas of Belarus: geographical structure and spatial dynamics The study presents the spatiotemporal regularities and shifts in geo-demographic development of rural areas of Belarus at the multiscale level. Trends in rural population size dynamics for the period of 1959-2009 are detected and characterised. In accordance with the trends in the dynamics of the rural population of Belarus spatial regularities were identified. The geo-demographic territory of Belarus is typified on character of demographic dynamics and natural movement processes of rural population. We have identified three types of districts by the nature of the rural population dynamics for the period of 1970-2009: stable, growing and shrinking; and three types of natural population movement dynamics for the same period in accordance with spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the rural depopulation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 98 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-120
Danica Djurkin

The existing spatial organization and current demographic situation of settlements in South Banat are the result of the synchronized processes of industrialization, urbanization and deagrarization, which determined the selective transformation of urban and rural areas. The processes mentioned above led to the concentration of population in urban and suburban zones, municipal centers and functionally most developed rural settlements, but also to depopulation of their rural hinterland. The paper discusses changes in the spatial-demographic settlement organization and examines the socioeconomic conditions of settlements transformation. Changes in the population development of settlements were considered based on the analysis of the net relative change in the number of inhabitants in urban and rural settlements, for period from 1961 to 2011. In this way, four main types of settlements were determined: progressive, stagnant, regressive and dominantly regressive type. In order to show the correlation between demographic changes and socioeconomic transformation of settlements, the method of successive (alternating) coefficients was applied. By comparative analysis of these quantitative and qualitative indicators (types), with the application of geographical and historical-genetic methods, a clearer view of changes in the population development of settlements was made, which was the goal of the research.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (41) ◽  
pp. 7-27 ◽  
Małgorzata Flaga ◽  
Monika Wesołowska

Abstract Eastern regions of Poland are regarded as areas where numerous unfavourable socio-economic phenomena appear and accumulate. These are the results of historical conditions as well as post-war border localization and various processes, primarily in terms of economy. The consequences of the political transformation of the state in the 1990s and profound social and economic changes in recent decades are also crucial drivers of many disadvantageous changes in the region. The article shows population processes which can be recognized nowadays in Eastern Poland, and the attention of the authors is focused on the peripheral rural areas of the region. General tendencies reported in the text are based on the cases from the Lubelskie Voivodeship where concentration of the demographic and social problems is particularly noticeable. The analyses comprise changes of population growth and its components (natural movement and migration), population structures as well as some characteristics concerning the quality and conditions of inhabitants’ lives. The main causes of negative processes shaping the population, including domestic, regional and micro-regional factors, are also presented. The final part of the article deals with the most important outcomes of population changes which are reflected in the progressing ageing of society, the decline of villages and social infrastructure, among other facts. These unfavourable phenomena are shown in the context of the future development of the region.

2011 ◽  
pp. 381-394
Nada Raduski

In the article is going to presented the ethnic picture of the population of the Serbia and the ethnodemographic changes in period 1991-2002, caused by migration, natural movement, changed declaration on national affiliation, as well as some political and socio-economic factors. Ethnocentric migrations (voluntary and forced) primarily influenced on the change of ethnic structure of the Serbia, in the sense of creating nationally more homogeneous region, having in mind the national structure of refugee- population. On the other side, the emigration of some other nationalities which migrated to their mother countries due to political and economic reasons influenced on the ethnic structure, too. Spatial distribution of population according to nationality is an important aspect of demographic development conditioned primarily by ethnically differentiated natural growth and migrations, but also with the impact of numerous other factors. In Serbia is present an exceptional concentration and homogenization of population of certain nationalities. Due to specific territorial distribution and ethnic domination of relevant national minorities in border parts of the country, the question of their status and territorial-political organization gives special severity and significance to the minority question in Serbia. Having in mind that Serbia is a multiethnic and multiconfessional state, the protection of minorities rights and good inter-ethnic relations are necessary for peace, stability and democratic development of the Serbia and the Balkans region.

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