scholarly journals Manajemen Pelatihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Santri dalam Pembentukan Jiwa Kepemimpinan

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-101
Ela Nurlela ◽  
Dindin Solahudin

Penelitian ini menjelaskan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Santri (LDKS) yang dilaksanakan di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ihsan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip dan fungsi manajemen modern. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, untuk menggambarkan dan memberikan penjelasan tentang manajemen Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Santri (LDKS) di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ihsan.  Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LDKS di Pondok Pesantren Al-Ihsan sesuai pada prinsip-prinsip manajemen modern sudah terbukti dengan adanya penerapan fungsi-fungsi manajemen modern dalam pelaksanaan LDKS. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa fungsi manajemen telah diterapkan secara teratur dalam kegiatan LDKS di Pesantren Al-Ihsan, karena panitia menerapkan fungsi-fungsi manajemen dalam kegiatan LDKS ini sehingga kegiatan dapat berjalan dengan lancar, sesuai dengan tujuan yang telah di tentukan. This study describes planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the Santri Leadership Basic Training (LDKS) held at the Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School apply the principles and functions of modern management. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to describe and provide an explanation of the management of Santri Leadership Basic Training (LDKS) at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School. This study shows that LDKS in Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School in accordance with the principles of modern management has been proven by the application of modern management functions in the implementation of LDKS. Research also shows that management functions have been applied regularly in LDKS activities at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding Schools, because the committee implements management functions in this LDKS activity so that activities can run smoothly, in accordance with the goals that have been set.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-121
Syaiful Bahri

The objective of the study was to analyze the role of islamic boarding school in preventing radicalism in Rejang Lebong regency. The study used qualitative approach with descriptive method. The data collection was done though interview, documentation and observation. The result showed that in playing the role, islamic boarding school recently became the target of people's distrust: this was the place of radicalism and terrorism. According to the analysis, there was no school found as the place of radicalism and terrorism. Some schools even actively prevent radicalism and terrorism effectively. In conclusion, the role of islamic boarding schools in Rejang Lebong to prevent radicalism and terrorism through the tight control was effective. Keywords:  Islamic Boarding School, Radicalism, Terrorism

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-172
Jerry Hendrajaya ◽  
Nanat Fatah Natsir ◽  
Mohamad Jaenudin

          This study aims to determine the holistic education at Al Hamidiyah Islamic boarding school in Depok, the existence of Holistic education management at the Al Hamidiyah Islamic boarding school in Depok, which includes planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring aspects, and to determine the efforts to improve Holistic management in Islamic Education in Islamic Boarding Schools Al Hamidiyah. Ideally Al Hamidiyah Islamic Boarding School has set the foundation for the implementation of Holistic education. From the management aspect, Holistic education management functions have also been established and implemented. Therefore a research with a qualitative approach was conducted. The research technique was carried out by interview, observation and document review techniques. The results showed that the Al Hamidiyah Sawangan Islamic Boarding School in Depok had organized a Holistic education as seen in its vision, mission, and special objectives and various activities. Such education is inseparable from the history of its founder and the environmental conditions that surround it, both at its inception, the history of its development, to the present condition. Holistic education management implemented or organized by the Al Hamidiyah Islamic Boarding School in Depok has used the stages of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising in the education process in general and learning in particular at various types and levels of education at the Al Hamidiyah Islamic Boarding School. There are still a number of deficiencies in the implementation of Holistic education in Al Hamidiyah Islamic Boarding School, in addition to a number of advantages possessed. Among the shortcomings are superior human resources, incomplete facilities and infrastructure, and the use of information technology that has not been maximized. Keywords: Management, Islamic Education, Islamic Boarding Schools, Holistic.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 267-286
Ai Nurholisoh ◽  
Mochammad Fakhruroji ◽  
Dindin Solahudin

Masalah penelitian ini untuk menganalisis strategi pengembangan yang digunakan pondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas santri, karena banyaknya pesantren yang telah lama berkembang namun pondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah dengan lingkungan yang sederhana dan fasilitas yang minim dapat menghasilkan santri-santri yang pandai dalam meningkatkatkan kreatifitas sehingga dapat meraih berbagai prestasi dan memiliki berbagai keahlian sehingga menjadi kebanggaan bagi pondok pesantren dan juga bagi keluarganya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kemampuan pengelola pondok dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas santri serta untuk mengetahui motivasi dan program yang ada dipondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas santri. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, karena tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan dan memberikan penjelasan tentang strategi pengembangan dipondok Al-Mu’awanah dalam meningkatkan kreatifitas santri. Langkah yang ditempuh dalam penelitian yaitu menentukan lokasi penelitian, metode penelitian, jenis data, sumber data, teknik pengumpulan data dan menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengelola pondok Al-Mu’awanah mampu meningkatkan kreatifitas santrinya sehingga sebagian besar santri dapat mengikuti berbagai program dipondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah dengan baik dan lancar dan menciptakan berbagai kreatifitas santri sehinga santri mendapat penghargaan dari pondok dan kebanggaan bagi keluarganya. Serta dengan motivasi yang diberikan pengelola pondok baik dengan memberikan reward, hukuman terhadap santri yang melanggar, menyelenggarakan fasilitas pondok dan menyelenggarakan berbagai program kegiatan pondok sehingga mampu meningkatkan kreatifitas santri dipondok pesantren Al-Mu’awanah. The problem of this research is to analyze the development strategies used by Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding schools in increasing the creativity of santri, because there are many pesantren that have long been developing but Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding schools with simple environments and minimal facilities but can produce santri who are clever in increasing creativity so they can achieve various achievements and have various skills so that it becomes a pride for Islamic boarding schools and also for their families. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of cottage management in increasing the creativity of santri and to find out the motivations and programs available at the boarding of Al-Mu'awanah Islamic boarding school in increasing the creativity of santri. The method used in this study is descriptive method, because the purpose of this study is to describe, and provide an explanation of the development strategy in Al-Mu'awanah in increasing students' creativity. The steps taken in the research are determining the location of research, research methods, data types, data sources, data collection techniques, and finally analyzing. The results of this study indicate that the manager of Al-Mu'awanah cottage is able to increase the creativity of his santri so that most santri can take part in various programs at the Al-Mu'awanah boarding school smoothly and create a variety of santri creations so that the santri gets appreciation from the hut and pride for his family . As well as the motivation given by the management of the lodge both by giving rewards, punishing the violating santri, holding cottage facilities and holding various cottage activities programs so as to increase the creativity of santri boarded by Al-Mu’awanah Islamic boarding schools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 223-238
Ulfah Amalia ◽  
Dindin Solahudin ◽  
Yuliani Yuliani

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi yang telah dirumuskan K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak dalam pengelolaan pesantren, program K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak dalam pengelolaan pesantren, dan implementasi program K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak dalam pengelolaan pesantren. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan menunjukan bahwa kemajuan pondok pesantren Sabiilunnaja tidak terlepas dari strategi yang telah dirumuskan K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak yaitu dengan pengenalan sifat Rububiyah, juga mengenalkan pembiasaan mensinergikan antara hubungan horizontal dan vertikal serta meningkatkan intelektualisme dan spiritualisme. Kemudian strategi tersebut dipolakan kepada program-program kegiatan santri. Diantaranya ada program jangka pendek, menengah, dan jangka panjang. Implementasi dari program tersebut berjalan dengan lancar yang tentunya melibatkan seluruh santri dan dewan guru. Dengan demikian, maka seluruh kegiatan santri menjadi dasar berkembangnya Pondok Pesantren Sabiilunnaja yang dikelola oleh K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak dalam pengelolaan pondok pesantren. The purpose of this research is to find out the strategies that have been formulated by K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak in the management of Islamic boarding schools, K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak's program in the management of Islamic boarding schools, and the implementation of the K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak program in the management of Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of the study found that the progress of the Sabiilunnaja Islamic boarding school was inseparable from the strategy formulated by K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak, namely by introducing the nature of Rububiyah, also introducing the habit of synergizing between horizontal and vertical relations and increasing intellectualism and spiritualism. Then the strategy is modeled on the activities of the santri programs. Among them are short, medium and long term programs. The implementation of the program went smoothly, which of course involved all students and the board of teachers. Thus, all santri activities are the basis for the development of the Sabiilunnaja Islamic Boarding School which is managed by K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak in the management of Islamic boarding schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Dadeng Juhana

The purpose of this study was to describe the role of Islamic boarding schools and boarding houses in the moral formation of a student, efforts to instill good character towards students, and to supervise students in social interaction and social interaction. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques with interviews, observation and documentation as supporting data. The analysis technique is performed by data reduction, data presentation, data validity by triangulation and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of this study 1) the pattern of moral development of students at the Al-Mustajib Madarijul 'Ulum Islamic boarding school, namely by various methods including: Uswah method (exemplary), moral habituation method, ethical method, bandungan method, and language method, 2) strategic role of Islamic boarding schools Al-Mustajib madarijul in an effort to form morals, including through effective programs such as: carrying out muhadoroh activities where students learn to give speeches or preach, carry out prayers five times in congregation, carry out night prayers, and memorize the Al-Qur'an and read the yellow book, 3 ) The experience gained at the Al Mustajib Madarijul 'Ulum Islamic boarding school is the basis for how they practice moral knowledge in their daily life, both in terms of speaking, dressing and socializing. The experience gained at the boarding house wisma jaya is implemented with social skills such as dressing with covering your genitals and socializing in an Islamic manner by paying attention to the ethics and norms that apply in society.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Nunung Kurniasih ◽  
R. Supyan Sauri ◽  
Ujang Cepi Barlian

The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of kyai policies in improving teacher performance in Islamic boarding schools. The method used is a descriptive method as a problem-solving procedure which is investigated by describing or describing the condition of the subject or object of research (a person, institution, society, etc.) at the present time based on visible facts, or as it should be. The results of the study illustrate that the kyai's policy in improving teacher performance at the Darul Muttaqien Parung Islamic Boarding School, Bogor is based on Panca Jiwa, which means Panca means five, soul means spirit, Pondok means boarding school institution, which substantively contains positive values that do not conflict with the teachings. Islamic teachings. The five spirits of the pesantren, namely; Sincerity, Simplicity, Independence, Ukhuwwah Islamiyyah and Freedom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-99
Deti Rostini ◽  
Atabik Zuhdi ◽  
Vidia Lantari Ayundhari

Character education in Islam has existed since Prophet Muhammad’s period. “Pesantren” or Islamic boarding school is a place of character building in obedience to “Kaffah” Islamic teachings. The character education in schools here means, a process of building good character or Akhlakul Karimah by presenting education model of pesantren but realized in formal institutions. It is deemed as solution for children who do hesitate to have boarding school education because of several reasons. This study aims to describe the implementation of character education management in senior high schools around boarding schools environment located in Banyumas, Central Java. The approach used in this research is a qualitative with descriptive method. The character education in Banyumas has implemented four modern management functions in a proportional way by upholding the tutor role of Pesantren.. The cooperation has been running simultaneously and run conventionally, while still adhering the management principles even need a various ongoing renewal efforts.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Djamaluddin Perawironegoro

Pesantren as Islamic education institution have two main focuses in organizing their activities programs; first is the aspect of learning, and second is the aspect of Education. In the Learning aspect, the Santri gained cognitive knowledge from Kitab Kuning book, whereas the Santri obtained the affective and psychomotor aspects through the boarding education system. Where the Santri lives with his friends, teachers, and Kyai together in the scope of Pondok or dormitory. The purpose of writing this paper is to describe dormitory management with a managerial perspective. The conclusion is that the dormitory management concept, which includes planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling, has been carried out by boarding schools. Optimizing the management functions of the management of the dormitory will assist the board in achieving the main objectives of boarding school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
Arna Asna Annisa

The development of the economic potential of Islamic boarding schools can have a positive impact on improving the national economy. As an educational institution, Islamic boarding schools have the potential of human resources which are also large for high fighting ability, which supports accompanied by capabilities that become a great potential that can become the basis of Indonesia's new economic flows through strengthening boarding schools (kopontren). This paper aims to examine the ecosystems in Islamic boarding schools which have to do with changes in the lifestyle of its members to apply halal values. The research using this qualitative descriptive method. Based on the results of the analysis, the role of kopontren as the driving force of the boarding school is an important diversion as a determinant of how to turn on the halal value chain in every part of the environment in the Islamic boarding school ecosystem with halal values in production, distribution for consumption needs goods or services.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 390-406
Siti Nurmela ◽  
A. Bachrun Rifa'i ◽  
Herman Herman

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan manajemen pondok pesantren salafiyah dalam perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengawasan dan pengarahan dalam meningkatkan kualitas santri, baik kualitas tafaqquh fii ad-din Santri, kualitas akhlak Santri, dan kualitas life skill Santri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan pengawasan di Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Al-Muawanah berjalan dengan baik meski masih terdapat kekurangan. Dalam peningkatan kualitas santri aspek yang paling diutamakan adalah peningkatan akhlak, yang merupakan hal terpenting yang harus ditanamkan pada santri di zaman degradasi moral. Peningkatan kualitas tafaqquh fi ad-din dan life skill juga tidak kalah diperhatikan. Pada akhirnya, pondok pesantren salafiyah tidak lagi kaku dalam managerial, dan tidak lagi dianggap tertinggal dengan kemajuan zaman. Bahkan pondok pesantren salafiyah memiliki nilai lebih dalam meningkatkan kualitas akhlak, moral, dan karakter santri, yang saat ini sangat dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi tantangan zaman. This study aims to describe the management of the salafiyah islamic boarding school in describing the planning, organization, supervision and direction in improving the quality of santri, both the quality of Tafaqquh fii ad-din Santri, Santri moral quality, and Santri skill life quality. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The process of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising at the Salafiyah Al-Muawanah Islamic Boarding School went well even though there were still shortcomings. In improving the quality of santri the most preferred aspect is the improvement of morals, which is the most important thing that must be instilled in santri in the era of moral degradation. Improvement of the quality of tafaqquh fi ad-din and life skills is also noteworthy. In the end, salafiyah Islamic boarding schools are no longer rigid in managerial, and are no longer considered left behind by the progress of the times. Even salafiyah Islamic boarding schools have more value in improving the quality of character, morals, and character of santri, which is currently very much needed in facing the challenges of the times.

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