scholarly journals A internacionalização no ifsul e a relevância da língua estrangeira para o desenvolvimento acadêmico e científico da instituição

Marlon Machado Oliveira Rio

Preparing students for the ongoing process of internationalization of Education is a complex task, since both technologies and teaching practices change, becoming increasingly global and less specific to a sole culture. An institution that previously delimited and carried out its research in its own must now establish relationships and seek partnerships with institutions of higher education for the preparation, execution and collection of research data. Due to this reality, the objective of this work, is to present a study about the Federal Institute in the South of Rio Grande do Sul - IFSUL, an  institution that has made countless efforts and has been in constant movement so that the internationalization process is established in a productive way. The work of IFSUL in projects of the federal government is analyzed, as well as the linguistic and pedagogical training of its teachers regarding the initiatives taken by the Institution in the global scenario. The internationalization process is investigated by the principles presented by Green (2005), and suggestions are made so that the constant work on this topic is more and more satisfactory. 

Carlos Ventura Fonseca ◽  
Flávia Maria Teixeira Dos Santos

Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de casos múltiplos sobre a formação docente para a Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio, tendo em vista as visões de três professores do magistério federal sobre o curso de formação pedagógica que realizaram no Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Também foi realizado o estudo da estrutura curricular do referido curso, considerando-se os diferentes tempos e espaços disponibilizados. Os dados principais foram coletados a partir de duas fontes distintas (um questionário aplicado aos docentes e o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso) e interpretados pela análise de conteúdo. Os excertos analíticos, por um lado, mostraram relativa convergência entre a proposta curricular do curso e os requisitos da legislação; por outro, constatou-se que esses elementos divergem das visões dos sujeitos sobre a especificidade da docência na articulação do Ensino Médio com a Educação Profissional. Palavras-chave: Formação docente. Educação profissional. Formação pedagógica. TEACHER TRAINING IN THE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: MULTIPLE CASE STUDY IN RELATION TO TEACHERS AT FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL - BRAZIL Abstract: This paper presents a multiple case study about teacher training in the Vocational Middle-Level Technical Education according to the point of view of three teachers from the Federal Education System over a pedagogical training program which was performed at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul. It was also studied the curriculum framework, considering the different times and spaces available. The main data were collected from two different sources (a questionnaire for teachers and the Pedagogical Project of the Program) and which was interpreted by content analysis method. The analytical data, on the one hand, showed relative convergence between the proposed curriculum of the course and the requirements of the legislation, on the other; it was found that those elements differ from the views of the subjects on the teaching of specificity in the joint High School with Vocational Education. Keywords: Teacher training. Vocational education. Pedagogical training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 417-429
Claudia Simone Cordeiro Pelissoli ◽  
Aline Silva De Bona ◽  
Luciano Andreatta Carvalho da Costa

This case study deals with the conceptof Interpersonal Relationship, foreseen in the Pedagogical Projects of the course -PPC's Technologist in Management Processes of Campi of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul. In addition to being described in PPCs, in profile of the course and the graduate, Interpersonal Relationship is also an extremely valued skill in the world of work. The main objective is to analyze how the concept of Interpersonal Relationship is worked through the courses in Technology inManagement Processes. Paulo Freire's theory and his considerations on critical awareness, dialogicity and humanization served as the basis for this study. The data were generated through interviews with four course coordinators (Porto Alegre, Farroupilha,Osório and Caxias do Sul), in order to analyze their understanding of the concept of Interpersonal Relationship and their insertion throughout the course. The results indicate that the concept of Interpersonal Relationship has a wide approach in some disciplines formalized in the Pedagogical Course Project, but also occurs informally in other disciplines, according to the teachers' pedagogical profile and practices. The work highlights the importance of developing and updating the Pedagogical Course Project, as it is the expression of the course. And it also stresses the relevance of addressing the concept of Interpersonal Relationship in the higher course of Technology in Management Processes, aiming at a humanized formation, extremely valued in the professional sphere.

Mara Rosane Noble Tavares ◽  
Denise Luzia Wolff ◽  
Cristina Almeida da Silva

Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar a relação da forma de ingresso com a situação inativa dos discentes no curso Tecnologia em Sistemas Para Internet do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-Campus Porto Alegre. Para isso, utilizou-se o software RapidMiner e a base de dados do curso, disponível no Sistema Acadêmico da Instituição. Foram realizadas as cinco etapas do processo de KDD na base de dados do Sistema Acadêmico do curso, que foram: seleção, pré-processamento, transformação, mineração e avaliação dos dados. O KDD é o processo de descoberta de conhecimentos, que envolve etapas que vão desde a preparação da base de dados até a apresentação do conhecimento encontrado através das técnicas de mineração de dados. Atualmente, há a preocupação com o número crescente de alunos na ‘situação’ em recuperação, alunos que cursam semestres em atraso no curso. A descoberta de conhecimentos na base de dados do Sistema Acadêmico permitiu chegar à conclusão de que os alunos ingressados na instituição por vestibular, no segundo semestre de 2013 e pertencentes ao turno da manhã, apresentam uma probabilidade maior para entrar na situação de recuperação, indicando a necessidade de novas pesquisas para investigar o motivo. Palavras-chave: Mineração de Dados Educacionais. KDD. Ingresso. Situação. RapidMiner. ENTRY FORM X SITUATION OF STUDENTS IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION COURSE OF TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS FOR THE INTERNET AT IFRS Abstract: This article aims to identify and analyze the relation between the entry way and the inactive status of students in the course of Technology Systems for the Internet at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul - Campus Porto Alegre. Thus, we used the RapidMiner software and the course database of Academic System of the Institution. The five steps of the KDD process were followed in the Academic System database of the course, which were selection, pre-processing, processing, mining and data evaluation. KDD is the process of knowledge discovery, which involves steps ranging from the preparation of the database up until presentation of knowledges found through data mining techniques. Currently there is a concern about the increasing number of students in the recovery 'situation', students who attend semesters with delay in the course. The discovery of knowledges in the Academic System database has led to the conclusion that students who entered in the institution through college entrance in the second half of 2013 and belonging to the morning shift are more likely to enter the recovery situation, indicating the need of further research to investigate the reason. Keywords: Educational Data Mining. KDD. Entrance. Situation. RapidMiner. 

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (34) ◽  
Maria Cristina França ◽  
Gyselle Antunes ◽  
Sheyla Santos

 A pesquisa, de caráter interdisciplinar, tem como problema central a reordenação da história do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul - Campus Porto Alegre com vistas a consolidar a sua importância nas transformações socioculturais, delinear sua identidade frente às rupturas e à adoção a novos projetos, como a passagem da Escola Técnica de Comércio da UFRGS para a condição de Instituto Federal. A pesquisa se dá através de estudo de caso de abordagem qualitativa e de entrevistas semiestruturadas com a seleção de sujeitos que atuaram em diferentes períodos na instituição, documentos institucionais, bem como imagens de acervo pessoal como estratégia de motivação à memória. Os resultados obtidos até o momento nos levaram a pensar a trajetória da instituição através do tempo e seus diferentes períodos do ensino técnico-científico, e como essas mudanças contribuem significativamente para o crescimento da instituição, possibilitando uma maior oferta de vagas e cursos para a sociedade porto-alegrense. Palavras chaves: IFRS - Campus Porto Alegre. ETC/COM. Ensino Técnico. Ensino Superior.Plotting the images of time through education, technology and work Abstract The research, interdisciplinary, has the central problem reordering the history of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre Campus with a view to consolidating its importance in the socio-cultural transformations, outlining their identity on the face of disruptions and the adoption of new projects, such as the passage of the Technical School of Commerce UFRGS for the condition of the Federal Institute. The research is carried out through a case study approach and qualitative semi-structured interviews with the selection of subjects who experienced in different periods in the institution, institutional documents, as well as the personal collection of images as motivation for a strategy of memory. The results obtained so far led us to think about the trajectory of the institution through time and its different periods of the scientific-technical education, and how these changes contribute significantly to the growth of the institution, enabling a greater number of vacancies and courses for society Porto Alegre. Keywords: IFRS - Campus Porto Alegre. ETC / COM. Technical Education. Higher Education.

Marta Elisete Ventura da Motta ◽  
Rudiclér Silveira Belem ◽  
Maria Emilia Camargo ◽  
Angela Isabel Dos Santos Dullius ◽  
Ademar Galelli

This study seeks to analyze the evaluative methods adopted by teachers, carried out by students of undergraduate courses in Business Administration in an Institutions of Higher Education located in the mountains of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The methodology in this research has a descriptive character of the type survey and the instrument for data collection was a questionnaire composed of 18 (eighteen) closed questions, applied to 18 teachers of Administration courses during the year 2018, using the quantitative approach for data analysis with the help of descriptive statistics. The results allow us to conclude that there is a sign of change in the evaluation methods applied, where teachers demonstrate the use of other evaluation tools, besides the traditional test, and migrating to more modern and efficient methods.

Maria Aparecida Santana Camargo ◽  
Fernanda Isabel Royer

inclusive education is still a controversial, non-consensual issue that generates doubts and insecurities for educators. In this sense, this article aims to reflect on the educational reality found by this public, and present the work done by the NAPNE (Center for Assistance to People with Specific Educational Needs) of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul Regarding the methodology used, this is a qualitative research, with a theoretical nature, through a literature review of the current legislation and the IFRS Institutional Pedagogical Project.

Paralelo 31 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
Dandara Bueno Espíndola

Este texto busca refletir sobre o lugar que se destina a Arte na formação profissional de jovens estudantes do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul – IFRS, Campus Rio Grande. A partir desse extrato narramos a concepção e execução de uma intervenção estética no ambiente escolar, cujo objetivo, mesmo que de forma inconsciente por parte dos alunos, foi problematizar o tecnicismo de sua formação. O happening aqui descrito foi executado em 2012 pelos alunos do curso Técnico Integrado de Automação Industrial. O relato dos alunos serve como substrato para discussão do processo de concepção da atividade levando em consideração seu cotidiano e o tempo que despendiam na instituição, criando um diálogo entre lazer e ambiente escolar. É apresentado, também, o impacto causado no decorrer da atividade e os desdobramentos que levaram a transformação dos estudantes. HAPPENING AT DAYBREAK: DEVELOPING SELFKNOWLEDGE THROUGH HAPPENING PRACTICE.Abstract: This text seeks to discuss the intended place of art in relation to the professional training and education of young students at the Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia Rio Grande do Sul (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Techonology) – IFRS, Rio Grande Campus. This is the starting point from which we consider the conception and execution of an aesthetic intervention in the school environment, whose objective, although unconscious on the part of the students, was to problematize the technical complexity of their education. The happening described was executed in 2012 by the students in the course Integrated Technician (TI) in Industrial Automation. The students reports are the basis for this discussion about the activity’s conceptual process, which took into consideration the students’ daily lives and the time they spent at school creating a dialogue between leisure and school environment. Also presented are the impact on the students throughout the development of the activity and how it transformed them.

Rodrigo Sychocki Da Silva

O presente trabalho é o resultado de uma experiência didática realizada com estudantes do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Campus Caxias do Sul, em 2013, na disciplina de Geometria Analítica II. Através de uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, os alunos investigaram o conceito de Superfície Quádrica e suas relações com outros objetos matemáticos, em que, através de um experimento didático realizado no laboratório de informática, foi possível observar e analisar como os estudantes se apropriaram dos conceitos matemáticos envolvidos na proposta. A teoria das representações semióticas de Raymond Duval foi usada para analisar e interpretar a realização das atividades pelos sujeitos envolvidos. Com a pesquisa, demonstramos ser profícuo o uso da tecnologia digital para a aprendizagem dos conceitos matemáticos envolvendo superfícies quádricas. Ao final da proposta, disponibilizamos, na forma de produto, a sequência de atividades utilizada no experimento e apresentada no artigo, com o objetivo de propiciar aos demais colegas reflexões e possibilidade de contribuir em sua prática pedagógica no que se refere ao ensino de Superfícies Quádricas. Palavras-chave: Ensino de Matemática. Representações Semióticas. Superfícies Quádricas. Tecnologia Digital. QUADRICS SURFACES AND TIC’S: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF AN EXPERIMENT TEACHING IN THE LIGHT OF THE THEORY OF REPRESENTATION OF DUVAL SEMIOTICS Abstract: This paper is the result of a teaching experiment conducted with undergraduate Mathematics at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul - Caxias do Sul Campus in 2013 in the discipline of Analytic Geometry II. Through a qualitative research methodology, students investigated the concept of quadric surface and its relations to other mathematical objects, in which, it was possible to observe and analyze how students appropriated the mathematical concepts involved in proposal through a teaching experiment conducted in the computer lab. The theory of semiotic representations of Raymond Duval was used to analyze and interpret the performance of activities by those involved. The research shows the the use of digital technology is fruitful for the learning of mathematical concepts involving quadric surfaces. At the end of the proposal a sequence of activities used in the experiment and presented in the article is available as a product developed by the research, with the goal of providing teachers with reflections and possibilities of innovation in their practices. Keywords: Teaching of Mathematics. Representations Semiotics. Quadric Surfaces. Digital Technology.

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